Monopoly famous quotes
Dissent and dissenters have no monopoly on freedom. They must tolerate opposition. They must accept dissent from their dissent.
-- Abe Fortas -
I'm not denying that monopolies are terrible things, but I am denying that it is readily easy to resolve them through legislation of that nature.
-- Alan Greenspan -
It is a free market that makes monopolies impossible.
-- Ayn Rand -
For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington.
-- Bill Moyers -
money that is in billions and monopolies isn't money at all, because the people have none, and money is democratic, everyone has to have some or there's none at all.
-- Christina Stead -
Television of course actually started in Britain in 1936, and it was a monopoly, and there was only one broadcaster and it operated on a license which is not the same as a government grant.
-- David Attenborough -
All rent is based on the monopoly power of private owners of certain portions of the globe.
-- David Harvey -
Today's public education system is a failed monopoly: bureaucratic, rigid and in unsteady control of dissatisfied captive markets.
-- David T. Kearns -
The most urgent necessity is, not that the State should teach, but that it should allow education. All monopolies are detestable, but the worst of all is the monopoly of education.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
War has been the necessary and inevitable consequence of the establishment of a monopoly on security.
-- Gustave de Molinari -
Of course, Americans have no monopoly of patriotic enthusiasm and good faith.
-- Herbert Croly -
We don't have a monopoly. Anyone who wants to dig a well without a Hughes bit can always use a pick and shovel.
-- Howard Hughes -
In terms of other functions, we are making a mistake about insisting on a public school monopoly.
-- James Q. Wilson -
The one thing that I know government is good for is countervailing against monopoly. It's not great at that either, but it's the only force I know that is fairly reliable
-- John Perry Barlow -
Take away the government's monopoly, and private groups will do it better.
-- John Stossel -
No one has a monopoly on our unending story of nationhood; no one has the manual for our nationhood.
-- John Tamihere -
No one has a monopoly of the true God, nor is there a nation or religion that can claim, or at any rate prove, that it has been given the exclusive right to the Creator or sole knowledge of His Being.
-- Jose Rizal -
Government is an inherently inflationary institution and will ever remain so until it is dispossessed of its monopoly of the supply of money.
-- Joseph Salerno -
Incredible that liberals aren't more concerned about the monopoly of information in South Dakota.
-- Laura Ingraham -
Before the monopoly should be permitted, there must be reason to believe it will do some good - for society, and not just for monopoly holders.
-- Lawrence Lessig -
Monopoly controls have been the exception in free societies; they have been the rule in closed societies.
-- Lawrence Lessig -
But no man has a monopoly of conscience.
-- Mary Augusta Ward -
Public education grants secular worldviews an exclusive monopoly in the classroom.
-- Nancy Pearcey -
How come there's only one Monopolies Commission?
-- Nigel Rees -
The monopoly of science in the realm of knowledge explains why evolutionary biologists do not find it meaningful to address the question whether the Darwinian theory is true.
-- Phillip E. Johnson -
Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom.
-- Queen Elizabeth II -
No age or time of life, no position or circumstance, has a monopoly on success. Any age is the right age to start doing!
-- Ralph W. Gerard -
[John Foster Dulles] invented Brinkmanship, the most popular game since Monopoly.
-- Richard Armour -
The East India Company established a monopoly over the production of opium, shortly after taking over Bengal.
-- Robert Trout -
I don't know what a monopoly is until somebody tells me.
-- Steve Ballmer -
No one has a monopoly on wisdom, and even for people who aren't religious, you can learn things from religious people.
-- Steve Coogan -
A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas.
-- Thomas Sowell -
Never forget that it is we New Yorkers and New Englanders who have the monopoly of whatever oxygen there is in the American continent.
-- Van Wyck Brooks -
Property is only another name for monopoly.
-- William Stanley Jevons -
I'm sure the gasoline companies would love to keep their 100 percent monopoly on transportation fuel.
-- Chris Paine -
Behind the screen of the ballot, the real holders of power ... are the great industrial and monetary monopolies who own our national economic life.
-- Florence Luscomb -
Monopoly is business at the end of its journey.
-- Henry Demarest Lloyd -
That this is not a sense of innovation and competition increasing prices because some other company is coming in and competing with Martin Shkreli. This is literally a monopoly.
-- Joy-Ann Reid -
Capitalism is based on ruthless exploitation and competition, and leads inevitably to the development of mega monopolies.
-- Kshama Sawant