Sunshine famous quotes
I would say about individuals, A Individual dies when they cease to to be surprised. I am surprised every morning when I see the sunshine again. When I see an act of evil I don't accomodate, I don't accomodate myself to the violence that goes on everywhere. I am still so surprised! That is why I am against it. We must learn to be surprised.
-- Abraham Joshua Heschel -
I haven't come to you only to take , I haven't come to you empty handed : I bring you poetry as great as yours but in anther tongue , I bring you black eyes and golden skin and curly hair , I bring you Islam and Luxor and Alexandria and Lutes and tambourines and date-palms and silk rugs and sunshine and incense and voluptuous ways
-- Ahdaf Soueif -
The constantly recurring question must be: What shall we unite with and from what shall we separate? The question of coexistence does not enter here, but the question of union and fellowship does. The wheat grows in the same field as the tares, but shall the two cross-pollinate? The sheep graze near the goats, but shall they seek to interbreed? The unjust and the just enjoy the same rain and sunshine, but shall they forget their deep moral differences and intermarry? ... The Spirit-illuminated church will have none of this
-- Aiden Wilson Tozer -
The American people never carry an umbrella. They prepare to walk in eternal sunshine.
-- Al Smith -
We ought all to make an effort to act on our first thoughts and let our unspoken gratitude find expression. Then there will be more sunshine in the world, and more power to work for what is good.
-- Albert Schweitzer -
Baseball is sunshine, green grass, fathers and sons, our rural past.
-- Albert Theodore Powers -
Sunshine is more health-giving than pills and potions: and travel in foreign lands is a mental tonic, which feeds the mind even if it empties the pocket.
-- Alec-Tweedie -
Velius--so who is she? no wait, let me guess. skin of the finest porcelain. hair of the softest silk. a voice like birdsong, a smile like sunshine, and a mouth that would sate your brightest and darkest wishes Rumbold-- You've m-met her? Velius--oh yes, my friend. we all know her. we've all pursued her. some of us have even been lucky enough to have her. we've been drunk on her sin, become fools of her favor. she might have borne a different face each time, but her name was always the same. Trouble
-- Alethea Kontis -
When I see 'Sunshine,' I see a film that part of me is kind of very proud of and another part of me is very sad about, so it's a really complicated film for me. And I've never been really able to resolve all that in myself.
-- Alex Garland -
What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The soul's calm sunshine, and the heart-felt joy, Is virtue's prize.
-- Alexander Pope -
To bring the best human qualities to anything like perfection, to fill them with the sweet juices of courtesy and charity, prosperity, or, at all events, a moderate amount of it, is required,--just as sunshine is needed for the ripening of peaches and apricots.
-- Alexander Smith -
We talk of sunshine and moonshine, but not of cloud-shine, which is yet one of the illuminations of our skies. A shining cloud is one of the most majestic of all secondary lights.
-- Alice Meynell -
Interlude with sunshine. Hello monday mein lazy freund.
-- Allison Mackie -
Every player should be accorded the privilege of at least one season with the Chicago Cubs. That's baseball as it should be played - in God's own sunshine. And that's really living.
-- Alvin Dark -
Love is like sunshine. Sometimes you have to get burned to know you were there. I want to know that I'm here.
-- Andrea Gibson -
It shone on everyone, whether they had a contract or not. The most democratic thing I'd ever seen, that California sunshine.
-- Angela Carter -
Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.
-- Anita Bryant -
A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.
-- Anne Bronte -
His heart was like a sensitive plant, that opens for a moment in the sunshine, but curls up and shrinks into itself at the slightest touch of the finger, or the lightest breath of wind.
-- Anne Bronte -
As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?
-- Anne Frank -
I've found that there is always some beauty left -- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.
-- Anne Frank -
I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains....My advice is: Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that's still left in and around you and be happy!
-- Anne Frank -
Humility is the situation of the earth. It's there silent and accepting everything and in a miraculous way making out of all the refuse new richness...transforming corruption itself into a power of life and a new possibility of creativeness, open to the sunshine, open to the rain, ready to receive any seed we sow and capable of bringing thirtyfold, sixtyfold, a hundredfold out of every seed.
