Inheritance famous quotes
Barbarism is not the inheritance of our pre-history. It is the companion that dogs our every step.
-- Alain Finkielkraut -
... he is rewarded with a form of eternal childhood, with the bounty and vigilance of the stars, the whole world was his inheritance and he shared it with everyone.
-- Anna Akhmatova -
Wisdom with an inheritance is good, but wisdom without an inheritance is better than an inheritance without wisdom.
-- Anne Bradstreet -
It reflects a prevailing myth that production technology is no more amenable to human judgment or social interests than the laws of thermodynamics, atomic structure or biological inheritance.
-- Barry Commoner -
the possession of wealth, and especially the inheritance of wealth, seems almost invariably to sterilize genius.
-- Beatrice Webb -
Hank had left me his doomed army, and he’d left Marcie his inheritance. Unfair didn’t begin to cover it.
-- Becca Fitzpatrick -
The categories within which the colonists thought about the social foundations of politics were inheritances from classical antiquity, reshaped by seventeenth century English thought.
-- Bernard Bailyn -
One may lack words to express the impact of beauty but no one who has felt it remains untouched. It is renewal, enlargement, intensification. The parks preserve it permanently in the inheritance of the American citizens.
-- Bernard DeVoto -
More astronauts have been to the moon than farmers who paid the inheritance tax in 2013.
-- Bill Maher -
In sum, the truth is that we luxuriate in the comfortable assertion that women enjoy equality. We have salved our consciences by eliminating the more obvious discriminations like unequal rates of pay for work of equal value. But, in fact, we have not eliminated the inheritance of the millennia that women are lesser beings, an inheritance which still manifests itself in a whole range of prejudice and other forms of discrimination.
-- Bob Hawke -
Characteristically skeptical of the idea that living things would faithfully follow mathematical formulas, [Robert Harper] seized upon factors in corn which seemed to blend in the hybrid-rather than be represented by plus or minus signs, and put several seasons into throwing doubt upon the concept of immutable hypothetical units of inheritance concocted to account for selected results.
-- Charles Thom -
Religion isn't best understood primarily as a collection of beliefs held by backward people with fear and trembling for most of human history (religion as brainwash). It is rather, among other things, a scriptorium of beleaguered witness, a record of collated information, both fragmentary and sometimes systematic, with which we may feel compelled to reckon as it somehow, across history, reckons with us, an inheritance, if you like, of difficult wisdom.
-- David Dark -
To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritance.
-- David Whyte -
I don't want to leave my kids an inheritance, I want to leave them a legacy
-- Daymond John -
We pay for the mistakes of our ancestors, and it seems only fair that they should leave us the money to pay with.
-- Don Marquis -
There is no sickness problem. There is simply a problem of the believer's coming to know his inheritance in Christ.
-- E. W. Kenyon -
They defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance.
-- Edmund Burke -
After all, we are not French and never can be, and any attempt to be so is to deny our inheritance and to try to impose upon ourselves a character that can be nothing but a veneer upon the surface.
-- Edward Hopper -
I am better able to imagine hell than heaven; it is my inheritance, I suppose.
-- Elinor Wylie -
Every time I took a long leave from home, I felt as if I were going to conquer the world. Or rather, take possession of what is my birthright, my inheritance.
-- Ella Maillart -
I was determined not to become an American citizen but I did it for completely cynical reasons: to avoid paying inheritance tax in the U.S.
-- Emily Mortimer -
The nucleus has to take care of the inheritance of the heritable characters, while the surrounding cytoplasm is concerned with accommodation or adaptation to the environment.
-- Ernst Haeckel -
To accept an unorthodoxy is always to inherit unresolved contradictions
-- George Orwell -
Like a young heir, come a little prematurely to a large inheritance, we shall wanton and run riot until we have brought our reputation to the brink of ruin, and then, like him, shall have to labor with the current of opinion, when COMPELLED perhaps, to do what prudence and common policy pointed out, as plain as any problem in Euclid, in the first instance.
-- George Washington -
It is part of our inheritance to be, above all, secure and confident in the will of God.
-- Graham Cooke -
All that a critic, as critic, can give poets is the deadly encouragement that never ceases to remind them of how heavy their inheritance is.
-- Harold Bloom -
A nation's character is the sum of its splendid deeds; they constitute one common patrimony, the nation's inheritance. They awe foreign powers, they arouse and animate our own people.
-- Henry Clay -
I felt there's a wealth in Jewish tradition, a great inheritance. I'd be a jerk not to take advantage of it.
-- Herman Wouk -
Justification is the truly dramatic transition from the status of a condemned criminal awaiting a terrible sentence to that of an heir awaiting a fabulous inheritance.
-- J. I. Packer -
One can make one's life a complete misery, worrying about burglaries and shipwrecks, but ask anyone, anyone you know ... earth-shattering disasters and fabulous inheritances all seems to take place exclusively in the newspapers.
