Social famous quotes
A tremendous social responsibility comes with being a successful public performer.
-- A. Bartlett Giamatti -
And the venality of those Judaized is incapable of explaining anti-Semitism as a social phenomenon, we will call it the anti-Semitic theory.
-- A. C. Cuza -
The science of anti-Semitism has as its object Judaism as a social problem, being thus, necessarily, the synthesis of all sciences that can contribute to its solution.
-- A. C. Cuza -
What's clear - and exciting - is that communication for social change is growing.
-- Aaron Koblin -
In the actual state of social relationships, the forms ("formes", Fr.) of politeness are necessary as a subsitute to benevolence.
-- African Spir -
Humor, in one form or another, is characteristic of every nation; and reflecting the salient points of social and national life, it illuminates those crowded corners which history leaves obscure.
-- Agnes Repplier -
Despite being in showbiz, I have a very real approach to my life. It plays off with my social life.
-- Aishwarya Rai Bachchan -
And just as the false assumption that we are not connected to the earth has led to the ecological crisis, so to the equally false assumption that we arenot connected to each other that has led to our social crisis.
-- Al Gore -
Directing is physically exciting because there's a ticking clock, you're working with people, it's very social, it's very enjoyable.
-- Alan Ball -
If you get beyond the political rhetoric [and assembled a group to solve Social Security] it would take them 15 minutes. It would take them 15 minutes only because 10 minutes was used for pleasantries.
-- Alan Greenspan -
Striving for social justice is the most valuable thing to do in life.
-- Albert Einstein -
It is unfortunately none too well understood that, just as the State has no money of its own, so it has no power of its own. All the power it has is what society gives it, plus what it confiscates from time to time on one pretext or another, there is no other source from which State power can be drawn. Therefore every assumption of State power, whether by gift or seizure leaves society with so much less power; there is never, nor can be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power.
-- Albert J. Nock -
reading is at the beginning of the social contract
-- Alberto Manguel -
Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals.
-- Aldo Leopold -
No social stability without individual stability.
-- Aldous Huxley -
The notion that employees and companies have a social contract with each other that goes beyond a paycheck has largely vanished in United States business.
-- Alex Berenson -
I missed the moment when time collapsed and memory was erased, replaced by finicky social experiments, lost in the blur of intoxication, sucked through multi-colored bendy-straws
-- Alex Gaskarth -
More retirees, longer life expectancy, larger benefits, and fewer workers - these trends have meant substantial increases in the payroll tax. Since the social security program began, the payroll tax has increased more than 500 percent.
-- Alex Tabarrok -
Regulation of sexual behavior is the preferred route to wider social control.
-- Alexander Cockburn -
Thus God and nature linked the gen'ral frame, And bade self-love and social be the same.
-- Alexander Pope -
Social standing does not necessarily translate to social acceptance.
-- Alexandra Robbins -
Each human being is a more complex structure than any social system to which he belongs.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
I hold with Henry George, that at the back of every great social evil will be found a great political wrong
-- Alfred Russel Wallace -
We must not think that religious concerns swamped all other social activities. They simply provided a focal point for them.
-- Alister E. McGrath -
I left Delhi, in 1971, shortly after Collective Choice and Social Welfare was published in 1970.
-- Amartya Sen -
You were doing a TV show - you don't realise that you're also making social commentary at the same time.
-- Amber Benson -
A system that warehouses people is not the cure for social ills
-- Amiri Baraka -
I was with Shaq at his home the day he retired. It was innovative for him to become the media and announce via social media that he was retiring.
-- Amy Jo Martin -
Social media provides an avenue to build relationships with media outlets and have an ongoing relationship with reporters.
-- Amy Jo Martin -
Music as a social conduit has always been important to me.
-- Andrew Bird -
I still like being in North of England and I keep a place there. But there are a lot of things about the Continent that are to be preferred. The social institutions work better, women have a better position in society and the food is another thing.
-- Andrew Eldritch -
I just wish this social institution [religion] wasnt based on what appears to me to be a monumental hoax built on an accumulation of customs and myths directed toward proving something that isnt true.
-- Andy Rooney -
The question is always 'What is the role of a labor movement?' How much is about collective bargaining, how much is about social change for all workers?
-- Andy Stern -
If you aren't building a social enterprise, I don't know what your business model will be in 5 years
-- Angela Ahrendts -
Imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too many of our social problems.
-- Angela Davis -
I'm suggesting that we abolish the social function of prisons.
-- Angela Davis -
The most exhausting thing in life, I have discovered, is being insincere. That is why so much of social life is exhausting; one is wearing a mask. I have shed my mask.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations.
-- Anne Roe -
My generation was, in effect, the product of a social experiment. If we did not understand marital intimacy, it was because we had not seen it modelled. We lurched from relationship to relationship, dazzled by the newness of meaninglessness, relentless in our search for something even the most perceptive of us could not identify.
-- Antonella Gambotto-Burke -
Lasting social change unfolds from inside out: from the inner to the outer being, from inner to outer realities.
-- Arianna Huffington -
Another essential to a universal and durable peace is social justice.
-- Arthur Henderson -
Modern capitalism, organising the reduction of all social life to a spectacle, cannot offer any spectacle other than that of our own alienation.
-- Attila Kotanyi -
For my whole life, my favorite activity was reading. It's not the most social pastime.
-- Audrey Hepburn -
The making of art is a profoundly social activity, even if it’s one-on-one with some sort of ideal reader who doesn’t exist.
-- August Kleinzahler -
I dont write particularly to effect social change. I believe writing can do that, but thats not why I write.
