Ballet famous quotes
52 minutes ago
I started with ballet and then my cousin Sarah introduced me to her tap teachers.
-- Adam Garcia -
Ballet technique never becomes easy, it becomes possible
-- Agnes de Mille -
We must never forget that the dance is the cradle of Negro music.
-- Alain LeRoy Locke -
I suppose I'm the only person who remembers one of the most exciting of his ballets-it's the fruit of an unlikely collaboration between Nijinsky on the one hand and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the other.
-- Alan Bennett -
There might've been wires, but I have this ability to make myself light. Well you know what, in ballet, when you kind of lift yourself here, it's all up in the head.
-- Albert Finney -
In swimming at my level it's about control of the small movements. A good ballet dancer floats across the stage, the best sprinters virtually abolish gravity. All motion occurs in the right direction.
-- Alexander Dale Oen -
Ballet is a dance executed by the human soul.
-- Alexander Pushkin -
To dance is to give channel to the Creator.
-- Ali Abdullah Saleh -
I still love to see the ballet. And I love to boogie.
-- Alicia Vikander -
The purpose of art is higher than art. What we are really interested in are masterpieces of humanity.
-- Alonzo King -
The deep art... That's the part that has to be guarded like a miser would his money... Like a dope addict would his dope... Like a lover with their love.
-- Alonzo King -
To change the world, you must first change yourself. And baby, that's hard enough.
-- Alonzo King -
I went to art school when I was little. I took ballet lessons. I played a little kick ball. I was sort of into everything because I had too much energy and I didn't know where to put it. When I was a preteen, I got into singing, and became really obsessed with it.
-- Amanda Seyfried -
I thought 'Out of Africa' would be a beautiful ballet.
-- Amy Adams -
Coming near him like a ballet dancer she took a leap towards him, and he, frightened by her vehemence, and fearing that she would crash against him, instinctively became absolutely rigid, and she felt herself embracing a statue.
-- Anais Nin -
I get into the studio and I try to make visible what's in the choreographer's mind. Sometimes a choreographer wants you to have an idea, and sometimes you are the idea.
-- Angel Corella -
Ballet is ultimately a logical technique; it favors the shortest, most efficient route from one position into another. This factor gives an aesthetic clarity to all motions.
-- Anna Paskevska -
Whenever I have had a sudden urge to quit dancing, I just remember that moment I had when I was young and remember that dancing is what I want to do.
-- Anna Pavlova -
I hated the ballet, but I liked performing. I did 20 shows, and I couldn't get the smile off my face.
-- Ansel Elgort -
I don’t understand anything about the ballet; all I know is that during the intervals the ballerinas stink like horses.
-- Anton Chekhov -
If you wanna dance, a windshield wiper'll do it-all you need is a beat.
-- Artie Shaw -
He was a punk, she did ballet. What more can I say.
-- Avril Lavigne -
I've never danced professionally as a ballet dancer, but all of my training is ballet, and I am a Fosse dancer.
-- Bebe Neuwirth -
There's an opera out on the turnpike, there's a ballet being fought out in the alley.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You get more negative reactions than positive reactions as you go through life, and the big lesson is nobody counts you out but yourself...I never have; I never will.
-- Buddy Ebsen -
Cricket is first and foremost a dramatic spectacle. It belongs with theatre, ballet, opera and the dance.
-- C. L. R. James -
There's no similarity between football and ballet, so this ain't ballet music being played on the field. I'm pumping something that's going to put me in a frame of mind to go to war, and something that's very high tempo and high beat.
-- Cam Newton -
All dancers have a cumulative tendency, because each beat of the tom-tom has an almost irresistible appeal. Soon, those who were just spectators would dance too.
-- Camara Laye -
I was a ballet dancer growing up and that's what I was convinced I would be.
-- Candice Swanepoel -
Ballet is good, because it makes you stand up tall.
-- Carine Roitfeld -
Coco Chanel was always doing things with ballet, so it is a tradition clashing fashion and ballet.
-- Carine Roitfeld -
I have a ballet barre in my gym. I turn the music up so loud that the walls are pulsating, and I go for it for an hour.
-- Catherine Zeta-Jones -
Even when she walks one would believe that she dances.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
When I've done gymnastics, ballet or soccer - I was always trying to be the best. I'm really driven. Really driven.
-- Chloe Grace Moretz -
Since I was a child I've loved going to the opera, theatre and ballet.
-- Christian Lacroix -
It was something I was more interested in myself. When I went to see my sister dance at ballet, I was really into costumes and the arts, and my family was also supportive of whatever me and my sister wanted to do. I would say I pushed myself the most to be into design.
-- Christian Siriano -
People who leave Washington do so by way of the box... ballet or coffin.
-- Clay Pell -
One of the few things in dance to match the Royal Ballet's curtain calls is the Royal Ballet's dancing.
-- Clive Barnes -
One of the most beautiful sights in dance is American Ballet Theatre in full flight.
-- Clive Barnes -
The real beauty in life is that beauty can sometimes occur.
-- Colum McCann -
Mum, who had been a dancer with a small ballet company before she got married, was full of encouragement. She didn't say, "This is really good, you should do this", She just encouraged us to do whatever we liked.
-- Dannii Minogue -
It's very easy to become selfish and narrow-minded and see ballet as the only thing in life, but there's lots more.
-- Darcey Bussell -
Dancing is a tough career, but I'm glad I spent it at the Royal Ballet.
