Standards famous quotes
If your standards are low, you're going to stop pretty early on in the process.
-- Aimee Mann -
Standards are always out of date. That's what makes them standards.
-- Alan Bennett -
Ask yourself not if this or that is expedient, but if it is right.
-- Alan Paton -
Beauty is now defined by your bones sticking out of your decolletage. For that to be the standard is really perilous for women.
-- Alanis Morissette -
I searched everywhere for a proof of reality, when all the while I understood quite well that the standard of reality had changed
-- Algernon Blackwood -
Nobody knows what makes good art. As an artist, when it happens, you're grateful, and then you get on with it.
-- Alice Neel -
Universal love is the standard-sized socket that everyone can plug into. No adapting mechanism required.
-- Allison Mackie -
I have always been very rebellious and gone against the grain. I've always challenged the standards set before me.
-- Amber Heard -
moral, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
The standard treatments for cancer are not meant to heal, but to destroy.
-- Andreas Moritz -
Perfection is the lowest standard of achievement. Doing is the highest.
-- Andy Jenkins -
I don't like playing standards. I like to do my own cutting edge work.
-- Andy Summers -
Praise invariably implies a reference to a higher standard.
-- Aristotle -
No longer are there immutable standards by which to judge ourselves. Image has overtaken reality.
-- Barbara Goldsmith -
I'm shocked at the sexism and double standard coming out of the far right.
-- Barbara Mikulski -
I'm not interested in a marketable product: I'm interested in what I know from my life experience to be standards of excellence
-- Barney Kessel -
A gold standard doesn't imply stability in the prices of the goods and services that people buy every day, it implies a stability in the price of gold itself.
-- Ben Bernanke -
I have my standards. They're low, but I have them.
-- Bette Midler -
Cosmoe works on any of the standard filesystems available for Linux.
-- Bill Hayden -
The standard definition of AI is that which we don't understand.
-- Bill Joy -
Don't judge yourself by someone else's standards. You will always lose
-- Billy Corgan -
I would encourage nonproprietary standards for tools and libraries
-- Bjarne Stroustrup -
When you fail by your own standards, it's a form of success.
-- Bonnie Hunt -
To be a standard shape is not all in life. To know is also important.
-- Brian Aldiss -
You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards.
-- Brian Tracy -
I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren't as easy to sing.
-- Carly Simon -
I'm still more comfortable with standards than with my own songs.
-- Carly Simon -
Life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents.
-- Charles Goodyear -
The standard formulation on remedy is that it ought to cure past violations and prevent their recurrence. That's what antitrust is all about.
-- Charles James -
Unreasonable," "unrealistic," and "impractical" are all words used to marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with conventionally expected standards.
-- Chris Guillebeau -
If there were one word that could act as a standard of conduct for one's entire life, perhaps it would be 'thoughtfulness.
-- Confucius -
But I could never make a judgement that something was obscene.
-- Damien Hirst -
Never lower your standards just to fill a position. You will pay for it later.
-- David Cottrell -
By thetest of our faith thehighest standard ofcivilization is the readiness to sacrifice for others.
-- David Lloyd George -
There are no standards for computer programmers and no group to certify them.
-- David Parnas -
We’re going to have good years again. Our bad years are not that bad. Take a school like Missouri. Our bad years are better than their good years. But we’ve created a standard.
-- DeLoss Dodds -
Raising the standard of the work, not complaining about somebody not voting.
-- Denzel Washington -
Once in a rare while, somebody comes along who doesn't just raise the bar, they create an entirely new standard of measurement.
-- Dick Costolo -
Only the work of art itself can raise the standard of taste.
-- Diego Rivera -
The goal, as Compaq has stated all along in its history, is to support an open industry standard.
-- Eckhard Pfeiffer -
Keep your standards high, and any guy who is worth it will rise to meet them.
-- Ed Westwick -
Great design is not democratic; it comes from great designers. If the standard is lousy, then develop another standard.
-- Edward Tufte -
When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else … you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt -
I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself.
-- Eliot Spitzer -
He cried when I left, which I find to be standard male behavior.
-- Emilie Autumn -
Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?
-- Eric S. Raymond -
I should not be judged by a standard that's not applied to everyone else.
-- Fareed Zakaria -
God is love, but He also defines what love is. We don't have the license to define love according to our standards.
-- Francis Chan -
Why should the peculiarities of human consciousness be the narrow standard by which other creatures are judged?
-- Gary Snyder -
An age is best revealed by its artists of the second rank.
