Measurement famous quotes
Measurement is like laundry. It piles up the longer you wait to do it.
-- Amber Naslund -
It is really just as bad technique to make a measurement more accurately than is necessary as it is to make it not accurately enough.
-- Arthur David Ritchie -
There is more to sex appeal than just measurements
-- Audrey Hepburn -
In the measurement world, we set a goal and strive to achieve it. In the universe of possibility, we set the context and let life unfold.
-- Benjamin Zander -
Modern science is predicated on 'truths' verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
The first time someone said, 'What are your measurements?' I answered, '37, 24, 38 - but not necessarily in that order.'
-- Carol Burnett -
No person will deny that the highest degree of attainable accuracy is an object to be desired, and it is generally found that the last advances towards precision require a greater devotion of time, labour, and expense, than those which precede them.
-- Charles Babbage -
Refining is inevitable in science when you have made measurements of a phenomenon for a long period of time.
-- Charles Francis Richter -
Every person exceeds our power of measurement.
-- Charlotte Mason -
We attempt to define a person, the most commonplace person we know, but he will not submit to bounds; some unexpected beauty of nature breaks out; we find he is not what we thought, and begin to suspect that every person exceeds our power of measurement.
-- Charlotte Mason -
I don't think about financial success as the measurement of my success.
-- Christie Hefner -
Poetry was syllable and rhythm. Poetry was the measurement of breath. Poetry was time make audible. Poetry evoked the present moment; poetry was the antidote to history. Poetry was language free from habit.
-- Damon Galgut -
We compel the electron to assume a definite position. We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.
-- Dean Radin -
Once in a rare while, somebody comes along who doesn't just raise the bar, they create an entirely new standard of measurement.
-- Dick Costolo -
One measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.
-- Donald Sutherland -
Learning is the measurement of knowledge before and after.
-- Eben Pagan -
The world is complex, dynamic, multidimensiona l; the paper is static, flat. How are we to represent the rich visual world of experience and measurement on mere flatland?
-- Edward Tufte -
There we measure shadows, and we search among ghostly errors of measurement for landmarks that are scarcely more substantial.
-- Edwin Powell Hubble -
The goal is not to improve one measurement in isolation. The goal is to reduce operational expenses AND reduce inventories and increase throughput simultaneously.
-- Eliyahu M. Goldratt -
Experimental confirmation of a prediction is merely a measurement. An experiment disproving a prediction is a discovery.
-- Enrico Fermi -
Our mind, by virtue of a certain finite, limited capability, is by no means capable of putting a question to Nature that permits a continuous series of answers. The observations, the individual results of measurements, are the answers of Nature to our discontinuous questioning.
-- Erwin Schrodinger -
A careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement.
-- Erwin Schrodinger -
I belong to those theoreticians who know by direct observation what it means to make a measurement. Methinks it were better if there were more of them.
-- Erwin Schrodinger -
Profit isn't and shouldn't be the mission of business. The mission of business is to help people. To help your customers, your co-workers, your employees, and your partners. Success is not a number - it's not X dollars or Y customers - it's a measurement of VALUE.
-- Fran Tarkenton -
Subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement.
-- Fritjof Capra -
Balance the federal budget now, not 15 years from now, not 20 years from now, but now. And throw out the entire federal tax system, replace it with a fair tax, a consumption tax, that by all measurements is just that. It's fair.
-- Gary Johnson -
The only person who acts sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. Everyone else goes by their old measurements.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
Uniformity in the currency, weights, and measures of the United States is an object of great importance, and will, I am persuaded, be duly attended to.
-- George Washington -
Love is the total absence of fear. Love asks no questions. Its natural state is one of extension and expansion, not comparison and measurement.
-- Gerald Jampolsky -
One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.
-- Grace Hopper -
We find no sense in talking about something unless we specify how we measure it; a definition by the method of measuring a quantity is the one sure way of avoiding talking nonsense...
-- Hermann Bondi -
Golf is not, on the whole, a game for realists. By its exactitudes of measurements it invites the attention of perfectionists.
-- Heywood Hale Broun -
I'd rather see the United States as a beacon of good work and good citizenship, rather than as #1 on some international educational measurement.
-- Howard Gardner -
Tolle numerum omnibus rebus et omnia pereunt.Take from all things their number and all shall perish.
-- Isidore of Seville -
Know your true measurements and dress your mind accordingly
-- J. D. Salinger -
It is much easier to make measurements than to know exactly what you are measuring
-- J. W. N. Sullivan -
What you're willing to sacrifice is the measurement of how you love - at least it is for me.
