Dad famous quotes
My dad is a chemical engineer, and my mom was a teacher. They were pretty serious about education, but I always thought about things a little bit differently.
-- Aaron Levie -
Performing at my best is important to me and should be to everyone. I am blessed that my dad is a chiropractor. Getting adjusted regularly - along with practicing other good health habits that my mom helped me to establish - are all part of my goal to win in life and on the field.
-- Aaron Rodgers -
I get on fine with my mum and dad, but if they want to see the grandchildren, they come to me.
-- Aaron Taylor-Johnson -
I really wished he hadn't made me hate to read the Bible. Having it shoved down my throat all my life had made me bitter toward reading it. I believed it, but my dad had used it to his benefit too many times and ignored the parts in there that would point out his wrongs. Like judging Beau without even knowing him. That was in the Bible too.
-- Abbi Glines -
I'm one of five kids and we lived on a massive farm in New South Wales with my mum and dad.
-- Abbie Cornish -
One day that same year, I told my dad that someday, I would sail around the world alone.
-- Abby Sunderland -
It is a sad commentary of our times when our young must seek advice and counsel from 'Dear Abby' instead of going to Mom and Dad.
-- Abigail Van Buren -
When you have kids, you instantly feel that you do not want to do them wrong. Those dads that go off to Florida and start a new life, I couldn't imagine that: seeing my kid once every Christmas, every three years. If I'm gone for six days it feels like too much.
-- Adam Carolla -
My dad was a big car guy. If you wanted to spend time with my dad, he was working on the car.
-- Adam Ferrara -
My dad is a Deadhead, my mom's a Jewish-American princess from Jersey.
-- Adam Lambert -
I went to the Hall of Fame with my dad. I can't say I really remember too much about it.
-- Adam Oates -
My grandfather is the king, my Dad's the prince, I guess that makes me the butler.
-- Adam Petty -
I was a coin collector.I didn't know I was nerdy at the time until I felt my 16-D Mercury Dime that was in uncirculated condition might be a panty dropper, and it turned out not to be. Then I stumbled into skateboarding, which kind of was cooler. But I wasn't aware of what was cool. My dad wasn't around so he couldn't shake me and say, 'Drop the coin collecting bit. It's not where you want to go.' So, that and the spelling bee and the chess, I think I had it figured out for myself.
-- Adam Sandler -
The problem with me, as far as getting married and having a family, is that my comedy is so important to me. So I don't know if I'll ever be as good a dad as my dad.
-- Adam Sandler -
There is nothing that would upset me more than my dad being bribed by the press. It's like, 'Just let them run it, then. Don't you give them ammunition.'
-- Adele -
My dad means a lot to me. He's the one who put a football in my hands.
-- Adrian Peterson -
What I want to be best at is being a dad. There's no room for sucky dads, and that's another thing I'm proud of my bandmates for - they're all really good parents.
-- Adrian Young -
My dad told me, 'It takes fifteen years to be an overnight success', and it took me seventeen and a half years.
-- Adrien Brody -
I don't play games. I ran away from home because my Dad brought me an Xbox.
-- Adrien Broner -
Ay Dad, brush my hair one time. Hey pops! Come brush my hair.
-- Adrien Broner -
I miss my Dad. My Dad loved cheesy monster movies, so we'd have Godzilla movie marathons. Those are some of my favorite memories, laughing at how the monster outfits were so bad, like black garbage bags for heads.
-- Ahmet Zappa -
I'm a polygamist. I can afford to have as many wives as I can afford to have. All Africans believe in it. My dad has four wives.
-- Akon -
My dad always told me to stand up to bullies, and Bill O'Reilly is kind of a bully, and he's the kind of kid who hits other kids on the playground. And when you hit him, he runs to the teacher and says, 'Teacher, sue him.'
-- Al Franken -
My dad didn't graduate from high school, ended up being a printing salesman, probably never made more than $8,000 a year. My mom sold real estate and did it part time.
-- Al Franken -
My dad never graduated high school. He was a printing salesman. We lived in a two-bedroom, one-bath house in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. We weren't rich - but we felt secure.
-- Al Franken -
My parents didn't make a lot of money. My dad was not a high school graduate - he didn't have a career as such; he was a printing salesman essentially for most of his working life.
-- Al Franken -
My views about God come from my dad. Dad told me that he believed Nature, which to him included humankind, to be so beautiful, so magnificent, that there had to be something behind it all.
-- Al Franken -
Music is more of a hobby to me than my hobbies, if that makes sense. I love music; my dad and brother were very musical, and music just happens to be one of my hobbies that became my vocation.
-- Al Jardine -
My dad was in the army. World War II. He got his college education from the army. After World War II he became an insurance salesman. Really, I didn't know my dad very well. He and my mother split up after the war. I was raised by my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and by my mother.
