Machines famous quotes
With bundled machines you can throw away the hardware and keep the software, and it's still a good buy.
-- Adam Osborne -
Progress is made by the improvement of people, not the improvement of machines.
-- Adrian Tchaikovsky -
You can be totally rational with a machine. But if you work with people, sometimes logic often has to take a backseat to understanding.
-- Akio Morita -
The protean nature of the computer is such that it can act like a machine or like a language to be shaped and exploited.
-- Alan Kay -
In man-machine symbiosis, it is man who must adjust: The machines can't.
-- Alan Perlis -
Adapting old programs to fit new machines usually means adapting new machines to behave like old ones.
-- Alan Perlis -
To understand a program, you must become both the machine and the program.
-- Alan Perlis -
We may hope that machines will eventually compete with men in all purely intellectual fields.
-- Alan Turing -
A man provided with paper, pencil, and rubber, and subject to strict discipline, is in effect a universal machine.
-- Alan Turing -
Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.
-- Alan Turing -
Instruction tables will have to be made up by mathematicians with computing experience and perhaps a certain puzzle-solving ability. There need be no real danger of it ever becoming a drudge, for any processes that are quite mechanical may be turned over to the machine itself.
-- Alan Turing -
The original question, 'Can machines think?' I believe to be too meaningless to deserve discussion.
-- Alan Turing -
I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.
-- Alan Turing -
Without risk in our lives, we're scarcely better than machines ourselves.
-- Alastair Reynolds -
Male sexual response is far brisker and more automatic. It is triggered easily by things - like putting a quarter in a vending machine.
-- Alex Comfort -
There is a thrill of vulnerability at all airshows. There is no way of making everything completely safe. When the machines are being thrashed to capacity and the pilots are flying at their limits to dazzle, things are bound to go wrong sometimes. There have been some historic disasters, but the danger is a part of the attraction.
-- Alex James -
I don't know if Jerry Lawler got here in a plane, or a time machine.
-- Alex Riley -
I see the human being is an incredible machine, totally undiscovered in many ways. Every one of us has a hidden tank of energy that comes out when it is needed.
-- Alex Zanardi -
I have had the feeling that a properly constructed flying-machine should be capable of being flown as a kite; and conversely, that a properly constructed kite should be capable of use as a flying-machine when driven by its own propellers.
-- Alexander Graham Bell -
I'm okay. Russian machine never breaks.
-- Alexander Ovechkin -
Litigation: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
CLOCK, n. A machine of great moral value to man, allaying his concern for the future by reminding him what a lot of time remains to him.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
A bad marriage is like an electrical thrilling machine: it makes you dance, but you can't let go.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
The only way we will survive is by being kind. The only way we can get by in this world is through the help we receive from others. No one can do it alone, no matter how great the machines are.
-- Amy Poehler -
I like to work out every day. I run, walk, do machines. I'm not neurotic about food. My rule is, don't let yourself get over a certain weight. If you gain 5lb, stop before it gets worse.
-- Andie MacDowell -
The basic problem is that our civilization, which is a civilization of machines, can teach man everything except how to be a man.
-- Andre Malraux -
You cannot afford a world with slavery, which literally takes someone and turns them into a machine.
-- Andrew Forrest -
The key relationships in the future will not be between people, but between machines and people.
-- Andrew Keen -
Amy Morton is a machine. If she misses a show it's because someone amputated her leg and she's looking for it.
-- Anna D. Shapiro -
Who is more amateurish, more vulnerable---those who rely on machines that need to be plugged in, or logged on, or in some other way connected in order to be more than a useless slab of plastic ... or those who have learned to master life without?
-- Anne Fortier -
I am learning slowly to bring my crazy pinball-machine mind back to this place...
-- Anne Lamott -
The ‘machine-gun’ approach to photography – by which many negatives are made with the hope that one will be good – is fatal to serious results.
-- Ansel Adams -
An administration, like a machine, does not create. It carries on.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
I like to think about machines and technology in relation to landscape and architecture.
-- Antoine Predock -
A journalistic purpose could be someone with a Xerox machine in a basement.
-- Antonin Scalia -
We are not thinking machines that feel; rather, we are feeling machines that think.