-- Jada Pinkett Smith -
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.
-- James Harrington -
The clock, for all its precision in measurement, is a blunt instrument for the psyche and for society. Schedules can replace sensitivity to the mood of a moment, clock time can ride roughshod over the emotions of individuals.
-- Jay Griffiths -
Clock measurement is not time itself. In fact, so opposed are they that one could argue the clock is not a synonym, but the opposite of time.
-- Jay Griffiths -
I am learning to live close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine.
-- John Muir -
Measurements, observations, descriptions can only be considered scientific when they are independently confirmed by other people.
-- Jose Padilha -
The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the realm of myth, to which measurements cannot apply.
-- Leo Bogart -
A hundred objective measurements didn't sum the worth of a garden; only the delight of its users did that.
-- Lois McMaster Bujold -
There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.
-- Lord Kelvin -
Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.
-- Marcel Boulestin -
The mathematical forms of order which the mind of a physicist manipulates coincides "miraculously" with experimental measurements.
-- Marie-Louise von Franz -
A watch can only tell us how much time it is, how much time has passed, or how much time must still pass before something will occur. These statements are related not to time itself but only to its measurement or calculation.
-- Medard Boss -
Our universe is not a 'was' or a 'will be' system. It is an 'is' system vibrating within the 'now' measurement of time.
-- Michael Beckwith -
Time is neither friend nor enemy it's just a measurement.
-- Michael Dolan -
A job is bound to be miserable if it doesn't involve measurement.
-- Patrick Lencioni -
A painstaking course in qualitative and quantitative analysis by John Wing gave me an appreciation of the need for, and beauty of, accurate measurement.
-- Paul D. Boyer -
I don't tell everyone my life history because if everyone knows your inside-leg measurement, how can you surprise them?
-- Penelope Wilton -
Temperature measurements in the arctic suggest that it was just as warm there in the 1930's...before most greenhouse gas emissions. Don't you ever wonder whether sea ice concentrations back then were low, too?
-- Roy Spencer -
Medical statistics will be our standard of measurement: we will weigh life for life and see where the dead lie thicker, among the workers or among the privileged.
-- Rudolf Virchow -
In the middle of life, death comes to take your measurements. The visit is forgotten and life goes on. But the suit is being sewn on the sly.
-- Tomas Transtromer -
Every sentence in order to have definite scientific meaning must be practically or at least theoretically verifiable as either true or false upon the basis of experimental measurements either practically or theoretically obtainable by carrying out a definite and previously specified operation in the future. The meaning of such a sentence is the method of its verification.
-- Walter A. Shewhart -
No effect that requires more than 10 percent accuracy in measurement is worth investigating.
-- Walther Nernst -
The more precise the measurement of position, the more imprecise the measurement of momentum, and vice versa.
-- Werner Heisenberg -
It seemed as though the main framework had been put together once and for all, and that little remained to be done but to measure physical constants to the increased accuracy represented by another decimal point.
-- William Cecil Dampier -
In his 1930 book, Dirac took for granted that measurements could be made, but was very vague about what was actually involved.
-- Willis Lamb -
A gifted experimentalist, and theoretician, in the best Newtonian tradition... His contributions to quantum measurements, and elucidative teachings on quantum mechanics, have not yet received the attention they deserve.
-- Willis Lamb -
Time is but a thought, a means of measurement, not a reality.
-- Antiphon -
From him [Wilard Bennett] I learned how different a working laboratory is from a student laboratory. The answers are not known! [While an undergraduate, doing experimental measurements in the laboratory of his professor, at Ohio State University.]
-- William M. Fowler -
Abnormalities in brain function have traditionally been detected using electroencephalography (EEG), which involves the measurement of the ongoing electrical activity generated by the brain.
-- Aditi Shankardass -
To say that a thing is beautiful is simply an act of faith, not a measurement on some kind of scale.
-- Edouard Vuillard -
All scientists should be skeptics. The reason why is that, even with the best of scientific measurements, we can come up with all kinds of explanations of what those measurements mean in terms of cause and effect, and yet most of those explanations are wrong. It's really easy to be wrong in science ... it's really hard to be right.
-- Roy Spencer -
The Constitution is the origin and measure of legislative authority. It says to legislators, thus far ye shall go and no farther. Not a particle of it should be shaken; not a pebble of it should be removed.
-- William Paterson -
Too often we're happy to receive thanks from the nonprofits we fund, accepting gratitude instead of feedback or performance measurements.
-- Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen