Artistic famous quotes
Our photographs are filthier and our stories are more disgusting. We make no effort to be artistic.
-- Al Goldstein -
And so, resisting the temptation to wallow in artistic remorse, I prefer to leave both well and ill alone and to think about something else
-- Aldous Huxley -
We shall have to remove everything that strangles artistic and scientific creativeness.
-- Alexander Dubcek -
For me, what I do is an artistic expression which is channeled through me. Fashion is just the medium.
-- Alexander McQueen -
I live an artistic double life: one of classical realism and the other of aesthetic exploration.
-- Alton Tobey -
It's harder to be a success, globally, and be artistic. Harder to have that balance than just to be artistic when nobody understands you.
-- Andre Benjamin -
Artistic imagination must remain free. It is by definition free from any fidelity to circumstances, especially to the intoxicating circumstances of history.
-- Andre Breton -
I guess professionally I've left my gender open to artistic interpretation.
-- Andrej Pejic -
The Window is not without a certain visual spell that makes it a first-rate artistic achievement.
-- Andrew Sarris -
There are many kinds of movies in Hong Kong. Some are commercial and others are more artistic.
-- Andy Lau -
I have a lot of weird interests, but everything I do is artistic.
-- Ansel Elgort -
And if there is still one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of being like victims burnt at the stake, signaling through the flames.
-- Antonin Artaud -
That is the artistic task: To choose the best from these solutions.
-- Arne Jacobsen -
Of all cold words of tongue or pen, the worst are these: "I knew him when -
-- Arthur Guiterman -
Autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers.
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison -
TV is a major force in our lives - a FORCE. It must be handled very carefully, both its censure and its artistic honesty.
-- Bill Bixby -
She encouraged any artistic impulse I had, and my father discouraged any artistic impulse I had. They took out their problems with each other on me and my sister.
-- Bill Griffith -
It is a lifetime effort to come to grips with being an artistic person.
-- Billy Cannon -
I was always a bit of a loose cannon, then again I was always the artistic one: bit of a social misfit. I probably still am.
-- Brian Molko -
Cinema has no boundaries...we all belong to the same artistic community.
-- Bruce Willis -
The artistic reward for refuting the received national tradition is liberation. The price is homelessness. Interior exile.
-- C.D. Wright -
I'll always take an artistic endeavor over a career move.
-- Carla Gugino -
I like Los Angeles. So many artistic people, and I just love the weather.
-- Carly Rae Jepsen -
A work settles nothing, just as the labor of a whole generation settles nothing. Sons, and the morrow, always start afresh.
-- Cesare Pavese -
Beethoven in c minor has come to symbolize his artistic character...where he seems to be most impatient of any compromise.
-- Charles Rosen -
There are certain things I do because I am creatively inspired and artistic.
-- Damon Dash -
Folklore is artistic communication in small groups.
-- Dan Ben-Amos -
My artistic spirit is not nurtured by blogospheres.
-- Danai Gurira -
When you're a kid with artistic yearnings brought up in the Bronx, you don't get fed up too easily.
-- Daniel Libeskind -
Every artistic expression is either influenced by or adds something to politics.
-- Dario Fo -
I wanted something where I could have the clearest and most unfiltered artistic and creative voice.
-- David Alan Grier -
Anybody who goes searching can find enough artistic things I've done that nobody can ever say I sold out.
-- David Allan Coe -
I think for anyone who follows the 'artistic life,' a certain amount of selfishness and self-involvement is part of the package. You're probably already disregarding a certain material life you could have.
-- David Chase -
Artistic development is a thing of the past, sadly.
-- David Coverdale -
All of our great traditions, religious, contemplative and artistic, say that you must a learn how to be alone - and have a relationship with silence. It is difficult, but it can start with just the tiniest quiet moment.
-- David Whyte -
It is fatal to one's artistic life to talk about something this is in process.
-- Denise Levertov -
When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don't understand animation, things can go awry.
-- Don Bluth -
Well, I was always cast as an artistic homicidal maniac. But at least I was artistic!
-- Donald Sutherland -
The product of the scientific imagination is a new vision of relations - like that of artistic imagination.
-- Edmund Wilson -
Remember, a word is an invention, a symbol for an idea. Written text began as an artistic representation of a thought or event.
-- Edward J. Fraughton -
At a time when painting itself often seems to be a threatened, even despised, form of artistic activity, Andrew Salgado emerges as a dazzlingly skillful advocate for the medium he has chosen to embrace.
-- Edward Lucie-Smith -
All my artistic response comes from American things, and I guess I've always had a weakness for heroic imagery.
-- Edward Ruscha -
We can never see the world other than incompletely: deliberately to see it as incomplete is to create an artistic aspect.
-- Egon Friedell -
I feel blessed. To live an artistic life, it's a blessing.
-- Elias Koteas -
I've only been interested in the artistic side of life.
-- Elton John -
All artistic discoveries are discoveries not of likenesses but of equivalencies which enable us to see reality in terms of an image and an image in terms of reality.
-- Ernst Gombrich -
Dining is and always was a great artistic opportunity.
-- Frank Lloyd Wright -
The only way you can continue to make artistic films is to make an occasional one of those. They kind of keep your marketability going to the extent that people will employ you.
-- Gabriel Byrne -
When this body has been so magnificently and artistically created by God, it is only fitting that we should maintain it in good health and harmony by the most excellent and artistic science of Yoga.
-- Geeta Iyengar -
As a Liberal of course I am very strongly committed to the notion of artistic freedom and very hostile to the idea of there being a single view of cultural policy dictated from on high.
-- George Brandis -
Preserve my artistic creativity and ennoble my artistic fame.
-- Giacomo Meyerbeer -
A primitive artist is an amateur whose work sells.
