Debate famous quotes
In my family, there were Kei and Minoru and then there were the rest. Everyone in my family is very opinionated and everyone tried to join the debate. But by the time my turn came, there was nothing left to say. I couldn't keep pace, so I looked to do my own things.
-- Akira Mori -
Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
Debate is angular, conversation circular and radiant of the underlying unity.
-- Amos Bronson Alcott -
The tension between 'yes' and no', between 'I can' and 'I cannot,' makes us feel that, in so many instances, human life is an interminable debate with one's self.
-- Anatole Broyard -
Not sure of my place in the world (still up for debate) and not sure what I wanted to do with my life (not really up for debate).
-- Armie Hammer -
Climate change: I say the debate is over. We know the science, we see the threat and we know that the time for action is now
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
Such an emphasis on the immanence of God as Creator in, with, and under the natural processes of the world unveiled by the sciences is certainly in accord with all that the sciences have revealed since those debates of the nineteenth century.
-- Arthur Peacocke -
When there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions.
-- Atifete Jahjaga -
The noble lord is the Rupert of debate.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
I have always felt sympathy towards the biologists who accept to debate creationists. Now I also understand them better; one can fight opinions, not articles of faith.
-- Bertrand Meyer -
I've enjoyed doing Wolf Blitzer's program, and I even enjoyed having a heated debate with Bill O'Reilly. I will do it any time.
-- Bianca Jagger -
The national debate on Social Security has been cheapened by demagoguery on all sides.
-- Bill Delahunt -
There is no debate here, just scientists and non-scientists. And since the subject is science, the non-scientists don't get a vote.
-- Bill Maher -
Calm, open debate, and logical thought drive strength to its maximum effectiveness.
-- Billy Corgan -
Good conversational debate is an end in itself, and talking for the love of conversation is what makes us human.
-- Bryce Courtenay -
This country is about, in my judgment, aggressive, open debate. There is an old saying: When everyone is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking very much.
-- Byron Dorgan -
It's easy to get distracted by the vaudevillian aspects of the healthcare debate.
-- Carl Hiaasen -
Political debate is of no interest to me. What I want are practical solutions.
-- Carole Bouquet -
In a film, you have to externalize things that are internal and of course it becomes a debate about to what extent you do that.
-- Chris Terrio -
You can only have one aim per debate.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
Information, usually seen as the precondition of debate, is better understood as its by-product.
-- Christopher Lasch -
The debate on how to shrink the federal government is at the core of our problem of government not doing its job.
-- Darrell Issa -
Palin is smart, politically skilled, courageous and likable. Her convention and debate performances were impressive.
-- David Brooks -
He don't debate he concentrate on survivin' He don't like to drive if he's been drinkin' But he'll drink while he's drivin' He's the dude
-- Devin the Dude -
Reproductive freedom means economic freedom. And that's what this debate is about.
-- Diana DeGette -
Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it's critical to wellbeing.
-- Diane Abbott -
There are 101 websites out there for debate - this was a blatant last attempt to get someone to stand against Gordon Brown.
-- Diane Abbott -
There would be no debate about who was the best footballer the world had ever seen - me or Pele. Everyone would say me.
-- Diego Maradona -
It is, I think, good evidence of life after death
-- Donald Soper, Baron Soper -
Western traditions of education have emphasized knowledge analysis, description and debate. They all have a part to play, but today there is a whole vast aspect of doing that has just been left out. Operacy is what keeps society going.
-- Edward de Bono -
Nothing like an arcane literary debate with your tyrannical master while you pass the time leading to your execution.
-- Elizabeth Wein -
Indeed, this is an important characteristic of the globalization debate: the tendency toward glorifying all things indigenous even when they deserve to be left in the past.
-- Franklin Foer -
Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche -
In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent.
-- Gary Bauer -
You know what 'DOUBT' stands for? It stands for 'Debate On Understanding Bewildersome Thoughts.'
-- Gary Busey -
Are you an Israeli? I don't debate with Israelis. I have been misled, sorry I don't recognise Israel and I don't debate with Israelis
-- George Galloway -
See that's a goal that I think it's very good in the debate to find out who the person is.
-- Geraldine Ferraro -
But I do think its necessary to have debates.
-- Geraldine Ferraro -
I enjoyed debate on the floor but it's not really debate in the same way.
-- Geraldine Ferraro -
American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ are an authentic document or a forgery irrelevant. American Jews do control the world.
-- Gilad Atzmon -
Say the first word. Set the tone for the conversation. Be poised, prepared, and ready to say the first word in any debate or meeting.
-- Gloria Feldt -
Science fiction works best when it stimulates debate.
-- Greg Bear -
If you know that God loves you, you should never question a directive from Him. It will always be right and best. When He gives you a directive, you are not just to observe it, discuss it, or debate it. You are to obey it.
-- Henry Blackaby -
We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
-- Hillary Clinton -
Freedom means the right of people to assemble, organize, and debate openly.
-- Hillary Clinton -
You can always debate about what you should have done. The question is what are you going to do?
-- Hubert H. Humphrey -
I'm more a collector of identities and words that feel right to me. To me this is an inarguable point. I am who I say I am and that's not up for debate.
