Sadness famous quotes
It would no doubt be very sentimental to argue - but I would argue it nevertheless - that the peculiar combination of joy and sadness in bell music - both of clock chimes, and of change-ringing - is very typical of England. It is of a piece with the irony in which English people habitually address one another.
-- A. N. Wilson -
In my opinion, everybody has the same soul from God and we are united by that. Outside, our bodies are different, our faces are different, but inside we are all the same, we share the same feelings of sadness, love, pain My music comes out of these feelings. Whether it is Japanese music, African, Qawalli, or any other form of music, if it touches your heart it becomes important for me.
-- A. R. Rahman -
When most people think of Woodrow Wilson, they see a dour minister's son who never cracked a smile, where in fact he was a man of genuine joy and great sadness.
-- A. Scott Berg -
What is "this drive"? It's the tendency to not simply accept things as they are but to want to think about them, to understand them. To not be content to simply feel sad but to ask what sadness means. To not just get a bus pass but to think about the economic reasons getting a bus pass makes sense. I call this tendency the intellectual.
-- Aaron Swartz -
Whatever you resist you become. If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad. If you resist suffering, you are always suffering. If you resist confusion,you are always confused. We think that we resist certain states because they are there, but actually they are there because we resist them.
-- Adyashanti -
a joy that hurts with sadness a sadness that is pleasurable a pleasure full of terror a terror that excites an excitement that calms a calmness that frightens.
-- Aidan Chambers -
It is all about numbers. It is all about sequence. It's the mathematical logic of being alive. If everything kept to its normal progression, we would live with the sadness-cry and then walk-but what really breaks us cleanest are the losses that happen out of order.
-- Aimee Bender -
Sadness doesn't equal weakness, sweetheart. If anything, it shows the love you have inside of you, and nothing stronger in this world exists.
-- Aimee Carter -
You reach out your hand, but you're all alone, in those time passages.
-- Al Stewart -
You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will.
-- Al Yankovic -
Our sadness won’t be of the searing kind but more like a blend of joy and melancholy: joy at the perfection we see before us, melancholy at an awareness of how seldom we are sufficiently blessed to encounter anything of its kind. The flawless object throws into perspective the mediocrity that surrounds it. We are reminded of the way we would wish things always to be and of how incomplete our lives remain.
-- Alain de Botton -
The largest part of what we call 'personality' is determined by how we've opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness".
-- Alain de Botton -
It is perhaps sad books that best console us when we are sad...
-- Alain de Botton -
Some say it is best not to go near the center of time. Life is a vessel of sadness, but is noble to live life and without time there is no life. Others disagree. They would rather have an eternity of contentment, even if that eternity were fixed and frozen, like a butterfly mounted in a case.
-- Alan Lightman -
Thoughts are no more than electrical surges in the brain. Sexual arousal is no more than a flow of chemicals to certain nerve endings. Sadness is no more than a bit of acid transfixed in the cerebellum. In short, the body is a machine, subject to the same laws of electricity and mechanics as an electron or clock.
-- Alan Lightman -
Tears are often a gift from God, and sadness is a healthy emotion.
-- Alan Loy McGinnis -
We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration.
-- Alanis Morissette -
I have as much rage as you have, I have as much pain as you do, I've lived as much hell as you have, and I've kept mine bubbling under for you.
-- Alanis Morissette -
It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists (Jews) do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.
-- Albert Einstein -
My country's main exports are stolen cars and sadness.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
I spotted a can in the corner whose red label read SADNESS. Was there so much of it they could can it and sell it? A bolt of pain went through my intestines before I realized that it was not SADNESS but SARDINES.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
A tender sadness drops upon my soul, like the soft twilight dropping on the world.
-- Alexander Smith -
He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
Are there not some places where we seem to breathe sadness? — why, we cannot tell. It is a chain of recollections — an idea which carries you back to other times, to other places — which, very likely, have no connection with the present time and place.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
There is no worse sorrow than remembering happiness in the day of sorrow.
-- Alfred de Musset -
First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great
-- Alyssa Milano -
Immortality: A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Tess realized one of the great modern dating sadnesses: everyone is so used to the comforting glow of the computer screen that no one can go so far as to say "good morning" in public without being liquored up.
-- Amelia Gray -
I cry alot-I dont know why, but it just helps me. I cry over bad and good stuff-sometimes sadness can be beautiful
-- Amy Lee -
I don't go on the Internet. I never go on the Internet. I don't go on Twitter. I'm not on Facebook. I've seen friends go into dark, dark holes of sadness because of that. Frankly, I don't have the time or the attention span for it.
-- Amy Sherman-Palladino -
Know that joy is rarer, more difficult, and more beautiful than sadness. Once you make this all-important discovery, you must embrace joy as a moral obligation.
-- Andre Gide -
Sadness is almost never anything but a form of fatigue.
-- Andre Gide -
As a Vietnamese refugee who became an American writer, I can tell you that you matter, that your sadness matters, the story of how you survived and triumphed matters. For every story that belongs to you, in time, belongs to America.
-- Andrew Lam -
Here was a thing that would grow old; here was a thing that would turn beautiful and lose that beauty, that would inherit the grace but also the bad ear and flawed figure of her mother, that would smile too much and squint too often and spend the last decades of her life creaming away the wrinkles made in youth until she finally gave up and wore a collar of pears to hide a wattle; here was the ordinary sadness of the world.
-- Andrew Sean Greer -
I have met people that said when their friend was dying, they made them promise that their funeral would be a party without people sitting in silence and in sadness. They want to celebrate their life and the life they lived and I try to adhere to that more.
-- Andrew W.K. -
Even the favorite reviews, the audience response is the movie is too slow, deliberately slow. But for the Chinese audience, the biggest complaint is it happens too quick. I think the historical background that build into our genes is different. American people has never been occupied. The deep sadness and sentimentality, the cultural background that relates to melodrama that we relate to and grow up with, the propaganda, I didn't imagine the difference is so big. It's a very interesting cultural phenomenon.
-- Ang Lee -
I know my mind is made of matter but I need to know exactly what is the matter at it's core? Because my heart is just a muscle and simply put, it's sore.
-- Ani DiFranco -
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
-- Anita Brookner -
She must have sensed she never really had him. That was a sadness of hers, he knew.
-- Ann Brashares -
Sometimes you couldn’t face the sadness of being forgotten until you felt the comfort of being remembered again.
-- Ann Brashares -
I think you have to deal with grief in the sense that you have to recognize that you have it, and say that it's OK to have all the sadness.
-- Ann Richards -
Not, not mine: it's somebody else's wound; I could never have borne it. So take the thing that happened, hide it, stick it in the ground; whisk the lamps away.
-- Anna Akhmatova -
It's funny how the world works, how we win and lose, how we can never really know what's ahead though we never stop planning. How we survive and move on. There's a sadness that comes with survival, but also more joy to be had.
-- Anna McPartlin -
Each night about this time he puts on sadness like a garment and goes on writing.
-- Anne Carson -
Emotions are lovely. Even if they fall to the negative for a time. The sun will rise again another day. The sadness perhaps never forgotten, but a new day enjoyed in another way. A way that could not have been but for the sadness’s existence.
-- Anne Mallory -
Long after you’ve forgotten someone’s voice, you can still remember the sound of their happiness or their sadness. You can feel it in your body.
-- Anne Michaels -
Don't get hung up on a snag in the stream, my dear. Snags alone are not so dangerous-it's the debris that clings to them that makes the trouble. Pull yourself loose and go on.
-- Anne Monroe -
Forsythia is pure joy. There is not an ounce, not a glimmer of sadness or even knowledge in forsythia. Pure, undiluted, untouched joy.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
All that sadness. All that anger. It is the smoke that gets into your eyes. If you do not blow it away, how can you hope to see?
-- Anthony Horowitz -
How often is immense sadness mistaken for courage?
