Foxes famous quotes
The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Women and foxes, being weak, are distinguished by superior tact.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Think of submitting our measure to the advice of politicians! I would as soon submit the subject of the equality of a goose to a fox.
-- Anna Howard Shaw -
Go to Fox News for conservative, maybe go to msnbc for liberal, and be right here on CNN for the God's honest truth.
-- Anthony Weiner -
I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings." -from the Fox-
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
I remembered the fox. One runs the risk of crying a bit if one allows oneself to be tamed.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
The Fox knows many things-the hedgehog one big one.
-- Archilochus -
The Stag at Bay with the mentality of a fox at large.
-- Bernard Levin -
I don't think anyone at Fox believes they are producing even-handed, impartial coverage.
-- Bill Keller -
I feel like a fox in a henhouse full of Catholic girls.
-- Cate Tiernan -
Conservatives and companies condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2006 attacks on Michael J. Fox for campaigning about stem cell research.
-- Christine Pelosi -
My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.
-- Condoleezza Rice -
The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party.
-- David Frum -
Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox
-- David Frum -
Critics of Fox News have pointed out that Fox News does partisan propaganda, and there's ample evidence on a daily basis.
-- David Shuster -
MSNBC will never be as liberal as Fox is conservative.
-- David Shuster -
One of my favorite movies is The Little Foxes.
-- Donna Mills -
I'm pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from Fox.
-- Evan Bayh -
And I love Jennifer Lawrence. She's a total fox. And such a good actress. It's ridiculous.
-- Evan Peters -
Joe Schenck, a top 20th Century-Fox executive, once said to me that he really believed I had a future, and that was because I was the only girl who could survive so many bad pictures.
-- Gene Tierney -
The world laughs at things it would really prefer to admire, and like Aesop's fox it criticizes things it covets.
-- Giacomo Leopardi -
The first time, where Fox Mulder and Scully met, she stands up for herself. She stands right there and gives it to him and that was extremely attractive.
-- Gillian Anderson -
The lion is ashamed, it's true, when he hunts with the fox.
-- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing -
Correlations are not explanations and besides, they can be as spurious as the high correlation in Finland between foxes killed and divorces.
-- Gunnar Myrdal -
The SEC now is 3500 chickens, and we need to get some foxes in there.
-- Harry Markopolos -
There were 84 original episodes. It was rated No. 1 and No. 2 on the Fox Children's Network. We figured it was time to make it available to people who have never watched it.
-- Howie Mandel -
I couldn't imagine what Fox thought they were doing, contemplating such a jagged protagonist for a prime-time drama. I only knew that I wanted the role very much.
-- Hugh Laurie -
There's something about Michael J. Fox that I loved when he did all the '80s stuff. His way of performing all the physicality, which is why it's so tragic now, but the way he used his body so much as well, I loved.
-- James McAvoy -
Advanced cultures are usually sophisticated enough, or have been sophisticated enough at some point in their pasts, to realize that foxes shouldn't be relied on to guard henhouses.
-- Jane Jacobs -
Fox News has changed its slogan from 'Fair and Balanced' to 'See, I told you so!'
-- Jay Leno -
Foxes are all tail, and women all tongue.
-- Jean de La Fontaine -
As sheepish as a fox captured by a fowl. [Fr., Honteux comme un renard qu'une poule aurait pris.]
-- Jean de La Fontaine -
CNBC is a very serious-minded financial news network, and what we've seen thus far from Fox appears to be not as investment-focused or financially focused, and that's good for us.
-- Jeff Zucker -
I'm not allowed on FOX, and I'm not allowed on MSNBC.
-- Jesse Ventura -
Who owns the NY Post? 20th Century Fox. Talk about vertical integration.
-- Joe Pantoliano -
I don't keer w'at you do wid me, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'so you don't fling me in dat brier-patch. Roas' me, Brer Fox' sezee, 'but don't fling me in dat brier-patch,' sezee.
-- Joel Chandler Harris -
It is a blind goose that cometh to the fox's sermon.
-- John Lyly -
Sarah Palin has been hired back by Fox News, and she only left five months ago. She has now effectively quit quitting. She can't even commit to being uncommitted.
-- John Oliver -
Fox News is hated because they're elitists, and the worst winners television's ever seen.
-- Keith Olbermann -
To make women learned and foxes tame has the same effect - to make them more cunning.
-- King James I -
I'll take no charity! What I get I'll earn by taking it. I would feel no pleasure it being given to me, any more than a huntsman would take pleasure being made a present of a dead fox, in place of getting a run across country after it.
-- Lady Gregory -
Actually, 19 is in charge of our career at that point. FOX publicity is in charge of the publicity that we get. I'm fine with it, it is really organized.
-- LaToya London -
After leaving ImageMovers, I sold two pitches to Fox Atomic, which I then wrote for them.
-- Lauren Miller -
At that point Ms Fox came in and said, "Hello, carry on as if I am not here." Then she lay down on the floor.
-- Louise Rennison -
You gotta get up early in the morning to catch a fox and stay up late at night to get a mink.
-- Mae West -
Why are we designed to see the world as supremely beautiful just as we're about to be snuffed? Do rabbits feel the same as the fox teeth bite down on their necks? Is it mercy?
-- Margaret Atwood -
If you're looking for an author who can deliver high-octane thrills every time and a character who is NOT to be messed with, you've found them. Zoë Sharp and Charlie Fox both kick ass.
-- Mark Billingham -
I do watch a lot of Fox News. I like Charles Krauthammer and Bill OReilly.