-- Antonio Damasio -
I've just been a machine for making money. I seem to have spent my life in a golden tunnel looking for the outlet which would lead to happiness. But the tunnel kept going on. After my death there will be nothing left.
-- Aristotle Onassis -
One thing Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't is self-effacing. Everything has to be the biggest. His money, his muscles, his movies and his machines.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
I sometimes think that the universe is a machine designed for the perpetual astonishment of astronomers.
-- Arthur C. Clarke -
That arithmetic is the basest of all mental activities is proved by the fact that it is the only one that can be accomplished by a machine.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.
-- Asa Butterfield -
Being unique is what's cool. Normal? What's normal? A setting on a washing machine. No one wants to be that.
-- Ashley Purdy -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of how to get machines to do the things they do in the movies.
-- Astro Teller -
We were young. We were bored. And the old electroshock therapy machine was just under the stairs in a box next to the Hoover.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
Don't think of your website as a self-promotion machine, think of it as a self-invention machine.
-- Austin Kleon -
It's the concept of having a computer voting machine that bothers me, more so than the specific poor implementation that we have from Diebold.
-- Avi Rubin -
I've been saying all along that my biggest fear is that someone would program a machine to give a wrong answer. If that were to happen, the machine would still work fine - we just wouldn't know it.
-- Avi Rubin -
The City. Can't you hear it? People. Machines. Even thoughts so thick your bones feel it and your ear almost catches it.
-- Barry Eisler -
Where is the angry machine of all of us? Why is God such a blurred magician? Why are you begging for your life if you believe those things? Prove to me that you’re better than the rabbits we ate last night.
-- Barry Hannah -
I respond well to what I read of Immanuel Kants idea that the world as we see it is absolutely a function of the way our brain works. In the modern parlance, its an evolved machine that we carry with us.
-- Bernard Beckett -
The mind is not a machine, it is an idea. And the Idea resists all attempts to control it.
-- Bernard Beckett -
With the introduction of agriculture mankind entered upon a long period of meanness, misery, and madness, from which they are only now being freed by the beneficent operation of the machine.
-- Bertrand Russell -
When I moved out of my mom's house at 18 I was almost as sad to leave her sewing machine behind as anything else.
-- Beth Ditto -
A good use for me is to let me go away with my sewing machine and come back with some really new stuff.
-- Betsey Johnson -
College is the grinding machine of the Mathematical Establishment, a conveyor belt that takes individuals from one cookie cutter to another so that the product comes within tight control limits out of the assembly line.
-- Bill Gaede -
You stick a credit card in a machine, and you pay $3 or whatever it is to get cash - your own money.
-- Bill Janklow -
Folks can't carry around money in their pocket. They've got to go to an ATM machine, and they've got to pay a few dollars to get their own dollars out of the machine. Who ever thought you'd pay cash to get cash? That's where we've gotten to.
-- Bill Janklow -
You can hit a nail on the head, or cause a machine to do so, and get a fairly predictable result. Hit a dog on the head, and it will either dodge, bite back, or die, but it will never again react in the same way. We can predict only those things we set up to be predictable, not what we encounter in the real world of living and reactive processes.
-- Bill Mollison -
You have all these plans to act, and maybe do it rather elegantly, and then they turn the rain machine on.
-- Bill Nighy -
Machines aren't replacing proofreaders at all. Copy editors, who proofread and much, much more, use spellcheck as a tool but read every word that appears in the paper
-- Bill Walsh -
Life The machine The human soul A 75mm breech My portrait
-- Blaise Cendrars -
how often I longed to lovingly administer release! ... to have the courage and the right, after the soul is fled, to stop the poor wretched machine, that exists only to suffer and cause suffering.
-- Blanche Willis Howard -
The dead have no ears, no answering machines that we know of, still we call.
-- Bob Hicok -
Customized jewelry is one of my targets with Bold Machines.
-- Bre Pettis -
Your body is like a machine, and if you don't keep it in shape, it holds you back. You don't want anything holding you back, especially yourself.
-- Brenda Song -
The idea of 'machine assemblage' is, especially, very alien to my sensibility, since it suggests a relative indifference of the strata to one another during the process of construction.
