Duty famous quotes
George VI in the conventional parlance was a Good King who sacrificed his life to his sense of duty. If we are to have monarchs it would be hard to find a better one.
-- A. J. P. Taylor -
The first duty of a revolutionist is to get away with it. The second duty is to eat breakfast. I ain't going.
-- Abbie Hoffman -
To be good, and do good, is the whole duty of man comprised in a few words.
-- Abigail Adams -
I shall not do more than I can, and I shall do all I can to save the government, which is my sworn duty as well as my personal inclination. I shall do nothing in malice. What I deal with is too vast for malicious dealing.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
I hope it will not be irreverent in me to say, that if it be probable that God would reveal his will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me
-- Abraham Lincoln -
The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Deeply consider that it is your duty and interest to read the Holy Scriptures.
-- Adam Clarke -
One reads for pleasure...it is not a public duty.
-- Alan Bennett -
The last duty of a central banker is to tell the public the truth.
-- Alan Blinder -
Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn
-- Albert Einstein -
I have thought it my duty to exhibit things as they are, not as they ought to be.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
happiness is a duty, not only because of its effect upon us but because of its influence upon others.
-- Alice Hegan Rice -
Love likes to extend itself. If you receive it in a book - or however you get it - then your duty is to extend it beyond.
-- Alice Walker -
To recognize that some of the things our culture believes are not true imposes on us the duty of finding out which are true and which are not.
-- Allan Bloom -
It is your duty in life to save your dream.
-- Amedeo Modigliani -
I hold it the duty of the executive to insist upon frugality in the expenditure, and a sparing economy is itself a great national source.
-- Andrew Johnson -
I feel incompetent to perform duties...which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me.
-- Andrew Johnson -
I was in Moldova airport and I went into the duty-free shop - and there wasn't a duty-free shop.
-- Andy Gray -
I will always recommend Goodwin & Thyne Properties to all my friends and business associates, thank you for going over and beyond the call of duty!
-- Andy Romano -
Reading is not a duty, and has consequently no business to be made disagreeable.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
There are some women who are flirts upon principle; they consider it their duty to make themselves as pleasing as possible to every one.
-- Antoine Rivarol -
The duty of a historian is simply to understand and then convey that understanding, no more than that.
-- Antony Beevor -
If you have any power at all from being popular, then you have a duty to help people out.
-- Arabella Weir -
The times are squalid. They always were. It is a poet's duty to hold the line.
-- Basil Bunting -
People have a right to have their lives witnessed; if we coexist with the systems that abuse people, then we have a duty to understand.
-- Beeban Kidron -
The risk to be percieved defines the duty to be obeyed.
-- Benjamin Cardozo -
My whole religion is this: do every duty, and expect no reward for it, either here or hereafter.
-- Bertrand Russell -
We are not here in this world to drift like seaweed. Whatever intelligence we have, it is our duty to drive to the utmost.
-- Blanche Willis Howard -
The citizens must be certain that the governor is attending to the duties for which he was elected.
-- Bob McDonnell -
I engaged upon those activities because I believed that, in the dangerous circumstances which have been created in South Africa, it was my duty to do so.
-- Bram Fischer -
My business is to obey when the Lord commands, and this is the duty of all mankind.
-- Brigham Young -
A lawyer's duty is to read the law well himself, then tell the people what it is, and let them act upon it.
-- Brigham Young -
To mind your own business incorporates the whole duty of man.
-- Brigham Young -
Remain at your post and do your duty - for the glory of God and His kingdom.
-- Charles Colson -
TO fear God, is one of the first and greatest Duties of his rational Creatures.
-- Charles Inglis -
Duty--the command of heaven, the eldest voice of God.
-- Charles Kingsley -
When we can say no not only to things that are wrong and sinful, but also to things pleasant, profitable, and good which would hinder and clog our grand duties and our chief work, we shall understand more fully what life is worth, and how to make the most of it.
-- Charles Warren Stoddard -
It's our duty to get them the things they need when they need it. And it's not happening.
-- Charlie Melancon -
The one predominant duty is to find one's work and do it.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman -
What a fearful object a long-neglected duty gets to be
-- Chauncey Wright -
It is our duty to make this world a better place for women.
-- Christabel Pankhurst -
Happy the man who knows his duties!
-- Christian Furchtegott Gellert -
Do not forget duty. But choose love when you can.
-- Cinda Williams Chima -
duty, the most indecent of all obsessions, was only another name for love.
-- Colleen McCullough -
It is not only our right as members of the global human family to protest when our brothers and sisters are being treated brutally, but it is also our duty to do whatever we can to hep them.