-- Anthony Marra -
In our culture I think most people think of grief as sadness, and that's certainly part of it, a large part of it, but there's also this thorniness, these edges that come out.
-- Anthony Rapp -
It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people.
-- Anton Balasingham -
When you experience the emotion of sadness, there will be changes in facial expression, and your body will be closed in, withdrawn. There are also changes in your heart, your guts: they slow down. And there are hormonal changes.
-- Antonio Damasio -
My philosophy is fundamentally sad, but I'm not a sad man, and I don't believe I sadden anyone else.
-- Antonio Machado -
If you're hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.
-- Art Buchwald -
No one lives on the top of the mountain. It's fine to go there occasionally -for inspiration, for new perspectives. But you have to come down. Life is lived in the valleys. That's where the farms and gardens and orchards are, and where the plowing and the work is done. That's where you apply the visions you may have glimpsed from the peaks.
-- Arthur Gordon Webster -
I watched them from the window, thy children at their play, And I thought of all my own dear friends, who were far, oh, far away, And childish loves, and childish cares, and a child's own buoyant gladness Came gushing back again to me with a soft and solemn sadness; And feelings frozen up full long, and thoughts of long ago, Seemed to be thawing at my heart with a warm and sudden flow.
-- Arthur Hugh Clough -
Vegas means comedy, tragedy, happiness and sadness all at the same time.
-- Artie Lange -
My sadness is beautiful. It infuses everything I do. It is at the core of my identity and has always been, just as happiness is in some people. I refuse to hold that as a flaw. I will not mute it with medications for the sake of society. I will hold it close to me and celebrate it rightfully while the rest of the world fails to see it for what it is, and it will be their loss.
-- Ashly Lorenzana -
The parts of me that hurt the worst want me to write something for them, but I can't. I don't know what to say. I'm lost in all this sadness, and so are they.
-- Ashly Lorenzana -
If I have brightened up one single sad childhood, then I have at least accomplished something in my life.
-- Astrid Lindgren -
So that's what I'm here to become. And suddenly, this word fills me with a brand of sadness I haven't felt since childhood. The kind of sadness you feel at the end of summer. When the fireflies are gone, the ponds have dried up and the plants are wilted, weary from being so green.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
I think women should be seductive, not triste. Theres enough sadness in life now without making women look sad, too.
-- Azzedine Alaia -
There's a sadness to all kinds of music if you want to hear it. There's also happiness to it if you want to hear it.
-- B. B. King -
The blues he sends to meet me, won't defeat me. It won't be long til happiness steps up to greet me.
-- B. J. Thomas -
It was so gorgeous it almost felt like sadness.
-- Banana Yoshimoto -
There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, 'There now, hang on, you'll get over it.' Sadness is more or less like a head cold- with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer.
-- Barbara Kingsolver -
Even though sometimes you can control your anger, you can't control your sadness.
-- Barbara Park -
The sound of distant breakers made her heart ache with melancholy. She was in the mood when the sea has a saddening effect upon the nerves. It is only when we are very happy that we can bear to gaze merrily upon the vast and limitless expanse of water, rolling on and on with such persistent, irritating monotony to the accompaniment of our thoughts, whether grave or gay. When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys.
-- Baroness Orczy -
I shall return, doubt it not. Such love as ours was not created to remain unfulfilled. Whatever may happen, believe and trust in me, as I shall in you, and keep the remembrance of me in your heart without sadness and without regret.
-- Baroness Orczy -
The weariest night, the longest day, sooner or later must perforce come to an end.
-- Baroness Orczy -
When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness, and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys.
-- Baroness Orczy -
The trouble with boxing is that too often it ends in sadness.
-- Barry McGuigan -
Death remains about the one certain fact in the lives of each one of us, and there will be suffering, sorrow, and sadness next week as there was last week.
-- Basil Hume -
Comedy doesn't really have any meaning without sadness … The most meaningful comedy comes from some really serious pathos.
