Advice famous quotes
I have no advice for anyone on how to live.
-- Abbas Kiarostami -
Lots of people will give you advice... and depending upon how well they know you, the advice might be valid or not so valid.
-- Abigail Johnson -
A lawyer's time and advice are his(her) stock in trade.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
The Muslim leaders swallow the advice of the Western powers and bodies like the IMF and World Bank, even when it is bad for their countries and they know this.
-- Abu Bakar Bashir -
He who is not impressed by sound advice, lacks faith.
-- Abu Bakr -
If I could have anyone on speed dial it would be George Clooney. He seems like a cool guy who would give good advice.
-- Adam Garcia -
Any time Chris Nolan wants to call me for advice, he can.
-- Adam McKay -
You've just got to give yourself time - that's good advice I think. Give yourself time to figure out what you're good at and what you're not good at.
-- Adam Sandler -
My advice is keep your lips away from the spinning things.
-- Adam Savage -
I think every woman is entitled to a middle husband she can forget.
-- Adela Rogers St. Johns -
He who slings mud generally loses ground.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer.
-- Aeschylus -
It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.
-- Aeschylus -
Never trust advice from a man in the throes of his own difficulty.
-- Aesop -
When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both.
-- Al Franken -
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed is really advice to myself, a reminder to myself not to avoid change or uncertainty, but to go with it, to surf into change.
-- Alan Alda -
I have a final word of advice to our students. If you work very, very hard, this is the kind of actor, writer and director you may turn out to be, and if you work extra hard, this is the kind of person you may turn out to be.
-- Alan Alda -
So there was a constant flow and a thin line there between reality and television and yes, much of what I was experiencing in my real life was also what was going on in the television show to the extent that I had to take writers advice and from the counselors around.
-- Alan Thicke -
Like love, the light or guidance of truth that influences us exists only in living form, not in principles or rules or expectations or advice, however widely circulated
-- Alan Watts -
It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'try to be a little kinder.'
-- Aldous Huxley -
Distinguish between power and control, delegate, be decisive - and always remember people's first names.
-- Alex Ferguson -
The best advice that I can offer is that being proactive and a careful planner is key. Think about the major things that could shake up your financial life, and Ill bet there are some great ways to protect yourself.
-- Alexa Von Tobel -
A financial plan is a way to take all of the money advice you come across and figure out how it applies to your specific financial situation.
-- Alexa Von Tobel -
I have been trying to point out that in our lives chance may have an astonishing influence and, if I may offer advice to the young laboratory worker, it would be this-never neglect an extraordinary appearance or happening. It may be-usually is, in fact-a false alarm that leads to nothing, but may on the other hand be the clue provided by fate to lead you to some important advance.
-- Alexander Fleming -
My best advice for mental training is simply to create good habits, in order to build a sense of security and calm around you.
-- Alexander Gustafsson -
It would be wonderful to have a guru; it would be like having a social worker or a personal trainer, not that people who had either of these necessarily appreciated the advice they received.
-- Alexander McCall Smith -
Giving advice is many times only the privilege of saying a foolish thing one's self, under the pretense of hindering another from doing one.
-- Alexander Pope -
Be niggards of advice on no pretense; For the worst avarice is that of sense.
-- Alexander Pope -
Where's the man who counsel can bestow, still pleased to teach, and yet not proud to know.
-- Alexander Pope -
Take people's advice and guidance in the beginning, but always follow your instincts first
-- Alexander Wang -
Athos liked every one to exercise his own free-will. He never gave his advice before it was demanded and even then it must be demanded twice. "In general, people only ask for advice," he said "that they may not follow it or if they should follow it that they may have somebody to blame for having given it".
-- Alexandre Dumas -
A lot of girls ask for advice on how to get into acting, and I'm kind of the worst person to ask, because it just kind of fell in my lap... I was just in the right place at the right time.
-- Alexis Bledel -
An alert and learned man will take advice from any event.
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
If zipper catches skin, I'll know I had it out when I should a kept it in.
-- Alice Cooper -
I'm afraid the parenting advice to come out of developmental psychology is very boring: pay attention to your kids and love them.
-- Alison Gopnik -
If the student could give up her work on my advice, she had better give it up without it. One does not study for a goal. The goal is a mere accident.
-- Alma Gluck -
A student will send me an urgent appeal to hear her, saying she is poor and wants my advice as to whether it is worth while to continue her studies. I invariably refuse such requests.
-- Alma Gluck -
A pie dough comes together exactly like a biscuit only there is very, very little liquid and no leavening involved. Other than that, the same rules apply. My best advice: handle the dough as little as possible.
-- Alton Brown -
Don't ever spend more than three weeks apart. Two and a half weeks, maybe three, was the longest we ever did.
-- Alyson Hannigan -
The worst beauty advice that I have ever taken has been from people who have told me that sunscreen isn't necessary. Not true!
-- Amanda Schull -
My advice is to make acting your second career choice
-- Amber Tamblyn -
As an advice columnist, I spend a lot of time reading through psychology journals to ensure that I give the most up-to-date advice.
-- Amy Dickinson -
You cannot beat the clock. My advice is to grab your moments of grace and enjoy them while they last.
-- Amy Dickinson -
I listen. I like to give advice. Mostly, Ill just try to listen to my friends, and theyll say the same thing over and over again.
-- Amy Sedaris -
If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.
-- Andrew Weil -
Anyone need advice on making the transition from 5.12 to 5.11?
-- Andy Cairns -
My advice is not to wait to be struck by an idea. If you're a writer, you sit down and damn well decide to have an idea. That's the way to get an idea.
