Holding On famous quotes
Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
In the little hall leading to it was a rack holding various Socialist or radical newspapers, tracts, and pamphlets in very small print and on very bad paper. The subjects treated were technical Marxist theories.
-- Agnes Smedley -
That's the problem with relationships, It's a contract. You agree to be some unchanging caricature of yourself. To act the same way all the time. Never to change. It's counter-evolutionary. How can anything new and good come into your life, if you're holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore?
-- Alex Shakar -
Words taken literally or held as ultimate truth can keep us stagnant and stuck, holding on to old ideologies. I now know that everything I need is already contained within me and is completely aceessible if I allow myself to open up to what I sense is true for me...and the same is true for you.
-- Anita Moorjani -
A statesman, we are told, should follow public opinion. Doubtless, as a coachman follows his horses; having firm hold on the reins and guiding them.
-- Augustus Hare -
I loved Mal Evans holding one note down on You Won't See Me from Rubber Soul.
-- Benmont Tench -
If you’re following God and haven’t lost much of what you’ve been holding on to - follow a little closer.
-- Bob Goff -
Why was I holding on to something that would never be mine? But isn't that what people do?
-- Bret Easton Ellis -
The great challenge of adulthood is holding on to your idealism after you lose your innocence.
-- Bruce Springsteen -
We’re too much ourselves. Afraid of letting go of what we are, in case we are nothing, and holding on so tight, we lose everything else.
-- Clive Barker -
What we don't recognize is that holding onto resentment is like holding onto your breath. You'll soon start to suffocate.
-- Deepak Chopra -
You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.
-- Diahann Carroll -
If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.
-- Dorothee Solle -
Faith is not merely you holding on to God- it is God holding on to you
-- E. Stanley Jones -
Even when you are not playing you are holding me back.
-- Eugene Ormandy -
We're not good at propping up old carcasses. We want to be on top of what's vital at any particular time, and not just hold onto something because it has a name.
-- Greg Ginn -
Meditation practice is neither holding on nor avoiding; it is a settling back into the moment, opening to what is there.
-- Jack Kornfield -
Failing to differentiate among employees — and holding on to bottom-tier performers — is actually the cruelest form of management there is.
-- Jack Welch -
We have to give value to authority. We have to give value to office, being in office, holding office.
-- James Hillman -
If I hold back, I'm no good. I'm no good. I'd rather be good sometimes, than holding back all the time.
-- Janis Joplin -
I wanted to be looked at for the skateboarder that I was. I didn't want to be the 36-year-old skateboarder who's still holding on while owning a company at the same time. I wanted to make my mark and travel and accomplish a few things here and there and then get out.
-- Jason Lee -
I wasn't interested in holding onto the evidence of things.
-- Jim Hodges -
Holding on to anger only gives you tense muscles.
-- Joan Lunden -
I'm so uncoordinated, I can't really do that much, so my specialty is standing in one spot or holding on to something, like an exploding rocket or a jetski.
-- Johnny Knoxville -
Up North you are holding your own. Everyone considers themselves a comedian.
-- Johnny Vegas -
Robots do not hold on to life. They can't. They have nothing to hold on with - no soul, no instinct. Grass has more will to live than they do.
-- Karel Capek -
For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true.
-- Kathleen McGowan -
We age not by holding on to youth, but by letting ourselves grow and embracing whatever youthful parts remain.
-- Keith Richards -
Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult. Yet strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go.
-- Lenny Santos -
When you become present, your mind is silent. There is no agenda. You are not holding onto anything. You are not seeking anything. You are just here with what is, and it is enough.
-- Leonard Jacobson -
Falling in love was easy.anyone could fall. It was holding on that was tricky
-- Liane Moriarty -
What you ain't never understood is that I ain't got nothing, don't own nothing, ain't never really wanted nothing that wasn't for you. There ain't nothing as precious to me...There ain't nothing worth holding on to, money, dreams, nothing else--
-- Lorraine Hansberry -
Tom is the most eccentric person I have ever worked with. We get on very well and I am most impressed with how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand.
