Mma famous quotes
The only thing I have to lose going into this fight is anxiety, fear, worry; all those kinds of negativity.
-- Alex Caceres -
I know that when I get in there and I leave that cage I will leave with more than I came in.
-- Alex Caceres -
It is not the material which gives life form but the space between the material that gives life form.
-- Alex Caceres -
You can't be too comfortable. I have to keep pushing myself to be a better fighter every step of the way.
-- Alexander Gustafsson -
Stay positive, even if you're fighting for your life.
-- Alexander Gustafsson -
My best advice for mental training is simply to create good habits, in order to build a sense of security and calm around you.
-- Alexander Gustafsson -
Positive thinking is a habit, like everything else, you get better at it with time.
-- Alexander Gustafsson -
Mma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of Kgale Hill. These were its assets: a tiny white van, two desks, two chairs, a telephone, and an old typewriter. Then there was a teapot, in which Mma Ramotswe – the only lady private detective in Botswana – brewed redbush tea. And three mugs – one for herself, one for her secretary, and one for the client. What else does a detective agency really need? Detective agencies rely on human intuition and intelligence, both of which Mma Ramotswe had in abundance. No inventory would ever include those, of course.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
We are all tempted, Mma. We are all tempted when it comes to cake.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
As much as a disappointment this was, I can only learn from it and become a better fighter.
-- Alexis Davis -
Live and learn from your mistakes, just get back up and keep fighting.
-- Alexis Davis -
The best I fight is when I'm just there being a competitor and enjoying myself.
-- Alexis Davis -
I didn't get into fighting for the money. I didn't want to be famous. I just want to fight.
-- Alexis Davis -
Fighting is life... Are you a person who gives up or are you a person who's going to fight?
-- Alistair Overeem -
I go to bed with a clear conscience. I sleep great. I know I did my best.
-- Alistair Overeem -
I've already done everything there is to do. Now it's just a matter of doing what I love to do.
-- Anderson Silva -
One can only savor the victory if he has felt the bitter defeat.
-- Anderson Silva -
Behind every champion is a team that prepared him to become that champion.
-- Anderson Silva -
I don't think I'm better than anyone; I just like to prove to myself that things I imagine can be done.
-- Anderson Silva -
Racism, prejudice and discrimination are an inexplicable collective stupidity
-- Anderson Silva -
I'm just dying to return to the Octagon and do the thing I most love in my life. That's what I want right now.
-- Anderson Silva -
Things will happen. But you have to believe that nothing is impossible.
-- Anderson Silva -
Get up my friend. If you're still breathing, there's still time enough for greatness.
-- Andrew Craig -
People seem to think fighters are lovely people when they meet us. It's 'cause we don't have to prove anything.
-- Andy Ogle -
A bad day can tell you more about yourself than a good day.
-- Andy Ogle -
I feel like I'm one of the best strikers in MMA. I just need the time to prove it. You haven't really seen my full potential yet.
-- Anthony Pettis -
I'm always adapting, I'm always learning, and I'm always changing.
-- Anthony Pettis -
My whole philosophy is working smarter and not harder. And making sure I'm using little effort and getting a huge effect.
-- Anthony Pettis -
You can do anything you put your mind to. I don't care what situation you're in.
-- Anthony Pettis -
The same thought... crosses my mind whenever someone tells me there's something I can't do: Try Stopping Me.
-- Anthony Robles -
Yeah, I get to fight in 'Eclipse.' My trainer is teaching me MMA right now. So. Cool.
-- Ashley Greene -
It comes down to having fun and doing what I love.
-- B.J. Penn -
People could connect with me... I think the appeal was that, "Here he is, he's just a normal guy like us, and he's giving it his all".
-- B.J. Penn -
I always gave it the best shot I had, whether it went my way or not that night.
-- B.J. Penn -
If something scares me then I feel like I have to do it.
-- Barb Honchak -
I am the kind of person that if something scares me then I feel like have to do it. That's something I have to conquer. I need to break that fear and go to it.
-- Barb Honchak -
I can still do clothing, movies, cartoons. I'mma get mine regardless. Whether I put an album out or not, I'm still gonna see a check.
-- Beanie Sigel -
You're never too good to get better... take that and apply that to everything in your life.
-- Benson Henderson -
Everything takes time. You have to love the journey and the process.
-- Benson Henderson -
I always ask myself, "Did I get one percent better today?"
