Institutions famous quotes
Any place that anyone can learn something useful from someone with experience is an educational institution.
-- Al Capp -
An institution has to decide, and it's not just an option, it's a responsibility, how much diversity can be tolerated.
-- Albert Mohler -
The control of knowledge is the crux of tomorrow's worldwide struggle for power in every human institution.
-- Alvin Toffler -
I'm forming a charitable institution for education.
-- Amar Bose -
Private property is a very fundamental and very long-term institution.
-- Anatoly Chubais -
I still like being in North of England and I keep a place there. But there are a lot of things about the Continent that are to be preferred. The social institutions work better, women have a better position in society and the food is another thing.
-- Andrew Eldritch -
Freemasonry is an institution calculated to benefit mankind.
-- Andrew Jackson -
The Press, Watson, is a most valuable institution, if you only know how to use it.
-- Arthur Conan Doyle -
The nations must be organized internationally and induced to enter into partnership, subordinating in some measure national sovereignty to worldwide institutions and obligations.
-- Arthur Henderson -
The family unit is the institution for the systematic production of mental illness.
-- Ashley Montagu -
The reality is that international institutions like the UN can only be as effective as its members allow it to be.
-- Atal Bihari Vajpayee -
The raw material from which social institutions are fashioned is always more or less recalcitrant and any human society will tend to produce a caricature of itself.
-- Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth -
You cannot reform your society or institution without opening your mind.
-- Bashar al-Assad -
One of the most subversive institutions in the United States is the public library..
-- Bell Hooks -
If a financial institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.
-- Bernie Sanders -
The Postal Service is a vitally important institution for the American people. It must be saved.
-- Bernie Sanders -
Judaism lives not in an abstract creed, but in its institutions.
-- Berthold Auerbach -
Human nature means that institutions at some point lose their sense of mission. That sense of vulnerability drives Pimco.
-- Bill Gross -
Well the Kop’s exclusive. The Spion Kop at Liverpool is an institution. And if you are a member of the Kop you feel as if you are a member of a big society where you’ve got thousands of friends all roundabout you. And they’re united and loyal.
-- Bill Shankly -
Human institutions depend for their existence and stability on the impulse of self-preservation and its close associate, the fear instinct.
-- Boris Sidis -
Iron Maiden is an institution, and I'm delighted that I'm involved in it, but there was a time that I wasn't delighted so I quit.
-- Bruce Dickinson -
Perfection of planned layout is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse.
-- C. Northcote Parkinson -
Government has a legitimate function, but the private sector has one too, and it is superior. In other words, people are better than institutions.
-- Cal Thomas -
The hospitality of the wigwam is only limited by the institution of war.
-- Charles Alexander Eastman -
The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement.
-- Charlotte Perkins Gilman -
Trust has shifted from institutions to individuals.
-- Clara Shih -
We're in the middle of the transformation of a society that has handled its politics through repression to a society that will handle its politics through democratic institutions.
-- Condoleezza Rice -
On the diffusion of education among the people rest the preservation and perpetuation of our free institutions.
-- Daniel Webster -
I was never in a mental institution for a long time. I was in psych wards.
-- Darrell Hammond -
Universities are institutions run by amateurs to train professionals.
-- Derek Bok -
Institutions are becoming naked, and if you're going to be naked … fitness is no longer optional. If you're going to be naked, you better get buff.
-- Don Tapscott -
The whole institution of marriage itself really has no place in a progressive society.
-- Doug Stanhope -
I think it was the institution...I was trying to master it.
-- E. Lockhart -
But the fact that the word "chattel" has survived as the inclusive legal term for all movable goods, points, not merely to the great importance of cattle in primitive times, but to the importance of the notion of sale or barter in generating the institution of property.
-- Edward Jenks -
Why not be a top-notcher? A top-notcher is simply an individual who works for the institution of which he is a part, not against it.
-- Elbert Hubbard -
Women have gained access to the institutions, but not enough power to overhaul them.
-- Ellen Goodman -
Every startup has a chance to change the world, by bringing not just a new product, but an entirely new institution into existence.
-- Eric Ries -
A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.
-- Eric Ries -
A Start Up is an institution designed to thrive in the soil of extreme uncertainty
-- Eric Ries -
The prison, above all others, should be the most human of institutions.
-- Eugene V. Debs -
Nearly all institutions, it might be said, are based on signs, but these signs do not directly evoke things.
-- Ferdinand de Saussure -
The institution of taxation rests foursquare on the axiom that somebody must rule somebody else.
-- Frank Chodorov -
I maintain that we ought to abolish the institution and stop causing or facilitating the existence of more 'companion' animals.
-- Gary L. Francione -
Historically speaking, institutions are slow to change and usually resistant to any sudden moves - churches especially so.
-- Gene Robinson -
Marriage is an institution, and you must be fully committed to it.
-- Gene Simmons -
The more rational an institution is the less it suffers by making concessions to others.
-- George Santayana -
Financial institutions like to call what they do trading. Let's be honest. It's not trading; it's betting.
-- Graydon Carter -
Only institutions that go about the old-fashioned business of taking in deposits from customer A and lending them out to customer B should be called banks. The rest should call themselves what they are. 'Parlors' would be appropriate, or 'dens' - words more suitable to venerable betting pursuits.
-- Graydon Carter -
Marriage ... is still the imperfect institution it must remain while women continue to be ill-educated, passive, and subservient ...
