Possession famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
No human being, even the most passionately loved and passionately loving, is ever in our possession.
-- Albert Camus -
Each possession I own is but a stone around my neck.
-- Albert Einstein -
To have read the greatest works of any great poet, to have beheld or heard the greatest works of any great painter or musician, is a possession added to the best things of life.
-- Algernon Charles Swinburne -
Understand that the only possession of any value is life.
-- Andre Gide -
We have no money. We have no possessions. Maybe that is why we value the things we do have ... loyalty and friendship.
-- Anthony Horowitz -
the possession of power brings on madness.
-- Ariana Franklin -
It is not the possessions but the desires of mankind which require to be equalized.
-- Aristotle -
There are men whom you will never dislodge from an opinion, except by taking possession of it yourself.
-- Augustus William Hare -
For you have in your possession a sacred trust. Guard it well.
-- B. J. Palmer -
Italy offers one the most priceless of all one's possessions - one's own soul.
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
Nine-tenths of human law is about possession.
-- Barbara Kingsolver -
Cares that have entered once in the breast, will have whole possession of the rest.
-- Ben Jonson -
Money is power, and rare are the heads that can withstand the possession of great power.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
We have learned by now that our beauty does not count as a possession. The only thing we truly own is our legend.
-- Bennett Madison -
There is one possession that can never be taken away as long as you will not allow it to be taken, and that is your word.
-- Bill Courtney -
Possessions are a way of turning money into problems.
-- Brian Eno -
The greatest possession we have costs nothing; it's known as love....
-- Brian Jett -
It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.
-- Carl Friedrich Gauss -
The use of our possessions shows us up for what we actually are.
-- Charles Caldwell Ryrie -
Possession means to sit astride the world Instead of having it astride of you.
-- Charles Kingsley -
What a child digs for becomes his own possession,
-- Charlotte Mason -
Our children are the only possessions we can take to heaven.
-- Croft M. Pentz -
Our possessions don't own us any more, because we don't possess them.
-- Dan Davis -
If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of communication, for by it I would soon regain all the rest
-- Daniel Webster -
This avidity alone, of acquiring goods and possessions for ourselves and our nearest friends, is insatiable, perpetual, universal, and directly destructive of society.
-- David Hume -
Gospel possession requires gospel proclamation.
-- David Platt -
A road that perhaps more than any other leads to self atrophy is undedicated money.
-- E. Stanley Jones -
Sin is basically a denial of God's right of possession.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
Possession naturally abates the Vigour of Desire ...
-- Eliza Haywood -
We are made loveless by our possessions.
-- Elizabeth of Hungary -
A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs.
-- Epicurus -
Memory is the most transient of all possessions. And when it goes, it leaves as few traces as stars that have disappeared.
-- Erica Jong -
The greatest possession is Self-possession.
-- Ethel Mumford -
The use of riches is better than their possession.
-- Fernando de Rojas -
The goods we spend we keep; and what we save We lose; and only what we lose we have.
-- Francis Quarles -
I don't have many possessions, apart from my books.
-- Gary Shteyngart -
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
-- George Carlin -
One of the very best of all earthly possessions is self-possession.
-- George D. Prentice -
The possession of power over others is inherently destructive both to the possessor of the power and to those over whom it is exercised.
-- George Davis Herron -
Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity.
-- George Meredith -
Many possessions, if they do not make a man better, are at least expected to make his children happier; and this pathetic hope is behind many exertions.
-- George Santayana -
Expectation ... quickens desire, while possession deadens it.
-- Hannah More -
Life is not a possession to be defended, but a gift to be shared.
-- Henri Nouwen -
The value of a thing is the amount of laboring or work that its possession will save the possessor.
-- Henry George -
Women are happy to possess a man whom all women covet.
-- Honore de Balzac -
All our possessions are as nothing compared to health, strength, and a clear conscience.
-- Hosea Ballou -
Of all our possessions, wisdom alone is imortal.
-- Isocrates -
You can never love anyone to your own detriment. That is not love, that is possession, control, fear, or a combination of them all.
-- Iyanla Vanzant -
Naked we came upon earth, and naked we go forth, and of all our possessions, we can carry nothing with us.
-- J. C. Ryle -
I find all this money a considerable burden.