-- Benson Henderson -
The controversy was that Chad Dawson thought he was in an MMA fight and not a boxing match.
-- Bernard Hopkins -
People can't measure the amount of heart you have and how much you're willing to fight for something.
-- Blake Griffin -
If I can do it, little old me, you can do it. Trust and believe.
-- Bobby Green -
When you've been through that, a fight just doesn't seem that cataclysmic.
-- Brian Stann -
There's nothing you can take for granted; not a single day, not a single minute, not a single relationship.
-- Brian Stann -
Make peace with the fear of defeat... Fear holds you back from putting forth your best performance.
-- Brian Stann -
Be intense, be ready to go, but just enjoy it.
-- Brock Larson -
There's going to be highs and there's going to be lows, try to keep your emotions out of it a little bit.
-- Brock Larson -
Make excuses to train not excuses not to train!
-- Brock Larson -
When I don't know something, I surround myself with people I can trust to teach me.
-- Brock Lesnar -
Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water.
-- Bruce Lee -
Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.
-- Bruce Lee -
Go toward self-actualization rather than self-image actualization... Search within... for honest self- expression.
-- Bruce Lee -
Do not be tense, just be ready, not thinking but not dreaming, not being set but being flexible.
-- Bruce Lee -
This is a sport where you get your ego checked on a regular basis, whether it's in the cage or it's at practice.
-- Carlos Condit -
No matter how bad it gets, I can always rise up.
-- Carlos Condit -
The only thing you can do is prepare the best you can and then just accept... stuff happens.
-- Carlos Condit -
Am I nervous? Yeah. Am I scared? Sure. But I do this because I love it.
-- Cat Zingano -
The pressure... It's not real unless you let it be real.
-- Cat Zingano -
I like to be confident, absolutely not cocky, and I like to have that healthy fear of my opponents. It keeps me on my toes.
-- Cat Zingano -
My desire to fight comes from within... it's a personal journey of accomplishment, not meant to be judges or for me to judge others.
-- Cat Zingano -
I think everyone has the desire in their life to be the best at something that touches them, that reaches them.
-- Cat Zingano -
Hang onto that goal and you do what you have to do to make it happen.
-- Cat Zingano -
Life is going to present you with tons of problems, it's what you do about them that matters.
-- Cat Zingano -
They say if somebody has done something you want to do, all you need to do is go out and copy them.
-- Chael Sonnen -
Say what you want before the fight but when it's done, you accept the result.
-- Chael Sonnen -
For me, and people like me, fighting isn't what we do; it's who we are.
-- Chael Sonnen -
Somebody is going to win & somebody is not, and that's fine... But we will never refuse to participate because we're scared to fail.
-- Chael Sonnen -
There's always pressure and that pressure is earned.
-- Chael Sonnen -
As a professional athlete I can tell you I feel every single emotion and not one of them ever helped me in a fist-fight before.
-- Chael Sonnen -
If you can talk the talk but cant walk the walk youll look like a fool. That's the risk but with great risk comes great reward.
-- Chael Sonnen -
One of the big things that I focus on is not having regrets, just taking every opportunity I have and going for it.
-- Chris Weidman -
There's no ceiling... just a continuation of improvement.
-- Chris Weidman -
I only train, I don't know what a break is.
-- Chris Weidman -
Its about continuing to learn and being open-minded, don't ever think you know it all.
-- Chris Weidman -
I try to keep a positive attitude about everything.
-- Chris Weidman -
I think any time you get beaten down and rise back up again, you become stronger.
-- Chris Weidman -
When someone is fearless, when pain isn't a factor, it's impossible to break his spirit.
-- Chuck Liddell -
The evolution of the sport is so fast, if you slow down for a second, you're past.
-- Chuck Liddell -
A lot of people give up just before they're about to make it. You know you never know when that next obstacle is going to be the last one.
-- Chuck Norris -
I am in the Chicago Carpenters Union. They are huge supporters of mine and of MMA.
-- Clay Guida -
There is no job feels as lonely as that of a fighter but there is also no bond closer than the one he shares with his corner.
-- Colin Robinson -
I have never encountered a winner that held hate towards something.
-- Conor McGregor -
I fear no man. If you breathe oxygen, I do not fear you.
-- Conor McGregor -
Be spontaneous, be creative, go out and have fun, let things happen naturally.
-- Conor McGregor -
Pressure is an illusion, but I like that illusion of pressure.
-- Conor McGregor