Discovery famous quotes
If a poem is each time new, then it is necessarily an act of discovery, a chance taken, a chance that may lead to fulfillment or disaster
-- A. R. Ammons -
I was given a small camera as a wedding gift from a very dear friend. My first pictures were taken on my honeymoon. As soon as I became familiar with the camera, I was intrigued with the possibilities of expression it offered. It was like a discovery for me.
-- Aaron Siskind -
The process of my transformation came to a head with my discovery of St. Francis of Assisi during a pilgrimage I went on with a scout troop from my school.
-- Abbe Pierre -
Somewhere in my head, a private conviction exists that 'Search is the Process' and 'Discovery the Art Form.
-- Abe Ajay -
The search which takes place in my studio might best be described as a mining operation, a vertical dig in which a number of discoveries are apt to surface from a single shaft.
-- Abe Ajay -
It is essential for me to become involved in another search, and 'search' is the proper word to use because it promises discovery along with the risk.
-- Abe Ajay -
For a justice of this ultimate tribunal [the U.S. Supreme Court], the opportunity for self-discovery and the occasion for self-revelation is great.
-- Abe Fortas -
The loss of illusions and the discovery of identity, though painful at first, can be ultimately exhilarating and strengthening.
-- Abraham Maslow -
To make a discovery is not necessarily the same as to understand a discovery. Not only Planck but also other physicists were intially at a loss as to what the proper context of the new postulate really was.
-- Abraham Pais -
To make a discovery is not necessarily the same as to understand a discovery.
-- Abraham Pais -
Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently ... It is that which feels & discovers what is, the REAL which we see not, which exists not for our senses... Mathematical science shows what is. It is the language of unseen relations between things... Imagination too shows what is ... Hence she is or should be especially cultivated by the truly Scientific, those who wish to enter into the worlds around us!
-- Ada Lovelace -
True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.
-- Adam Braun -
The 'Mythbusters' crew, we monitor the Discovery boards, we look for the new ideas that are being forwarded on those boards, and we keep track of what's going on, we keep updated.
-- Adam Savage -
The discovery of dance has changed my life in unimaginable ways.
-- Adam Shankman -
And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it.
-- Adam Weishaupt -
This [discovery of a cell-free yeast extract] will make him famous, even though he has no talent for chemistry.
-- Adolf von Baeyer -
Painting is self-discovery. You arrive at the image through the act of painting.
-- Adolph Gottlieb -
Serendipity is the way to make discoveries, by accident but also by sagacity, of things one is not in quest of. Based on experience, knowledge, it is the creative exploitation of the unforeseen.
-- Adrian Bejan -
What matters are not the truths other people tell us or the practices that we are able to mimic, but the spiritual discoveries we make through personal investigation.
-- Adyashanti -
Rules for Self Discovery: 1. What we want most; 2. What we think about most; 3. How we use our money; 4. What we do with our leisure time; 5. The company we enjoy; 6. Who and what we admire; 7. What we laugh at.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
With so many scientific achievements we know so little of where we came from and where we are going. But we know even less of the most important discovery of all – Love. Only love can accept our differences as we journey through life. And only love can allow space for our growth.
-- Akiane Kramarik -
If you want your energy bills to go up, you should support an ever greater dependence on foreign oil, because the rate of new discoveries is declining as demand in China and India is growing, and the price of oil and thus the price of coal will go sky high.
-- Al Gore -
Some of the greatest things, as I understand, they have come about by serendipity, the greatest discoveries
-- Alan Alda -
Can anything match that first fine discovery of the telephone and all it stood for? That first realization that, contained within ten simple digits, lay the infinitely possible? Out there ... lay six billion ears, all the people in the world available for contact and mystery and insult, unable to resist the beckoning of one small and villainous forefinger.
-- Alan Coren -
Metaphysics of Evolution: What is Matter & Life? 'Recent discoveries from Russia confirm that DNA / Genes are resonant structures which are subtly interconnected to their environment. i.e. Genetic material can be manipulated by waves with certain resonant frequencies.'