-- Ian Harvie -
Debate and divergence of views can only enrich our history and culture.
-- Ibrahim Babangida -
It is far easier to debate about realistic painting than to paint one.
-- Igor Babailov -
The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.
-- J. Edgar Hoover -
There ought to be a thoughtful welfare-reform debate that doesn't turn into something that could be called scapegoating.
-- Jack Kemp -
Are we allowed to sing? I imagine that at times, it might improve the tone of the debate.
-- Jack Layton -
Faced with intolerance and hatred, no debate is possible.
-- Jacques Chirac -
If Quebecers want to keep the Canadian dollar, they'll keep it - and nobody can stop that, end of debate.
-- Jacques Parizeau -
I don't know where we should take this company, but I do know that if I start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, we will find a way to make this company great.
-- James C. Collins -
There is some debate in professional circles about whether the so-called “midlife crisis†exists.
-- James Hollis -
Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science.
-- James Inhofe -
There is no debate among any statured scientists of what is happening. The only debate is the rate at which it is happening.
-- James McCarthy -
The gospel is a declaration, not a debate.
-- James Stuart Stewart -
How is it that this debate has been twisted on its head, that somehow those that advocate peace and diplomacy are anti-American?
-- Janeane Garofalo -
The country is facing a fiscal crisis, and the United States Senate is at the center of the debate about how to bring federal spending under control.
-- Jeff Flake -
Well, to tell you truth, I have learned a long time ago that the trick when doing a debate, any kind of debate, is to just turn off the judgment switch in my head.
-- Jim Lehrer -
If we're going to have debates, let's have real debates.
-- Jim Lehrer -
Be a student, not a follower. Take interest in what someone says, then debate it, ponder it, and consider it from all angles.
-- Jim Rohn -
While the debate on the Patriot Act is far from over, it is important that all Americans continue in this dialogue and work together to ensure greater security for our nation.
-- Jo Bonner -
We shall seek debate without division or rancour.
-- Johann Lamont -
Debates must take place in an atmosphere of courtesy.
-- John Allen Fraser -
We need to punch back against the extremes of both the left and the right and define the terms of the debate ourselves.
-- John Avlon -
I only debate my equals. All others I teach.
-- John Henrik Clarke -
Bin Laden’s death and the debate over torture
-- John McCain -
Which is ideology? Which not? You shall know them by their assertion of truth, their contempt for considered reflection, and their fear of debate.
-- John Ralston Saul -
In all intellectual debates, both sides tend to be correct in what they affirm, and wrong in what they deny.
-- John Stuart Mill -
One of the earliest resurrection scenes in the Bible is that of Thomas demanding evidence - he wanted to see, to touch, to prove. Those who question and probe and debate are heirs of the apostles just as much as the most fervent of believers.
-- Jon Meacham -
Had Windham possessed discretion in debate, or Sheridan in conduct, they might have ruled their age.
-- Jonathan Swift -
There is an ongoing debate about the reform of the U.N. system.
-- Joschka Fischer -
I don't think this debate is negative, it is enriching
-- Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero -
American power in the world relies on these ideals of openness and critical debate.
-- Joseph Nye -
In debate, one randomly was assigned to one side or the other. This had at least one virtue - it made one see that there was more than one side to these complex issues.
-- Joseph Stiglitz -
I think it's really unfortunate that academics have been sidelined in most important policy debates.
-- Juan Cole -
It's funny when people debate about music, because they get so passionate about what they enjoy.
-- Judd Apatow -
I've come to learn that the best time to debate family members is when they have good in their mouths.
-- Kenneth Cole -
I don't really feel like I have to have a debate with my husband over issues.
-- Laura Bush -
Now, since the time of Newton there had been a debate about whether light was a wave---that is, a traveling disturbance in some background medium---or a particle, which travels regardless of the presence of a background medium. The observation of Maxwell that electromagnetic waves must exist and that their speed was identical to that of light ended the debate: light was an electromagnetic wave.
-- Lawrence M. Krauss -
I should add that it is open to debate whether what we call the writing of history these days is truly scientific.
-- Lion Feuchtwanger -
To pull off successful attacks in debates, you have to execute with nuance and subtlety. It has to be artful.
-- Mark McKinnon -
It's nice to have a debate in a swing state.
-- Michael Bennet -
Michael Jackson fundamentally altered the terms of the debate about African American music.
-- Michael Eric Dyson -
Is the Labour Party to remain a democratic party in which the right of free criticism and free debate is not merely tolerated but encouraged? Or are the rank and file of the party to be bludgeoned or cowed into an uncritical subservience towards the leadership?
-- Michael Foot -
There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist. Their point of view is essential to a democratic debate
-- Michael Foot -
You can't debate satire. Either you get it or you don't.
-- Michael Moore -
Polemical debates happen all the time in France.
-- Michel Houellebecq -
He who defines the terms, controls the debate.
-- Mike Evans -
I fear that, in the end, the famous debate among materialists, idealists, and dualists amounts to a merely verbal dispute that is more a matter for the linguist than for the speculative philosopher
-- Moses Mendelssohn