-- Anthony of Sourozh -
But if you tame me, my life will be filled with sunshine. I'll know the sound of footsteps that will be different from all the rest. Others send me back underground. Yours will call me out of my burrow like music.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
Flowers are without hope. Because hope is tomorrow and flowers have no tomorrow.
-- Antonio Porchia -
Rightly conceived, time is the friend of all who are in any way in adversity, for its mazy road winds in and out of the shadows sooner or later into sunshine, and when one is at its darkest point one can be certain that presently it will grow brighte.
-- Arthur Bryant -
Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish - only bless.
-- Artur Schnabel -
Iranian filmmakers are not passive. They fight whenever they can, as creative expression means a lot to them. The restrictions and censorship in Iran are a bit like the British weather: one day it's sunny, the next day it's raining. You just have to hope you walk out into the sunshine.
-- Asghar Farhadi -
The thinker requires exactly the same light as the painter, clear, without direct sunshine, or blinding reflection, and, where possible, from above.
-- August Wilhelm von Schlegel -
Learn to thrill yourself... Make everything bright and beautiful about you. Cultivate a spirit of humor. Enjoy the sunshine.
-- Baird T. Spalding -
Oh, but it was splendid the things women were doing for men all the time, thought Jane. Making them feel, perhaps sometimes by no more than a casual glance, that they were loved and admired and desired when they were worthy of none of these things - enabling them to preen themselves and puff out their plumage like birds and bask in the sunshine of love, real or imagined, it didn't matter which.
-- Barbara Pym -
God is with us to be utilized. His Power, His Love, His Thought, His Love, His Thought, His Presence must be at our disposal, like other great forces, such as sunshine and wind and rain. We can use them or not, as we please. We can use them in proportion to our ability.
-- Basil King -
The music was as much a gift as sunshine, as rain, as any blessing ever prayed for.
-- Bebe Moore Campbell -
It was not the goal that really concerned us, the journey was the thing. Who ever reaches any goal? From what journey can we return? We know of the poverty about us, of the work and worry, but we know of a degree of freedom, of a stunted beauty. We have warm open days and sunshine in Carolina. Much is denied us. But we have, we have. And an attitude is more powerful than any circumstance.
-- Ben Robertson -
I have sunshine in my heart regardless of conditions around me.
-- Benjamin Carson -
It's easier to record in LA than in New York and Detroit, because the space in LA is green, and there's sunshine, and I need all those positive vibes.
-- Big Sean -
Nowadays my brain no longer races compulsively in either elation, grandiosity, or depression. I have been given a quiet place in bright sunshine.
-- Bill W. -
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness every day.
-- Bill Withers -
Ain'tno sunshine when she's gone. It's not warm when she's away. Ain'tno sunshine when she's gone, and she's always gone too long, anytime she goes away.
-- Bill Withers -
Without dark clouds in our lives, we would never know the joy of sunshine. We can become callous and unteachable if we do not learn from pain.
-- Billy Graham -
All the masterpieces of art contain both light and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.
-- Billy Graham -
therefore i live for today- certain of finding at sunrise guidance and strength for the way. power for each moment of weakness, hope for each moment of pain, comfort for every sorrow, sunshine and joy after rain!
-- Billy Graham -
Over the shoulders and slopes of the dune I saw the white daisies go down to the sea, A host in the sunshine, an army in June, The people God sends us to set our heart free.
-- Bliss Carman -
Though it was bright sunshine everyone felt suddenly cold. The only two people present who seemed to be quite at their ease were Aslan and the Witch herself. It was the oddest thing to see those two faces - the golden face and the dead-white face so close together. Not that the Witch looked Aslan exactly in his eyes; Mrs Beaver particularly noticed this.
-- C. S. Lewis -
When you're watching television, you don't want to watch a show where everything just works out. You don't want to see a relationship that's just blossoming and everyone's happy and sunshine and roses all the time. That's also not true in life.
-- Candice Accola -
We have been friends together In sunshine and in shade.
-- Caroline Norton -
Arizona is gorgeous. The sunshine in Arizona is gorgeous red.
-- Cecilia Bartoli -
Childhood, who like an April morn appears, Sunshine and rain, hopes clouded o'er with fears.