-- August Wilson -
Wearing a cape doesn't do much for your social life.
-- Austin Grossman -
Democracy is not a form of government, but a form of social organisation.
-- B. R. Ambedkar -
A people and their religion must be judged by social standards based on social ethics. No other standard would have any meaning if religion is held to be necessary good for the well-being of the people.
-- B. R. Ambedkar -
I've been talking about things like reversing the rise of inequality and strengthening social mobility,since before it was cool.
-- Barack Obama -
I would love to see a march on Washington that says 'Save our Social Security'
-- Barbara Boxer -
The destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.
-- Barbara Marx Hubbard -
I am emphatically against the privatization of Social Security. It is going to hurt millions of American women, American families and ultimately the whole country
-- Barbara Mikulski -
The raw material from which social institutions are fashioned is always more or less recalcitrant and any human society will tend to produce a caricature of itself.
-- Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth -
Despite the ethnic diversity within each nation, the social fabric of the region by and large is one.
-- Bashar al-Assad -
The older I get, the more of a recluse I turn into. I love the social aspect of my work. It’s like a commune and gets very intense and very sociable. Then when I am not working, I shut myself away, so I can see myself living up a mountain.
-- Ben Daniels -
I was always interested in social change but never actually did anything about it.
-- Ben Rattray -
The categories within which the colonists thought about the social foundations of politics were inheritances from classical antiquity, reshaped by seventeenth century English thought.
-- Bernard Bailyn -
In no obvious sense was the American Revolution undertaken as a social revolution.
-- Bernard Bailyn -
To Marx the claim of the theory of ideology is that all doctrine is a derivative of social circumstance.
-- Bernard Crick -
The "social contract," in the only sense in which it is not completely mythical, is a contract among conquerors, which loses its raison d'être if they are deprived of the benefits of conquest.
-- Bertrand Russell -
This archaic idea - that a woman who is unmarried and childless at 30 is somehow unnatural - will probably always exist, and, like most social standards, it is ridiculous.
-- Beth Ditto -
The national debate on Social Security has been cheapened by demagoguery on all sides.
-- Bill Delahunt -
Its hard to exaggerate the importance of preserving the financial integrity of Social Security.
-- Bill Delahunt -
The social entrepreneurs are governments' best friends.
-- Bill Drayton -
The most obvious drawback of social media is that they are aggressive distractions.
-- Bill Keller -
I think there's a misconception that I'm opposed to social media.
-- Bill Keller -
If you ever see me in a social setting wearing any sort of sportswear, then you know I'm in crisis.
-- Bill Nighy -
I wanted to use sports for social change.
-- Billie Jean King -
I don't think there is a single social issue I haven't spoken on.
-- Billy Graham -
Gamification is as important as social and mobile.*
-- Bing Gordon -
The potential for social commerce today is “inï¬niteâ€â€¦ Every ecommerce site will have to adapt
-- Bing Gordon -
The reliance on social media as the avenue to get peer insight continues to increase.
-- Bob Johnson -
There is no justice in social justice, and there is no equality in social equality.
-- Brad Thor -
Dresses, I find, are impractical in social situations, but I enjoy wearing them a great deal on stage.
-- Brian Molko -
I was always a bit of a loose cannon, then again I was always the artistic one: bit of a social misfit. I probably still am.
-- Brian Molko -
Increasing the minimum wagewill put billions annually into the Social Security trust fund.
-- Bruce Braley -
Given the credible estimate that we've spent $1 trillion on anti-terrorism security
-- Bruce Schneier -
Change the instruments and you will change the entire social theory that goes with them
-- Bruno Latour -
If your music is great, you will have fans, not because you have spent time chatting on social media.
-- Bryan Adams -
The best social insurance is to make more progress, not to make more work
-- Bryan Caplan -
Capitalism has socialized production. It has brought thousands of people together in the factory and involved them in new social relationships.
-- C. L. R. James -
Technological discoveries are the spermatozoa of social change.
-- C. L. R. James -
History is the shank of the social sciences.
-- C. Wright Mills -
[O]ne could translate the 555 pages of The Social System into about 150 pages of straightforward English. The result would not be very impressive.
-- C. Wright Mills -
The attempt to regulate, control, and prescribe all manner of conduct and social relations is very old. It was always the practice of primitive peoples.
-- Calvin Coolidge -
At American weddings, the quality of the food is in inverse proportion to the social position of the bride and groom.
-- Calvin Trillin -
Prom is a movie that follows a bunch of high-schoolers lives leading up to the prom, the climax of the movie. It focuses all their struggles and the social pressures that prom creates on their lives.
-- Cameron Monaghan -
While it is clear that we need to make some adjustments to protect Social Security for the long term, it is disingenuous to say that the trust fund is facing a crisis
-- Carl Levin -
By carrying the torch, you will be bridging cultural and social barriers, and all the boundaries that separate nation from nation,
-- Carl Lewis -
I fell in love with social work, and that was my undoing as a poet.
-- Carl Rakosi -
The basis of social relationships is reciprocity: if you cooperate with others, others will cooperate with you.
-- Carroll Quigley -
The family was not only the social unit, but also the unit of government.
-- Charles Alexander Eastman -
I don't like a lot of social programs either because it makes you non-productive.
-- Charles Evers -
A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society.
-- Charles Hamilton Houston -
I feel that I have a good enough social radar to tell good people from bad people.
-- Charles Teo -
In business life, that is, in its material processes, we eagerly accept the new. In social life, in all our social processes, we piously, valiantly, obdurately, maintain the old.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman