Anne Frank famous quotes
Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.
-- Anne Frank -
The young are not afraid of telling the truth.
-- Anne Frank -
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude.
-- Anne Frank -
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
-- Anne Frank -
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!
-- Anne Frank -
I have always been the dunce, the never-do-well of the family, I've always have to pay double for my deeds, first with the scolding and then again because of the way my feelings are hurt.
-- Anne Frank -
You can always give something, even if it is only kindness.
-- Anne Frank -
Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.
-- Anne Frank -
Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.
-- Anne Frank -
It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.
-- Anne Frank -
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
-- Anne Frank -
Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.
-- Anne Frank -
I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.
-- Anne Frank -
You can be lonely even when you are loved by many people, since you are still not anybody's one and only.
-- Anne Frank -
don’t believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have re- belled long ago! There’s a destructive urge in people, the urge to rage, murder and kill. And until all of humanity, without exception, undergoes a metamorphosis, wars will continue to be waged, and everything that has been carefully built up, cultivated and grown will be cut down and destroyed, only to start allover again!
-- Anne Frank -
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.
-- Anne Frank -
In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.
-- Anne Frank -
I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.
-- Anne Frank -
How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway... And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!
-- Anne Frank -
Who has inflicted this upon us? Who has made us Jews different from all other people? Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly uptill now? It is God that has made us as we are, but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again. If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.
-- Anne Frank -
Bolkenstein, a Minister, was speaking on the Dutch programme from London, and he said that they ought to make a collection of diaries and letters after the war. Of course, they all made a rush at my diary immediately. Just imagine how interesting it would be if I were to publish a romance of the "Secret Annexe." The title alone would be enough to make people think it was a detective story.
-- Anne Frank -
You must work and do good, not be lazy and gamble, if you wish to earn happiness. Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.
-- Anne Frank -
People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion.
-- Anne Frank -
We aren't allowed to have any opinions. People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but it doesn't stop you having your own opinion. Even if people are still very young, they shouldn't be prevented from saying what they think.
-- Anne Frank -
As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?
-- Anne Frank -
I have often been downcast, but never in despair;
-- Anne Frank -
Who would ever think that so much went on in the soul of a young girl?
-- Anne Frank -
Then, without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that a quiet conscience makes one strong.
-- Anne Frank -
I've found that there is always some beauty left -- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.
-- Anne Frank -
Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery
-- Anne Frank -
If I read a book that impresses me, I have to take myself firmly by the hand, before I mix with other people; otherwise they would think my mind rather queer.
-- Anne Frank -
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside
-- Anne Frank -
Live with the objective of being happy.
-- Anne Frank -
I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death... I think... peace and tranquillity will return again.
-- Anne Frank -
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
-- Anne Frank -
I long to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel young and know that I'm free, and yet I can't let it show. Just imagine what would happen if all eight of us were to feel sorry for ourselves or walk around with the discontent clearly visible on our faces. Where would that get us?
-- Anne Frank -
Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction.
-- Anne Frank -
Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?...Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together!
-- Anne Frank -
Although I'm only fourteen, I know quite well what I want, I know who is right and who is wrong. I have my opinions, my own ideas and principles, and although it may sound pretty mad from an adolescent, I feel more of a person than a child, I feel quite indepedent of anyone.
-- Anne Frank -
We can't control our destiny, but we can control who we become.
-- Anne Frank -
If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.
-- Anne Frank -
I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains....My advice is: Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that's still left in and around you and be happy!
-- Anne Frank -
There's in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage, and until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated, and grown will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again
-- Anne Frank -
Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
-- Anne Frank -
Parents can only advise their children or point them in the right direction. Ultimately people shape their own characters.
-- Anne Frank -
I want friends, not admirers. People who respect me for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they're sincere?
-- Anne Frank -
As long as you're in the food business, why not make sweets?
-- Anne Frank -
But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.
-- Anne Frank -
In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.
-- Anne Frank -
Why are millions spent on the war each day, while not a penny is available for ... artists or the poor? Why do people have to starve when mountians of food are rotting away in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy?
-- Anne Frank -
How wonderful it is that no one has to wait, but can start right now to gradually change the world!
-- Anne Frank -
Riches, power and fame last only for a few years! Why do people cling so desperately to these transitory things? Why can't people who have more than they need for themselves give that surplus to their fellow citizens? Why should some people have such a hard time during their few years on this earth?
-- Anne Frank -
How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world!
-- Anne Frank -
I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
-- Anne Frank -
If I'm engrossed in a book, I have to rearrange my thoughts before I can mingle with other people, because otherwise they might think I was strange.
-- Anne Frank -
Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I’ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year old school girl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing.
-- Anne Frank -
There's one golden rule to keep before you: laugh about everything and don't bother yourself about the others!
-- Anne Frank -
Ordinary people simply don't know what books mean to us, shut up here. Reading, learning, and the radio are our amusements.
-- Anne Frank -
Riches can all be lost, but that happiness in your own heart can only be veiled, and it will bring you happiness again, as long as you live.
-- Anne Frank -
I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often and about such petty matters. Up to now I always thought bickering was just something children did and that they outgrew it.
-- Anne Frank -
Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.
-- Anne Frank -
Deep down, the young are lonelier than the old.
-- Anne Frank -
And finally I twist my heart round again, so that the bad is on the outside and the good is on the inside, and keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be, and could be, if there weren't any other people living in the world.
-- Anne Frank -
In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death.
-- Anne Frank -
The weak fall, but the strong will remain and never go under!
-- Anne Frank -
I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!
-- Anne Frank -
I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.
-- Anne Frank -
There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and foget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity.
-- Anne Frank -
How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day.
-- Anne Frank -
The question is very understandable, but no one has found a satisfactory answer to it so far. Yes, why do they make still more gigantic planes, still heavier bombs and, at the same time, prefabricated houses for reconstruction? Why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medical services, artists, or for poor people? Why do some people have to starve, while there are surpluses rotting in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy?
-- Anne Frank -
Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
-- Anne Frank -
Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.
-- Anne Frank -
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
-- Anne Frank -
Don't condemn me, remember rather that sometimes I, too, can reach the bursting point.
-- Anne Frank -
What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again
-- Anne Frank -
Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then our choices make us.
-- Anne Frank -
I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.
-- Anne Frank -
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet.
-- Anne Frank -
Just imagine how interesting it would be if I were to publish a romance of the "Secret Annexe." The title alone would be enough to make people think it was a detective story.
-- Anne Frank -
One must apply one's reason to everything here, learning to obey, to shut up, to help, to be good, to give in, and I don't know what else. I'm afraid I shall use up all my brains too quickly, and I haven't got so very many. Then I shall not have any left for when the war is over.
-- Anne Frank
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