Wwe famous quotes
Look at you walkin' out here with your hair done, nails done, everything did, what you think you fancy huh?!
-- Alex Riley -
What are you two doing flirting with this nerd? I told you, you are supposed to be in charge of the 50 dancing girls I had set up for Miz's celebration.
-- Alex Riley -
And if you're not buying my dinnner or you think you fancy, you're not getting a date with The Miz!
-- Alex Riley -
Yeah, because I'm the one with the long hair and the pouty lips right?
-- Alex Riley -
I even fold this mans underwear and I like it!
-- Alex Riley -
My name is Alex Riley and I've been signed to a personal services contract for The Miz.
-- Alex Riley -
This is all yours, forever. It's all yours, forever!
-- Alex Riley -
Does my hair look alright? Of course, it looks alright. Why am I asking you for? ...We get lunch right? ...Can we get this thing going? I gotta meet my girlfriend for a martini.
-- Alex Riley -
Oh my god! Would you shut the front door already?! Look at you walking out here with your hair done, nails done, everything did. Whatchu think you fancy, huh? Look, uh, sweetheart, I don't speak Gucci or anything, but I'll give it my best shot.
-- Alex Riley -
Me and Miz are one and the same. I share some of the qualities he has and I need to learn some things from him, but there's absolutely no jealousy here between the two of us.
-- Alex Riley -
We're almost like Bonnie & Clyde. Of course, he's Bonnie and I'm Clyde.
-- Alex Riley -
And frankly, I'm a huge gold digger and The Miz is about to make a lot of money!
-- Alex Riley -
Welcome to Miz-fest 2010! It's all going A-Ry.
-- Alex Riley -
I thought that was fantastic. We were working on that the other night, actually.
-- Alex Riley -
I love The Miz. His approach to his job is second to none; it's extremely important to him that he prepares on a daily basis. I travel with him and from the moment he gets up to the moment he goes to bed it's all WWE, all sports entertainment. He keeps his body in shape and he is a true champion in the ring and out. He's a great representative of the company and I'm learning a lot from him, not only on TV but outside as well.
-- Alex Riley -
I don't know if Jerry Lawler got here in a plane, or a time machine.
-- Alex Riley -
I do everything The Miz needs me to do. I make sure everything goes smoothly. If I can get involved in the match when the referee is not looking. You know, we have to keep the title!
-- Alex Riley -
Just when it's the two of us, he doesn't whine as much.
-- Alex Riley -
He's a tremendous human being - and that's on top of all of his talent. It's about the way he handles things and the way he approaches matches; he studies, he prepares and he takes advantage of opportunities when he needs to.
-- Alex Riley -
The Miz can out brawl Randy Orton. Out wrestle him, out shine him, out smart him and out class him.
-- Alex Riley -
Whether you like it or not, this man is the future of the WWE and I really wouldn't talk to him like that. Because he is The Miz and he is awesome.
-- Alex Riley -
If he's walking around with the title, whose right and whose wrong? He's awesome. And I'm his protege, so what does that make me? That makes me awesome as well.
-- Alex Riley -
I'll take care of this. All you had to do was ask.
-- Alex Riley -
Do you really think I should be out there with Officer Dewey? I mean, you saw Scream. The guy can't protect anybody. Everybody in that movie died!
-- Alex Riley -
Randy Orton is dangerous and that man is delusional!
-- Alex Riley -
You're the WWE Champion and I would never let you down!
-- Alex Riley -
Oh my god will you shut the front door already!
-- Alex Riley -
If you're having trouble finding someone to play with, why don't you just go play with yourself.
-- Amy Dumas -
Sometimes there's more important things in life than being in the ring, like family, like us, & being in love.
-- Amy Dumas -
Before me, there were no moonsaults, there were no Litacanranas!
-- Amy Dumas -
I single handedly revolutionised women's roles in the WWE, before me all women were eye candy.
-- Amy Dumas -
I'm just going to take this in a minute. The wrestling world, we're kind of our own breed and different from maybe some movie stars who have their big speeches that they do that ends their long career in a roast. You're entire career in the WWE kind of like one big roast, but this is the moment where you get to soak it in and just see what's going on for a minute.
-- Amy Dumas -
For some reasons, I have WWE wrestlers tweeting me all the time. Like, my biggest fans. Why they can connect with my love for Meryl Streep, I don't know.
-- Billy Eichner -
Coming here, I sharpened and fine-tuned everything I had and needed. What I thought of as myself as a performer, I looked back and was like, ‘Wow, I improved from where I was.’ I thought I was ready and then saw the improvements I made which were unbelievable. It makes the transition from down here to up there (the WWE roster) so much easier because you’re prepared for what they need you to do. It’s not like you’re jumping into a whole other world. You’re prepared for what they need.
-- Bo Dallas -
I know all about cheating. I've had six very successful marriages.
-- Bobby Heenan -
Oh, I knew he was gonna do that. I just knew he was gonna do that. He don't need Jannetty. I told you that off and on.
-- Bobby Heenan -
The two things that scare me most about wrestling fans is that they're allowed to vote and allowed to reproduce.
-- Bobby Heenan -
Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. They're a lovely twosome, or threesome, or foursome, or twenty-fifthsome.
