Notable famous quotes
He was the keynote speaker for our better angels.
-- Andrew Cuomo -
The West is duly terrified. But it should not be surprised. ...
-- Ayaan Hirsi Ali -
Obscenity is a notable enhancer of life and is suppressed at grave peril to the arts.
-- Brendan Gill -
If one cannot imagine Obama saying such a thing -€” well, he didn't.
-- Byron York -
Bringing the IRS to heel can start with re-energizing and expanding congressional investigations and holding accountable those responsible for the targeting and other abuses.
-- Cleta Mitchell -
But there has also been a notable increase in recent years of these applications by a much wider slice of psychotherapists - far greater interest than ever before.
-- Daniel Goleman -
There are going to be situations where people are going to go without assistance. That's just the facts of life.
-- Daryl Gates -
Obama acknowledges his overreach openly every time he argues that he intends to do the job of an obstinate Republican congress.
-- David Harsanyi -
This is all disgraceful and underscores how imperative it is that Obamacare be fully repealed and that the newly elected GOP Congress get a backbone and stand up to this cadre of scofflaws.
-- David Limbaugh -
Very notable was his distinction between coarseness and vulgarity, coarseness, revealing something; vulgarity, concealing something.
-- E. M. Forster -
The spiritual kinship between Lincoln and Whitman was founded upon their Americanism, their essential Westernism. Whitman had grown up without much formal education; Lincoln had scarcely any education. One had become the notable poet of the day; one the orator of the Gettsyburg Address. It was inevitable that Whitman as a poet should turn with a feeling of kinship to Lincoln, and even without any association or contact feel that Lincoln was his.
-- Edgar Lee Masters -
Most are expecting 5 percent to 10 percent hikes, but there are rumblings of far nastier surprises.
-- Hugh Hewitt -
One can lynch a person without a rope or tree.
-- James H. Cone -
[T]he economy remains the top issue for the electorate.
-- Karl Rove -
Doing justice, loving mercy, seeking truth...these are the issues [the Bible] is clear on.
-- Mel White -
I am convinced that Christian fundamentalism is a far greater threat to this country than Muslim terrorists could ever be.
-- Mel White -
My commitment to the Bible [is my] source of progressive values.
-- Mel White -
In my lowest moments, when I genuinely longed for death, I knew that Jesus would walk with me through that valley as well.
-- Mel White -
There's something in the cross that says this is not just about my "salvation" but about the "salvation" of all those who suffer injustice and inequality.
-- Mel White -
Because of their excessive commitment to a literal Bible, fundamentalist Christians have fallen into the trap of biblioltry.
-- Mel White -
During my time in the entourages of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, I never saw either of them attack and punish those who disagree, as Dobson does on a regular basis.
-- Mel White -
I stand with the Santa Barbara News-Press. How about you?
-- Michelle Malkin -
With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves.
-- Milton Friedman -
It seems with every new day, we have a new veto threat from the president.
-- Mitch McConnell -
Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.
-- Neil Gaiman -
Notable American Women is a weird nougat of a book that suggests Coetzee, Kafka, Beckett, Barthelme, O'Brien, Orwell, Paley, Borges-and none of them exactly. Finally you just have to chew it for its own private juice.
-- Padgett Powell -
The distracting feeling of disbelief when you're finally doing something you've procrastinated on for notable amounts of time.
-- Tao Lin -
So why, after prior successes, did Obama's race/class/gender attack finally sputter out like the French at Waterloo?
-- Victor Davis Hanson -
If the church is to be faithful it must be formed andordered from the inside of its experience and confession and not by borrowing from sources extenal to its own life.
-- Walter Brueggemann -
In Africa through the 1990s, with notable exceptions in Senegal and Uganda, nearly all the ruling powers denied they had a problem with AIDS.
-- Barton Gellman -
Jeb Bush admitted that he smoked a notable amount of pot in school. He said, 'You would too if your parents had named you 'Jeb.'
-- Conan O'Brien -
Since the waiting time required during the rendering process has been dramatically shorter in the last 10 years, I think that CGI animation has finally become practical. It is a fact that I processed the Steamboy work based on the assumption that the machine spec would be higher. In that context, young 3D animators have also gotten more skillful in recent years. But what I didn't expect is that the skills of traditional 2D animators have become worse, and notable young animators have not come out to the scene. This is a big issue for the industry.
-- Katsuhiro Otomo -
For as saith a proverb notable, Each thing seeketh his semblable.
-- Thomas Wyatt -
It's hard to separate art from artists so transgender musicians will never be mainstream until transpeople are looked at as notable as maybe redheads.
-- Willam Belli