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#World Quotes #Progressive Quotes #Obligation Quotes
“I call his ['Straight Outta Compton'] story a Disneyland because it's an illusion. It is how he wanted it to be remembered, so that is how he portrayed it. And he had every right to do that. As did I.”
“To do much clear thinking a person must arrange for regular periods of solitude when they can concentrate and indulge the imagination without distraction.”
“Flow. Be adaptable. Be sensitive like water, feel the other so you can attune and harmonize with your partner.”
“Seán Manchester is, unsurprisingly, very well read in both classical and more recent sources on vampires and vampirism, and cites them with great authority while taking the reader through a brief tour of vampire lore and mythology. This is a book I'd recommend to anybody with an interest in the author or vampires. The parts which deal with vampires are obviously based on years of substantial research and personal experience.”
“Who puts strawberries in a salad? Seriously, is this a thing now? Is it a thing I don't know about? Is it an American thing? It can be. It's freaking me out.”
“We've never done a coordinated music effort. Everything else we've done has been around a holiday - Halloween, Mardi Gras, half way to Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day.”
“Do you write novels?" I said. "Novels, Lord no," she said. "I can't even stay married.”
“Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly lies to the bone. Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own! Create and cultivate Inner Beauty that never fades away but grows and matures with Time!”
Holmes Rolston III Philosopher
Ernest Sosa Philosopher