A. C. Cuza
"And the venality of those Judaized is incapable of explaining anti-Semitism as a social phenomenon, we will call it the anti-Semitic theory."
Source : "Ştiinţa antisemitismului ("The Science of Anti-Semitism")". "Apararea Nationala" ("The National Defense") No. 16, Nov. 15, 1922.
A. C. Cuza
#Social Quotes
#Explaining Quotes
#Theory Quotes
“Only by seeking challenges can we hope to find the best in ourselves.”
Source : Robert Rodriguez (2004). “Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over”, TokyoPop
“I have always felt a connection between daily life and art...my reality has been my key.”
“To be alive, to able to see, to walk...it's all a miracle. I have adapted the technique of living life from miracle to miracle.”
“It's easy, almost comforting, to dismiss Trumpism as the cry of laid-off men in rust-belt states shaking their wrinkled fists at the juggernaut of modernity.”
Source : Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“This is a source of much embarrassment and puzzlement to me about myself. (It) probably requires psychoanalysis of why there is this aberration in my life. The rest of my conduct, I think you will agree, is not reflective of my driving record, and I apologized for it.”
“Dogs are fantasies that don't disappoint.”
Source : Caroline Knapp (2010). “Pack of Two: The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs”, p.35, Dial Press
“We affirm depth as the only pictorial and plastic form of space.”
Source : Naum Gabo (2000). “Gabo on Gabo: Texts and Interviews”
“The Blessed Sacrament is the first and supreme object of our worship. We must preserve in the depths of our hearts a constant and uninterrupted profound adoration of this precious pledge of Divine Love.”