Congress famous quotes
Perhaps our Congress will be Exalted on a high Gallows.
-- Abraham Clark -
And always remember, Abraham Lincoln only served one term in Congress, too.
-- Allen West -
Congress is furious at the Secret Service for consorting with hookers, which has traditionally been Congress's role.
-- Andy Borowitz -
In Congress, I was a relentless advocate for fiscal responsibility.
-- Ann Kirkpatrick -
The Supreme Court's 5-4 decision rejected Congress' findings and its method of reasoning, .. Is there any real justification for the court's denigrating Congress' 'method of reasoning'?.
-- Arlen Specter -
It is not true that Congress spends money like a drunken sailor. Drunken sailors spend their own money. Congress spends our money.
-- Arthur Laffer -
I could say, as a member of Congress, we usually get an alert if something is going to happen at the Capitol.
-- Barack Obama -
Serving in Congress is like having a second shot at high school.
-- Barney Frank -
You can't repeal human nature by an Act of Congress.
-- Bernard Baruch -
The Senate being tied is a start. Now, if only it could be gagged.
-- Bob Thaves -
Members of Congress must live according to the same laws as everyone else.
-- Bobby Jindal -
When I ran for Congress I promised to help make health care affordable again.
-- Bobby Jindal -
I am the first podiatrist to serve in the U.S. Congress.
-- Brad Wenstrup -
Your brother doesn't have to be speaker for your voice to be heard in Congress
-- Candace Gingrich-Jones -
From early on, everything I did was calculated to being elected to Congress.
-- Carl Albert -
Under our constitutional system, the executive executes the laws that Congress has passed. It should not be executing laws that Congress has rejected.
-- Charles Krauthammer -
Our goal has been to more effectively promote the value of publicly-supported research at our universities, both to the Congress and to the general public.
-- Charles M. Vest -
The slave power dares anything, and it can be conquered only by the united masses of the people. From Congress to the people, I appeal.
-- Charles Sumner -
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
-- Charley Reese -
Ultimately it all comes down to money, ultimately it all comes down to lab capacity. One thing we are clear about is if that money were to pass (in Congress), thousands of lives will be saved.
-- Chris Asplen -
Madam Speaker, before being elected to Congress, I ran a manufacturing business that did a significant percentage of our sales outside the United States.
-- Chris Chocola -
Congress has changed the Social Security system over time, and over 20 times in the past Congress has raised taxes on Social Security in payroll taxes into the system.
-- Chris Chocola -
We should go forward in courts and Congress with investigations into post-9/11 interrogations and the decisions leading to them.
-- Christine Pelosi -
If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything-and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.
-- Clarence Thomas -
I would not have a woman go to Congress merely because she is a woman.
-- Crystal Eastman -
Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana... We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society.
-- Dan Quayle -
I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency.
-- Dan Quayle -
I came to Congress to help reduce spending.
-- Dave Reichert -
This is all disgraceful and underscores how imperative it is that Obamacare be fully repealed and that the newly elected GOP Congress get a backbone and stand up to this cadre of scofflaws.
-- David Limbaugh -
I have also come to understand Congress' need for a bipartisan as well as a partisan capacity.
-- David Price -
To stabilize the nations public-employee pension systems and to prevent federal taxpayers from being billed for failed pension funds, I have introduced the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act in Congress.
-- Devin Nunes -
It's awfully hard to convey a sense of credibility to allies when you [the Congress] voted for the war and then you declared: Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time.
-- Dick Cheney -
Since September 11th Congress has created the Department of Homeland Security, more than doubled the homeland security budget and implemented a bipartisan overhaul of our intelligence systems.
-- Doc Hastings -
Well, my wife, Cathy Gillespie, worked for Joe Barton, who was running for Congress in 1984.
-- Ed Gillespie -
It's disgraceful that year after year, Congress has bowed to the tobacco lobby and refused to act.
-- Edward Kennedy -
Pigs are smarter than dogs, and both are smarter than Congress.
-- Elayne Boosler -
Some statesmen go to Congress and some go to jail. It is the same thing, after all.
-- Eugene Field -
One of my big beliefs about Washington is that we highly overstate the power of individuals and highly underrate seeing Washington as a system, in general, but, in particular, we highly underrate the power of Congress,
-- Ezra Klein -
It was a terrible day for baseball, it was a worse day for Congress.
-- Fay Vincent -
I'm just going to let my record in Congress speak for itself.
-- Grace Meng -
And the annual meetings of the League's Assembly are in effect official peace congresses binding on the participating states to an extent that most statesmen a quarter of a century ago would have regarded as utopian.
-- Hjalmar Branting -
It's a lie! I am not an anti-Semite. The World Jewish Congress supported me and said that I am not anti-Semitic.
-- Hugo Chavez -
If we are to change America, we must change the United States Congress.
-- Jack Kemp -
Most people are far more concerned that they can control their own bodies than they are about petitioning Congress.
