Napoleon Bonaparte famous quotes
Anarchy is the stepping stone to absolute power.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Great men are meteors designed to burn so that earth may be lighted.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
All things proclaim the existence of God.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
You become strong by defying defeat and by turning loss into gain and failure to success.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
To have a right estimate of a man's character, we must see him in misfortune.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog. Napoleon Bonaparte, on finding a dog beside the body of his dead master, licking his face and howling, on a moonlit field after a battle. Napoleon was haunted by this scene until his own death.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
What is history but a fable agreed upon?
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I marvel that whereas the ambitious dreams of my self, Caesar, and Alexander should have vanished into thin air, a Judean peasant-Jesus-s hould be able to stretch His hands across the centuries and control the destinies of men and nations.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Prussia was hatched from a cannon-ball.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Wisdom and policy dictate that we must do as destiny demands and keep peace with the irresistible march of events.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one's self to destiny.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Nothing is more destructive than the charge of artillery on a crowd.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Never awake me when you have good news to announce, because with good news nothing presses; but when you have bad news, arouse me immediately, for then there is not an instant to be lost.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Circumstances-what are circumstances? I make circumstances
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The first virtue in a soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is only the second virtue.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Skepticism is a virtue in history as well as in philosophy.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The extent of your consciousness is limited only by your ability to love and to embrace with your love the space around you, and all it contains.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The more I study the world, the more I am convinced of the inability of brute force to create anything durable.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The human race is governed by its imagination.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
My downfall raises me to infinite heights.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The future destiny of a child is always the work of the mother
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The word impossible is not in my dictionary.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I feel myself driven towards an end that I do not know. As soon as I shall have reached it, as soon as I shall become unnecessary, an atom will suffice to shatter me. Till then, not all the forces of mankind can do anything against me.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Ability is nothing without opportunity.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate...and I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
When I give a minister an order, I leave it to him to find the means to carry it out.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
There are two levers for moving men - interest and fear.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The most dangerous moment comes with victory.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The hand that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no fatherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
You can not lead a battle if you think you look silly on a horse.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
In order to govern, the question is not to follow out a more or less valid theory but to build with whatever materials are at hand. The inevitable must be accepted and turned to advantage.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
I see only my objective - the obstacles must give way.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog. But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight as a lion
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The art of being sometimes audacious and sometimes very prudent is the secret of success.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The infectiousness of crime is like that of the plague.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Clearly, the pleasures wines afford are transitory - but so are those of the ballet, or of a musical performance. Wine is inspiring and adds greatly to the joy of living.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The fool has one great advantage over a man of sense; he is always satisfied with himself.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Ability has nothing to do with opportunity.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Those who have changed the universe have never done it by changing officials, but always by inspiring the people.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chambertin.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
One can lead a nation only by helping it see a bright outlook. A leader is a dealer in hope.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Never tell your enemy he is doing the wrong thing.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The heart may be broken, and the soul remain unshaken.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
To have good soldiers, a nation must always be at war.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions, the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
You don't reason with intellectuals. You shoot them.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
How many things apparently impossible have nevertheless been performed by resolute men who had no alternative but death.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
A soul you say? Give my pocketwatch to a savage and he'll think it has a soul.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The secret of war lies in the communications.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Forethought we may have, undoubtedly, but not foresight.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Water, air, and cleanness are the chief articles in my pharmacy.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Music is the voice that tells us that the human race is greater than it knows.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
There are only two forces that unite men - fear and interest.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte -
Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
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