-- Brian Ferneyhough -
I guess I see a part of myself in everyone I write about. I tend to write about kids who are obsessed with something, and even though I have never been good with machines the way Hugo is, I did love miniature things when I was a kid.
-- Brian Selznick -
Only amateurs attack machines; professionals target people.
-- Bruce Schneier -
Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.
-- Bryan Fischer -
My first Macintosh was a 128k machine which I upgraded to 512k the minute it became possible.
-- Buffy Sainte-Marie -
Meet the future; the future mode of transportation for this weary Western world. Now I'm not gonna make a lot of extravagant claims for this little machine. Sure, it'll change your whole life for the better, but that's all.
-- Butch Cassidy -
In reality, moral rules are directions for running the human machine. Every moral rule is there to prevent a breakdown, or a strain, or a friction, in the running of that machine. That is why these rules at first seem to be constantly interfering with our natural inclinations.
-- C. S. Lewis -
The neurochemistry of the brain is astonishingly busy, the circuitry of a machine more wonderful than any devised by humans. But there is no evidence that its functioning is due to anything more than the 10 14 neural connections that build an elegant architecture of consciousness.
-- Carl Sagan -
The machine yes the machine never wastes anybody's time never watches the foreman never talks back.
-- Carl Sandburg -
I go to the movies whenever I get the chance, because the movie theater is like the woods. It's another place that's like a time machine.
-- Carol Rifka Brunt -
I write about times and places I would visit in a time machine, like ancient Rome or the Wild West.
-- Caroline Lawrence -
My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine.
-- Caroline Rhea -
Smell is the closest thing human beings have to a time machine.
-- Caryl Rivers -
A skyscraper is a machine that makes the land pay.
-- Cass Gilbert -
The celebrity-making machine-photographers, paparazzi, press and stuff like that-can be ruthless.
-- Catherine Keener -
I've found it's better to talk to the machine and hang up if I get the person.
-- Cathy Guisewite -
Now let me teach you another thing about my daughter. I love her very much but she has the ability to hide as expertly as a sock in a washing machine. No one knows where it goes, just as no one knows where she goes, but at least when she decides to come back, we're all here, waiting for her.
-- Cecelia Ahern -
The machine itself has begun to do the work of revolution. The State is now generating forces that will accomplish what no revolutionaries could accomplish by themselves.
-- Charles A. Reich -
Our history shows that what we must do is assert domination over the machine, to guide it so that it works for the values of our choice.
-- Charles A. Reich -
The corporate state is an immensely powerful machine, ordered, legalistic, rational, yet utterly out of human control, wholly and perfectly indifferent to any human values.
-- Charles A. Reich -
The difference between a tool and a machine is not capable of very precise distinction; nor is it necessary, in a popular explanation of those terms, to limit very strictly their acceptation.
-- Charles Babbage -
In turning from the smaller instruments in frequent use to the larger and more important machines, the economy arising from the increase of velocity becomes more striking.
-- Charles Babbage -
Telegraphs are machines for conveying information over extensive lines with great rapidity.
-- Charles Babbage -
As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of the science. Whenever any result is sought by its aid, the question will then arise — by what course of calculation can these results be arrived at by the machine in the shortest time?
-- Charles Babbage -
China has legally purchased high performance computers, advanced machine tools, and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies.
-- Charles Bass -
My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts.
-- Charles Darwin -
For a machine to run smoothly and predictably, its parts must be standard and hence replaceable, features which contribute, respectively, to modern depersonalization and anxiety.
-- Charles Eisenstein -
We have reason not to be afraid of the machine, for there is always constructive change, the enemy of machines, making them change to fit new conditions.
-- Charles Kettering -
Programming in machine code is like eating with a toothpick
-- Charles Petzold -
Everyone has a time machine. Everyone *is* a time machine. It's just that most people's time machines are broken. The strangest and hardest kind of time travel is the unaided kind. People get stuck, people get looped. People get trapped. But we are all time machines.
-- Charles Yu -
A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!
-- Che Guevara -
I don't even like hearing my own voice on an answering machine.
-- China Chow -
We are not machines exploring the universe, we are people.
-- Chris Hadfield -
In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable.
-- Christian Dior