Baltasar Gracian famous quotes
Dreams will get you nowhere, a good kick in the pants will take you a long way.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is better to sleep on things beforehand than lie awake about them afterwards.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Always leave something to wish for; otherwise you will be miserable from your very happiness.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Don't take the wrong side of an argument just because your opponent has taken the right side.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A beautiful woman should break her mirror early.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Put yourself on view. This brings your talents to light.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Know how to ask. There is nothing more difficult for some people, nor for others, easier.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Little said is soon amended. There is always time to add a word, never to withdraw one.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
There is none who cannot teach somebody something, and there is none so excellent but he is excelled.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Things do not pass for what they are, but for what they seem. Most things are judged by their jackets.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
He that has satisfied his thirst turns his back on the well.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Work is the price which is paid for reputation.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Quit while you're ahead. All the best gamblers do.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
There is no wilderness like a life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes; it is a unique remedy against adversity, and it soothes the soul.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
We have more days to live through than pleasures. Be slow in enjoyment, quick at work, for men see work ended with pleasure, pleasure ended with regret.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Make your friends your teachers and mingle the pleasures of conversation with the advantages of instruction.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Sometimes it proves the highest understanding not to understand.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Begin with another's to end with your own.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Nothing arouses ambition so much in the heart as the trumpet-clang of another's fame.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The sole advantage of power is that you can do more good.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Hope has a good memory, gratitude a bad one.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is good to vary in order that you may frustrate the curious, especially those who envy you.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The wise does at once what the fool does at last.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A man of honour should never forget what he is because he sees what others are.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck even while waiting for it.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Possession hinders enjoyment. It merely gives you the right to keep things for or from others, and thus you gain more enemies than friends.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
He who laughs at everything is as big a fool as he who weeps at everything.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
He who puts off nothing till tomorrow has done a great deal.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
What the multitude says, is so, or soon will be so.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
To keep is more important than to make friends.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Tis by no means the least of life's rules: To let things alone.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Truth always lags behind, limping along on the arm of Time.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is more offensive to outshine in dignity than in personal attractions.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Knowledge and courage take turns at greatness.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A man is judged by his friends, for the wise and the foolish have never agreed.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
A gilded No is more satisfactory than a dry Yes.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The path to greatness is along with others.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Self-reflection is the school of wisdom.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Chance has something to say in everything, even how to write a good letter
-- Baltasar Gracian -
You can cultivate taste, as you can the intellect. Full understanding whets the appetite and desire, and, later, sharpens the enjoyment of possession.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The greatest wisdom often consist in ignorance.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
The hossanas of the multitude can never bring satisfaction to the discerning. Yet there exist those chamaleons of popularity who find their joy, not in the sweet breath of Apollo, but in the smell of the crowd. And not in mind: Do not be taken in by what are miracles to the populace, for the ignorant do not rise above marveling. Thus the stupidity of a crowd is lost in admiration, even as the brain of an individual uncovers the trick.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Do not be held a cheat, even though it is impossible to live today without being one. Let your greatest cunning lie in covering up what looks like cunning.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Fortunate people often have very favorable beginnings and very tragic endings. What matters isn't being applauded when you arrive - for that is common - but being missed when you leave.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is impossible to live without brains, either one's own or borrowed.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
At twenty a man is a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a serpent, at sixty a dog, at seventy an ape, at eighty a nothing at all.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Knowledge without wisdom is double folly.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Share weight and woe, for misfortune falls with double force on him that stands alone.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is a great deed to leave nothing for tomorrow.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Beauty and folly are generally companions.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Nature scarcely ever gives us the very best; for that we must have recourse to art.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
To oblige persons often costs little and helps much.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
To be at ease is better than to be at business. Nothing really belongs to us but time, which even he has who has nothing else.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
One must pass through the circumference of time before arriving at the center of opportunity.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
I strive to be brief, and I become obscure.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Evil report carries further than any applause.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Those who insist on the dignity of their office show they have not deserved it.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Let him that hath no power of patience retire within himself, though even there he will have to put up with himself.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
It is better to have too much courtesy than too little, provided you are not equally courteous to all, for that would be injustice.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
Even knowledge has to be in the fashion, and where it is not, it is wise to affect ignorance.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
He that communicates his secret to another makes himself that other's slave.
-- Baltasar Gracian
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