Rate famous quotes
But at any rate, the point is that God is what nobody admits to being, and everybody really is.
-- Alan Watts -
It is unconceivable that the whole Universe was merely created for us who live in this third-rate planet of a third-rate moon.
-- Alfred Lord Tennyson -
After the accession to the euro zone, interest rates declined substantially in Portugal.
-- Anibal Cavaco Silva -
If you're a global company you are going to have jobs overseas. The reality is if we start taxing those jobs at a rate that makes them noncompetitive in those markets, the reality is that we're going to lose business.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
In the United States women develop MS at approximately twice the rate men do, and no one can explain why women are affected most often from the waist down
-- Annette Funicello -
Always be a first-rate version of yourself.
-- Audrey Hepburn -
Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
-- Barack Obama -
Could you let me have the 3 weeks due to me now and if I work again before August I must of course repay you at the rate of exchange you let me have it at now if you kindly will.
-- Basil Rathbone -
If you are asking me if I would advocate that the Chinese go to greater flexibility in their exchange rate, I certainly would.
-- Ben Bernanke -
The Democrats are obsessing about raising tax rates, while the GOP talks about closing loopholes.
-- Bob Beauprez -
Be adaptable, flexible and never stop learning. The rate of change will never stop and neither should you.
-- Brian Regan -
Nevada was hit hardest by the recession - highest unemployment, highest foreclosure rate, highest bankruptcy rate.
-- Brian Sandoval -
Because I helped discover the expansion rate of the universe was accelerating.
-- Brian Schmidt -
Never cut corners, or accept anything that's second-rate.
-- Bruce Oldfield -
Disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but at last it was complete.
-- Charles Darwin -
Thus disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but at last was complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, and have never since doubted even for a single second that my conclusion was correct.
-- Charles Darwin -
My success rate is 100 percent. Do the math.
-- Charlie Sheen -
You have to slow your heart rate, stay calm. You have to shoot in between your heartbeats.
-- Chris Kyle -
There was no point in doing art if you were going to be second-rate.
-- Christopher Bram -
If asked my opinion about virginity, I would say, "I'm opposed to it." I don't think it deserves to be celebrated, at any rate. Or at least, if I'm not opposed, I'm very highly skeptical and critical of it.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
At this rate, we'll never get to the future.
-- Chuck Palahniuk -
Countries where women have access to professional life are also those where the birth rate is higher.
-- Claude Martin -
The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.
-- D. Wayne Lukas -
But planned obsolescence is possible only if the rate of technological change is contained.
-- David Harvey -
Whether a bank lent one million, ten million, or a hundred millions, they would not permanently alter the market rate of interest; they would alter only the value of the money they issued.
-- David Ricardo -
I knew that even if I were second or third rate, it was astronomy that mattered.
-- Edwin Powell Hubble -
No exchange rate for the confidence of youth.
-- Elizabeth Strout -
It seems to me that for Darwin the pulsing of evolutionary rates was a strictly vertical phenomenon.
-- Ernst Mayr -
I don't like to rate myself; others can do that.
-- Felix Baumgartner -
A harmonious person is never vibrating at the same rate as a germ.
-- Florence Scovel Shinn -
Second-rate minds usually condemn everything beyond their grasp.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
And so the danger for the housing industry is if we see interest rates rise.
-- Franklin Raines -
Waging war we understand, but not waging peace, or at any rate less consciously so.
-- Fredrik Bajer -
You don't get gushers of revenue by raising tax rates. You get it through expansion.
-- George P. Shultz -
But no work from a first rate mind is ever really second rate.
-- Gerald Finzi -
Positive response from some of our exporters and holders of free funds in response to some of the turnaround initiatives ... in particular the favourable exchange rate policies.
-- Gideon Gono -
Since 2000, we've seen base power rates rise by 50%.
-- Greg Walden -
I did not come to Washington to raise the electricity rates by as much as $40 per month as this plan would do.
-- Greg Walden -
There is no room in music for the second-rate - it might just as well be the nineteenth-rate.
-- Gustav Holst -
The more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate.
-- Hans Eysenck -
There thus appears to be an inverse correlation between recovery and psychotherapy; the more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate.
-- Hans Eysenck -
At any rate, mutually assured destruction was never our policy.
-- Henry A. Kissinger -
Not gods, nor men, nor even booksellers have put up with poets' being second-rate.
-- Horace -
My own experience, though, as a business executive and as a governor, tells me that businesses are interested in a lot more than a low tax rate when they decide where to locate.
-- Jack Markell -
I suspect that the word (art) was invented by second-rate intelligences to describe the incomprehensible activities of their betters.
-- Jack Vance -
Profits in business always depend on the rate of interest: the higher the interest, the higher the rate of profit required.
-- James Buchan -
They were going round and round the island, but they did not meet because all were going at the same rate.
-- James M. Barrie -
There is no debate among any statured scientists of what is happening. The only debate is the rate at which it is happening.
-- James McCarthy -
We do not attract Russian money to Luxembourg with high interest rates.
