Editors famous quotes
There is always a certain leap of faith that editors have made with their nonfiction writers. If the trust is broken, things can get very embarrassing for the writers and the publisher.
-- A. Scott Berg -
Newspaper editors are men who separate the wheat from the chaff, and then print the chaff.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
The Bush administration works closely with a network of rapid response digital brownshirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for 'undermining support for our troops.'
-- Al Gore -
But, in the end, we editors just pass through. We all know that you, the readers, are the real carriers of the flame.
-- Alan Rusbridger -
I always think, if I were an editor, and I was invited to a show, and I would have to wait for 45 minutes in the dark or in the cold or in the heat, maybe I would like to have a fresh drink or a piece of chocolate.
-- Alber Elbaz -
I called it ignose, not knowing which carbohydrate it was. This name was turned down by my editor. 'God-nose' was not more successful, so in the end 'hexuronic acid' was agreed upon. To-day the substance is called 'ascorbic acid' and I will use this name.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
I decided honestly that comic art is an art form in itself. It reflects the life and times more accurately and actually is more artistic than magazine illustration - since it is entirely creative. An illustrator works with camera and models; a comic artist begins with a white sheet of paper and dreams up his own business - he is playwright, director, editor and artist at once.
-- Alex Raymond -
When I decided to launch my first knitwear line, it was because I saw a void in the basics category. The editors were always looking for cool, fashion-forward tees and sweaters. So that's where I started.
-- Alexander Wang -
I don't think fashion week will go back to what it used to be because people are realising that the industry is completely changing. It's not just in Bryant Park any more, people are figuring out who their audience is, where they want to show, they aren't really playing by the rules. It's not so much about these editors, these buyers.
-- Alexander Wang -
The relationship with the words someone uses is more intimate and integrated than just a quick read and a blurb can ever be. This intimacy - the words on the page being sent back and forth from engaged editor to open author - is unique in my experience.
-- Alice Sebold -
Anyone nit-picking enough to write a letter of correction to an editor doubtless deserves the error that provoked it.
-- Alvin Toffler -
LUMINARY, One who throws light upon a subject; as an editor by not writing about it.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
PERFECTION, n. An imaginary state of quality distinguished from the actual by an element known as excellence; an attribute of the critic. The editor of an English magazine having received a letter pointing out the erroneous nature of his views and style, and signed "Perfection," promptly wrote at the foot of the letter: "I don't agree with you," and mailed it to Matthew Arnold.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
It's incorrect to assume you can be a fashion editor because you blog, if you don't have experience to look at fashion in a professional way.
-- Andre Leon Talley -
I was a writer for 'New York' magazine. I had been to business school, but what did I know? Still, everybody from the receptionists on up to the editor would ask me what they should do with their money.
-- Andrew Tobias -
It’s true: Medium has the best web-based editor I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen them all.
-- Anil Dash -
I lived through a classic publishing story. My editor was fired a month before the book came out. The editor who took it over already had a full plate. It was never advertised. We didn't get reviewed in any major outlets.
-- Anita Diament -
I got a fortune cookie that said, "To remember is to understand." I have never forgotten it. A good judge remembers what it was like to be a lawyer. A good editor remembers being a writer. A good parent remembers what it was like to be a child.
-- Anna Quindlen -
The red library is Sui's tribute to fashion maven Diana Vreeland, who served as editor for Harper's Bazaar (1939-1962) and Vogue (1963-1961). My most precious collection is my bound Vogue magazines, .. and they're kind of like my Bible. I look at them all the time when I'm trying to inspire myself for a collection.
-- Anna Sui -
They (fashion editors) have always been our secret weapon.
-- Anna Wintour -
The best thing about being an artist, instead of a madman or someone who writes letters to the editor, is that you get to engage in satisfying work. Even if you never publish a word, you have something important to pour yourself into.
-- Anne Lamott -
My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's really where I would have liked to have gone. But the genetic link was not intact there, so I wound up going into business. But I love to write, still. I'm not a great writer, but I enjoy it.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
Jonathan Demme is a very sharp editor of his movies.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
Show me a contented newspaper editor and I will show you a bad newspaper.
