Evidence famous quotes
52 minutes ago
I have had so many evidences of [God's] direction, so many instances when I have been controlled by some other power than my own will, that I cannot doubt that this power comes from above.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Faith is not something that goes against the evidence, it goes beyond it. The evidence is saying to us, 'There is another country. There is something beyond mere reason'.
-- Alister E. McGrath -
Conservatives are more religious than liberals--although there is no evidence that they're nicer people because of it.
-- Andy Rooney -
There is nothing like first-hand evidence.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
The evidence indicates that woman is, on the whole, biologically superior to man.
-- Ashley Montagu -
The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you, even if, at first, you don't want to go there.
-- Bart D. Ehrman -
I don't see much evidence of an equity bubble,
-- Ben Bernanke -
When I started understanding how science works, it occurred to me that there just is no evidence that there is a God.
-- Ben Bova -
Most scientists never look at UFO evidence, which leads to their conclusion that there is no evidence...
-- Bernard Haisch -
In another couple centuries I'm sure that worldview won't even exist. There's no evidence for it.
-- Bill Nye -
Even now there is no evidence that anyone involved in the Nixon operation was going to threaten us.
-- Bob Woodward -
Tapes, as we all know, are very powerful evidence. Tapes that are altered are powerfully misleading.
-- Brendan Sullivan -
There's no evidence that vulnerabilty is weakness.
-- Brené Brown -
Experimental evidence is the final arbiter of right and wrong.
-- Brian Greene -
Oral myths are closer to the genetic conclusions than the often ambiguous scientific evidence of archaeology.
-- Bryan Sykes -
The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true.
-- Carl Rogers -
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
-- Carl Sagan -
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence
-- Carl Sagan -
The best evidence of the Bible's being the word of God is to be found between its covers. It proves itself.
-- Charles Hodge -
Post-Watergate morality, by which anything left private is taken as presumptive evidence of wrongdoing.
-- Charles Krauthammer -
Pain is life - the sharper, the more evidence of life.
-- Charles Lamb -
My music is evidence of my souls will to live.
-- Charles Mingus -
Not that our salvation should be the effect of our work, but our work should be the evidence of our salvation.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
Education, like faith, is the evidence of things not seen.
-- Charlotte Mason -
Let one persuade many, and he becomes confirmed and convinced, and cares for no better evidence.
-- Chauncey Wright -
The opinions of the misanthropical rest upon this very partial basis, that they adopt the bad faith of a few as evidence of the worthlessness of all.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
Faith is not belief in spite of evidence but a life in scorn of the consequences.
-- Clarence Jordan -
You know a great many things in dreams, often despite the evidence of your eyes. You just know them.
-- Cornelia Funke -
This is how proofiness works. The assertion is more important than the evidence itself.
-- David Corn -
...the incontrovertible evidence is that Hitler ordered on November 30, 1941, that there was to be 'no liquidation of the Jews.'
-- David Irving -
All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated.
-- David Ray Griffin -
The absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence
-- Donald Rumsfeld -
The investigators are gathering evidence all the time and they've put together a package of evidence.
-- Doug Graham -
evidence without ideas is more valuable than ideas without evidence.
-- E. C. R. Lorac -
I don't know what it is I'm doing. But it's not that. Despite all evidence to the contrary.
-- Edward Gorey -
The leading edge in evidence presentation is in science; the leading edge in beauty is in high art.
-- Edward Tufte -
Utterance is the evidence of foregone study.
-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning -
By all evidence we are in the world to do nothing.
-- Emile M. Cioran -
Indeed, I was unable to find any evidence whatsoever of the occurrence of a drastic evolutionary acceleration and genetic reconstruction in widespread, populous species.
-- Ernst Mayr -
All the evidence you need to prove God is waiting within you to be discovered.
-- Erwin McManus -
Whatever belief I am practicing the Law of Attraction will validate with evidence.
-- Esther Hicks -
Hope is not what we find in evidence, it's what we become in action.
-- Frances Moore Lappé -
What evidence do you have that you know Jesus?
-- Francis Chan -
It has yet to be shown by direct biochemical methods, as opposed to the indirect genetic evidence mentioned earlier, that the code is indeed a triplet code.
-- Francis Crick -
Mourning after an absent God is an evidence of a love as strong, as rejoicing in a present one.
-- Frederick William Robertson -
You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.' It's the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.