-- Alan Haselhurst -
Heroes are important not only because they symbolize what we believe to be important, but because they also convey universal truths about personal self-discovery and self-transcendence, one's role in society, and the relation between the two.
-- Alan Hirsch -
The urge to discover, to invent, to know the unknown, seems so deeply human that we cannot imagine our history without it.
-- Alan Lightman -
Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it.
-- Alan Valentine -
To look at life without words is not to lose the ability to form words- to think, remember, and plan. To be silent is not to lose your tongue. On the contrary, it is only through silence that one can discover something new to talk about. One who talked incessantly, without stopping to look and listen, would repeat himself ad nauseam. It is the same with thinking, which is really silent talking. It is not, by itself, open to the discovery of anything new, for its only novelties are simply arrangements of old words and ideas.
-- Alan Watts -
Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment.
-- Alan Watts -
A single discovery within a lifetime is a very remarkable thing. Two over the course of a career-why, you'd be very lucky indeed.
-- Alar Toomre -
The most important fundamental laws and facts of physical science have all been discovered, and these are now so firmly established that the possibility of their ever being supplemented in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remote.
-- Albert A. Michelson -
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.
-- Albert Einstein -
It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception.
-- Albert Einstein -
The mind can proceed only so far upon what it knows and can prove. There comes a point where the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge, but can never prove how it got there. All great discoveries have involved such a leap
-- Albert Einstein -
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
-- Albert Einstein -
By observing natural scientific discoveries through a perception deepened by meditation, we can develop a new awareness of reality. This awareness could become the bedrock of a spirituality that is not based on the dogmas of a given religion, but on insights into a higher and deeper meaning. I am referring to the ability to recognize, to read, and to understand the firsthand revelations.
-- Albert Hofmann -
It is true that my discovery of LSD was a chance discovery, but it was the outcome of planned experiments and these experiments took place in the framework of systematic pharmaceutical, chemical research. It could better be described as serendipity.
-- Albert Hofmann -
Doubt, the essential preliminary of all improvement and discovery, must accompany the stages of man's onward progress. The faculty of doubting and questioning, without which those of comparison and judgment would be useless, is itself a divine prerogative of the reason.
-- Albert Pike -
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
A discovery must be, by definition, at variance with existing knowledge. During my lifetime, I made two. Both were rejected offhand by the popes of the field. Had I predicted these discoveries in my applications, and had those authorities been my judges, it is evident what their decisions would have been.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
The outstanding scientific discovery of the twentieth century is not television, or radio, but rather the complexity of the land organism.
-- Aldo Leopold -
Most loverspicture to themselves, in their mistresses, a secret reality, beyond and different from what they see every day. They are in love with somebody else--their own invention. And sometimes there is a secret reality; and sometimes reality and appearance are the same. The discovery, in either case, is likely to cause a shock.
-- Aldous Huxley -
For me, the act of photography is all about discovery and finding new things.
-- Alec Soth -
It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject: the details may be worked out by a team, but the prime idea is due to the enterprise, thought, and perception of an individual.
-- Alexander Fleming -
In my first publication I might have claimed that I had come to the conclusion, as a result of serious study of the literature and deep thought, that valuable antibacterial substances were made by moulds and that I set out to investigate the problem. That would have been untrue and I preferred to tell the truth that penicillin started as a chance observation. My only merit is that I did not neglect the observation and that I pursued the subject as a bacteriologist. My publication in 1929 was the starting-point of the work of others who developed penicillin especially in the chemical field.
-- Alexander Fleming -
(The discovery of penicillin) was a triumph of accident, a fortunate occurrence which happened while I was working on a purely academic bacteriological problem.