-- Grandma Moses -
The state is not competent in artistic matters... When the state leaves us free, it will have carried out its duty.
-- Gustave Courbet -
Out of all the artistic things I do, music is the most rewarding because it's so hard to write songs.
-- Gwen Stefani -
You know, my movies are important on an economic basis, on an artistic basis.
-- Harvey Weinstein -
A work should contain its total meaning within itself and should impress it on the spectator before he even knows the subject.
-- Henri Matisse -
I regard the writing of humor as a supreme artistic challenge.
-- Herman Wouk -
Art resides even in things with no artistic intentions.
-- Hiroshi Sugimoto -
I take no pride in my artistic talents; they are God-given and I see absolutely no reason to become puffed up over something that one has received.
-- Igor Stravinsky -
Dance, in general, has become more atavistic than artistic.
-- Ilana Mercer -
Artistic license sneered through the thin fabric.
-- Ingmar Bergman -
An hour or two of learning from the masters is usually enough to recharge my artistic batteries.
-- James Dean -
Always have one artistic thing that is pure, at least one thing, where you don’t compromise. You can do other things to make money, but have one pure area.
-- James Franco -
There is no higher form of artistic expression then film
-- James Lee Burke -
Listen! There was never an artistic period. There was never an art-loving nation.
-- James Whistler -
Our culture now wonderfully, alchemically transforms images and history into artistic material. The possibilities seem endless and wide open.
-- Jerry Saltz -
Everyone should be spiration and artistic freedom is the cornerstone of rock and roll.
-- John Cale -
We must have design in a picture even at the expense of truth. You are using nature for your artistic needs.
-- John F. Carlson -
The moment I accept that there's an artistic, redeeming quality in puns, I have a horrible feeling I'll get hooked.
-- John Oliver -
Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent.
-- John Ralston Saul -
Figure skating is theatrical. It's artistic. It's elegant. It's extremely athletic. And there's a very specific audience for that.
-- Johnny Weir -
Words have their own hierarchy, their own protocol, their own artistic titles, their own plebeian stigmas.
-- Jose Saramago -
Original artistic invention demands that even the inventor be surprised.
-- Judith Schaechter -
Artistic anorexia & sexual avoidance have the same root fears – fear of intimacy, fear of exposure, fear of failureâ€.
-- Julia Cameron -
A pun, though despicable in itself, can be the noblest vehicle of an artistic intention by serving as the abbreviation of a wittyview. It can be a social criticism in the form of an epigram.
-- Karl Kraus -
There's only so much artistic output that I can actually expel at any one given time.
-- Karl Urban -
I hope to continue building my acting career and work more on projects that fulfill my artistic thirst.
-- Karolina Kurkova -
When you'd buy vinyl, you'd have this lovely-sized object with a lovely picture, and you'd read the lyrics and usually there was something artistic that went with it.
-- Kate Bush -
I'm a horrible drawer. I have no artistic ability in my hands.
-- Katharine McPhee -
Bisexuality is almost a necessary factor in artistic production; at any rate, the tinge of masculinity within me helped me in my work.
-- Kathe Kollwitz -
The Internet is the more democratic media them last times. And for being anarchical, it's open to all manifestations, artistic also.
-- Katya Chamma -
In any evolutionary process, even in the arts, the search for novelty becomes corrupting.
-- Kenneth E. Boulding -
The first part of my name, Khalil Gibran, seems to be paying huge dividends in terms of the artistic life of the poet from whom my name was inspired.
-- Khalil Gibran Muhammad -
I have a quiet and an artistic side that many people don't know of.
-- Kiana Tom -
I wanted to only create a great perfume, not any perfume that would sell, but a great artistic one that the fans would not feel cheated by.
-- Lady Gaga -
Poetry is the work of poets, not of peoples or communities; artistic creation can never be anything but the production of an individual mind.
-- Lascelles Abercrombie -
The world knows of a vast stock of epic material scattered up and down the nations; sometimes its artistic value is as extraordinary as its archaeological interest, but not always.
-- Lascelles Abercrombie -
To those supporters who were told that I abandoned them, that is untrue. I abandoned greed, corruption, and compromise, never you, and never the artistic gifts and abilities that sustained me.
-- Lauryn Hill -
I did some artistic nudes when I was I 8 with a French-Canadian photographer while I was modeling. They were beautiful shots, and they were not about nudity.
-- Lexa Doig -
I've put in as many as 40 weeks a year on stage. It is lonely and restricted, as all artistic life must necessarily be.
-- Lillie Langtry -
Artists usually don't make all that much money, and they often keep their artistic hobby despite the money rather than due to it.
-- Linus Torvalds -
It is not about surpassing the masters who preceded us but more about opening new artistic vistas. It is about doing the things they didn't have a chance or the time to do.
-- Liu Dan -
Lots of men are like that, their artistic leanings never go beyond a weakness for shapely thighs.
-- Louis-Ferdinand Celine -
I think we have the wrong notion of commercial and intellectual or artistic film. Because all films are commercial.
-- Luc Besson -
I really want to do more mature, artistic, twisted, edgy films. That is my goal.
-- Lucas Grabeel -
The great thing about improvisation is that it allows us to establish an uncensored form of theater. Freedom of speech is absolutely inherent to artistic expression.
-- Lucien Bourjeily -
I believe the best poetry of our times is growing too artistic; the study is too visible. If freedom and naturalness are lost out of poetry, everything worth having is lost.
-- Lucy Larcom -
If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem and you're screwed.
-- Lyle Lovett -
I'm very artistic - I feel like ever since I was born I've been drawing. I actually have a picture in my room that I painted, and people are always like "Where did you buy that?" It's cool that people are impressed by it.
-- Maddie Ziegler