-- Louise Jameson -
Success is generally due to holding on, and failure to letting go.
-- Maltbie Davenport Babcock -
But the other notion is, we also believe that those folks closest on the ground that we're holding accountable for the results can decide, and ought to evaluate which programs get results.
-- Margaret Spellings -
I have heard it said that living out of our vision is more powerful than living out of our circumstance. Holding on to a vision invokes the circumstances by which the vision is achieved. Vision is content; material circumstances mere form.
-- Marianne Williamson -
I love doing scripted things. What little acting ability I have I am holding on with my hangnails.
-- Mario Cantone -
Republicans seems to me to be chiefly concerned with holding on to what they have: in society, it's position, or respectability, or what you will; in business, of course, it's profit.
-- Marya Mannes -
If we keep holding on to God, there is nothing to fear.
-- Mata Amritanandamayi -
We really feel happier when things look bleak. Hope is endurance. Hope is holding on and going on and trusting in the Lord.
-- Michael Novak -
Renewable ethanol represents a clear opportunity to grow a significant portion of our own fuel locally and begin to break the hold imported fuels have on us.
-- Mike May -
For us, holding on to religious rules, and following them, and refraining from what's forbidden, and being diligent with our duties, what do we call that? That's what we call freedom.
-- Muqtada al Sadr -
No, we don't walk away. But when we're holding on to something precious, we run. We run and run, fast as we can, and we don't stop running until we are out from under the shadow.
-- Neil Cross -
I can zero in on subtle things because I'm holding the camera.
-- Patrice Leconte -
In order to do great things, you must be unafraid to recreate yourself. You can't do that holding on to a glory from yesterday.
-- Pharrell Williams -
We have given most of Europe to Hitler. Let us try to hold on to what we have got left.
-- Pierre Laval -
When I watched Ellen come out in '97, my jaw was on the floor. I thought, There are some people who break the doors down, hold them open, and some people who walk right through.
-- Portia de Rossi -
Whatever you are holding onto in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.
-- Priscilla Shirer -
To get a hold on boys you must be their friend.
-- Robert Baden-Powell -
The entire universe is one whole, when you drop holding on to your limited boundaries, then what you gain is the entire universe.
-- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar -
Our suffering is caused by holding on to how things might have been, should have been, could have been.
-- Stephen Levine -
When he left, you spent all your energy holding on to him. You could be happy if you let go.
-- Stephenie Meyer -
Women saw everything, and they thought about everything. The result was wisdom. For men, this was a frightening state of affairs, which is why they insist on holding on to power.
-- Tamar Myers -
And maybe getting a grip and letting go are not so dissimilar, when the holding on or the letting go is all part of moving on-getting on with it. Getting on with the difficult and dizzying business of living.
-- Tim Wynne-Jones -
Nothing can drag you down if you're not holding on to it.
-- Tony Robbins -
I've become impossible, holding on to when everything seemed to matter more.
-- Trent Reznor -
Yeah, sometimes life really sucks," she says. "But you know what I'm holding on for?" I raise my eyebrows. She raises hers, too, mimicking me. "The moments that don't suck," she says. "The trick is to notice them when they come around.
-- Veronica Roth -
Do you know what would hold me together on a battlefield? The sense that I was perpetuating the language in which Keats and the rest of them wrote!
-- Wilfred Owen -
Holding on to hope when everything is dark, is the greatest test of faith
-- Yasmin Mogahed -
I'm constantly intimidated by Shakespeare's work. Trying to decipher what he's saying and holding on to that thought - not just as an actor, but as a human being - is a rigour.
-- Zoe Wanamaker -
The spiritual life is always about letting go. It is never about holding on.
-- Jesse Lee Peterson -
I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck
-- Bryan Lee O'Malley -
Holding on to expectations is often the source of unforgiving feelings.
-- Virginia H. Pearce