-- Andy Rooney -
Don't take a butcher's advice on how to cook meat. If he knew, he'd be a chef.
-- Andy Rooney -
You don't have to gaze into a crystal ball when you can read an open book.
-- Aneurin Bevan -
You can seek advice, learn about the options and make choices that are right for you. Knowledge is power.
-- Angelina Jolie -
Kyra Sedgwick told me, 'Keep your heart where your feet are' and that's incredibly difficult to do. It takes a lot of concentration. You've got to be conscientious of each other.
-- Angie Harmon -
My daughter recently reminded me not to get so busy making a living, I forget to make a life and I'm going to take that advice.
-- Angie Stone -
You don't have time, Len. That is the most bitter and the most beautiful pieve of advice I can offer. If you don't have what you want now, you don't have what you want. -pg276
-- Ann Brashares -
Think of submitting our measure to the advice of politicians! I would as soon submit the subject of the equality of a goose to a fox.
-- Anna Howard Shaw -
I don't know what I would do in the world without [female friends] for advice, for comfort, for simply knowing that there is someone out there who knows me as I am, and loves me despite and because of it.
-- Anna Quindlen -
It gets really tricky giving advice. The older I get, the less advice I give.
-- Anne Heche -
One bit of advice someone gave me - which I haven't yet tried - is that if you go to an area where you might pick up a tummy bug, you should seek out the local probiotic yogurt. Eating it will introduce you to the local gut flora, apparently.
-- Anthony Head -
The field of consciousness is tiny. It accepts only one problem at a time. Get into a fist fight, put your mind on the strategy of the fight, and you will not feel the other fellow's punches.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
The best fashion advice I'd say would be just to do what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel cute, and that's how you're gonna look your best cause when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it, too.
-- Ariana Grande -
I have one piece of advice for you: sleep your way to the top.
-- Arianna Huffington -
Get a sun lamp to keep you looking as if you have just come back from somewhere expensive.
-- Aristotle Onassis -
My advice to any traveler who is traveling in order to learn would be: 'Fight tooth and nail to be permitted to travel in what is technically the least efficient way.'
-- Arnold J. Toynbee -
Advice from friends is like the weather. Some of it is good; some of it is bad.
-- Arnold Lobel -
I'm telling you, if you want to have good advice, never pay any attention to the camera guys because they will tell you over and over something is wrong and let's reshoot it, let's do this and let's do that. Hey, just do it.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
I'd rather take advice from my valet than from the Conservative Party Conference
-- Arthur Balfour -
Men of much depth of mind can bear a great deal of counsel; for it does not easily deface their own character, nor render their purposes indistinct.
-- Arthur Helps -
It is a weak thing to tell half your story, and then ask your friend's advice-a still weaker thing to take it.
-- Arthur Helps -
Truthfulness itself is almost medication, even when it’s served without advice or insight.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
Few take advice, or physic, without wry faces at it.
-- Augustus William Hare -
Bad advice is often most fatal to the adviser.
-- Aulus Persius Flaccus -
The best advice is not to write what you know, it's to write what you like.
-- Austin Kleon -
The best advice is not to write what you know, it’s to write what you like. Write the kind of story you like best—write the story you want to read. The same principle applies to your life and your career:
-- Austin Kleon -
I don't turn to anyone for advice. I do what I want.
-- Azealia Banks -
I've always tried to maintain that I don't have any advice to give. I'm a curious observer.
-- Aziz Ansari -
Don't be afraid to take advice. There's always something new to learn.
-- Babe Ruth -
After all, there's only one aswer to be made to the young fellow who is asking constantly for advice as to how to hit. The answer is: "Pick out a good one and sock it!
-- Babe Ruth -
[Economists' advice] is something like patent medicine - people know it is largely manufactured by quacks and that a good percentage of the time it won't work, but they continue to buy the brand whose flavor they like.
-- Barbara Bergmann -
Your trousers are on fire. I would have told you, but you so dislike advice...
-- Barbara Mertz -
If I were to offer any advice to young writers, it would be this: be discriminating and be discerning about the work you set for yourself. That done, be the untutored traveler, the eager reader, the enthusiastic listener. Put what you learn together carefully, and then write thoughtfully, with respect both for the reader and your sources.
-- Barry Lopez -
Meyer and I have a bit in common because we're both left-handed. I think it's great that he seeks out that advice because he's not too cool or too uncomfortable to ask for it.
-- Barry Zito -
In the darkest of nights cling to the assurance that God loves you, that He always has advice for you, a path that you can tread and a solution to your problem.
-- Basilea Schlink -
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.
-- Baz Luhrmann -
Good Advice If your best friend's feeling tearful, Try not to be too cheerful. Just let her fill your ear full Of sad tales by the score. And when she is through, She'll feel as good as new. Now you'll be feeling blue. But that's what friends are for!
-- Beatrice Schenk de Regniers -
If you find yourself talking to the police, my advice is to stay calm but look guilty; it's your safest bet.
-- Ben Aaronovitch -
My advice to anyone adapting a novel is that once they've read it and learnt to understand it, then they must throw it away and never look at it again!
-- Ben Elton -
It is funny, I don't feel old enough to give advice... But with the advisers you trust, you better listen to them. It may be bad news but that's the only way you're going to improve.
-- Ben Heppner -
I do not like giving advice: it is incurring an unnecessary responsibility.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
A Protestant, if he wants aid or advice on any matter, can only go to his solicitor.
-- Benjamin Disraeli