-- J. Paul Getty -
The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
-- Jackie Robinson -
The possession of great powers no doubt carries with it a comtempt for mere external show
-- James A. Garfield -
Men are not great or small because of their material possessions. They are great or small because of what they are.
-- James Cash Penney -
Nothing's really a prized possession except my family, you know?
-- James Hetfield -
we never know the blessings bestowed on us until we are separated from the possession of them.
-- Jane Porter -
If you play on possession, you don't have to defend, because there's only one ball
-- Johan Cruijff -
Property monopolized or in the possession of a few is a curse to mankind.
-- John Adams -
Humility, in its turn, can be achieved only through faith, fear of God, gentleness and the shedding of all possessions.
-- John Cassian -
Our greatest illusion is reliance upon the security and permanence of material possessions. We must search for some other coin.
-- John Cudahy -
After it is all over, the religion of man is his most important possession.
-- John D. Rockefeller -
What we enjoy, not what we possess, is ours, and in labouring for the possession of many things, we lose the power to enjoy the best.
-- John Lancaster Spalding -
Abundance consists not alone in material possession, but in an uncovetous spirit.
-- John Selden -
Possession, they say, is eleven points of the law.
-- Jonathan Swift -
Happiness is the perpetual possession of being well deceived.
-- Jonathan Swift -
I don't know much about football but everyone seems to say that it is all about possession.
-- Julie Harris -
Peace is only possible if men cease to place their happiness in the possession of things which cannot be shared.
-- Julien Benda -
An incurable itch for scribbling takes possession of many, and grows inveterate in their insane breasts.
-- Juvenal -
Most men have always wanted as much as they could get; and possession has always blunted the fine edge of their altruism.
-- Katharine Fullerton Gerould -
Once he had taken hold, he did not let go. It was not a handshake, it was a possession.
-- Lisa Kleypas -
Reason is so unreasonable, that few people can say they are in possession of it.
-- Lord Byron -
Words are most malignant, the most treacherous possession of mankind. They are saturated with the sorrows of all time.
-- Louis Sullivan -
People who know their worth can live austerely; it's the people nagged by the gnawing knowledge of their own cheapness who have that eternal necessity for submerging themselves in what they feel is superlative in material things, as if fine possessions could make them fine.
-- Mabel Seeley -
Desire makes everything blossom; possession makes everything wither and fade.
-- Marcel Proust -
What is dishonestly got vanishes in profligacy.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Freedom' is the most expensive possession there is; it has to be paid for with loneliness.
-- Martha Gellhorn -
It was said of Miss Letitia that when money came into her possession it went out of circulation.
-- Mary Roberts Rinehart -
Peace is truly the complete and undisturbed possession of what is desired.
-- Maximus the Confessor -
She will remain sane and she will live as she was meant to live, richly and deeply, among others of her kind, in full possession and command of her gifts.
-- Michael Cunningham -
I refuse to pronounce the names of possession and nonpossession.
-- Monique Wittig -
Some possessions are like old friends, and you never want to abandon an old friend.
-- Nina Campbell -
I hate jealousy, I hate possessiveness. I'm nobody's possession.
-- Olga Kurylenko -
The disciple is rich not in possessions, but in personal identity.
-- Oswald Chambers -
The possession of a perfect knowledge of your business is an absolute necessity in order to insure success.
-- P. T. Barnum -
I didn't like anyone except me having their hands all over him. There had been possession in Wolf's touch, and Adam belonged to me.
-- Patricia Briggs -
Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens.
-- Peace Pilgrim -
Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.
-- Pericles -
We are aware that the conductor is not really making the music, it is making him -- if he is relaxed, open and attuned, then the invisible will take possession of him; through him, it will reach us.
-- Peter Brook -
Nobody can fight properly and boldly for the faith if he clings to a fear of being stripped of earthly possessions.
-- Peter Damian -
The possessions of the rich are stolen property.
-- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon -
Simplicity is the only thing that sufficiently reorients our lives so that possessions can be genuinely enjoyed without destroying us.
-- Richard J. Foster -
My disenchantment? Oh no, my dear, there are no disenchantments, merely progressions and styles of possession. To exist is to be spellbound.
-- Robert Coover -
Clutter is what happens to things when they become useless but friendly.
-- Russell Lynes -
Good character is property. It is the noblest of all possessions.
-- Samuel Smiles