-- Arthur Christiansen -
After writing each novel, I would spend days poring over suggestions from my editor.
-- Ashwin Sanghi -
In college, I was an editor on the student daily... To the extent that I noticed the existence of crew at all, I saw only what appeared to be big-boned acolytes who rose at dawn.
-- Barry S. Strauss -
Sure, some journalists use anonymous sources just because they’re lazy, and I think editors ought to insist on more precise identification even if they remain anonymous.
-- Ben Bradlee -
It seems from my unique vantage point as both scientist and editor of JSE that substantial evidence exists of "something going on".
-- Bernard Haisch -
But editors are still the world's readers. And thus the eyes of the world.
-- Betsy Lerner -
I think one of the interesting things is that vi is really a mode-based editor.
-- Bill Joy -
I got tired of people complaining that it was too hard to use UNIX because the editor was too complicated.
-- Bill Joy -
I think editors have to come out of a certain kind of community.
-- Bill Joy -
I started to write a new editor not too long ago and had it about half done after two days.
-- Bill Joy -
Being an editor has been a source of great satisfaction, but writing is the thing I truly love.
-- Bill Keller -
There are just two people entitled to refer to themselves as "we"; one is the editor and the other is the fellow with a tapeworm.
-- Bill Nye -
Writers' bedtimes vary, but few have been spared the shock of a copy editor's early wake-up call
-- Bill Walsh -
Machines aren't replacing proofreaders at all. Copy editors, who proofread and much, much more, use spellcheck as a tool but read every word that appears in the paper
-- Bill Walsh -
You should never rely on interviews with musicians as being factual. Most of them are mangled and even have made up stuff in them, that is to say, made up stuff by the writer or editor.
-- Black Francis -
It would be absurd for me or any other editor to review the authenticity or accuracy of stories that are nominated for prizes.
-- Bob Woodward -
Deep Throat was a very unfortunate name given to the source by the managing editor of The Washington Post.
-- Bob Woodward -
I don't mind being identified as any character as long as I'm doing a good job as an actor. I have done all kinds of roles - from an editor, judge, police officer, murderer to a corrupt businessman.
-- Boman Irani -
If you write something and they all tell you it is bad - editors, critics, everybody - think it over and you may become convinced that they are right (though you are not to be ashamed or discouraged for a minute, but keep on writing).
-- Brenda Ueland -
Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.
-- Brendan Behan -
If a good editor will let me tell my story with the right artist, I'm happy.
-- Brian K. Vaughan -
I formed a resolution to never write a word I did not want to write; to think only of my own tastes and ideals, without a thought of those of editors or publishers.
-- C. S. Forester -
I started working for the 'NY Observer' when I was 33. After I had been writing for them for about a year and a half the editor said, 'Your stories are the most talked about stories in the 'Observer'; you should have your own column.'
-- Candace Bushnell -
I wrote poems in my corner of the Brooks Street station. I sent them to two editors who rejected them right off. I read those letters of rejection years later and I agreed with those editors.
-- Carl Sandburg -
Very few editors worry about heresy - their goals are much too commercial, thank goodness.
-- Chelsea Quinn Yarbro -
If I can avoid doing freelance work, I prefer to. Not just because it takes me away from drawing comics, but also because it's just annoying having to deal with art editors, and having to read people's articles or books or whatever.
-- Chester Brown -
The main thing is that you have a good editor - one that believes in you and who will give you the feedback that you need to produce a good book.
-- Christopher Darden -
I dont know how the editors are going to take it or how it may be received. But to some extent Im hoping that with the next book, when people pick it up and read it, it will scare the pants off of them.
-- Christopher Darden -
When coming up with Wonder Woman cover designs, sometimes people will pitch ideas to me, either the writer or the editor. And it's interesting, because I know they're not trying to, but they end up pitching things that end up feeling like damsel-in-distress covers, where the tension comes from her needing to be rescued somehow. And it's something I immediately push back against.
