Bruce Springsteen famous quotes
Talk about a dream, try to make it real.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I believe when your children are born that you are reborn in some fashion.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
At the end of every hard day, people find some reason to believe.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I've found that giving 100% to your job isn't the same as giving 100% of your life to your job. Very often when I thought I was giving 100% of my life to my job, I was simply obsessing over something.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
There have been a lotta tough guys. There have been pretenders. And there have been contenders. But there is only one king.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Sometimes I do an automatic songs, songs that you don't really think about, or work on. You just look back and it sorta surprises you.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
It's a town full of losers And I'm pulling out of here to win.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I couldn't worry about whether I`m gonna make it onstage or not. You can't. You just gotta do it. And if you do, you do, and if you don't, you don't, and then something else happens. That's the point of the live performance.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The moment you begin to depend on audience reaction, you're doing the wrong thing. You're doin' it wrong, it's a mistake, it's not right. You can't allow yourself, no matter what, to depend on them.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Well I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I always look terrible before the show. That's when I feel worst. And after the show it's like a million bucks. Simple as that. You feel a little tired but you never feel better. Nothing makes me feel as good as those hours between when you walk offstage, until I go to bed. That's the hours that I live for.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain't satisfied until he rules everything.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Somewhere along the way, the idea, which I think was initially to get some fair transaction between people, went out the window. And what came in was, the most you can get and the least you can give. That's why cars are the way they are nowadays. It's just an erosion of all the things that were true and right about the original idea.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I think politics come out of psychology.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I never knew anybody who was unhappy with their job and was happy with their life. It's your sense of purpose. Now, some people can find it elsewhere. Some people can work a job and find it some place else.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
There's people that get a chance to do the kind of work that changes the world, and make things really different. And there's the kind that just keeps the world from falling apart.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Now everyone dreams of a love faithful and true, But you and I know what this world can do. So let's make our steps clear so the other may see. And I'll wait for you...should I fall behind wait for me.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
There's a beauty in work and I love it, all different kinds of work. That's what I consider it. Rock is my job, and that's my work. And I work my ***** off, you know.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The great challenge of adulthood is holding on to your idealism after you lose your innocence.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
When you`re onstage you have a certain faith that somebody's gonna yell somethin' back. Some nights it's louder than other nights and some nights they do, and on some songs they don't. But that's the idea. I think when you begin to expect a reaction from an audience, it's a mistake.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The E Street band casts a pretty wide net. Our influences go all the way back to the early primitive garage music, and also, we've had everything in the band from jazz players to Kansas City trumpet players to Nils Lofgren, one of the great rock guitarists in the world.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The hungry and the haunted explode in a rock'n'roll band.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Success makes life easier. It doesn't make living easier.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You know, my music utilizes things from the past, because that's what the past is for. It's to learn from. It's not to limit you, you shouldn't be limited by it.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I wouldn't be windmilling a Fender Telecaster if it weren't for Pete Townshend.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I can get onstage and cut that off and be superinstinctive. To be a good live performer, you have to be instinctive. It's like, to walk in the jungle, or to do anything where there's a certain tightrope wire aspect you need to be instinctive. And you have to be comfortable at it also.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I'm the kind of person, I think a lot about everything. Nothin' I can do about it. It's like, I'm a thinkin' fool. That's a big part of me.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
But I think that your entire life is a process of sorting out some of those early messages that you got.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You have moments of clarity, things become clear to you that you didn't understand before. But there's never any making ends meet or finding any time of longstanding peace of mind about something.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
My image had always been very heterosexual, very straight. So it was a nice experience for me, a chance to clarify my own feelings about gay and lesbian civil rights.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
When it comes to luck, you make your own.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I leave pansies, the symbolic flower of freethought, in memory of the Great Agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, who stood for equality, education, progress, free ideas and free lives, against the superstition and bigotry of religious dogma. We need men like him today more than ever. His writing still inspires us and challenges the 'better angels' of our nature, when people open their hearts and minds to his simple, honest humanity. Thank goodness he was here.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
In the early years, I found a voice that was my voice and also partly my father's voice. But isn't that what you always do? Why do kids at 5 years old go into the closet and put their daddy's shoes on? Hey, my kids do it.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true? Or is it something worse?