-- Bobby Heenan -
They're living proof that the 3 stooges had children.
-- Bobby Heenan -
I asked Stu Hart earlier. I said, 'Stu, you gotta be proud of your boys.' He said, 'I have boys?'
-- Bobby Heenan -
The bad thing about the Bushwhackers is that win, lose, or draw, you gotta have everything you got on fumigated.
-- Bobby Heenan -
He's not pointing to anybody, he's showing off how high he can count!
-- Bobby Heenan -
Janetty tried to dive through the window to escape, what an act of cowardice.
-- Bobby Heenan -
To Jim Duggan, taking a shower is a high risk maneuver.
-- Bobby Heenan -
I am the colour red, in a world of black and white and if you value your ability to breathe... Don't get too close.
-- Bray Wyatt -
Just remember...you are the one with everything to lose.
-- Bray Wyatt -
Did you ever notice that America is shaped like one big, giant toilet bowl?
-- Bret Hart -
I'm here to say my legacy in The Octogon is over ... I re-signed last night with @WWE.
-- Brock Lesnar -
My name is CHL. That's Charles Haas Layfield.
-- Charlie Haas -
I want TNA to grow as a company, it’s better for me as a performer and me as a businessman. But how can they grow if every chance they get they are constantly talking about up north and the WWE?
-- Chris Jericho -
We both liked the idea but couldn't figure out a way to get up to the roof. Vince had just seen the Spider-Man movie and suggested we shoot webs out of our wrists and swing up there. We asked Vince not to contribute any more ideas.
-- Chris Jericho -
X-Pac, I always thought you were a greasy haired, cheesey bandana wearing ***** that wore green and black tights. I now think you are a greasy haired, cheesey bandana wearing ***** that wears purple and black tights.
-- Chris Jericho -
Don't you touch me again. I will knock you out, junior!
-- Chris Jericho -
Queen Elizabeth, she's the ultimate hypocrite!
-- Chris Jericho -
Back in the hood after a tremendous Aussie tour! Thanks to all who rocked with us, I promise it won't be another 5 yrs before we return! Best news is I'm off for the rest of the year now! Time to get krunk....
-- Chris Jericho -
Shawn Michaels is quite simply the greatest performer in WWE history.
-- Chris Jericho -
So Stephanie.. you wanna say let the bodies hit the floor... I would say... let the boobies hit the floor!
-- Chris Jericho -
Well Stephanie, I'd like to thank you for giving me such a kind Christmas gift, but unfortunately I didn't get you any gifts. But then again, what can you get for the girl whose had everyone?
-- Chris Jericho -
You know what's funny to me? You know what's really funny to me? The fact that you've been calling Lita the walking kiss of death, but tonight.. the walking KOD beat the walking STD.
-- Chris Jericho -
I'd told Taker before the promo that I was gonna stick it to him and he told me to go for it. However, I crossed the line and insulted him by saying what I said. I can't believe the lack of respect I showed him and so many of the other guys in the locker room during my first month in the company, especially since I knew how important the hierarchy of the business was (and still is). Respect your elders.
-- Chris Jericho -
After 10 years TNA talent still have an inferiority complex. If you don't think that you work for the BEST COMPANY EVER then nobody else will! As a performer you hav to act and project that where you work is the pinnacle of competition! If not then the whole place just seems second rate.
-- Chris Jericho -
Of course you have an e-mail, you idiot, just read it!
-- Chris Jericho -
Now you're the Queen of Hardcore, but movies don't count!
-- Chris Jericho -
I believe Melina is wearing Uggs. Which is exactly how I feel about her.
-- CM Punk -
I'd much rather be a one-hit wonder than a phony.
-- CM Punk -
I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't use drugs. That may be boring for some people, but that's just me. That's how I live my life.
-- CM Punk -
Do I want an ice cream bar with my name on it? You're DAMN right!
-- CM Punk -
Anybody wants to call me the Triple H of Ring of Honor, I think that's hilarious. I would prefer to call Triple H the CM Punk of the WWE
-- CM Punk -
I am the best wrestler in the world. I've been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company, and I've been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar, and he split just like I'm splitting, but the biggest difference between me and Brock is I'm going to leave with the WWE Championship.
-- CM Punk -
I'm jumping in right now. And I'm going to say that everybody I know has a 'day I met CM Punk story' and they're all 100% fabrication. It's all bullshit. Thank you.
-- CM Punk -
Sir! Sir! I'm afraid your music is just too loud!
-- CM Punk -
So what? I'm out here doing commentary with Malaria.
-- CM Punk -
I've never stolen anything in my life, except maybe a couple hearts here and there.
-- CM Punk -
Right now, I would like complete silence when I'm talking.
-- CM Punk -
It looks like they've been watching old Japan tapes!
-- CM Punk -
If Triple H asked you to jump off a bridge, would you? Because I think that's good for business.
-- CM Punk -
Right now at the announce table we've got two kings and a queen, I'll let you figure out who's who.
-- CM Punk -
I came here to do a job, and my job is to hurt people.
-- CM Punk -
Can I read it? They really liked it when I did it.
-- CM Punk -
How come when I was a kid, I couldn't be picked on bullies like that?
-- CM Punk -
Gorgeous day here in Chicago. Sure is better than Canada.
-- CM Punk