Judging famous quotes
So with truth - there is a certain moment when one can say, this is the truth and here I put a dot, a stop, and I go to another thing. A judge has to put an end to a deliberation. But for a historian, theres never an end to the past. It can go on and on and on.
-- A. B. Yehoshua -
A master of improvised speech and improvised policies.
-- A. J. P. Taylor -
We, while noting many things amiss about Victorian society, more often sense them judging us.
-- A. N. Wilson -
Justice should be cheap but judges expensive.
-- A. P. Herbert -
Our constitution, in short, is a judge-made constitution, and it bears on its face all the features, good and bad, of judge-made law.
-- A. V. Dicey -
Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme.
-- Aaron Hill -
When I step into a character's shoes, I don't judge them. I make a conscious effort not to look from the outside in but look from the inside out, and when you do that it allows you to feel and sense things more, and act and react from a core, you know?
-- Abbie Cornish -
But let no person say what they would or would not do, since we are not judges for ourselves until circumstances call us to act.
-- Abigail Adams -
God will judge us, Mr. Harris, by--by what we did to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings. I don't think God cares what doctrine we embrace.
-- Abraham Verghese -
Because it is a national landmark, there is only one way to judge the Kennedy Center - against the established standard of progressive and innovative excellence in architectural design that this country is known and admired for internationally. Unfortunately, the Kennedy Center not only does not achieve this standard of innovative excellence; it also did not seek it. The architect opted for something ambiguously called 'timelessness' and produced meaninglessness. It is to the Washington manner born. Too bad, since there is so much of it.
-- Ada Louise Huxtable -
Well, I guess most people would only know me from The O.C. I did a few episodes of Gilmore Girls before that. I was also a client on a lot of lawyer shows.
-- Adam Brody -
Can anything good come of a backward way of thinking like judging someone based on skin color? No way.
-- Adam McKay -
After the French Revolution, it was not the treason of the king that was in question; it was the existence of the king. You have to be very careful when you judge and execute somebody for being a symbol.
-- Adam Michnik -
Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.
-- Adolf Hitler -
A decision by the Fuhrer in the express form of a law or a decree may not be scrutinized by a judge. In addition, the judge is bound by any other decision of the Fuhrer.
-- Adolf Hitler -
With trials, you become wiser. You learn more about yourself and the people surrounding you. Me personally, I've never been the type of person to judge anyone over wrongdoing, no matter what it is. I'm just not a judgmental person.
-- Adrian Peterson -
We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don't judge.
-- Adriana Trigiani -
Bottled, was he?" Said Colonel Bantry, with an Englishman's sympathy for alcoholic excess. "Oh, well, can't judge a fellow by what he does when he's drunk? When I was at Cambridge, I remember I put a certain utensil - well - well, nevermind.
-- Agatha Christie -
Save me from the error of judging a church by its size, popularity or the amount of its yearly offerings.
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
I got nothing against the honest cop on the beat. You just have them transferred someplace where they can't do you any harm. But don't ever talk to me about the honor of police captains or judges. If they couldn't be bought they wouldn't have the job.
-- Al Capone -
Be careful how you judge people, most of all friends. You don't sum up a man's life in one moment.
-- Al Pacino -
For many years my acting came from a place of surmounting some enormous obstacle, confronting some stern and faceless judge who would condemn me to a pit of hell if I didn't achieve the "zone," if even for a moment. Not a particularly happy place to work from.
-- Alan Arkin -
You cannot judge what should bring others joy, and others cannot judge what should bring you joy.
-- Alan Cohen -
Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice, and they are also the most protected.
-- Alan Dershowitz -
Without the basis in written law, and without the basis in our Constitution ratified by the people, judges can't make laws. And if we accept the notion that their dictates are law, then we have not only submitted to tyranny, we have abandoned a republican form of government.
-- Alan Keyes -
The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well.
-- Alan Keyes -
If you judge the character, you cant play it.
-- Alan Rickman -
Any actor who judges his character is a fool - for every role you play you've got to absorb that character's motives and justifications.
-- Alan Rickman -
So you can't judge the character you're playing ever.
-- Alan Rickman -
We are living in the era of premeditation and the perfect crime. Our criminals are no longer helpless children who could plead love as their excuse. On the contrary, they are adults and the have the perfect alibi: philosophy, which can be used for any purpose - even for transforming murderers into judges.
-- Albert Camus -
The artist forges himself to the others, midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from. That is why true artists scorn nothing: they are obliged to understand rather than to judge.
-- Albert Camus -
Mon cher ami, let's not give them any pretext, no matter how small, for judging us!!! Otherwise, we'll be left in shreds. We are forced to take the same precautions as the animal trainer. If, before going into the cage, he has the misfortune to cut himself while shaving, what a feast for the wild animals!!