-- Cliff Chiang -
I believe the more knowledgeable you are as a horse owner, the better leader you are and the more you’ll enjoy your partnership with your horse. That’s why I was excited to see the editors of MyHorse Daily offer these free guides packed with information on topics from deworming programs to safe fencing options. Go ahead, take a look mate, no matter your horse lifestyle there’s something for everyone.
-- Clinton Anderson -
I have an editor in my head, that's why I can't read Harry Potter, because Rowling is such a lousy writer.
-- Colleen McCullough -
Fear your admirers! Learn in time to hear, understand, and love the cruel truth about yourselves!
-- Constantin Stanislavski -
I've seen people who stink, but the film editor shows them just where they didn't stink. But if you're empty and manipulative on stage, it's clear.
-- D. B. Sweeney -
I think it's important for the public to know, great reporting starts with a publisher who has guts and an editor who has guts.
-- Dan Rather -
I respect and empathize with reporters and editors who must compete in today's environment. And I know full well that when I've been covering campaigns, which I still do, I've made my mistakes and have been far from perfect.
-- Dan Rather -
I wrote a query letter to an editor - a friend of a friend. The editor called me an idiot, told me never to contact an editor directly, and then recommended three literary agents he had worked with before. Laurie Fox was one of them, and I've never looked back.
-- Daniel H. Wilson -
So, this is my plea to all Western editors and producers: Display the Muhammad cartoon daily, until the Islamists become accustomed to the fact that we turn sacred cows into hamburger.
-- Daniel Pipes -
When you send off a short story, it sits on the editor's desk in the same pile with stories by the most famous and honored names in present-day writing-and it's not going to be accepted unless it's as good as theirs. (And it'll probably have to be better.)
-- Daniel Quinn -
I've been using the same editor, thankfully, she's been sticking with me, but I've been doing it full-on guerilla style... I haven't gotten any public sponsor or anything, because I don't want to seem like I'm trying to sell any particular thing
-- Daryl Hannah -
Art editors and critics - people like me - have become a courtier class.
-- Dave Hickey -
Truth might be stranger than fiction, but it needs a better editor.
-- David Benioff -
Editors of conservative magazines aren't out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank.
-- David Brock -
I have a huge editor in my head who's always making me miserable. But sometimes, I try to let my unconscious act out.
-- David Chase -
My biggest advice would be to take the pictures you want to take. Don’t think about the marketplace, what sells or what an editor might say. And don’t think about style. It’s all bullshit and surface stuff. Style happens.
-- David LaChapelle -
Newspapers and their editors have to become as accountable as the rest of us - they are not 'a special case,' and they have only themselves to blame for having lost the argument for 'exceptionalism' - and with it the right to 'self-regulation.
-- David Puttnam -
I think editors are excellent marketers. They know their audience and produce copy to appeal to them - they just don't call it marketing.
-- David Robinson -
I tend to write things seven times before I show them to my editor. I write them seven times, then I take them on tour, read them like a dozen times on tour, then go back to the room and rewrite, read and rewrite... I would never show him a first draft, because then he's really going to be sick of it by the twelfth draft.
-- David Sedaris -
I had a great editor, Rebecca Corbett, from the time I was a city reporter right through to the years I worked on the 'Sun's' enterprise reporting team.
-- David Simon -
I'm totally against the idea of a celebrity editor.
-- David Zinczenko -
I wasn't a fashion editor. I was the one and only fashion editor.
-- Diana Vreeland -
When you are acting in a film, you have no idea what scene the editor is going to choose. For instance, after you have directed, you feel more comfortable delivering a performance. Because you know the real performance is put together in the editing room.
-- Dolph Lundgren -
The best advice on writing was given to me by my first editor, Michael Korda, of Simon and Schuster, while writing my first book. 'Finish your first draft and then we'll talk,' he said. It took me a long time to realize how good the advice was. Even if you write it wrong, write and finish your first draft. Only then, when you have a flawed whole, do you know what you have to fix.
