Progressive famous quotes
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
-- Aeschylus -
I like Akon, I like some of Lil Wayne when he uses that funky voice. Anything progressive.
-- Afrika Bambaataa -
I will say that the environment I grew up in was not the most progressive.
-- Alan Ball -
Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask; by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
I believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
-- Allen West -
I support transitioning from the progressive tax to a flat tax system - both individual and corporate/business.
-- Allen West -
Journalism is what maintains democracy. It's the force for progressive social change.
-- Andrew Vachss -
MS is not really a degenerative illness. It is not fatal, nor is it always progressive.
-- Annette Funicello -
Ill put my progressive credentials up against anyones.
-- Bart Stupak -
Scouts should be progressive and should be adapting. If you're gay or not it's irrelevant, Scouting values respect.
-- Bear Grylls -
The fierce willingness to repudiate domination in a holistic manner is the starting point for progressive cultural revolution.
-- Bell Hooks -
Change is constant in a progressive country.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
I didnt set out with the notion of running for elective office; it sort of grew over time. And I honestly at times questioned if progressive change can be effected through elected office.
-- Bill de Blasio -
I'm conservative on some issues, and I'm progressive on others.
-- Bill Halter -
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
-- Charles Darwin -
We shall never know how many acts of cowardice have been motivated by the fear of appearing not sufficiently progressive.
-- Charles Peguy -
I'm surrounded by very powerful women and very progressive men.
-- Christie Hefner -
I couldn't be more proud of my work as a progressive.
-- Christine Quinn -
I believe I am a moderate Democrat: I am pro-business and also progressive.
-- Dan Maffei -
True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy and share it with others.
-- Deepak Chopra -
Progressive policies are harming the Black community.
-- Deneen Borelli -
The whole institution of marriage itself really has no place in a progressive society.
-- Doug Stanhope -
Science is the one human activity that is totally progressive.
-- Edwin Powell Hubble -
Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backwards.
-- Florence Nightingale -
I'm a liberal. I'm confused when that became a bad word...
-- George Clooney -
The whole order of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher life.
-- H. P. Blavatsky -
The Labour Party is the sister Party for the Democrats and their progressive views are the ones that we are most aligned with.
-- Harriet Harman -
The movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from Status to Contract.
-- Henry James Sumner Maine -
Progressive policies lead to a regressive society.
-- Ilana Mercer -
The re-establishment of an ecological balance depends on the ability of society to counteract the progressive materialization of values. The ecological balance cannot be re-established unless we recognize again that only persons have ends and only persons can work towards them.
-- Ivan Illich -
Progressive disclosure defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone.
-- Jakob Nielsen -
Science emerges from the other progressive activities of man to the extent that new concepts arise from experiments and observations, and that the new concepts in turn lead to further experiments and observations.
-- James Bryant Conant -
The progressive and liberal mindset believes that to every problem there is a Washington, D.C., solution,
-- Jeb Bush -
Business can be a source of progressive change.
-- Jerry Greenfield -
Bureaucracies are progressive. meaning they have a burning fear that someone. somewhere, is doing something without permission.
-- Jerry Pournelle -
You can't do progressive government from the inside. You have to rally those outsiders and make them a force.
-- Jim Hightower -
Quotes from the Underground is a remarkable resource and must-read for writers, researchers, activists and indeed anyone who embraces progressive values and hopes to rescue politics from corporate control.
-- Joel Bakan -
Progressive politics is not something to be bolted on to another cause.
-- Johann Lamont -
Homeopathy is a progressive and aggressive step in medicine.
-- John D. Rockefeller -
Apartheid education, rarely mentioned in the press or openly confronted even among once-progressive educators, is alive and well and rapidly increasing now in the United States.
-- Jonathan Kozol -
A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism.
-- Karl Marx -
Progressive economic policies lead to a sustainable economy.
-- Keith Ellison -
We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense except that of being equal to us.
-- Lionel Trilling -
My commitment to the Bible [is my] source of progressive values.
-- Mel White -
We are here to change. We are here to grow, develop and unfold. We are progressive beings that have infinite capacity
-- Michael Beckwith -
If anything's progressive, then we make progress.
-- Michael Giles -
I will burn, but this is a mere incident. We shall continue our discussion in eternity.
-- Michael Servetus -
It is the darling delusion of mankind that the world is progressive in religion, toleration, freedom, as it is progressive in machinery.
-- Moncure D. Conway -
Jazz is part folk art, part progressive art,
-- Mulgrew Miller -
The inner change, justification, is effected at the moment of salvation. The outer change in the believer's daily walk, sanctification, continues throughout life. But the progressive work of sanctification is only fully effective when the radical, inner transformation of justification is realized and appropriated by faith.