-- Harriet Martineau -
International institutions ought to be, as the national ones in democratic countries, established by the peoples and for the peoples
-- Henri La Fontaine -
The Roman jurisprudence has the longest known history of any set of human institutions.
-- Henry James Sumner Maine -
There are few more powerful tools for promoting stability than the institution of marriage.
-- Iain Duncan Smith -
Government is an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself.
-- Ibn Khaldun -
The government is asleep - there is a big administrative corruption everywhere in its institutions
-- Ibrahim Ali -
Transparency is not about restoring trust in institutions. Transparency is the politics of managing mistrust.
-- Ivan Krastev -
Celebrity is seen by a huge amount of people and certainly myself for a while as the pinnacle of society, of success. It is revered almost religiously, both the institution and its quickly growing member base.
-- Jack Gleeson -
France will insist on the need for updated and responsive institutions.
-- Jacques Chirac -
Certain readers resented me when they could no longer recognize their territory, their institution.
-- Jacques Derrida -
Unless a writer is extremely old when he dies, in which case he has probably become a neglected institution, his death must always seem untimely.
-- James A. Baldwin -
If traditional marriage is not the law of the land, the institution of the family will cease to exist.
-- James Dobson -
Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.
-- James Dobson -
I would say being in that institution - that psyche ward, or whatever it was. That was really creepy because it was a real place from like the early 1900s.
-- Jay Hernandez -
... inventions and purely human institutions.
-- Jean Meslier -
Nothing is possible without men; nothing is lasting without institutions.
-- Jean Monnet -
A Spaniard will seek to persuade you that the bull-ring is an institution got up chiefly for the benefit of the bull.
-- Jerome K. Jerome -
Why shouldn't I milk it? We're an agricultural institution.
-- Jim Valvano -
Marriage, as an institution, is as dead as the dodo bird.
-- Joan Fontaine -
The corporation was originally conceived as a public institution whose purpose was to serve national interests and advance the public good.
-- Joel Bakan -
But, you know, I'm presiding over an institution that was designed not to work.
-- John Boehner -
Wherever we find the Word of God surely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to the institution of Christ, there, it is not to be doubted, is a church of God.
-- John Calvin -
Workers have kept faith in American institutions. Most of the conflicts, which have occurred have been when labor's right to live has been challenged and denied.
-- John L. Lewis -
The intolerant can be viewed as free-riders, as persons who seek the advantages of just institutions while not doing their share to uphold them.
-- John Rawls -
Marriage is built around complementarity of the sexes and therefore the institution of marriage is a support for stable families and societies.
-- John Sentamu -
The hallmark of our age is the tension between aspirations and sluggish institutions.
-- John W. Gardner -
Bedlam: an institution with a history so fearsome it gave its name to a synonym for chaos and pandemonium.
-- Jon Ronson -
I have full confidence in the IMF. It is a very strong international institution.
-- Jose Manuel Barroso -
The world is governed by institutions that are not democratic - the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO.
-- Jose Saramago -
Government is an inherently inflationary institution and will ever remain so until it is dispossessed of its monopoly of the supply of money.
-- Joseph Salerno -
I have high respect for the Chief Justice and the institution he represents. But, I equally demand respect to the institution I represent.
-- Juan Ponce Enrile -
Democracy: An institution in which the whole is equal to the scum of the parts.
-- Keith Preston -
The the secret well from which the flourishing institution of British Snobbery draws its nourishment
-- Kingsley Martin -
I love the institution of marriage, and I love my marriage.
-- Kyle Chandler -
I think the institution of marriage is a great idea, but for me it's just an idea.
-- Lara Flynn Boyle -
The freedoms that people have that flow from all civic institutions fundamentally come from the success of a market system.
-- Lee R. Raymond -
Each co-operative institution will become a school of business in which each member will acquire a knowledge of the laws of trade and commerce.
-- Leland Stanford -
Governments not only are not necessary, but are harmful and most highly immoral institutions.
-- Leo Tolstoy -
The strength of the church is not the strength of its institutions but the authenticity of its witness.
-- Leonard Sweet -
Marriage is an institution and that's where a couple finishes up.
-- Les Dawson -
Libraries do one thing that no other institution does and that's provide access to all.
-- LeVar Burton -
The United Nations has become a largely irrelevant, if not positively destructive institution, and the just-released U.N. report on the atrocities in Darfur, Sudan, proves the point.
-- Linda Chavez -
Bad behaviour makes men more glamorous. Women get destroyed, thrown out of society and locked up in institutions.
-- Marianne Faithfull -
In the American colonies, the main problem of liberty has been solved, demonstrated and practiced in such a manner as not to leave much to be said by European institutions.
-- Marquis de Lafayette -
the only people who have proof of their sanity are those who have been discharged from mental institutions
-- Marshall McLuhan -
Once you've been committed to a mental institution you're considered a second-rate citizen from then on and retroactive.
-- Mary Jane Ward -
Viewed systematically, religion can be differentiated from other culturally constituted institutions by virtue only of its reference to superhuman beings.
-- Melford Spiro -
Private equity has been the purview of super wealthy individuals and institutions.
-- Michael Lee-Chin -
When I came in, Haiti was not governed by Haitians anymore. Probably mostly by NGOs. And that has done what to Haiti? It has weakened our institution.
-- Michel Martelly -
I suppose that in no educational institution can one become an educated person.
-- Mikhail Bulgakov