Survival famous quotes
It is an anomaly that information, the one thing most necessary to our survival as choosers of our own way, should be a commodity subject to the same merchandising rules as chewing gum.
-- A. J. Liebling -
The survival of democracy depends on the renunciation of violence and the development of nonviolent means to combat evil and advance the good.
-- A. J. Muste -
Companies have never won. You're always either fighting for survival, or fighting for relevance.
-- Aaron Levie -
Peace is the one condition of survival in this nuclear age.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
Nature is indifferent to the survival of the human species, including Americans.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
Two different things. Work is survival, and love sustains you. You have work anytime. But love? Not always.
-- Adriana Trigiani -
Re-vision -- the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction - is for women more than a chapter in cultural history: it is an act of survival.
-- Adrienne Rich -
... passion for survival is the great theme of women's poetry.
-- Adrienne Rich -
Tolerance, openness and understanding towards other peoples' cultures, social structures, values and faiths are now essential to the very survival of an interdependent world.
-- Aga Khan IV -
I decided to pick the diet that I thought would maximize my chances of long-term survival.
-- Al Gore -
A collected poems' is either a gravestone or a testimonial to survival.
-- Al Purdy -
Computers no longer interface with humans--they interact, and the interaction will become steadily deeper, more subtle, and more crucial to our collective sanity and ultimate survival.
-- Alan Cooper -
Reverse Darwinism: survival of the most idiotic.
-- Alan Grant -
I think all of us certainly believed the statistics which said that probably 88% chance of mission success and maybe 96% chance of survival. And we were willing to take those odds.
-- Alan Shepard -
Naturally, for a person who finds his identity in something other than his full organism is less than half a man. He is cut off from complete participation in nature. Instead of being a body, he 'has' a body. Instead of living and loving he 'has' instincts for survival and copulation.
-- Alan Watts -
The cell, over the billions of years of her life, has covered the earth many times with her substance, found ways to control herself and her environment, and insure her survival.
-- Albert Claude -
I am ignorant and impotent and yet, somehow or other, here I am, unhappy, no doubt, profoundly dissatisfied ... In spite of everything I survive.
-- Aldous Huxley -
A fish does not campaign against fisheries-it only tries to slip through the mesh.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
But just get through this day. That's all you have to do.
-- Alexander Dolgun -
And when reality denies you the tools you need for survival you grab them from wherever you can.
-- Alexander Gordon Smith -
Self-preservation is the first principle of our nature.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
I left Mexico for artistic survival. If I had stayed, I would have been forced by the government, who control the movie business, to direct TV shows or commercials or infomercials for the government.
-- Alfonso Cuaron -
No matter what the odds, a man does not pin his last hope for survival on something and then expect that it will fail.
-- Alfred Lansing -
I have never known a patient to portray his parents more negatively than he actually experienced them in childhood but always more positively--because idealization of his parents was essential for his survival.
-- Alice Miller -
There's a switch inside every one of us that I guess grew there as a necessary part of survival. How can you drag a fish up out of the river for your supper if you feel the yank of the hook in your own cheek? I get that part. We can't feel for everyone and everything all the time. We'd die of fear or sorrow a hundred times a day. The thing is, it's gotten so we flick the switch off like it's nothing. And, more often than not, we forget to turn it back on.
-- Alissa York -
Our immediate striving must be aimed at preventing what, in the present situation, is the greatest threat to the very survival of mankind, the nuclear threat.
-- Alva Myrdal -
The first rule of survival is clear: Nothing is more dangerous than yesterday's success.
-- Alvin Toffler -
Paralysis seems to happen on the steepest slope of the survival arc—where almost all hope is lost, when escape seems impossible, and when the situation is unfamiliar to the extreme.
-- Amanda Ripley -
War had the effect of encouraging people to try to stay alive. Poverty, too. Survival was simply too hard-won to be given up lightly.
-- Aminatta Forna -
The only way we will survive is by being kind. The only way we can get by in this world is through the help we receive from others. No one can do it alone, no matter how great the machines are.
-- Amy Poehler -
The tragedy is that women so committed to survival cannot recognize that they are committing suicide.
-- Andrea Dworkin -
They were here all at once, but not together. Survival took self-absorption, and it made them strangers with nothing to do and no way to relate. Emergencies gave you a shape and a plot to take part in, while death was no story at all. It left you nothing.
-- Ann Brashares -
Folks differs, dearie. They differs a lot. Some can stand things that others can't. There's never no way of knowin' how much they can stand.
-- Ann Petry -
Dryness promotes the formation of flower buds...flowering is, after all, not an aesthetic contribution, but a survival mechanism.
-- Ann Zwinger -
Are we not witnessing a strange tableau of survival whenever a bird alights on the head of a crocodile, bringing together the evolutionary offspring of Triassic and Jurassic?
-- Anna Lee -
She endured. And survived. Marginally, perhaps, but it is not required of us that we live well.
-- Anne Cameron -
I don't know what takes more courage: surviving a lifelong endurance test because you once made a promise or breaking free, disrupting all your world.
-- Anne Tyler -
Every live thing is a survivor on a kind of extended emergency bivouac.
-- Annie Dillard -
The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.
-- Aristotle -
Independence is not a whim or an ambition. It is the necessary condition of our survival as an ethnic group.
-- Aslan Maskhadov -
I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk throught the rain.
-- Audre Lorde -
The love expressed between women is particular and powerful because we have had to love in order to live; love has been our survival.
-- Audre Lorde -
Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
Contrary to the ecologists, nature does not stand still and does not maintain the kind of equilibrium that guarantees the survival of any particular species - least of all the survival of her greatest and most fragile product: man.
-- Ayn Rand -
It is the basic, metaphysical fact of man's nature -- the connection between his survival and his use of reason -- that capitalism recognizes and protects.
-- Ayn Rand -
We do not choose survival as a value, it chooses us.
-- B. F. Skinner -
There was the natural human survival instinct to be optimistic.
-- Barbara Demick -
It takes a variety of strategies and initiatives to address this pandemic. It's about life and death and the survival of humanity.
-- Barbara Lee -
The family is not only a living arrangement. It has always been a symbol of survival.
-- Barbara Mikulski -
To act without rapacity, to use knowledge with wisdom, to respect interdependence, to operate without hubris and greed are not simply moral imperatives. They are an accurate scientific description of the means of survival.
-- Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth -
Despite the dazzling successes of modern technology and the unprecedented power of modern military systems, they suffer from a common and catastrophic fault. While providing us with a bountiful supply of food, with great industrial plants, with high-speed transportation, and with military weapons of unprecedented power, they threaten our very survival.
-- Barry Commoner -
We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.
-- Barry Commoner -
In 1975, the respected British medical journal Lancet reported on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of (1) a single chemotherapy, (2) multiple chemotherapy, and (3) no treatment at all. No treatment 'proved a significantly better policy for patients' survival and for quality of remaining life.'
-- Barry Lynes -
Nothing matters at all. Survival is the coin of the realm. Time is a river with banks.
-- Barry N. Malzberg -
The rules of survival never change, whether you're in a desert or in an arena.
-- Bear Grylls -
I grew up on survival shows and they were always just so...anoraky.
-- Bear Grylls -
Survival can be summed up in three words - never give up. That's the heart of it really. Just keep trying.
-- Bear Grylls -
When I'm filming, survival requires movement. You need your energy, and you've got to eat the bad stuff, and survival food is rarely pretty, but you kind of do it. I get in that zone, and I eat the nasty stuff, but I'm not like that when I'm back home.
-- Bear Grylls -
Weather can kill you so fast. The first priority of survival is getting protection from the extreme weather.
-- Bear Grylls -
Textbook survival tells you to stay put. Stop. Wait for rescue. Don't take any risks. But there'd been a whole host of survival shows like that and I didn't really want to do that.
-- Bear Grylls -
Those of us who believe in God and derive our sense of right and wrong and ethics from God's Word really have no difficulty whatsoever defining where our ethics come from. People who believe in survival of the fittest might have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come from. A lot of evolutionists are very ethical people.
-- Benjamin Carson -
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Killing a cop just because he's a cop, that'll happen. And that should happen. And there's nothing inhuman about it at all. It's survival. It's the most human thing in the world.
-- Bernardine Dohrn -
Without civic morality communities perish; without personal morality their survival has no value.
-- Bertrand Russell -
The human race may well become extinct before the end of the century. Speaking as a mathematician, I should say the odds are about three to one against survival.
-- Bertrand Russell -
Battles over water in the West are always about something more. At their most elemental, they are about survival.
-- Bettina Boxall -
The important thing for the survival of the Thai society is that the majority of those who work, both in the government and the private sector, still strive to work in the same direction; this is why the Thai nation still stands.
