Strive famous quotes
Let us strive on to finish the work we are in.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
Scorn also to depress thy competitor by any dishonest or unworthy method; strive to raise thyself above him only by excelling him; so shall thy contest for superiority be crowned with honour, if not with success.
-- Akhenaton -
I'm constantly striving to break through to something new. You try to maintain a neutral approach to your work, and not be too hard on yourself.
-- Al Pacino -
A brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer.
-- Al Ries -
After 40 (old age for most of man's history), one should strive to be more or less packed and ready to go were the end call to come.
-- Alain de Botton -
When men are ruled by fear, they strive to prevent the very changes that will abate it.
-- Alan Paton -
The effort to strive for truth has to precede all other efforts.
-- Albert Einstein -
Striving for social justice is the most valuable thing to do in life.
-- Albert Einstein -
The blues is not the creation of a crushed-spirited people. It is the product of a forward-looking, upward-striving people.
-- Albert Murray -
The artist should strive to express his thought and not the surface of it.
-- Albert Pinkham Ryder -
Strive to make something of yourself, then strive to make the most of yourself.
-- Alexander Crummell -
Without any doubt, I am striving for power.
-- Alexei Navalny -
To be challenged means to strive. I'm almost certain that's true.
-- Alfred Molina -
In whatever you do, strive to be the best at it.
-- Aliko Dangote -
Our immediate striving must be aimed at preventing what, in the present situation, is the greatest threat to the very survival of mankind, the nuclear threat.
-- Alva Myrdal -
Life is so much more rewarding if you strive for something, rather than take what's given to you on a plate.
-- Amy Winehouse -
Success doesn't always come in the form of a trophy. Keep striving for success.
-- Andre Agassi -
The true painter strives to paint what can only be seen through his world.
-- Andre Malraux -
And that destination for which we should strive is one of a successful life not necessarily a life of success.
-- Andy Andrews -
Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you.
-- Angela Merici -
Nothing good ever happens by itself - it is achieved through striving, though this sometimes bears a high price.
-- Antonio Munoz Molina -
I was striving to be the most muscular man, and it got me into the movies. It got me everything that I have.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
You go back to the gym and you just do it again and again until you get it right.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
Thou shalt not kill; but needst not strive officiously to keep alive.
-- Arthur Hugh Clough -
Man is never happy, but spends his whole life in striving after something which he thinks will make him so.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
It is a fine art because it strives for an ideal, not only in plastic but also in lyrical respect.
-- August Bournonville -
As we strive to teach others we must have the humility to acknowledge that we too still have much to learn.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
Do to your capacity. Always strive to extend your capacity. Ten minutes today, after a few days, twelve minutes. Master that, then again extend.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
The body expresses our very being. The striving for beauty is inborn among the Aryan.
-- Baldur von Schirach -
I strive to be brief, and I become obscure.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Whatever you do,strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.
-- Benjamin E. Mays -
Only he is free who cultivates his own thoughts and strives without fear to do justice to them.
-- Berthold Auerbach -
Strive to find things to be thankful for and just look for the good in who you are!
-- Bethany Hamilton -
Strive for simplicity. You never have to fix what you leave out.
-- Bill Lear -
Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.
-- Billy Graham -
Romance is mush, stifling those who strive.
-- Billy Strayhorn -
Cultural variety is always worth striving for, but must never precede the declaration of human rights.
-- Bjorn Ulvaeus -
Don't strive for perfection. It doesn't exist. Strive for a better you. That's always in reach.
-- Brett Hoebel -
Set excellent performance as your standard and strive to achieve it each day
-- Brian Tracy -
In handling resources, strive to avoid disaster rather than to attain an optimum.
-- Butler Lampson -
The organism has one basic tendency and striving - to actualize, maintain, and enhance the experiencing organism
-- Carl Rogers -
I am more fond of achieving than striving. My theories must prove to be facts or be discarded as worthless. My efforts must soon be crowned with success, or discontinued.
-- Carolyn Wells -
I encourage everybody and challenge everybody to strive towards their goals. . . . There will be ups and there will be downs, but just keep working towards them and don't let anybody tell you that you can't do it.
-- Catriona Le May Doan -
On course doesn't mean perfect. On course means that even when things don't go perfectly - you are still going in the right direction.
-- Charles Garfield -
You're always striving to play that perfect match.
-- Chris Evert -
In my writing, I strive for a lyrical beauty somewhere between Tolkien at his best and Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf
-- Christopher Paolini -
But with trust we can strive to accept even what we cannot understand.
-- Christopher Ryan -
Yes, I do strive to be someone young women can look up to.
-- Chyler Leigh -
In order to grow, you must learn to let go and strive toward something greater.
-- Darren Johnson -
Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself; not what's leftover after you have given your best to everyone else.
