Live For Today famous quotes
Awake! thou that sleepest, arise from the dead! The Lord still lives today. His power has never abated. His Word has never changed. The things He did in Bible days, He still lives to do today. Not a burden is there He cannot bear nor a fetter He cannot break.
-- Aimee Semple McPherson -
We have a planetary emergency. We have to find a way to create, in the generation of those alive today, a sense of generational mission.
-- Al Gore -
You are alive today, and no matter what your condition, make a mark here and now. Opportunity is at every moment, seizing it is pleasure.
-- Angelo Sotira -
The sensibilities and the emotions of Muslims must be taken into consideration in the context in which we live today.
-- Anjem Choudary -
Every individual alive today, even the very highest, is to be derived in an unbroken line from the first and lowest forms.
-- August Weismann -
I'm gonna live today like this is my last day.. :)
-- Avril Lavigne -
Do not be held a cheat, even though it is impossible to live today without being one. Let your greatest cunning lie in covering up what looks like cunning.
-- Baltasar Gracian -
If OJ Simpson did not have a handgun, Nicole and Ron would still be alive today.
-- Bob Costas -
If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.
-- Bob Costas -
If Jesus were alive today, He would be a guerrillero.
-- Camilo Torres Restrepo -
Yesterday's History. Tomorrow's a Mystery. So live for today.
-- Carroll Shelby -
You suffer as an actor. It's difficult to be an actor and live a good life, especially today.
-- Catherine Deneuve -
Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
-- Dale Carnegie -
Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today.
-- David Bohm -
But, on the other hand, if Schubert were alive today, he would find even richer fields to plow.
-- Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau -
How you live today has the potential to impact all eternity.
-- Dillon Burroughs -
Live today the way you want to be remembered tomorrow.
-- Dillon Burroughs -
Somehow I suspect that if Shakespeare were alive today, he might be a jazz fan himself.
-- Duke Ellington -
Yesterday is but a memory, Tomorrow an uncharted course, So live today so it will be a memory without remorse.
-- Edgar Cayce -
Even 51 per cent of a nation can establish a totalitarian and dictatorial règime, suppress minorities, and still remain democratic; there is, as we have said, little doubt that the American Congress and the French Chambre have a power over their respective nations which would rouse the envy of a Louis XIV or a George III were they alive today.
-- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn -
We live in a time today where we face fierce global competition.
-- Erskine Bowles -
Enjoy yourself, drink, call the life you live today your own; but only that, the rest belongs to chance.
-- Euripides -
I love those who do not know how to live for today.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
I think there's an enormous value to being negative. The world we live in today, negativity is not permitted.
-- Godfrey Reggio -
Live today as if you were going to live forever, for you surely shall.
-- Gordon B. Hinckley -
We live in a world where everything is connected. We can not longer think in terms of us and them when it comes to the consequences of the way we live. Today it's all about WE.
-- Gregg Braden -
All poets and story tellers alive today make a single brotherhood; they are engaged in a single work, picturing our human life. Whoever pictures life as he sees it, reassembles in his own way the details of existence which affect him deeply, and so creates a spiritual world of his own.
-- Haniel Long -
A lot of our entertainment throws into detail the stagnation and illness of how we live today-it's sad and it's sick... and it's profitable.
-- Heather Donahue -
We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker's dam is the history we make today.
-- Henry Ford -
If the Wright brother were alive today Wilbur would have to fire Orville to reduce costs.
-- Herb Kelleher -
Leuconoe, close the book of fate, For troubles are in store, . . . . Live today, tomorrow is not.
-- Horace -
Most people understand life expectancy has changed since Social Security started in 1937 when folks lived to be 59 years old. Today, they live to be 77 years old.
-- Jack Kingston -
When I see the cultural diversity that exists today, I feel that we must defend it, and we need Europe, because otherwise we are going to live in a society with a single model, the Anglo-American model.
-- Jean-Pierre Raffarin -
The only certainty is that we never know what tomorrow holds. We live for today, life is short, so let's enjoy it together while we can.
-- Jinxx -
If Franz Kafka were alive today he'd be writing about customer service.
-- Jonathan Alter -
It is on this beautiful day that we celebrate the Fuhrers birthday and thank him for he is the only reason why Germany is still alive today
-- Joseph Goebbels -
We shouldn't just live for today; we should prepare for tomorrow.
-- Kent Conrad -
There are more slaves alive today than all the people stolen from Africa in the time of the transatlantic slave trade. Put another way, today's slave population is greater than the population of Canada, and six times greater than the population of Israel.
-- Kevin Bales -
I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.
-- Louise Hay -
It's expensive to keep communism alive today. I've already got a huge foreign debt staring me in the face, and I can't reduce it by exporting tomatoes or toilet paper. We should be making dollars any way we can. And we should be exporting arms any way and every way, openly and secretly, legally or by smuggling, I don't care how.
-- Nicolae Ceausescu -
We live in a society today where these children can be wanted children. Even if you don't want to keep this child after you've had it, there's plenty of young couples out there, that want children.
-- Norma McCorvey -
In the past, I always used to be looking for answers. Today, I know there are only questions. So I just live.
-- Sarah Brightman -
If my father was alive today, he would have fought for Kurdish rights
-- Aleida Guevara -
Evolutionary biologists often appeal to parsimony when they seek to explain why organisms "match" with respect to a given trait. For example, why do almost all the organisms that are alive today on our planet use the same genetic code? If they share a common ancestor, the code could have evolved just once and then been inherited from the most recent common ancestor that present organisms share. On the other hand, if organisms in different species share no common ancestors, the code must have evolved repeatedly.
-- Elliott Sober -
It's a miracle that David Bowie, Lou Reed and Iggy Pop are actually still alive today, given how hard they lived.
-- Mick Rock -
I have to stay positive and live for today and tomorrow.
-- Richard Patrick -
I still live today with my mom sending me, you know, Hebrew Scriptures or phrases or celebrating.
-- Trevor Noah -
Over 95% of the designers who have ever lived are alive today. Together, we have the power to define what professionalism in the communications industry will be about: helping increase market share or helping repair the World.
-- David Berman -
In Scotland, I have to say I'm more fond of Glasgow Rangers - not celtc - and there is a great player who played for them, who is still alive today, Willie Henderson. I met up with him recently when Benfica played celtc again.
-- Eusebio -
I really think that if you live for today, tomorrow takes care of itself.
-- Sharon Tate -
The scriptures teach us the ways of the Lord. They answer questions about how to live today. They bring a light and a spirit into our lives that we can get in no other way.
-- Margaret D. Nadauld