-- Jacob M. Appel -
Parliaments are in all cases to declare what is good for the whole; but it is not the declaration of parliament that makes it so.
-- James Otis -
A top geneticist at Stanford says human intelligence is declining. You know what that means? We are seeing Congress at its smartest and most effective right now.
-- Jay Leno -
This Congress is simply not doing its job under Republican leadership.
-- Jim Cooper -
There are more whooping cranes in the United States of America than there are women in Congress.
-- Joanna Russ -
I put myself and all the members of Congress in the same boat of things that could have been done better.
-- John Breaux -
The Congress has now become a fairly evenly divided entity.
-- John Dingell -
Congress never loses its capacity to disappoint you.
-- John Oliver -
Congress is the Justin Bieber of our government
-- Jon Stewart -
We have to change the system. The system is very rotten. The executive is corrupt, the Congress is corrupt, the judiciary is corrupt. ... So what's left We really have to have a radical and surgical change to bring back the image of our country.
-- Joseph Estrada -
People like Congress more than their health insurance companies.
-- Joshua Kushner -
When women go off together we call it separatism. When men go off together we call it Congress.
-- Kate Clinton -
Congress can't take the year off, election or no election.
-- Kay Bailey Hutchison -
I would love to do an unauthorized biography about Congress... It's like a secret society up there.
-- Kitty Kelley -
Well I think that what we're seeing now is that the people feel like they, the people in Congress don't have their consent to govern them. They keep doing things that are incredibly unpopular. And so when that happens, folks get angry
-- Laura Ingraham -
Copyrights have not expired, and will not expire, so long as Congress is free to be bought to extend them again.
-- Lawrence Lessig -
When you have a gutless Congress a lawless president can do pretty much what he chooses.
-- Lyn Nofziger -
I don't think the only place to fight for freedom is in the halls of Congress.
-- Malcolm Wallop -
A competition of the best ideas - that should be what Congress is about.
-- Mark McKinnon -
There is no getting around it; Congress is failing the American people.
-- Mark Udall -
The worst excesses of the Congress of the 1980s pale in comparison with what is going on in Washington today.
-- Marty Meehan -
I'm no lady; I'm a member of Congress, and I'll proceed on that basis.
-- Mary Norton -
During my first term in Congress, I signed a pledge that I will take no more earmarks and I've been faithful to that pledge.
-- Michele Bachmann -
Congress can raise taxes because it can persuade a sizable fraction of the populace that somebody else will pay
-- Milton Friedman -
Congress is my ideological home; I come from a Nehruvian family.
-- Nandan Nilekani -
Remember, the Congress doesn't get as many opportunities to make an impression with the public.
-- Nate Silver -
The Congress is pretty powerful if it wants to be.
-- Newt Gingrich -
Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress
-- Nicholas Biddle -
Congress is not a party which fades when not in power
-- P. Chidambaram -
There are even more fatalities from cirrhoses of the liver [than automobiles], yet Congress has not once mentioned outfitting us all with anti- alcohol equipment.
-- Patrick Bedard -
If you have given up your militia, and Congress shall refuse to arm them, you have lost every thing. Your existence will be precarious, because you depend on others, whose interests are not affected by your infelicity.
-- Patrick Henry -
A territory cannot become a state or a nation unless Congress approves legislation and the president signs it.
-- Pedro Pierluisi -
Obviously, overall infrastructure needs on the Southwest and Northern borders are mounting. We need a major push in Congress to remedy this.
-- Pete Domenici -
Our runaway judiciary is badly in need of restraint by Congress.
-- Phyllis Schlafly -
When I testified in front of Congress, I know that I was testifying under oath and I told the truth,
-- Rafael Palmeiro -
The Congress as I see, does not belong to me or to you, but it belongs to the whole country.
-- Rahul Gandhi -
The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer Congresses in our history.
-- Ralph Nader -
I represent more Native Americans than anyone else in Congress.
-- Rick Renzi -
Is it any wonder, why the approval ratings of the Congress go up every time we go into recess?
-- Robert Byrd -
Congress is best viewed from a distance—the farther the better—because up close, it is truly ugly,
-- Robert M. Gates -
Barbara Comstock is a solid and reliable conservative. I've known her for many years. She'd make a great member of Congress. I am happy to join other conservatives and proudly endorse her candidacy.
-- Sean Hannity -
Congress is like first grade, only not as well behaved.
-- Sean Patrick Maloney -
What standards are upheld by the scientific community affect the community internally, and also affect its relations with society at large, including Congress.
-- Serge Lang -
I didn't leave the Congress; I was expelled.
-- Sharad Pawar -
I have a reputation for being the hardest working person in Congress.
-- Shelley Berkley -
Congress is responsible for every major change in India
-- Sonia Gandhi -
I hope to continue to be serving South Dakota in Congress.
-- Stephanie Herseth Sandlin -
While Congress can't overturn the Supreme Court, we can provide carrots and sticks to prevent local governments from unfairly taking property from landowners.
-- Stephanie Herseth Sandlin