-- Alexander Fleming -
Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail, but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
Grand telegraphic discovery today … Transmitted vocal sounds for the first time ... With some further modification I hope we may be enabled to distinguish … the “timbre†of the sound. Should this be so, conversation viva voce by telegraph will be a fait accompli.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
Another discovery which came out of my investigation was the fact that when one gives his or her order to produce a definite result and stands by that order, it seems to have the effect of giving one what might be termed a second sight which enables him or her to see right through ordinary problems. What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when one is in that state of mind in which he or she knows exactly what one wants and is fully determined not to quit until he or she finds it.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
Don't keep forever on the public road, going only where others have gone. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. You will be certain to find something you have never seen before. Of course it will be a little thing, but do not ignore it. One discovery will lead to another, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind, and really big discoveries are the result of thought.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
Discovery is the privilege of the child: the child who has no fear of being once again wrong, of looking like an idiot, of not being serious, of not doing things like everyone else.
-- Alexander Grothendieck -
Bioenergetics is an adventure in self-discovery. It differs from similar explorations into the nature of the self by attempting to understand the human personality in terms of the human body. Most previous explorations focused their investigations on the mind.
-- Alexander Lowen -
And how we become like our parents! How their scorned advice - based, we felt in our superiority, on prejudices and muddled folk wisdom - how their opinions are subsequently borne out by our own discoveries and sense of the world, one after one. And as this happens, we realise with increasing horror that proposition which we would never have entertained before: our mothers were right!
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
... How is it [, then] that the leaders of our society have seen fit to try to eliminate this one very important means of learning and self-discovery, this means which has been used, respected, and honored for thousands of years, in every human culture of which we have a record?
-- Alexander Shulgin -
The discovery of a grey hair when you are brushing out your whiskers of a morning—first fallen flake of the coming snows of age—is a disagreeable thing....
-- Alexander Smith -
Laughter is born out of the discovery of the contradictory.
-- Alfred Jarry -
It is amusing to discover, in the twentieth century, that the quarrels between two lovers, two mathematicians, two nations, two economic systems, usually assumed insoluble in a finite period should exhibit one mechanism, the semantic mechanism of identification - the discovery of which makes universal agreement possible, in mathematics and in life.
-- Alfred Korzybski -
The paradox is now fully established that the utmost abstractions are the true weapons with which to control our thought of concrete fact.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
The discovery that it is in our power to change our lives by the thoughts we think is the first step toward spiritual mastery.
-- Alice Hegan Rice -
We simulated the predator with livestock and the perennial grassland returned. Just put the whole back, and there it was. You'll find the scientific method never discovers anything. Observant, creative people make discoveries. But the scientific method protects us from cranks like me.
-- Allan Savory -
The inventions and the great discoveries have opened up whole continents to reciprocal communication and interchange, provided we are willing.
-- Alva Myrdal -
the identity of an individual is essentially a function of her choices, rather than the discovery of an immutable attribute
-- Amartya Sen -
Yoga is not just repetition of few postures - it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life.
-- Amit Ray -
The theme of the diary is always the personal, but it does not mean only a personal story: it means a personal relationship to all things and people. The personal, if it is deep enough, becomes universal, mythical, symbolic; I never generalize, intellectualise. I see, I hear, I feel. These are my primitive elements of discovery. Music, dance, poetry and painting are the channels for emotion. It is through them that experience penetrates our bloodstream.
-- Anais Nin -
I want to make my own discoveries…….penetrate the evil which attracts me
-- Anais Nin -
I had my moments for sure but I wasn't confrontational. And sometimes you get on the court and you'd find yourself very confrontational. It was all a discovery.
-- Andre Agassi -
Know that joy is rarer, more difficult, and more beautiful than sadness. Once you make this all-important discovery, you must embrace joy as a moral obligation.
-- Andre Gide -
The photographer's art is a continuous discovery which requires patience and time.
-- Andre Kertesz -
The crucial discovery was made that, in order to become painting, the universe seen by the artist had to become a private one created by himself.
-- Andre Malraux -
In the future, as in the past, the great ideas [of mathematics] must be simplifying ideas, the creator must always be one who clarifies, for himself, and for others, the most complicated issues of formulas and concepts.
-- Andre Weil -
Either one or the other [analysis or synthesis] may be direct or indirect. The direct procedure is when the point of departure is known-direct synthesis in the elements of geometry. By combining at random simple truths with each other, more complicated ones are deduced from them. This is the method of discovery, the special method of inventions, contrary to popular opinion.
