Jonathan Edwards famous quotes
Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
God’s purpose for my life was that I have a passion for God’s glory and that I have a passion for my joy in that glory, and that these two are one passion.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
God is the highest good of the reasonable creature. The enjoyment of him is our proper; and is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Better than fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of any, or all earthly friends. These are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops, but God is the ocean.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
If the heart be chiefly and directly fixed on God, and the soul engaged to glorify him, some degree of religious affection will be the effect and attendant of it. But to seek after affection directly and chiefly; to have the heart principally set upon that; is to place it in the room of God and his glory. If it be sought, that others may take notice of it, and admire us for our spirituality and forwardness in religion, it is then damnable pride; if for the sake of feeling the pleasure of being affected, it is then idolatry and self-gratification.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
One of these grand defects, as I humbly conceive, is this, that children are habituated to learning without understanding.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
There are two sorts of hypocrites: ones that are deceived with their outward morality and external religion; and the others are those that are deceived with false discoveries and elevation; which often cry down works, and men's own righteousness, and.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
If I murmur in the least at affliction, if I am in any way uncharitable, if I revenge my own case, if I do anything purely to please myself or omit anything because it is a great denial, if I trust myself, if I take any praise for any good which Christ does by me, or if I am in any way proud, I shall act as my own and not God’s.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
He that has doctrinal knowledge and speculation only, without affection, never is engaged in the business of religion.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Of all the knowledge that we can ever obtain, the knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourselves, are the most important.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Godliness is more easily feigned in words than in actions
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Holiness appeared to me to be of a sweet, pleasant, charming, serene, calm nature; which brought an inexpressible purity, brightness, peacefulness and ravishment to the soul.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Grace is the seed of glory, the dawning of glory in the heart, and therefore grace is the earnest of the future inheritance.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
As God delights in his own beauty, he must necessarily delight in the creature's holiness which is a conformity to and participation of it, as truly as [the] brightness of a jewel, held in the sun's beams, is a participation or derivation of the sun's brightness, though immensely less in degree.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Resolved, never to do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Who will deny that true religion consists, in a great measure, in vigorous and lively actings of the inclination and will of the soul, or the fervent exercises of the heart? That religion which God requires, and will accept, does not consist in weak, dull, and lifeless, wishes, raising us but a little above a state of indifference.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Being sensible that I am unable to do any thing without God's help, I do humbly entreat Him, by His grace, to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to His will, for Christ's sake.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
I claim no right to myself, no right to this understanding, this will, these affections that are in me. Neither do I have any right to this body or its members, no right to this tongue, to these hands, feet, ears or eyes. I have given myself clear away and not retained anything of my own.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
True virtue never appears so lovely as when it is most oppressed; and the divine excellency of real Christianity is never exhibited with such advantage as when under the greatest trials; then it is that true faith appears much more precious than gold, and upon this account is "found to praise and honour and glory.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
true weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
A truly humble man is sensible of his natural distance from God; of his dependence on Him; of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom; and that it is by God's power that he is upheld and provided for, and that he needs God's wisdom to lead and guide him, and His might to enable him to do what he ought to do for Him.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Surely there is something in the unruffled calm of nature that overawes our little anxieties and doubts; the sight of the deep-blue sky and the clustering stars above seems to impart a quiet to the mind.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
From love arises hatred of those things which are contrary to what we love, or which oppose and thwart us in those things that we delight in.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
I assert that nothing ever comes to pass without a cause.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Resolved, that I will live so, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
Sincere friendship towards God, in all who believe him to be properly an intelligent, willing being, does most apparently, directly, and strongly incline to prayer; and it no less disposes the heart strongly to desire to have our infinitely glorious.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
The deceitfulness of the heart of man appears in no one thing so much as this of spiritual pride and self-righteousness. The subtlety of Satan appears in its height, in his managing persons with respect to this sin. And perhaps one reason may be that here he has most experience; he knows the way of its coming in; he is acquainted with the secret springs of it: it was his own sin. Experience gives vast advantage in leading souls, either in good or evil.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
A truly Christian love, either to God or men, is a humble broken-hearted love. The desires of the saints, however earnest, are humble desires. Their hope is a humble hope; and their joy, even when it is unspeakable and full of glory, is a humble broken-hearted joy, and leaves the Christian more poor in spirit, and more like a little child, and more disposed to a universal lowliness of behaviour.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
That the reason why they are not fallen already and do not fall now is only that God's appointed time is not come. For it is said, that when that due time, or appointed time comes, their foot shall slide. Then they shall be left to fall, as they are inclined by their own weight. God will not hold them up in these slippery places any longer, but will let them go; and then, at that very instant, they shall fall into destruction; as he that stands on such slippery declining ground, on the edge of a pit, he cannot stand alone, when he is let go he immediately falls and is lost.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
All truth is given by revelation, either general or special, and it must be received by reason. Reason is the God-given means for discovering the truth that God discloses, whether in his world or his Word. While God wants to reach the heart with truth, he does not bypass the mind.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.
-- Jonathan Edwards -
So that it must be only by the imagination that Satan has access to the soul, to tempt and delude it, or suggest anything to it. And this seems to be the reason why persons that are under the disease of melancholy are commonly so visibly and remarkably subject to the suggestions and temptations of Satan... Innumerable are the ways by which the mind may be led on to all kind of evil thoughts, by the exciting of external ideas in the imagination.
-- Jonathan Edwards
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