-- Dalai Lama -
It is one of the noblest duties of a university to advance knowledge, and to diffuse it not merely among those who can attend the daily lectures—but far and wide.
-- Daniel Coit Gilman -
You don't have a right to vote, you've got a duty of vote.
-- David Barton -
I feel it's a person's duty to participate in the governing of the country in which he lives.
-- David McCallum -
Do your duty that is best; leave unto the Lord the rest.
-- David O. McKay -
I got put on jury duty, which is where I learned how to write.
-- David O. Russell -
Take no duty of the Guard lightly. Friends must not be enemies Just as enemies must not be friends. Discerning the two is a life's work.
-- David Petersen -
My duty is not affected by what others may or may not do to discharge their own.
-- David Weber -
Courage is doing your duty in the face of fear.
-- Dennis Rainey -
Ever notice that the whisper of temptation can be heard farther than the loudest call to duty.
-- Earl Wilson -
It was the difference between walking with a stranger and walking with your heartmate. It was the difference between working for duty and working for love.
-- Edith Pattou -
No Georgian has the right to evade or neglect his duties and responsibilities.
-- Eduard Shevardnadze -
A genius is always on duty; even his dreams are tax deductible.
-- Edward Abbey -
It is the duty of each one of us to be a holy woman. We shall have elevated aims, if we are holy women.
-- Eliza R. Snow -
Love is the only duty that we know ...
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox -
Not observation of a duty but liberty itself is the pledge that assures fidelity.
-- Ellen Key -
We do not choose our own parts in life, and have nothing to do with those parts. Our duty is confined to playing them well.
-- Epictetus -
It's my duty as a human being to be pissed off
-- Eric Bogosian -
Our duty as storytellers is to bring people to the station. There each person will choose his or her own train...But we must at least take them to the station...to a point of departure.
-- Federico Fellini -
To inform, and, therefore to reconnoitre , this is the first and constant duty of the advanced guard.
-- Ferdinand Foch -
The duty of a good Cuisinier is to transmit to the next generation everything he has learned and experienced.
-- Fernand Point -
Against destiny I fulfilled my duty. Uselessly? No, for I fulfilled it.
-- Fernando Pessoa -
I’m not attached to anything. I’m attached to what it feels it's my duty, to do my duty. I think that I will die with the boots on.
-- Fidel Castro -
My conscience is clear. I was simply doing my duty ..
-- Franz Stangl -
If the duties before us be not noble, let us ennoble them by doing them in a noble spirit; we become reconciled to life if we live in the spirit of Him who reconciled the life of God with the lowly duties of servants.
-- Frederick William Robertson -
Alas! When duty grows thy law, enjoyment fades away.
-- Friedrich Schiller -
The great happiness of life, I find, after all, to consist in the regular discharge of some mechanical duty.
-- Friedrich Schiller -
Public toilets have a duty to be accessible, poetry does not.
-- Geoffrey Hill -
You know I have duties──we both have duties──before which feeling must be sacrificed.
-- George Eliot -
Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity.
-- George Meredith -
A sahib has got to act like a sahib; he has got to appear resolute, to know his own mind and do definite things.
-- George Orwell -
Do your duty as you see it, and damn the consequences.
-- George S. Patton -
If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself.
-- George S. Patton -
Do your duty as an American, and as a citizen of the galaxy... Vote!
-- George Takei -
No nation ought to keep a navy larger than is necessary to do police duty.
-- George W. Norris -
To me, the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency were not prizes to be won, but a duty to be done.
-- Gerald R. Ford -
A common currency imposes on us a duty to cooperate more on policy.
-- Gerhard -
What is the most important duty? One's duty toward one's parent.
-- Giuseppe Mazzini -
Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility
-- Grant Cardone -
It is not my duty to spend my money in my country, but it is what I want to do. There is nowhere else I would like to invest.
-- Haile Gebrselassie -
It is the duty of Her Majesty's government neither to flap nor to falter.
-- Harold MacMillan -
Force is the duty of the state, not Hizbullah.
-- Hassan Nasrallah -
Women were freed from positive duties when they could not perform them, but not when they could.
-- Henrietta Szold -
As a historian, he felt it his duty to respect everything that had ever been respected, except for the occasional statesman.
-- Henry Adams -
Every duty, even the least duty, involves the whole principle of obedience.
-- Henry Edward Manning -
Of my death, tell them i have done my duty
-- Henry Joy McCracken -
A deliberate rejection of duty prescribed by already recognized truth cannot but destroy, or at least impair most seriously the clearness of our mental vision.
-- Henry Parry Liddon