-- Neil T Anderson -
I have an idealistic view of science as a liberalising and progressive force for humanity.
-- Paul Nurse -
The power of consumer goods . . . has been engendered by the so-called liberal and progressive demands of freedom, and, by appropriating them, has emptied them of their meaning, and changed their nature.
-- Pier Paolo Pasolini -
It is not 'progressive' to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life.
-- Pope Francis -
The Great War was a progressive revelation and disillusionment.
-- Ralph Adams Cram -
Securing, not prohibiting, the orderly transfer of wealth from A to B, based on wealth differentials, is the raison d'être of the [New Deal programs]. The contrast between the modern progressive and classical liberal agendas could not be more explicit.
-- Richard Allen Epstein -
I'm trying to change the root of funk, trying to make it more progressive, more melodic and more lyrically structured.
-- Rick James -
It was under Wilson, of course, that the first huge parts of the Marxist program, such as the progressive income tax, were incorporated into the American system.
-- Robert W. Welch, Jr. -
All my life, the naysayers have told me that I can't win because I'm a progressive... because I'm a woman... even because I'm a lesbian.
-- Tammy Baldwin -
No progressive knowledge will ever medicine that dread misgiving of a mysterious and pathless power given to words of a certain import.
-- Thomas de Quincey -
[T]he Constitution was a product of its times. [Progressive]
-- Thurgood Marshall -
It's certainly a lot more difficult to get a project made if you're talking about something progressive. That's just the nature of the industry.
-- Tim Robbins -
I watch Glenn Beck and he's taught me well. Progressive is the new word for Communist
-- Victoria Jackson -
The liberals who demanded equality of taxation on behalf of the poor, for instance, did not imagine that they would obtain progressive taxation to the disadvantage of the well-off, and that they would end up with an arrangement in which taxes are voted by those who do not pay them.
-- Vilfredo Pareto -
But, when Scripture makes a clear distinction between the act of creation and the process of preservation, we cannot accept the idea of a progressive creation process.
-- Walter Lang -
Astronomy is ... the only progressive Science which the ancient world produced.
-- William Whewell -
For the second time in history the Conservatives will have a female prime minster, proving that we are not just the greatest but the most progressive party in Britain.
-- Andrea Leadsom -
Progressive Consequentialsm requires us to make the world better but we are under no obligation to bring about the best possible world.
-- Dale Jamieson -
Stiffening the spine of progressive members of Congress is crucial.
-- Ezra G. Levin -
There is something uncannily adaptive about anti-Semitism: the way it can hide, unsuspected, in the most progressive minds.
-- James Lasdun -
I think sex work gets over-mystified and overcomplicated because it's about sexuality, and women's sexuality in general. What strikes me when I look at sex worker organizations and sex worker movements, in the US especially, is that they're so in alignment with other longstanding progressive causes. If anything, sex workers have been at the forefront of some of these causes. There have always been sex workers at the forefront of social movements.
-- Melissa Gira Grant -
The radical ideas of one generation have become the common sense of the next. We all stand on the shoulders of earlier generations of reformers, radicals, and idealists who challenged the status quo of their day. They helped change America by organizing movements, pushing for radical reforms, popularizing progressive ideas, and spurring others to action.
-- Peter Dreier -
It's not only progressives who listen to progressive radio.
-- Stephanie Miller -
For a people is only as great, as free, as lofty, as advanced as its women are free, noble and progressive.
-- Susan B. Anthony -
In an American context, let's say gay rights or marriage policy - that's a progressive thing. I understand that in an American context.
-- Trevor Noah -
I think the progressive audience that loves Star Trek will be happy that we're continuing that tradition being progressive and all-inclusive. Star Trek's not necessarily a universe where I want to hear a lot of profanity.
-- Bryan Fuller -
I thought of reaching out for progressive Israelis, progressive Americans, progressive American Jews - this was probably my main mission.
-- Ari Shavit -
I think that good things will happen in the Middle East, in Israel, and to American progressive Jewry only if we work together to save a progressive Israel that progressive Americans can have affinity with again.
-- Ari Shavit -
For the progressive left, social activism grounded in faith and theology crested in the 1960s.
-- Mike McCurry -
Success is the progressive, timely achievement of your stated goals.
-- Charles J. Givens -
We believe that the Federal Reserve has to carry on with a progressive increase in interest rates as a consequence of the American economy.
-- Rodrigo Rato -
A "communist/socialist/progressive" is an oxymoron, like an "atheist/evangelical Christian/Muslim."
-- Hendrik Hertzberg -
I've always said that there's a huge progressive rock, progressive metal audience out there, in the world.
-- John Petrucci