-- Bhumibol Adulyadej -
The will to work of everyone in the country is the best guarantee of national survival.
-- Bhumibol Adulyadej -
By helping us to be more productive, technology lets us to spend less time focusing on survival, and more on solving other challenges.
-- Bill Gates -
Flat fields produce mediocre grapes, but rolling hills produce the greatest grapes. Why? Because the vines must struggle for survival.
-- Billy Cannon -
Mozart. Vivaldi. Van Gogh. Stretched their genius on struggle, stress and survival.
-- Billy Cannon -
Rules or no rules, pitchers are going to throw spitters. It's a matter of survival.
-- Bob Gibson -
Will highly comprehensible code, by virtue of being easy to modify, inevitably be supplanted by increasingly less elegant code until some equilibrium is achieved between comprehensibility and fragility? Perhaps simple on the outside/fragile on the inside can be an effective survival strategy for evolving artifacts.
-- Brian Foote -
Each being in the universe yearns for the free energy necessary for survival and development. Each existence resists extinction. The consequent history of violence in the universe is as inevitable as the gravitational pull between the Earth and the Sun.
-- Brian Swimme -
Learn to sustain yourselves; lay up grain and flour, and save it against a day of scarcity.
-- Brigham Young -
Single cells analyze thousands of stimuli from the microenvironment they inhabit. The more awareness an organism has of its environment, the better its chances for survival. When cells band together they increase their awareness exponentially. Division of labor among the cells in the community offers an additional survival advantage. The efficiency it enables more cells to live on less. Evolution is based on an instructive, cooperative interaction among organisms and their environment enables life forms to survive and evolve in a dynamic world.
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
Humans are more dependent on learning for survival than other species,We have no instincts that automatically find us food and shelter !
-- Bruce H. Lipton -
All of our survival is tied to the survival of everyone,
-- Bryan Stevenson -
Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it's actually our duty to future generations and their quest to ensure the survival of the human species.
-- Buzz Aldrin -
When sustainability is viewed as being a matter of survival for your business, I believe you can create massive change.
-- Cameron Sinclair -
It angers me when sustainability gets used as a buzz word. For 90 percent of the world, sustainability is a matter of survival.
-- Cameron Sinclair -
Our passion for learning ... is our tool for survival.
-- Carl Sagan -
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
-- Carl Sagan -
My deeply held belief is that if a god of anything like the traditional sort exists, our curiosity and intelligence are provided by such a god. We would be unappreciative of those gifts (as well as unable to take such a course of action) if we suppressed our passion to explore the universe and ourselves. On the other hand, if such a traditional god does not exist, our curiosity and our intelligence are the essential tools for managing our survival. In either case, the enterprise of knowledge is consistent with both science and religion, and is essential for the welfare of the human species.
-- Carl Sagan -
What began in deadly competition has helped us to see that global cooperation is the essential precondition for our survival. Travel is broadening. It's time to hit the road again.
-- Carl Sagan -
Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival.
-- Carlos P. Romulo -
There is often in people in whom 'the worst' has happened an almost transcendent freedom, for they have faced 'the worst' and survived it.
-- Carol Lynn Pearson -
A brilliant treatment of the history of Purgatory in England and its survivals and echoes throughout Shakespeare's plays, above all Hamlet.
-- Carol Zaleski -
Survival in more primitive ages required constant alertness, but survival in today's mechanized world almost demands that we turn off our senses. In urban life especially, there is too much to see, hear and smell.
-- Carole Katchen -
It is a rare person who can pierce the veil between ordinarly life, consumed with matters of physical survival, and pursuit of the empowered path of purpose and meaning unless he or she is motivated by a crisis. Most often we require the failure of some system of power that we rely on before we take action.
-- Caroline Myss -
Marxism teaches that exploitation and degradation somehow produce resistance and revolution. It's been hard to say why. What I've learned from women's experience with sexuality is that exploitation and degradation produce grateful complicity in exchange for survival. They produce self-loathing to the point of extinction of self, and it is respect for self that makes resistance conceivable.
-- Catharine MacKinnon -
Freedom is a small price to pay for survival.
-- Catherine Fisher -
There were definitely parts of my character I didn’t approve of, and maybe from time to time I had moments when I didn’t like myself much. But I got through each day as it came to me, and so far I’d survived every thing life had thrown at me. I could only hope that the survival was worth the price I’d paid.
-- Charlaine Harris