-- Geoffrey Wolff -
The manuscript looks chaotic, even by mathematics standards.
-- George Andrews -
We should cease to talk about vague and unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.
-- George F. Kennan -
The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.
-- George Orwell -
The idea is to have global standards. There is so much travel that if you just had a regional standard, it would probably ultimately have to be changed.
-- Gijs de Vries -
If you don't meet the standards, then you don't qualify.
-- Harold Ford, Jr. -
Life doesn't require ideals. It requires standards of action.
-- Haruki Murakami -
You need to do the work to bring the money in, but not compromise standards.
-- Heston Blumenthal -
Every man should measure himself by his own standard. [Lat., Metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est.]
-- Horace -
The standard dreaming of a society has to be listened to.
-- Hortense Calisher -
I established a certain standard of behavior, that, during my playing, there must be no talking.
-- Ignacy Jan Paderewski -
The democratic idealist is prone to make light of the whole question of standards and leadership because of his unbounded faith in the plain people.
-- Irving Babbitt -
If we are to have such a discipline we must have standards, and to get our standards under existing conditions we must have criticism.
-- Irving Babbitt -
You have set standards for how you want to be treated and what you expect from yourself and for yourself.
-- Iyanla Vanzant -
Never be satisfied with the world's standard of Christianity!
-- J. C. Ryle -
I feel like obviously the standard for what TV looks like changes all the time.
-- J. J. Abrams -
You are perfect for a female." "Not where I come from." "Then they're using the wrong standard.
-- J.R. Ward -
Once freedom is equated with a certain material standard of living, confiscation becomes the path to liberation.
-- James Bovard -
All discussion of the ultimate nature of things must necessarily be barren unless we have some extraneous standards against which to compare them.
-- James Jeans -
I'm not religious, but I put it that way because I feel so strongly. It's the one thing you do not ever do. You've got to have standards.
-- James Lovelock -
I have hated every Kress I read, especially this one, but the Bear is a standard Bear and if you like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you'll like.
-- James Nicoll -
Torture, including practices like waterboarding, violates the legal and moral standards of all civilized nations.
-- Jerrold Nadler -
When you don't have standards, it's easier to exceed them.
-- Jerry Scott -
I think as an investigative reporter I had tough standards, but I don't think of myself as a tough person.
-- Jill Abramson -
I set my standards so high, no one could be harsher on me than I was.
-- Jim Brown -
The Scouts are a private organization and have every right to set their own membership standards.
-- John Doolittle -
In truth, the gold standard is already a barbarous relic.
-- John Maynard Keynes -
Simply put, broadband voice is an interstate matter that must be dealt with through clear national standards.
-- John Sununu -
Keep up the old standards, and day by day raise them higher.
-- John Wanamaker -
Without sounding pompous, I really do feel that I have a set of standards that I must adhere to, even leaving aside considerations of what the readers expect.
-- Jonathan Kellerman -
I'm not better than anyone, and I'm not trying to convince people to live by my standards of what's right. I'm trying to convince them to live by their own.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer -
We say, that the Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God.
-- Joseph Smith, Jr. -
I can't help it! I'm just a woman with high standards!
-- Josie Maran -
I love classic beauty. It’s an idea of beauty with no standard.
-- Karl Lagerfeld -
I dont think Paul Thomas Anderson has a standard approach to anything.
-- Katherine Waterston -
The nicest thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.
-- Ken Olsen -
I always felt like there was a certain standard of music that I had to do from the beginning, even when I didn't have the recognition that I have now.
-- Kendrick Lamar -
People want to be liked by other people, so they adopt other people's standards, but for me, my standard had always been true.
-- Kirk Cameron -
There is only one standard - a global standard. Be consistent, operate at 100% every single time you're given an opportunity.
-- Komla Dumor -
I was a terrible actor, and that's why I got the job: I would allow myself to be so bad that I lowered and got down to WWF standards.
-- Kurt Fuller -
Be certain that you easily clear the minimum standards for service as a missionary and that you are continually raising the bar.
-- L. Tom Perry -
A dwarf who brings a standard along with him to measure his own size, take my word, is a dwarf in more articles than one.
-- Laurence Sterne -
If courage wasn't a standard result of aging it meant that the young could somehow acquire it as well.
-- Lawana Blackwell -
I plan to eliminate the equity cap in investment, and I also plan large-scale deregulation to meet global standards.
-- Lee Myung-bak -
People most strenuously seek to evaluate performance by comparing themselves to others, not by using absolute standards.
-- Leon Festinger