-- Dave Willis -
Greatness is a life mission being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best that you can and bringing out the best in others
-- Dominick Cruz -
We should all strive to be extraordinary, and that starts with a focus on our own capabilities instead of those of our opponents.
-- Don Yaeger -
We should continually be striving to transform every art into a science: in the process, we advance the art.
-- Donald Knuth -
In a battery, I strive to maximize electrical potential. When mentoring, I strive to maximize human potential.
-- Donald Sadoway -
Hold on to your dreams of a better life and stay committed to striving to realize it.
-- Earl G. Graves, Sr. -
Immortality is not a gift, Immortality is an achievement; And only those who strive mightily Shall possess it.
-- Edgar Lee Masters -
There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomenon, only very large gaps in our knowledge of what is natural... we should strive to fill those gaps of ignorance.
-- Edgar Mitchell -
And he that strives to touch the stars Oft stumbles at a straw.
-- Edmund Spenser -
Those that were up themselves, kept others low; Those that were low themselves, held others hard; He suffered them to ryse or greater grow; But every one did strive his fellow down to throw.
-- Edmund Spenser -
In the future, instead of striving to be right at a high cost, it will be more appropriate to be flexible and plural at a lower cost. If you cannot accurately predict the future then you must flexibly be prepared to deal with various possible futures.
-- Edward de Bono -
Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.
-- Elon Musk -
A society that refuses to strive for superfluities is likely to end up lacking in necessities.
-- Eric Hoffer -
God alone is satisfied with what He is and can proclaim: "I am what I am." Unlike God, man strives with all his might to be what he is not. He incessantly proclaims: "I am what I am not.
-- Eric Hoffer -
The stages of human development are to strive for:(1) Besitz [Possession](2) Wissen [Knowledge](3) Können [Ability](4) Sein [Being
-- Erwin Schrodinger -
The light always shows on the outside if you are striving to be good on the inside.
-- Erykah Badu -
We don't only invent God; we also discover God. Looking at the creation, we strive to deduce the nature of the creator. We take familiar images of power and expand them until they become big enough to encompass the divine.
-- Forrest Church -
It is the duty of every one to strive to gain and deserve a good reputation.
-- Francis Atterbury -
Each season I strive to design a forward-thinking and effortless collection with a very clean minimalist aesthetic.
-- Francisco Costa -
We strive to form a single national front against the Judeo-Masonic lodges, against Moscow and the Marxist societies.
-- Francisco Franco -
Perfection's awesome... So I strive for it every day.
-- Frank Mir -
I don't know if I'm striving for anything that I can put into words.
-- Fred Frith -
Art strives for structure, and aspires for magnificence.
-- George Bellows -
In this life we get only those things for which we hunt, for which we strive, and for which we are willing to sacrifice.
-- George Matthew Adams -
Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.
-- George Whitefield -
What we were striving for was a kind of modified form of communism.
-- Harold L. Ickes -
Integrity is not something that grownups have and adolescents can aspire to. Integrity is something that all of us, at all ages, are constantly striving for.
-- Harold S. Kushner -
If we are striving, if we are working, if we are trying, to the best of our ability, to improve day by day, then we are in the line of our duty.
-- Heber J. Grant -
If you have God's presence, you have favor. One minute of God's presence can accomplish more than 20 years of your striving.
-- Heidi Baker -
I strive for an architecture from which nothing can be taken away.
-- Helmut Jahn -
Strive always to improve the instrument.
-- Henry E. Steinway -
Ultimately, each transnational firm strives for its own advantage, and is supported in that effort by the state power wherein it resides, or at least where its main shareholders are domiciled.
-- Herbert Schiller -
While love ceaselessly strives toward that which lies at the hiddenmost center, hatred only perceives the topmost surface . . .
-- Hermann Broch -
In a place where there are no humans, one must strive to be human.
-- Hillel the Elder -
It is not possible to fight beyond your strength, even if you strive.
-- Homer -
I've been through a lot of things in my personal and family life. That turned me into a fighter. I always strive to be the best I possibly can.
-- Hope Solo -
Nothing is difficult to mortals; we strive to reach heaven itself in our folly. [Lat., Nil mortalibus arduum est; Coelum ipsum petimus stultitia.]
-- Horace -
All you can do as an artist is just strive to make the best record you can and ride the rollercoaster as it goes up and down.
-- Howie Dorough -
People striving for approval from others become phony.
-- Ichiro Suzuki -
Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture.
-- J. C. Ryle -
Let us daily strive to copy our Saviour's humility.
-- J. C. Ryle -
The worst thing that can happen to you is not striving for what you want.
-- Jake Steinfeld -
Stay curious, keep learning and keep growing. And always strive to be more interested than interesting.
-- Jane Fonda -
Civility is perhaps a quaint notion but civility in Parliament is something we should always strive to uphold.
-- Jay Weatherill