-- Albert Camus -
[Many artists], even the greatest ones, are not sure of their own existence. So they search for proof, they judge, they condemn. It strengthens them, it is the beginnings of existence. They are alone!
-- Albert Camus -
But who would dare condemn me in this world with no judges, where no one is innocent!
-- Albert Camus -
The more I accuse myself, the more right I have to judge you. Even better, I make you judge yourself, which comforts me the more.
-- Albert Camus -
To live is in itself a value judgment. To breathe is to judge.
-- Albert Camus -
You know, a man always judges himself by the balance he can strike between the needs of his body and the demands of his mind. You're judging yourself now, Mersaut, and you don't like the sentence.
-- Albert Camus -
Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him.
-- Albert Einstein -
When I'm judging a theory, I ask myself whether, if I were God, I would have arranged the world in such a way.
-- Albert Einstein -
Senescent judges show how patriotic they are by passing out hard sentences for tearing up a draft card or following one's conscience according to the principles established by our country at the Nuremburg trials.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
A discovery must be, by definition, at variance with existing knowledge. During my lifetime, I made two. Both were rejected offhand by the popes of the field. Had I predicted these discoveries in my applications, and had those authorities been my judges, it is evident what their decisions would have been.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
We respect the role of the Senate. We respect the authority of the Senate to look at the qualifications of Judge Roberts, and at the end of the day I'm optimistic that if given a fair hearing and a fair opportunity, that he will be confirmed.
-- Alberto Gonzales -
We want to determine whether he understands the inherent limits that make an unelected Judiciary inferior to Congress or the President in making policy judgments. That, for example, a judge will never be in the best position to know what is in the national security interests of our country.
-- Alberto Gonzales -
At different times and in different places I have come to expect certain books to look a certain way, and, as in all fashions, these changing features fix a precise quality onto a book's definition. I judge a book by its cover; I judge a book by its shape.
-- Alberto Manguel -
The Middle East is literally going up in flames, as is California, and Katrina's problems haven't been solved, and Congress' response is to criticize Federal judges.
-- Alcee Hastings -
I know the outer world as well as you do, and I judge it. You know nothing of my inner world, and yet you presume to judge that world.
-- Aldous Huxley -
Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.
-- Alec Baldwin -
People are always going to identify with what it's like living in society and have people judge you in certain ways, and how you can be strong enough to be your own person and all those good things.
-- Alessandro Nivola -
Maybe we judge people too much by their looks because it's easier than seeing what's really important.
-- Alex Flinn -
We live in a world where it's so accessible to date now, which is great. I don't judge that. We have so many ways of meeting people. I like to meet someone and have that chivalry, to take them out on a date and actually be a gentleman. I think that's becoming rarer and rarer.
-- Alex Pettyfer -
We cannot, by total reliance on law, escape the duty to judge right and wrong... There are good laws and there are occasionally bad laws, and it conforms to the highest traditions of a free society to offer resistance to bad laws, and to disobey them.
-- Alexander Bickel -
The reasonableness of the agency of the national courts in cases in which the state tribunals cannot be supposed to be impartial, speaks for itself. No man ought certainly to be a judge in his own cause, or in any cause in respect to which he has the least interest or bias.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge right or make good decision.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
Sole judge of Truth, in endless Error hurled: / The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!
-- Alexander Pope -
Judge not of actions by their mere effect; Dive to the center, and the cause detect. Great deeds from meanest springs may take their course, And smallest virtues from a mighty source.
-- Alexander Pope -
Judges and senates have been bought for gold; Esteem and love were never to be sold.
-- Alexander Pope -
Get your enemy to read your works in order to mend them, for your friend is so much your second self that he will judge too like you.
-- Alexander Pope -
A perfect Judge will read each work of Wit With the same spirit that its author writ: Survey the Whole, nor seek slight faults to find Where nature moves, and rapture warms the mind.
-- Alexander Pope -
A perfect judge will read each word of wit with the same spirit that its author writ.
-- Alexander Pope -
The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, and wretches hang that jurymen may dine.
-- Alexander Pope -
God is merciful to all, as he has been to you; he is first a father, then a judge.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
God is full of mercy for everyone, as He has been towards you. He is a father before He is a judge.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
It is one of the most effective attitudes of the neurotic to measure thumbs down, so to speak, a real person by an ideal, since in doing so he can depreciate him as much as he wishes.
-- Alfred Adler -
Just as we descend into our consciences to judge of actions which our minds can not weigh, can we not also search in ourselves for the feeling which gives birth to forms of thought, always vague and cloudy?
-- Alfred de Vigny -
We are the recorders and reporters of facts - not the judges of the behaviors we describe.
-- Alfred Kinsey -
We are like a judge confronted by a defendant who declines to answer, and we must determine the truth from the circumstantial evidence.