-- Charles Churchill -
I will walk by myself and cure myself in the sunshine and the wind.
-- Charles Reznikoff -
Good humor and enthusiasm should be the sunshine ahead that will keep that shadow behind.
-- Charles W. Field -
It was the month of May and there was warm sunshine dripping through the holes between the clouds, like the sky was a broken blue bowl and a child was trying to keep honey in it.
-- Chris Cleave -
False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
Observe this dew-drenched rose of Tyrian gardens A rose today. But you will ask in vain Tomorrow what it is; and yesterday It was the dust, the sunshine, and the rains.
-- Christina Rossetti -
Within a few decades...the United States might get 30% of its electricity from sunshine...
-- Christopher Flavin -
In the eternal lazy morning of the Pacific, days slip away into months, months into years; the seasons are reduced to the faintest nuance by the great central fact of the sunshine; one might pass a lifetime, it seems, between two yawns, lying bronzed and naked in the sand.
-- Christopher Isherwood -
What are kings, when regiment is gone, but perfect shadows in a sunshine day?
-- Christopher Marlowe -
It's a perfect day here in Australia, glorious blue sunshine
-- Christopher Martin-Jenkins -
There is no global warming problem, there isn't going to be a global warming problem. Sit back and enjoy the sunshine.
-- Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley -
Human beings will line up for miles to buy a bucket of catastrophes, but don't try selling sunshine and light - you'll go broke.
-- Chuck Jones -
Memories were like sunshine. They warmed you up and left a pleasant glow, but you couldn't hold them.
-- Clare Vanderpool -
The sunshine dreaming upon Salmon's heightIs not so sweet and whiteAs the most heretofore sin-spotted SoulThat darts to its delightStraight from the absolution of a faithful fight.
-- Coventry Patmore -
All the love and joy that a man has ever received in perception is laid up in him as the sunshine of a hundred years is laid up in the bole of the oak.
-- Coventry Patmore -
I've always had an inquisitive mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars. Always pulled them apart - couldn't put 'em back, but always extremely interested in how things work.
-- Craig Johnston -
Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.
-- Criss Jami -
Hemingway is great in that alone of living writers he has saturated his work with the memory of physical pleasure, with sunshine and salt water, with food, wine and making love and the remorse which is the shadow of that sun.
-- Cyril Connolly -
Nothing is bigger than life. There's nothing noble in death. What's noble about never seeing the sunshine again? What's noble about having your legs and arms blown off? What's noble about being an idiot? What's noble about being blind and deaf and dumb? What's noble about being dead?
-- Dalton Trumbo -
We'll let the sunshine in and shine on us, because today we're happy and tomorrow we'll be even happier.
-- Dan Quayle -
We are all ghosts of yesterday, and the phantom of tomorrow awaits us alike in sunshine or in shadow, dimly perceived at times, never entirely lost.
-- Daphne du Maurier -
The bright bite in Mary Lee Kortes' voice [has] the high-mountain sunshine of Dolly Parton, with a sweet-iron undercoat of Chrissie Hynde.
-- David Fricke -
Every instance since the beginning of time has been a coincidence: A leaf in a tree embodies the combined efforts of the earth, water, wind, stars, and sunshine. When you realize that everything has led to the present, to this moment, you see there's nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be burdened by. The present moment is the moment of arrival - and it took the entire universe to create it. All is as it should be.
-- Deepak Chopra -
The sunshine that strikes American roads each year contains more energy than all the fossil fuels used by the entire world.
-- Denis Hayes -
I have nothing to ask but that you would remove to the other side, that you may not, by intercepting the sunshine, take from me what you cannot give.
-- Diogenes -
When Alexander the Great addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, Diogenes replied "Yes, stand a little out of my sunshine .
-- Diogenes -
The first commandment of economics is: Grow. Grow forever. Companies get bigger. National economies need to swell by a certain percent each year. People should want more, make more, earn more, spend more - ever more. The first commandment of the Earth is: enough. Just so much and no more. Just so much soil. Just so much water. Just so much sunshine. Everything born of the Earth grows to its appropriate size and then stops.
