Chuck Liddell famous quotes


  • We can never sneer at the stars, mock the dawn, or scoff at the totality of being.

  • It should not be Illiers-Combray that we visit: a genuine homage to Proust would be to look at our world through his eyes, not look at his world through our eyes.

  • Jesus knows our world. He does not disdain us like the God of Aristotle. We can speak to Him and He answers us. Although He is a person like ourselves, He is God and transcends all things.

  • Take ice. Ice is fascinating to me. Ice is the one thing in our world that went from an agricultural product to being manufactured.

  • If we don't know that there is such a person as God, we don't know the first thing (the most important thing) about ourselves, each other and our world. This is because the most important truths about us and them, is that we have been created by the Lord, and utterly depend upon him for our continued existence.

  • Yes, I have had difficult times on court and at certain tournaments but you need to forget about it and go forward because that's the way it works in our world.

  • As we tap into the deep sources of bodily wisdom through creative art expression,we dance the renewal, recreation, and healing of ourselves and our world.

  • Tell me not here, it needs not saying, What tune the enchantress plays In aftermaths of soft September Or under blanching mays, For she and I were long acquainted And I knew all her ways.

  • A human lifespan is less than a thousand months long. You need to make some time to think how to live it.

  • So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning.

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