-- Dominick Dunne -
With the possible exception of God during the writing of the Bible, every writer in history has needed an editor. So do you.
-- Donald Davis -
Anyone who edits their own copy has a fool for an editor.
-- Donald Davis -
Don't market yourself. Editors and readers don't know what they want until they see it. Scratch what itches. Write what you need to write, feed the hunger for meaning in your life. Play at the serious questions of life and death.
-- Donald Murray -
You are not your poetry. Your self-esteem shouldn't depend on whether you publish, or whether some editor or writer you admire thinks you're any good.
-- Dorianne Laux -
And if you want to know why great editors scare the pants off of writers everywhere, read 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves' by Lynne Truss. The punctuation police are everywhere!
-- Dorothea Benton Frank -
I would proclaim that the vast majority of what [say, Scientific American] is true-yet my ability to defend such a claim is weaker than I would like. And most likely the readers, authors, and editors of that magazine would be equally hard pressed to come up with cogent, non-technical arguments convincing a skeptic of this point, especially if pitted against a clever lawyer arguing the contrary. How come Truth is such a slippery beast?
-- Douglas Hofstadter -
In 1972 I married again, to Elisabeth Case; she continues to be wife, companion, critic and editor: a partner in the projects and programs that we undertake.
-- Douglass North -
I was a newspaper editor in high school, and I truly thought of journalism as a career. I loved it.
-- Ed Asner -
I began using pseudonyms early in my career, when I was being paid a quarter a cent a word for my work, and when I had to write a lot to earn a living. Sometimes I had three or four stories in a single magazine without the editor knowing they were all by me.
-- Ed McBain -
Our editor came to work today in a vibrant pink shirt. Vibrant. Several members of staff have had to go home sick.
-- Eddie Mair -
I always warn aspiring reporters to observe three basic rules: 1. Never trust an editor. 2. Never trust an editor. 3. Never trust an editor.
-- Edna Buchanan -
To entrust to an editor a story over which you have labored and to which your name and reputation are attached can be like sending your daughter off for an evening with Ted Bundy.
-- Edna Buchanan -
The difference between critics and audiences is that one is a group of humans and one is not.
-- Edward Albee -
While editors and newspaper owners currently fret over shrinking readership and lost profits, they do the one thing that insures cutting their own throats; they keep reducing space for the one feature that attracts new young readers in the first place; the comic strips.
-- Elayne Boosler -
Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.
-- Elbert Hubbard -
In a broadcast society, there were these gatekeepers, the editors, and they controlled the flows of information. Along came the Internet and it swept them out of the way, and it allowed all of us to connect together, and it was awesome. But that's not actually what's happening right now.
-- Eli Pariser -
I once had an editor advise me, as I was revising one of my early novels, to add more characters. I played around with the idea. As soon as I'd decided a few fresh faces and give them something to do, I realized that what my editor had really asked for was more plot. Ding. More characters equals more action.
-- Elizabeth Sims -
I've been around so long, most editors think I'm dead.
-- Elliott Erwitt -
Veteran print editors and reporters at places like the 'Times' and 'The New Yorker' manage to feed and clothe their families without costing their companies a million bucks a month, and they produce a great deal more valuable reporting and analysis than the network news stars do.
-- Eric Alterman -
Although being economics editor sounds impressive, it does not mean I actually edit anything. It mainly reflects two decades of title-inflation at the BBC, which has given ever more status to senior reporters, presumably because it is cheaper to do that than to offer higher pay.
-- Evan Davis -
There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
-- Evan Thomas -
I dare say you will try to make me believe that Editors are human. Now I deny that, for I myself have, in past days, had evidence to the contrary.
-- Fanny Fern -
Media reporters have pointed out that the paragraphs in my Time column this week bear close similarities to paragraphs in Jill Lepore's essay in the April 22nd issue of The New Yorker. They are right. I made a terrible mistake. It is a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault. I apologize unreservedly to her, to my editors at Time, and to my readers.
-- Fareed Zakaria