-- Becky Stark -
Laughter keeps you healthy. You can survive by seeing the humor in everything. Thumb your nose at sadness; turn the tables on tragedy. You can’t laugh and be angry, you can’t laugh and feel sad, you can’t laugh and feel envious.
-- Bel Kaufman -
They say time will make all this go away. But it's time that has taken my tomorrows and turned them into yesterdays.
-- Ben Harper -
Looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness, I think. You have to take each moment as it comes.
-- Benedict Cumberbatch -
Among the numerous luxuries of the may be considered as one of the most valuable. It excites cheerfulness without intoxication; and the pleasing flow of spirits which it never followed by sadness, languor or debility.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
A light wind blew through here that carried with it scents of sadness and loss, not recognizable odors but smells that corresponded to nothing, chimerical fragrances able to evoke melancholic memories.
-- Bentley Little -
Comedy, I imagine, is harder to do consistently than tragedy, but I like it spiced in the wine of sadness.
-- Bernard Malamud -
Is this what sadness is all about? Is it what comes over us when beautiful memories shatter in hindsight because the remembered happiness fed not just on actual circumstances but on a promise that was not kept?
-- Bernhard Schlink -
I never thought that alcohol could ease the notion of the sadness, Now what used to be a happy home done turned into some bad sh!t
-- Big Boi -
We, all of us in the First World, have participated in something of a binge, a half century of unbelievable prosperity and ease. We may have had some intuition that it was a binge and the earth couldn't support it, but aside from the easy things (biodegradable detergent, slightly smaller cars) we didn't do much. We didn't turn our lives around to prevent it. Our sadness is almost an aesthetic response - appropriate because we have marred a great, mad, profligate work of art, taken a hammer to the most perfectly proportioned of sculptures.
-- Bill McKibben -
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness every day.
-- Bill Withers -
Forced to recognize our inhumanity, our reason coexists with our insanity. And though we choose between reality and madness, it's either sadness or euphoria.
-- Billy Joel -
They say that these are not the best of times, but they're the only times I've ever known. And I believe there is a time for meditation in cathedrals of our own. Now I have seen that sad surrender in my lovers eyes...and I can only stand apart and sympathize...for we are only what our situations hand's either sadness or euphoria...
-- Billy Joel -
The only thing which consoles for our miseries is diversion, and yet this is the greatest of our miseries. For it is this which principally hinders us from reflecting upon ourselves and which makes us imperceptibly ruin ourselves.
-- Blaise Pascal -
Without [diversion] we would be in a state of weariness, and this weariness would spur us on to seek a more solid means of escaping from it. But diversion amuses us, and leads us unconsciously to death.
-- Blaise Pascal -
There is nothing so insupportable to man as to be in entire repose, without passion, occupation, amusement, or application. Then it is that he feels his own nothingness, isolation, insignificance, dependent nature, powerless, emptiness. Immediately there issue from his soul ennui, sadness, chagrin, vexation, despair.
-- Blaise Pascal -
As men are not able to fight against death, misery, ignorance, they have taken it into their heads, in order to be happy, not to think of them at all.
-- Blaise Pascal -
Whenever you feel a negative emotion be alone in a room and just sit down with it and feel. Don't judge it, criticize it, intellectualize it, explain it away. Allow yourself to feel the pain. It's okay. Accompany it - breathe into it - and after a while, you'll feel the anger or fear or sadness lose it's urgency and power. Allow God to tenderly embrace you in your pain. And then, at the right time, you can let go.
-- Bo Sanchez -
A part of my appreciation for the good which moments bring has come from awareness and recognition. But it has also come from a correspnding sadness which arises from their passing. When something that can never quite be reenacted comes to an end (and all moments are that way), I feel a pensiveness within. This pensiveness gives my life a quality that might be best described as bittersweet. And those moments take on double meaning and richness - because they are here now - and because they will not always be.
-- Bob Benson -
A Jazz man should be saying what he feels: humor, sadness, joy... all the things that humans have.
-- Bob Brookmeyer