-- Mary Tyler Moore -
The truth is I don't watch a lot of news, except for when I'm here at the office watching Fox News. I get my news online primarily when I'm not watching the channel.
-- Megyn Kelly -
Fox would hire me in a minute. And believe it or not, CNN would, too.
-- Michael Savage -
He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail.
-- Niels Henrik Abel -
But even in the schoolyard I'd been aware of that silence, that reserve in him, as though he'd been raised by foxes and language was his second language.
-- Patricia A. McKillip -
The Fox News cable channel is doing very well because there is a market for what Fox News has to offer.
-- Paul Weyrich -
I got a call to come in and meet Fox, and the rest is history.
-- Paula Abdul -
The fox is very cunning, but he is more cunning who catches the fox.
-- Pedro Calderon de la Barca -
Bosh. I find a rival - but no, I won't flatter myself that Tecumseh Fox would consider himself a rival of Dol Bonner - I find an eminent detective in your apartment, and that alone is enough, without adding that he is concealed in your bedroom while I am discussing my business with you...
-- Rex Stout -
As far as the future for the Showtime episodes that have already aired, we are sold into syndication so we'll be appearing primarily on the Fox syndicated networks and then eventually the SCI FI Channel. So, we'll be around for a while.
-- Richard Dean Anderson -
You are as eloquent as ever, Mat," Egwene said dryly. "Do you still have your pet fox?" "I do," Mat said. "He's snuggled up nice and warm.
-- Robert Jordan -
It ar'n't that I loves the fox less, but that I loves the 'ound more.
-- Robert Smith Surtees -
Fleet Foxes will never, ever, under no circumstances, from now until the world chokes on gas fumes, sign to a major label. This includes all subsidiaries or permutations thereunder. Till we die.
-- Robin Pecknold -
We certainly employ a lot of immigrants at Fox... and we do not take any consistent anti-immigrant line.
-- Rupert Murdoch -
Compared with the BBC's studied neutrality, Fox comes across as a kind of Gong Show of propaganda.
-- Russ Baker -
I feel rather like a rabbit that has taken a fox for its pupil.
-- Seth Grahame-Smith -
Fox is notorious for having a very thick skin about taking shots at themselves.
-- Seth MacFarlane -
There has to be news at a place called Fox News,
-- Shepard Smith -
While it is entirely untrue that Canadians lack a sense of humour, the funniest ones tend to head south: Dan Aykroyd, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox.
-- Simon Hoggart -
In looking around me seeking for miserable resources against the heaviness of time, I open a book and I say to myself, as the cat to the fox: I have only one good turn, but I need no other.
-- Suzanne Curchod -
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.
-- T. S. Eliot -
Would you like Fox's right to free press put up to a vote and say: "Well, if five states have approved it, let's wait till the other 45 states do."?
-- Ted Olson -
When the Fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin', but not to help.
-- Thomas Harris -
The cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.
-- Thomas Paine -
I'd like to have a drink with Bill Maher and see how he feels. We were too conservative coming over to Fox from fX, and got ourselves off our best game
-- Tom Bergeron -
Don't overstate Fox News. It's still much smaller than the least of the network niches.
-- Tom Brokaw -
He who fox-like got his rank, Is wolf-like in his office.
-- Vasily Zhukovsky -
Sport hunting is a crime. My sympathies are with the fox.
-- Wallis Simpson -
Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection.
-- Wendell Berry -
On Fantastic Mr. Fox, I got used to working with animated storyboards as a way of planning for the shoot. We did a lot of sequences that way with this movie. Partly as a result of that, I decided to build more sets in order to do certain shots.
-- Wes Anderson -
The show had run its course on the Fox network.
-- Will Arnett -
Well, we were never coming back to Fox... that was clear.
-- Will Arnett -
If the lion was advised by the fox, he would be cunning.
-- William Blake -
The greatest and truest models for all oratorsis Demosthenes. One who has not studied deeply and constantly all the great speeches of the great Athenian, is not prepared to speak in public. Only as the constant companion of Demosthenes, Burke, Fox, Canning and Webster, can we hope to become orators.
-- Woodrow Wilson -
Anybody depending on somebody else's gods is depending on a fox not to eat chickens.
-- Zora Neale Hurston -
Fox News' Megyn Kelly was the first to air the video on her program, 'The Kelly File.'
-- Alexander Viets Griswold -
Let`s not hesitate. This is where the press corps, the media should all stand together. And I hope that you have the same response that you had when it came time to defend Fox.
-- Joe Madison -
Are we to have a church in which everyone's judgment is equal to everyone else's? That's not a church, it's chaos. Common sense dictates that you keep the fox out of the chicken coop.
-- John Joseph O'Connor -
When you're not gaping at Megan Fox enough to listen to what the director's saying, you can get some work done.
-- Peter Jacobson -
One was Donald Trump said he didn't think Megyn Kelly had been fair to him. But he also talked about Fox's response to this. And multiple sources have said that this was authored by Roger Ailes himself.
-- Ryan Grim -
Fox succeeds because it's entertaining. It's like a rightwing freak show.
-- Stephanie Miller -
Once you prove yourself, that you're a utility player, they're going to contact you and say, hey, yeah, we need you for a film next Thursday at Fox or Sony or whatever. You kind of get a reputation.
-- Bob Bergen -
Why was Donald Trump's decision not to participate in the Fox debate such a big deal?
-- Michel Martin -
I really like the way Fox handles their shows.
-- D. B. Sweeney