-- Deborah Bull -
I do take class because I still dance, and yes, I do slip into class with the Royal Ballet from time to time.
-- Deborah Bull -
You increase muscle bulk by training against resistance. For example, weights. And in ballet, this isn't the case.
-- Deborah Bull -
Of course I was always mad about the ballet russe, mad about it!
-- Diana Vreeland -
Football is the ballet of the masses.
-- Dmitri Shostakovich -
What's so wonderful about ballet is that it's mind-driven physicality. It's almost a Greek ideal of body, mind, and form.
-- Edward Villella -
I had to learn that slower is faster If you practice every day with patience and correctness, you will get there. It's like preparing for a jump. You can't rush. You must summon the appropriate energy.
-- Edward Villella -
I do after-school ballet and also hip-hop and jazz.
-- Elle Fanning -
I wanted so badly to study ballet, but it was really all about wearing the tutu.
-- Elle Macpherson -
Pilates is my favorite core strengthener. I do it three or four times a week. With all the strengthening and lengthening, it's like ballet. Plus, you get to do it lying down!
-- Emily VanCamp -
I've been dancing my entire life. Jazz, hip hop, ballet. And then there's tap dancing. I love to tap.
-- Emily VanCamp -
Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words.
-- Ernie Harwell -
I don't think much of a dance step where the girl looks like she was being carried out of a burning building.
-- Frank Hubbard -
I danced with passion to spite the music.
-- Gelsey Kirkland -
I could never make a ballet by wrinkling my brow and concentrating. If you set out deliberately to make a masterpiece, how will you ever get it finished?
-- George Balanchine -
In ballet a complicated story is impossible to tell ... we can't dance synonyms.
-- George Balanchine -
Ballet is important and significant - yes. But first of all, it is a pleasure.
-- George Balanchine -
Ballet will speak for itself. About itself.
-- George Balanchine -
In dance the hand hath liberty to touch, the eye to gaze, the arm for to embrace.
-- George Gascoigne -
You go to the ballet and you see girls dancing on their tiptoes. Why don't they just get taller girls?
-- Greg Ray -
From the age of four, I loved ballet and tap. I was in the school band, the choir, and all my school plays.
-- Gugu Mbatha-Raw -
Ballet-girls have a bad reputation, which is in most cases well deserved
-- Henry Mayhew -
You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.
-- James Patterson -
Slashing its way to the finish line, Black Swan is the first ballet movie for highbrow horror fans for whom ballet itself signifies little to nothing. Those of us who know and love ballet can only look on it with a different kind of horror.
-- James Wolcott -
The ballet of the good city sidewalk never repeats itself from place to place, and in any one place is always replete with new improvisations.
-- Jane Jacobs -
I grew up studying ballet; I grew up honing my craft.
-- Janice Dickinson -
I am both proud and honored to be on the Board of Directors for the Texas Ballet Theater.
-- Janine Turner -
It is not a question of skimming the surface of the art, it must be probed to its depths, for to seize upon superficial things only is to degenerate into mediocrity and obscurity.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
No matter the style, the farther one goes the more obstacles increase, and the more distant appears the object it is desired to attain. Again, the most strenuous labor affords the greatest artists but a disquieting gleam which only reveals their inadequacy, while the self-satisfied ignoramus surrounded by the deepest gloom flatters himself that he has nothing more to learn.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
I should never conclude were I to speak to you of all the misfortunes which have their origin in the faulty carriage of the body. All these defects, mortifying for those who have contracted them, cannot be remedied except in their early stages. A habit born in childhood is strengthened in youth, becomes deeply rooted in adulthood and is incurable in old age.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
Applause lavished at a whim and without discernment, often proves the ruin of young people training for a stage career.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
At our theaters we only see feeble copies of the copies that have proceeded them, renounce that slavish routine which keeps your art in its infancy; examine everything relative to the development of talents; be original; form a style for yourselves based on your private studies; if you must copy, imitate nature, it is a noble model and never misleads those who follow it.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
A fine picture is but the image of nature; a finished ballet is nature herself.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
It is shameful that dancing should renounce the empire it might assert over the mind and only endeavor to please the sight.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
True art consists in concealing art.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
The abuse of the best things is always detrimental.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
In order to dance well, nothing is so important as the turning outwards of the thigh; and nothing is so natural to men as the contrary position.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
Dancing and ballets would undoubtedly take on a new lease on life, if the customs established by a spirit of fear and jealousy did not in some way close the path of glory...
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
This art, born of genius and good taste, can become beautiful and varied to an infinite degree.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
The defects born of habit are innumerable. I see every child occupied in some way in disarranging and disfiguring his physique; some displace the ankles through the habit they have contracted of standing on one leg only and playing, as it were, with the other; placing it in a position which though disagreeable and strained, does not fatigue them, because the softness of their tendons and muscles lend themselves to all kinds of movement.
-- Jean-Georges Noverre -
You know, ballet might be too formal of a title for the type of dance I do, but I love to dance.
-- Jeff Bridges -
Ballet is such a disciplined craft and it has given me a good grounding.
-- Jennifer Ellison -
I always wanted to act and sing, but my first love was ballet.
-- Jennifer Ellison -
I was a ballet dancer and that kind of bled into musical theater. I was constantly in rehearsal for one thing or another.
-- Jennifer Garner -
My mum said she remembers me asking her if she'd take me to ballet lessons when I was about two and a half. She said I could barely speak, and yet was asking for ballet lessons.
-- Joanne Froggatt