-- Jean Anouilh -
Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?
-- Jean Anouilh -
No conscious person can read Peter D'Adamo's works without considering much more thoughtfully how their genetic inheritance relates to their needs for specific food, lifestyle and environmental factors to improve their health.
-- Jeffrey Bland -
Say not you know another entirely till you have divided an inheritance with him.
-- Johann Kaspar Lavater -
Imagine his delight after it 'leaked' that he will propose raising taxes on the wealthy by $320 billion over the next 10 years, including increases to the capital gains and inheritance taxes.
-- John Podhoretz -
Grace is the seed of glory, the dawning of glory in the heart, and therefore grace is the earnest of the future inheritance.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
It seems to me that the least deserving recipients of wealth are inheritors. Further, there are many indications that inheritors often have trouble adjusting to their unearned inheritance. An inheritance tax would de facto help remedy this.
-- Julian Robertson -
Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply, there you will find the cultural inheritance of England.
-- Karel Capek -
In particular, for younger researchers on whom the future of mankind may depend. We believe that they are working with all the scientific wisdom at their disposal for the preservation of the inheritance of the earth and for the lasting survival of mankind.
-- Kenichi Fukui -
The right of each individual in any relation to secure to himself the full benefits of his intelligence, his capacity, his industry and skill are among the inalienable inheritances of humanity.
-- Leland Stanford -
We must cherish our inheritance. We must preserve our nationality for the youth of our future. The story should be written down to pass on.
-- Louis Riel -
Prayer is the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave.
-- Mark Batterson -
We are to live in eager expectation of our heavenly inheritance.
-- Matt Redman -
Every human being is born an heir to an inheritance to which he can succeed only in a process of learning.
-- Michael Joseph Oakeshott -
The estate tax punishes years of hard work and robs families of part of their heritage by imposing a huge penalty on inheritance after death - a tax on money that has already been taxed.
-- Mike Fitzpatrick -
Some maladies are rich and precious and only to be acquired by the right of inheritance or purchased with gold.
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne -
Our ancestors were very rich and eminent people, and they left us an enormous inheritance, which we have completely forgotten, especially since the time when we began to consider ourselves the descendants of a monkey.
-- P.D. Ouspensky -
Our sexual self is a complex combination of our social, cultural, and biological inheritance.
-- Pepper Schwartz -
For an inheritance to be really great, the hand of the defunct must not be seen.
-- Rene Char -
How you deal with life’s trials is part of the development of your faith. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth.
-- Russell M. Nelson -
I grew up middle class. My father was a public functionary who didn't leave an inheritance, just debts.
-- Sebastian Pinera -
You may not be able to leave your children a great inheritance, but day by day you may be weaving coats for them which they will wear through all eternity.
-- Theodore L. Cuyler -
I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in . . . a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, . . . increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.
-- Theodore Roosevelt -
Except for the rare cases of plastid inheritance, the inheritance of all known cooacters can be sufficiently accounted for by the presence of genes in the chromosomes. In a word the cytoplasm may be ignored genetically.
-- Thomas Hunt Morgan -
Multiply your age times your realized pretax annual household income from all sources except inheritances. Divide by ten. This, less any inherited wealth, is what your net worth should be.
-- Thomas J. Stanley -
The human's place in the universe will be set in the scheme of evolution, the product of our biological inheritance.
-- Walter Gilbert -
The future is not an inheritance, it is an opportunity and an obligation.
-- William J. Clinton -
It appears that the present-day form of African American English is not the inheritance of the period of slavery, but the creation of the second half of the 20th century.
-- William Labov -
Instead of insight, maybe all a man gets is strength to wander for a while. Maybe the only gift is a chance to inquire, to know nothing for certain. An inheritance of wonder and nothing more.
-- William Least Heat-Moon -
As women, we must speak out, speak up, say no to our inheritance of loss and yes to a future of women-led dialogue about women's rights and value.
-- Zainab Salbi -
There are ten church-members by inheritance for one by conviction.
-- Austin O'Malley -
I'm exposing faultlines, dealing especially with rhetoric. Showing that heterosexuality is a disease, or at least its inheritance.
-- Kate Zambreno -
Inheritance Tax; - it is, broadly speaking; a voluntary levy paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue
-- Roy Jenkins -
Multiple Inheritance is like a parachute. You don't often need it, but when you do, you really need it.
-- Grady Booch -
I believe that there is a fundamental mystery in my existence, transcending any biological account of the development of my body (including my brain) with its genetic inheritance and its evolutionary origin. ... I cannot believe that this wonderful gift of a conscious existence has no further future, no possibility of another existence under some other unimaginable conditions.
-- John Eccles -
We must end the iniquitous multi-taxing of the same money. It is not right to tax people's incomes, then their savings on that income, to tax the movement of assets through capital gains tax, stamp duty and tax them again through inheritance tax if they have the audacity to die.
-- Liam Fox