Privilege famous quotes
We have inherited new difficulties because we have inherited more privileges.
-- Abram L. Sachar -
We move but our words stand become responsible for more than we intended and this is verbal privilege
-- Adrienne Rich -
Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.
-- Albert Einstein -
Well, there is an attorney-client privilege here that needs to be respected, and it's a privilege that has been found to be worthy of protection by our courts.
-- Alberto Gonzales -
Discovery is the privilege of the child: the child who has no fear of being once again wrong, of looking like an idiot, of not being serious, of not doing things like everyone else.
-- Alexander Grothendieck -
When negotiations are at an impasse, when States dig their heels in, it is time to 'undig' them in a spirit of compromise. We all need to unlearn the predator in us, unlearn discrimination, unlearn privilege.
-- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas -
The unfair composition of the Security Council is largely acknowledged. The principal defects are the anachronistic privileges of the five permanent members of the Council and the Council's insufficient representativeness.
-- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas -
Coding is a privilege, but that privilege is not available to most Americans.
-- Ali Partovi -
Solitude, if rightly used, becomes not only a privilege but a necessity. Only a superficial soul fears to fraternize with itself.
-- Alice Hegan Rice -
It's a privilege, you know, to paint and it takes up a lot of time and it means there's a lot of things you don't do. But still, with me, painting was more than a profession, it was also an obsession. I had to paint.
-- Alice Neel -
Good food is a right, not a privilege. It brings children into a positive relationship with their health, community and environment.
-- Alice Waters -
I feel that good food should be a right and not a privilege, and it needs to be without pesticides and herbicides. And everybody deserves this food. And that's not elitist
-- Alice Waters -
Fashion is free speech, and one of the privileges, if not always one of the pleasures, of a free world
-- Alison Lurie -
We have been given the privilege and responsibility of living on Earth to see it isn't ruined.
-- Allen Johnson -
That part of your friend which it is your privilege to contemplate in your adversity
-- Ambrose Bierce -
One of the privileges of adulthood is that your parents don't get to tell you what to do.
-- Amy Dickinson -
I know it's a rare privilege, but if one can really tackle something in adult life that means that much to you, then it's more rewarding than anything I can imagine.
-- Andrew Wiles -
Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest- well, that is a choice.
-- Andy Andrews -
I always work with refugees and I think they are the most amazing people and it's a privilege to spend time with them, so I will always.
-- Angelina Jolie -
Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he has helped others because he sees it as a privilege, not a political talking point.
-- Ann Romney -
It is a royal privilege to do good and be ill spoken of.
-- Antisthenes -
The ability to have a choice in what you do is a privilege.
-- Anton Yelchin -
As the Dauphine stepped out of her carriage on to the ceremonial carpet that had been laid down, it was the Duc de Choiseul who was given the privilege of the first salute. Presented with the Duc by Prince Starhemberg, Marie Antoinette exclaimed: 'I shall never forget that you are responsible for my happiness!
-- Antonia Fraser -
The great thing about our system of democracy is when they call you for jury duty, you have to come... It's an honor and a privilege. I was called and I've got to be here.
-- Antonio Villaraigosa -
All I ask, is the privilege for my masculine part the poet in me.... If I must not, because of my sex, have this freedom... I lay down my quill and you shall hear no more of me.
-- Aphra Behn -
A lot of positive psychology is stuck in being the psychology of privilege, and I reject that.
-- Ariel Gore -
It's been a great privilege to serve the people of Pennsylvania.
-- Arlen Specter -
The man of the house can destroy the pleasure of the household, but he cannot make it. That rests with the woman, and it is her greatest privilege.
-- Arthur Helps -
Yeah, I've had the privilege to know a lot of really talented people.
-- Ashley Judd -
Film school was a privilege I could not afford.
-- Ava DuVernay -
God has judged me all my life. But that is God's privilege, my lady. Not yours.
-- Barbara Hambly -
It is a privilege to serve people, a privilege that must be earned, and once earned, there is an obligation to do something good with it.
-- Barbara Jordan -
A free public broadcast license is a privilege.
-- Bart Gordon -
The military wants a system that protects its policies and privileges.
-- Benazir Bhutto -
I was brought up in a world of privilege.
-- Benedict Cumberbatch -
Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions.
-- Benjamin Cardozo -
Is not the very beginning of privilege, monopoly and industrial slavery this erecting of the ballot-box above the individual?
-- Benjamin Tucker -
Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought is great and swift and free.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Being blessed with good health gives you the strength and loving what you do and - is a privilege that keeps you going. So I'm just happy as a lark.
-- Betty White -
There is no higher calling or greater privilege known to man than being involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission.
-- Bill Bright -
It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.
-- Bill Frist -
Champions adjust and pressure is a privilege.
-- Billie Jean King -
Pressure is a privilege - it only comes to those who earn it.
-- Billie Jean King -
Freedom is merely privilege extended, unless enjoyed by one and all.
-- Billy Bragg -
I can barely walk, but it's a privilege to be able to move at all.