-- Andre-Marie Ampere -
The greatest astonishment of my life was the discovery that the man who does the work is not the man who gets rich
-- Andrew Carnegie -
To a generous mind few circumstances are more afflicting than a discovery of perfidy in those whom we have trusted ...
-- Ann Radcliffe -
The beginning and the end are never really the journey of discovery for me. It is the middle that remains a puzzle until well into the writing. That's how life is most of the time, isn't it? You know where you are and where you hope to wind up. It's the getting there that's challenging.
-- Anna Quindlen -
Love this in the film, “Velvet Goldmine†it captures the excitement and the thrill at the moment of discovery!
-- Anna Sui -
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life is an original work filled with rich, new research, relying on important primary literature which has not, until now, been plumbed and digested. In this book, Chandak Sengoopta offers both a history of hormone discovery and a chronicle of how this discovery transformed our concepts of the body and how our existing concepts of sex and sexuality, in turn, informed our concepts for understanding hormones.
-- Anne Fausto-Sterling -
Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery - the epitome of breaking into new worlds.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
Love ... is the honoring of others in a way that grants them the grace of their own autonomy and allows mutual discovery.
-- Anne Truitt -
I mean, how would anyone learn anything if they weren't curious? How would scientists make discoveries? -- We all have the right to be different, don't we?
-- Annette Curtis Klause -
But don't think that it's a system or a culture or a state or a person that does the letting down. It's our expectations that let us down. It begins in the warmth of the womb and the discovery that it's cold outside. But it's not the cold's fault that it's cold.
-- Anthony Burgess -
Every succeeding scientific discovery makes greater nonsense of old-time conceptions of sovereignty.
-- Anthony Eden -
The people who do make big discoveries are the ones who somehow manage to free themselves from conventional ways of thinking and to see the subject from a new perspective.
-- Anthony James Leggett -
The pleasure of the soul appears to be found in the journey of discovery, the unfolding revelation of expanded insight and experience.
-- Anthony Lawlor -
It is a profound mistake to think that every thing has been discovered; as well think the horizon the boundary of the world.
-- Antoine-Marin Lemierre -
[M]y work, which I've done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a craving after knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therewithal, whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof.
-- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek -
Whenever I found something remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people be informed thereof.
-- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek -
For pure joy, I look at a small painting by Arbit Blatas. An ocean liner is at the center of the composition, perhaps ready to depart. It holds the promise of discovery.
-- Antonio Damasio -
What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science—information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.
-- Archibald MacLeish -
Eureka! Eureka! Supposed to have been his cry, jumping naked from his bath and running in the streets, excited by a discovery about water displacement to solve a problem about the purity of a gold crown.
-- Archimedes -
Spoken of the young Archimedes: . . . [he] was as much enchanted by the rudiments of algebra as he would have been if I had given him an engine worked by steam, with a methylated spirit lamp to heat the boiler; more enchanted, perhaps for the engine would have got broken, and, remaining always itself, would in any case have lost its charm, while the rudiments of algebra continued to grow and blossom in his mind with an unfailing luxuriance. Every day he made the discovery of something which seemed to him exquisitely beautiful; the new toy was inexhaustible in its potentialities.
-- Archimedes -
Eureka! [I have found it!] On discovery of a method to test the purity of gold.
-- Archimedes -
So great becomes the fear of losing what we have that many of us rush back to hide under the temporary shelter of convention rather than follow the path of self-discovery wherever it might lead. Given adequate time and sufficient fear, we may hide so long that we hardly notice we're slowly suffocating.
-- Arianna Huffington -
The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. To know yourself, you must spend time with yourself, you must not be afraid to be alone. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
-- Aristotle -
In short, we cannot grow, we cannot achieve authentic discovery, and our eyes cannot be cleansed to the truly beautiful possibilities of life, if we simply live a neutral existence.
-- Armstrong Williams -
The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge.
-- Arnold Palmer