-- Alfred Wegener -
Fear the sins that you commit in secret, because the Witness of those sins is the Judge Himself!
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
I was one thing at one time, and I'm something new. I'm a new creature now. Don't judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now.
-- Alice Cooper -
The results of any traumatic experience, such as abuse, can only be resolved by experiencing, articulating, and judging every facet of the original experience within a process of careful therapeutic disclosure.
-- Alice Miller -
Society chooses to disregard the mistreatment of children, judging it to be altogether normal because it is so commonplace.
-- Alice Miller -
Be kind, be decent, be generous, be tolerant, compassionate, and understanding. Be fast to praise, slow to judge. Remember, we're all human, and don't cast the first stone.
-- Allen Drury -
A conscience without God is like a court without a judge.
-- Alphonse de Lamartine -
I don't care who or what judges me, nothing's going to stop me from living my life how I choose.
-- Amanda Holden -
When I go to one of those singles dating parties I believe myself to be a bowl of fruit. When I talk to potential dates, I judge them by the smile in their lips, their smoothness of speech, and the whiteness of teeth; then I offer them the appropriate fruit, which is usually a lemon.
-- Amanda Holden -
And one of my other friends could not believe in God if he came down and tapped her on the shoulder. She's a biologist - a student at UCLA - and I don't judge her either, because I really believe that God is a personal opinion, and only that
-- Amber Tamblyn -
Convent - a place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the sin of idleness.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Trial. A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
When we think of nonverbals, we think of how we judge others. … We tend to forget, though, the other audience that's influenced by our nonverbals: ourselves.
-- Amy Cuddy -
I want to be around people that do things. I don't want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people who dream and support and do things.
-- Amy Poehler -
With a sitcom, everyday you do a run through, and people are judging you, and the scripts are being changed nightly, nightly, nightly.
-- Amy Sherman-Palladino -
Not afraid of poverty and drabness and who is untouched by it, untouched by the drunkenness of her friends; (she) who judges, selects, discards people with severity, who knows, when she is telling her endless anecdotes, that they are ways of escape, keeping herself all the more secret behind that profuse talk.
-- Anais Nin -
The sovereignty of the States is the language of the Confederacy and not the language of the Constitution. The latter contains the emphatic words. This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding
-- Andrew Johnson -
Listen carefully to me. Despite popular belief to the contrary, there is absolutely no power in intention...There is no difference in the person who intends to do things differently and the one who never thinks about it in the first place. Have you ever considered how often we judge ourselves by out intentions while we judge others by their actions? Yet intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you.
-- Andy Andrews -
We need to be open minded to understand that there are lots of different levels of things going on and we shouldn't be so quick to judge - and certainly not to judge a whole race, a whole religion or a whole people - and a lot of that is going on.
-- Angelina Jolie -
In July of 1983, I left Washington, DC area and have had minimal contact with Judge Clarence Thomas since
-- Anita Hill -
During this period at the Department of Education, my working relationship with Judge Thomas was positive.
-- Anita Hill -
The US bombed them back to traditional values – feminism does not exist in Japan. While I don’t like judging an entire culture…that does not excuse them.
-- Anita Sarkeesian -
Please don't judge me too much until you are older and know more things. (Spoken from mother to daughter)
-- Ann Brashares -
I never trust people's assertions, I always judge of them by their actions.
-- Ann Radcliffe -
The world should not be organized to require heroines, and when one is required but fails to appear, we should not judge.
-- Ann-Marie MacDonald -
How one can live without being able to judge oneself, criticize what one has accomplished, and still enjoy what one does, is unimaginable to me.
-- Anna Freud -
the most sacred business of judges is not to ratify the will of the majority but to protect the minority from its tyranny.
-- Anna Quindlen -
Do what you want, and if people are going to judge you for it, who cares? You might not fit in, but that's okay. Everyone thought I was weird in high school!
-- AnnaSophia Robb -
If any person should meddle with my cause, I require them to judge the best'.
-- Anne Boleyn -
Did I, my lines intend for public view,How many censures, would their faults pursue,Some would, because such words they do affect,Cry they're insipid, empty, uncorrect.And many, have attained, dull and untaught,The name of wit, only by finding fault.True judges, might condemn their want of wit,And all might say, they're by a woman writ.
-- Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea -
By freethinking I mean the use of the understanding in endeavoring to find out the meaning of any proposition whatsoever, in considering the nature of the evidence for or against, and in judging of it according to the seeming force or weakness of the evidence.
-- Anthony Collins -
Willing or preferring is the same with respect to good and evil, that judging is with respect to truth or falsehood.
-- Anthony Collins -
For all men are equal at the moment of death and who are we to judge them when a much greater judge awaits?
-- Anthony Horowitz