-- Billy Graham -
And part of that is, what is the point of having children if you don't have the privilege of bringing them up?
-- Bob Geldof -
Garrett Hardin. Parenthood: Right or Privilege? Science Magazine.
-- Bob Marshall -
What a great privilege it is to be here
-- Bonnie L. Oscarson -
What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.
-- Brené Brown -
I love filmmaking, and I love the process. And I would rather do nothing else. It's a privilege to be able to paint such big pictures, so to speak.
-- Bryan Singer -
It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level, than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of true freedom.
-- Bryant H. McGill -
I am proud to be in the Senate. I have always been proud to be a part of our political system. It is a remarkable privilege to participate in this system of ours.
-- Byron Dorgan -
Literary Experience heals the wound, without undermining the privilege of individuality.. .Here, as in worship, in love, in moral action, and in knowing, I transcend myself; and am never more myself than when I do.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Literary experience heals the wound, without undermining the privilege, of individuality.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Representing Australia has always been a honour and a privilege, and the older and more experienced I get, the more I enjoy it.
-- Cadel Evans -
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
-- Carl Jung -
Religion is dogmatic. Politic is ideological. Reason must be logical, but literature has a privilege of being equivocal.
-- Carlos Fuentes -
It has been the privilege and the honor of my life to know you.
-- Cassandra Clare -
I savor bitterness - it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
It's best to leap into something you know you love. You might change your mind later, but that is the privilege of youth.
-- Charles Kuralt -
The privilege of being a writer is that you have this opportunity to slow down and to consider things.
-- Chris Abani -
There are always people willing to commit unspeakable human atrocity in exchange for a little power and privilege.
-- Chris Hedges -
Privilege is least apparent to those who have it.
-- Clarence Page -
Hubble is very close to my heart, and going back to Hubble, because I was there once already in 1993, is really a great privilege for me.
-- Claude Nicollier -
Women haven't yet completely exchanged their privileges for their rights.
-- Clemence Dane -
Every state protects the privileges of the powerful.
-- Colin Ward -
If we neglect our privileges, the gods take them from us ...
-- Constance Fenimore Woolson -
What greater happiness is there than the privilege of being bored together?
-- Curtis Sittenfeld -
It has been an incredible honour and privilege to serve Ontarians as their premier.
-- Dalton McGuinty -
A man doesn't say I will starve myself to death to keep from starving, or that he'd spend all of his money to save money. Why should he be willing to die for the privilege of living?
-- Dalton Trumbo -
Anonymity is an abused privilege, abused most by people who mistake vitriol for wisdom and cynicism for wit.
-- Danny Wallace -
I would like to make it so that education was a right, and not a privilege.
-- Daphne Koller -
Bad taste is real taste, of course, and good taste is the residue of someone else's privilege.
-- Dave Hickey -
Privilege is when you think that something's not a problem because it's not a problem for you personally,
-- David Gaider -
To be able to live and work in the United States is a privilege.
-- David Geffen -
What a peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain which we call 'thought'.
-- David Hume -
Share the Gospel. According to the Bible, it is every believer's privilege and responsibility to share the Gospel. If we understand what lies ahead for those who do not know Christ, there will be a sense of urgency in our witness.
-- David Jeremiah -
People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa. It is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege.
-- David Livingstone -
Liberty is not merely a privilege to be conferred; it is a habit to be acquired.
-- David Lloyd George -
I feel profoundly blessed. I feel it's a great privilege to make any motion picture.
-- David O. Russell -
Serving in the United States Senate has been the greatest privilege of my life.
-- Dean Heller -
What I wanted was to be allowed to do the thing in the world that I did best - which I believed then and believe now is the greatest privilege there is. When I did that, success found me.
-- Debbi Fields -
I feel like I have the fortune of privilege, particularly as it relates to my children.
-- Demi Moore -
I've always seen it to be a privilege to make movies. It's a really expensive, creative medium.
-- Denzel Washington -
It is a privilege and an honor to perform on Steinway pianos.
-- Diana Krall -
I think one of the privileges of being a filmmaker is the opportunity to remain a kind of perpetual student.
-- Edward Zwick -
I was very intense. I think it's a privilege to be an actor.
-- Elia Kazan -
I can honestly say [that writing] is the best life there is, because you get to live within the realm of your own mind, and that is a profoundly rare human privilege.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
It is not earthly rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity.
-- Ellen G. White -
In a city where most of the wealth is controlled by a small few, certain things are overlooked, particularly when it comes to the assertion of privilege.
-- Ellen Kushner -
I'm lucky to have the privilege of being able to choose what I want to do.
-- Eric Cantona -
One of the surprising privileges of intellectuals is that they are free to be scandalously asinine without harming their reputations.
-- Eric Hoffer -
In the end, a new Americanization movement can't just be about listing our privileges and immunities, which we catalog in our laws. It also has to be about reinforcing our duties, which we convey in our habits.
-- Eric Liu -
When you dominate other people's emotions, the time has to come when you will have to pay, and heavily, for that privilege.
-- Ethel Waters