-- Donella Meadows -
Every time I see the sunshine in the bright blue sky, I cannot help but think how blessed I really am to see another day. There are so many who may have not woken up to see it but I have been blessed.
-- Donna Karan -
The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.
-- Dustin Hoffman -
We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand, and it is no good moving from place to place to save things; because the shadow always follows. Choose a place where you won't do harm - yes, choose a place where you won't do very much harm, and stand in it for all you are worth, facing the sunshine.
-- E. M. Forster -
Railway termini are our gates to the glorious and the unknown. Through them we pass out into adventure and sunshine, to them, alas! we return.
-- E. M. Forster -
I think drugs are like strawberries and peaches..There’s no way to tell anyone who hasn’t been through it, there’s no way to explain it to anyone who hasn’t tasted it . To keep that superlative high, just on the cusp of each day, so that I radiate sunshine
-- Edie Sedgwick -
I'm greedy. I'd like to keep most of it for myself and a few others, a few of my friends. Keep that superlative high just on the cusp of each day so that I radiate sunshine.
-- Edie Sedgwick -
Her angel's face, As the great eye of heaven shined bright, And made a sunshine in the shady place.
-- Edmund Spenser -
When every brake hath found its note, and sunshine smiles in every flower.
-- Edward Everett -
Humor, warm and all-embracing as the sunshine, bathes its objects in a genial and abiding light.
-- Edwin Percy Whipple -
The city man, in his neon-and-mazda glare, knows nothing of nature's midnight. His electric lamps surround him with synthetic sunshine. They push back the dark. They defend him from the realities of the age-old night.
-- Edwin Way Teale -
It feels like some part of me that was curled down and waiting in the dark has risen, and now stands stretching and strong in the sunshine. I knew it.
-- Elizabeth Berg -
I crossed the street to walk in the sunshine.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
The sun is still there... even if clouds drift over it. Once you have experienced the reality of sunshine you may weep, but you will never feel ice about your heart again.
-- Elizabeth Goudge -
There was a good deal to be said, Hilary decided, for middle age and infirmity. The years in which one demanded much of life were left behind, together with the bitterness of not getting what one wanted. One's values, too, were altered. Gifts that once one took for granted, sunshine and birdsong, freedom from pain, sleep and one's daily bread, seemed now so extraordinarily precious.
-- Elizabeth Goudge -
I'll never look at you in any way but complete admiration.†He stroked her hair soothingly. “You will never be a millstone about my neck. Rather you're the sunshine that brightens my day.†He swallowed. “Don't you see? You brought me into the daylight. You've embraced parts of me that I was never able to let see light. Don't make me retreat again into the night. (Winter Makepeace)
-- Elizabeth Hoyt -
We who are crushed to earth with heavy chains, who travel a weary, rugged, thorny road, groping through midnight darkness on earth, earn our right to enjoy the sunshine in the great hereafter. At the grave, at least, we should be permitted to lay our burdens down, that a new world, a world of brightness, may open to us. The light that is denied us here should grow into a flood of effulgence beyond the dark, mysterious shadows of death.
-- Elizabeth Keckley -
Others are keen to see if natives other than us live better than we do, without heat in pipes, ice in boxes, sunshine in bulbs, music on disks, or images gliding over a pale screen.
-- Ella Maillart -
When you've only got one little shimmer of sunshine, you capture it best you can.
-- Ellen Hopkins -
Haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I better stop now before I start crying. Go off to sleep in the sunshine...I don't want to see the day when its dying.
-- Elliott Smith -
I opened the doors and windows of America, and let the air and sunshine in.
-- Elsie de Wolfe -
Human nature seems to me like the Alps. The depths are profound, black as night, and terrifying, but the heights are equally real, uplifted in the sunshine.
-- Emily Greene Balch -
God wills us to have everything. As we express life, we fulfill God's law of abundance, but we do this only as we realize that there is good enough to go around-only as we know that all of God's gifts are given as freely and fully as the air and the sunshine.
-- Ernest Holmes -
When we have found how the nucleus of atoms is built up we shall have found the greatest secret of all — except life. We shall have found the basis of everything — of the earth we walk on, of the air we breathe, of the sunshine, of our physical body itself, of everything in the world, however great or however small — except life.
-- Ernest Rutherford