Giacomo Meyerbeer famous quotes


  • Therefore a person fully absorbed in the bodily concept of life is surely killing himself by not making spiritual progress. Such a person is called pasu-ghna. Especially excluded from spiritual life are the animal hunters, who are not interested in hearing and chanting the holy name of the Lord. Such hunters are always unhappy, both in this life and in the next. It is therefore said that a hunter should neither die nor live because for such persons both living and dying are troublesome.

  • I heard my name." Ash's voice startles me. "You tow better not be making fun of me about this stupid bra Mama's making me wear. I've had it with the jokes. I'll break both your noses if it doesn't stop.

  • I loved her. I loved her with a something so fierce I couldn't even name it.

  • When religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion, its message becomes meaningless.

  • Together, we can create a world in which peace is real; in which every human being can thrive; in which all share the promise of our century. I believe we can succeed.

  • When you speak, speak the truth; perform when you promise; discharge your trust... Withhold your hands from striking, and from taking that which is unlawful and bad...

  • Grace is God's acceptance of us. Faith is our acceptance of God accepting us.

  • So you have to accept facts as fact.

  • Don't accept that you are in crisis just because everyone says you are.

  • I get people to truly accept themselves unconditionally, whether or not their therapist or anyone loves them.