-- Jean-Claude Juncker -
I'm very bad at having heroes. I don't rate anyone particularly highly because I'm so snide and competitive and not very nice.
-- Jenny Eclair -
Time doesn’t flow at the same rate for everyone. You can change time. You can slow it down, you can speed it up,
-- Jim Al-Khalili -
The death rate among Marines in Iraq has been more than double that of the other services.
-- Jim Lehrer -
I don't have a shred of regret about entering the exchange-rate mechanism.
-- John Major -
Celebrity is a currency with an exchange rate almost as strong as anonymity.
-- Jon Foreman -
If Richard Nixon was second-rate, what in the world is third-rate?
-- Joseph Heller -
If we increase freight rates, the goods will move through the roads and the condition of the roads will become worse.
-- Lalu Prasad Yadav -
You cannot be both fashionable and first-rate
-- Logan Pearsall Smith -
Tis very great pity that they who are so apt to over-rate themselves in smaller matters, shou'd, where it most concerns them to know, and stand upon their Value, be so insensible of their own worth.
-- Mary Astell -
Why become a second-rate Ravel when you're already a first-rate Gershwin?
-- Maurice Ravel -
Don’t be afraid to fail. Get out there and experiment and learn and fail and get a rate based on the experiences you have. Go for it and when you go for it you’ll learn what you’re capable of, what the potential is, where the opportunities are, but you can’t be afraid to fail because that’s when you learn.
-- Michael Dell -
A first-rate marriage is like a first-rate hotel: expensive, but worth it.
-- Mignon McLaughlin -
If we cannot agree, let us at any rate agree to differ, but let us part as friends.
-- Muhammad Ali Jinnah -
You aren't ill: it is just that you are made of second-rate materials
-- Natalia Ginzburg -
What is the right exchange rate at one point is not necessarily the right exchange rate at another.
-- Norman Lamont -
The secret of success is to triple your rate of failure.
-- Og Mandino -
I rate each album as better than the last one. That's how I see it.
-- Paul Simon -
The only constant is change, and the rate of change is increasing,
-- Peter Diamandis -
Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what's actually happening to the companies in which you've invested
-- Peter Lynch -
It [1991 Federal budget] contains almost 190,000 accounts. At a rate of one per minute, eight hours a day, it would take over a year to reflect upon these!
-- Richard Darman -
The death rate is the same for us as for anybody ... one person, one death, sooner or later.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
We're in this period where we're getting good data rates. I would say we're getting data rates that are like the data rates we got when we launched RealAudio in 1995.
-- Robert Glaser -
There are many ways to make the death rate increase.
-- Robert McNamara -
On a scale of one to ten, I would rate Elvis eleven.
-- Sammy Davis, Jr. -
I knew Id always be a second-rate academic, and I thought, Well, Id rather be a second-rate novelist or even a third-rate one.
-- Sarah Waters -
Positivity is such a high predicator of success rates.
-- Shawn Achor -
I like going to areas where the murder rate is high and dropping it.
-- Snoop Dogg -
There were many who went in huddled procession,They knew not wither,But, at any rate, success or calamityWould attend all in equality.There was one who sought a new road,He went into direful thickets,And ultimately he died thus, alone;But they said he had courage.
-- Stephen Crane -
When we deal in generalities, we shall never succeed. When we deal in specifics, we shall rarely have a failure. When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates.
-- Thomas S. Monson -
I don't think I've had to change anything, really, apart from being more serious and focussed on my drive. One thing I've realised is that you get out what you put in and because of that my work rate has increased ten fold.
-- Tinie Tempah -
Peace, if possible, but justice at any rate.
-- Wendell Phillips -
The death rate is a fact; anything beyond this is an inference.
-- William Farr -
The unemployment rate is still twice as high for blacks as for whites.
-- William Weld -
Things are changing at such a rate that you really can't get too familiar with anything that you own in relation to what sort of functionality it has in your life.
-- Alan Palomo -
Many women are so scared of the society and of their families, that if they get pregnant out of wedlock, they would rather abandon their children-throw them into the gutter, than to confront society. Indonesia has one of the highest child-abandonment rates in the world, but again, most of it goes unreported.
-- Andre Vltchek -
The only continent with a growth rate lower than Europe is Antarctica.
-- Gisela Stuart -
The intensely felt subjective image is always the reason for making a first rate picture.
-- Henry Holmes Smith -
Your addiction rate will go up if you have gambling in this area
-- John Warren Kindt -
In most industries, technological change is happening at a rapid rate.
-- Ken Moelis -
Nobody can be so beautiful from the outside and so hollow from inside. Not even in a third-rate novel.
-- Marlene van Niekerk -
If you get rid of all these giveaways and loopholes and deductions and credits, then you can sharply lower the rates.
-- T.R. Reid -
Most savings rates are based on underlying interest rates.
-- Martin Lewis -
My books, at any rate, deserved to be burned.
-- Alfred Doblin -
People learn at the rate they are going to learn.
-- Ben Folds -
Time doesn't flow at the same rate for everyone. You can change time. You can slow it down, you can speed it up.
-- Jim Al-Khalili