-- Gary Busey -
It is a sure evidence of a good book if it pleases us more and more as we grow older.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg -
I've never had a penny through oil deals and no one has produced a shred of evidence that I have
-- George Galloway -
Despite the documented evidence by chess historian HJR Murray, I've always thought that chess was invented by a goddess
-- George Koltanowski -
We do a disservice to society if we ignore the evidence which shows that stable families tend to be associated with better outcomes for children.
-- Iain Duncan Smith -
Until the seventeenth century there was no concept of evidence with which to pose the problem of induction!
-- Ian Hacking -
There has also been much love, joy, evidence of admiration, there has never been one without the other.
-- Isabelle Adjani -
Sin forsaken is one of the best evidences of sin forgiven.
-- J. C. Ryle -
Do you know what fear stands for? False Evidence Appearing Real.
-- Jake Gyllenhaal -
The evidence for human-made climate change is overwhelming.
-- James Hansen -
When it comes to believing things without actual evidence, we all incline to what we find most attractive.
-- James Hilton -
There is little evidence that our individual intelligence has improved through recorded history.
-- James Lovelock -
When you say, I don't know exactly what God is doing, but I know he's in control that's evidence you're trusting Him.
-- James MacDonald -
Science is a search for basic truths about the Universe, a search which develops statements that appear to describe how the Universe works, but which are subject to correction, revision, adjustment, or even outright rejection, upon the presentation of better or conflicting evidence.
-- James Randi -
No one knows what stocks will do tomorrow, but the evidence is clear as to how they'll perform over 10 or 20 years. They will almost certainly go up.
-- Jane Bryant Quinn -
I wasn't interested in holding onto the evidence of things.
-- Jim Hodges -
Hope is believing in spite of the evidence, and then watching the evidence change.
-- Jim Wallis -
I dont see, based on the evidence, economic and moral, that we can make it that much further.
-- Joel C. Rosenberg -
If the evidence says you're wrong, you don't have the right theory. You change the theory, not the evidence.
-- John Brunner -
I know pretty well what evidence is, and I tell you, such evidence as that for the resurrection has never broken down yet.
-- John Singleton Copley -
If they be principles evident of themselves, they need nothing to evidence them.
-- John Tillotson -
There is no surer evidence of an unconverted state than to have the things of the world uppermost in our aim, love, and estimation.
-- Joseph Alleine -
The serial arsonist is the most difficult to apprehend because the evidence is burned up.
-- Joseph Wambaugh -
You have to believe in yourself despite the evidence.
-- Kent Haruf -
The really important thing is learning how to sceptically question and rely on empirical evidence.
-- Lawrence M. Krauss -
The lack of understanding of something is not evidence for God. It's evidence of a lack of understanding.
-- Lawrence M. Krauss -
Faith is taking a step in the same direction that the evidence is pointing.
-- Lee Strobel -
Each man must reach his own verdict, by weighing all the relevant evidence.
-- Leonard Peikoff -
No evidence compels the conclusion that the minimum required intake of any vitamin comes close to the optimum intake that sustains good health.
-- Linus Pauling -
To be alive is sufficient evidence that we are needed in the world. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.
-- Margery Wilson -
Colour is, on the evidence of language alone, very bound up with the feelings.
-- Marion Milner -
This evidence is overwhelming at this point. You eat more plants, you eat less other stuff, you live longer.
-- Mark Bittman -
Dreams are evidence that we are creatures who produce more meaning than we can ourselves understand.
-- Mark Kingwell -
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
-- Martin Rees -
Remember: it's not clutter; it's the evidence of life.
-- Mary Randolph -
Words are just words. The evidence is in how you act, how you react.
-- Maya Banks -
History is what the evidence compels us to believe.
-- Michael Joseph Oakeshott -
Either the soul survives death or it does not, and there is no scientific evidence that it does.
-- Michael Shermer -
Did you ever read a love-letter that wasn't an evidence of idiocy - except your own?
-- Myrtle Reed -
Doctors most commonly get mixed up between absence of evidence and evidence of abense
-- Nassim Nicholas Taleb -
Obedience to God is the most infallible evidence of sincere and supreme love to him.
-- Nathanael Emmons -
Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything.
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson -
If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.
-- Neville Goddard -
.. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real.
-- Nick Vujicic -
Everywhere I go I see increasing evidence of people swirling about in a human cesspit of their own making.
-- Norman Angell