-- Bruce Springsteen -
If you're an artist, you try to keep an ear to the ground and an ear to your heart.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
For the ones who had a notion, A notion deep inside, That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive I wanna find one face that ain't looking through me I wanna find one place, I wanna spit in the face of these badlands
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Some of the greatest blues music is some of the darkest music you've ever heard.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
It was like Elvis came along and whispered some dream in everybody's ear
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The life of a rock & roll band will last as long as you can look down into the audience and see yourself.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
This music is forever for me. It's the stage thing, that rush moment that you live for. It never lasts, but that's what you live for.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
All I try to do is write music that feels meaningful to me, that has commitment and passion behind it.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
When I was growing up, there were two things that were unpopular in my house. One was me, and the other was my guitar.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
There's an opera out on the turnpike, there's a ballet being fought out in the alley.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I like narrative storytelling as being part of a tradition, a folk tradition.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
What if what you do to survive kills the things you love?
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You've got to be able to hold a lot of contradictory ideas in your mind without going nuts. I feel like to do my job right, when I walk out on stage I've got to feel like it's the most important thing in the world. Also I've got to feel like, well, it's only rock and roll. Somehow you've got to believe both of those things.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
If they had told me I was the janitor and would have to mop up and clean the toilets after the show in order to play, I probably would have done it.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American dream.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I always wanted my music to influence the life you were living emotionally - with your family, your lover, your wife, and, at a certain point, with your children.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You can't shut off the risk and the pain without losing the love that remains.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I think that is what film and art and music do; they can work as a map of sorts for your feelings.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
It's not the time in your life, it's the life in your time.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I was always concerned with writing to my age at a particular moment. That was the way I would keep faith with the audience that supported me as I went along.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Adult life is dealing with an enormous amount of questions that don't have answers. So I let the mystery settle into my music. I don't deny anything, I don't advocate anything, I just live with it.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
More than rich, more than famous, more than happy...I wanted to be great.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
If you don't connect yourself to your family and to the world in some fashion, through your job or whatever it is you do, you feel like you're disappearing, you feel like you're fading away, you know? I felt like that for a very very long time. Growing up, I felt like that a lot. I was just invisible; an invisible person. I think that feeling, wherever it appears, and I grew up around people who felt that way, it's an enormous source of pain; the struggle to make yourself felt and visible. To have some impact, and to create meaning for yourself, and for the people you come in touch with.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You can't kill your way to security and you can't lead by scaring people.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I was the only person I'd ever met who had a record contract. None of the E Street Band, as far as I know, had been on an airplane until Columbia sent us to Los Angeles.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I've had an experience through music that has touched almost every part of me. It educated me in ways that I didn't get educated in school. So we try to lay on a bit of that, through being funny, being serious, playing hard.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
If I have a song that I feel is really one of my best songs, I like it to have a formal studio recording because I believe that something being officially released on a studio record gives it a certain authority that it doesn't quite have if it comes out on a live album or is just a part of your show, you know.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
If you listen to the great Beatle records, the earliest ones where the lyrics are incredibly simple. Why are they still beautiful? Well, they're beautifully sung, beautifully played, and the mathematics in them is elegant. They retain their elegance.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
The wonderful thing about rock music is even if you hate the other person, sometimes you need him more, you know. In other words if he's the guy that made that sound, he's the guy that made that sound, and without that guy making that sound, you don't have a band, you know.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You ask for your audience's investment in your music; you're in a relationship with them. And their relationship with the E Street Band is separate from whatever else I might do. I like the idea of us being something that people rely on.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
Your spoken voice is a part of it - not a big part of it, but it's something. It puts people at ease, and once again kind of reaches out and makes a bridge for what's otherwise difficult music.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
You need two things to remain very, very present. You need to continue to write well and engage yourself in the issues of the day. And you have to continue to make good, relevant records.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
I think you can get to a point where nihilism, if that's the right word, is overwhelming, and the basic laws that society has set up - either religious or social laws - become meaningless.
-- Bruce Springsteen
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