-- Al Pacino -
When Courtney's mother and I first separated I tried to be Disney Dad, showering her with gifts, trips and then I snapped out of it. You don't have to try to impress your kids. If they're not getting what they need from you, they will let you know.
-- Al Roker -
Dad taught me everything I know, but he would never tell me anything he knew.
-- Al Unser, Jr. -
The nearest my parents came to alcohol was at Holy Communion and they utterly overestimated its effects. However bad the weather, Dad never drove to church because Mam thought the sacrament might make him incapable on the return journey.
-- Alan Bennett -
My mum always told me I was precious, while my dad always told me I was worthless. I think that's a good grounding for a balanced life.
-- Alan Cumming -
I don't know what I'd have become if I hadn't been a footballer; I wrote down 'dustbin man' on a careers questionnaire at school till my dad made me change it to 'joiner'.
-- Alan Shearer -
I spend time with my family. I have got two daughters who are too young to know their Dad's a footballer. They just want to play with their Dad. I like to play golf, too, but apart from that, that's me, I'm afraid.
-- Alan Shearer -
My dad, Donald, was a vet and had a practice in Yorkshire. Cats and dogs were his bread and butter, but his greatest love was large animals.
-- Alastair Campbell -
My dad was great. He was very droll, very dry.
-- Albert Finney -
My dad drank pretty heavily, and he never missed a day of work in his life. So I never looked at drinking as a serious problem, but drugs to me are a serious problem. I think it's a generational thing. I think older people don't feel as uncomfortable around drinkers as they do around dopers.
-- Alex Trebek -
My dad cut my hair once - I wanted a bob and he gave me a bowl cut. That was a tough few years.
-- Alexa Chung -
I guess if you are making more money than your mom and dad, you can set your own boundaries.
-- Alexa Vega -
Dear Dad, When you sent me to school that morning, I thought you loved me. But now I see you for what you are. You called me a monster and a freak. But you’re the one that raised me.
-- Alexandra Bracken -
I think my dad would make an incredible president, and it would be great if he'd run again. But personally, for our family, part of me is glad that he didn't. We lost our mother recently, and we need to focus on ourselves.
-- Alexandra Kerry -
My dad sacrificed many things in life for me. He abandoned a very promising and lucrative career of an army officer just so that he could continue helping me with my chess and accompanying me to tournaments.
-- Alexandra Kosteniuk -
I've always known my dad is a one-off and his own person. But I feel that underneath he has always loved me.
-- Alfie Allen -
My dad, in particular, was adamant that I should finish my education. He encouraged me to go to Oxford, for instance, and I rather doubt I'd have gone if he hadn't. I would have gone straight back to L.A. and tried to start my career.
-- Alice Eve -
My dad says that when I was two or three I used to go out dressed as a different character every day. I remember thinking it was perfectly normal to wear different coloured shoes and carry a pink umbrella. But now I've got a goddaughter of that age; I realise it's not normal at all.
-- Alice Eve -
My dad's always been a famous actor, so I've grown up with that, and with the lifestyle. In a way, I think I thrive on the insecurity that comes with it. Not in my private life - I like to believe that my friendships and my relationships are strong.
-- Alice Eve -
It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all.
-- Alice Walker -
My dad's an architect and my mom owned a French bakery for twelve years
-- Alison Lohman -
I always wanted to be a Sixer. My dad was a Sixers' fan. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to start my career in Philly and finish it here.
-- Allen Iverson -
I remember running up to my dad and saying, 'I want to be an actor when I grow up!' And him saying, 'Yeah, well we'll talk about it.
-- Allen Leech -
My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.
-- Allison Williams -
So, your dad's hot." "Thanks. He was that way when I met him, so I can't really take credit.
-- Ally Carter -
That wasn't your mom in you—that was your dad.
-- Ally Carter -
Gabrielle was insulted and didn't even bother to hide it. 'Oh, and I suppose you think your dad was alone when he free-climbed the Kyoto Banking Tower on a windy day last September.
-- Ally Carter -
But Hale didn't follow. For a second he just stood and stared out over his empire. It was like he was lost in a dream when he said, "So, your dad broke into the patent office." "Yep," Kat told him. "How many goats am I going to owe him for that?" "More than you've got, big guy. Way more than you've got.
-- Ally Carter -
Can I see you outside for a second?" Kat glared at Hale, then walked to the patio doors and out onto the veranda. As Hale closed the door behind him, Kat heard Angus say, "Ooh, Mom and Dad are going to fight now.
-- Ally Carter -
My dad's a pastor and a seminary professor; my mom, she has such great faith.
-- Allyson Felix -
Just as a father feels it is all ending and his children are off to start their own families, a new role begins. In midlife, Dad may experience his second "fatherhood" as a grandparent.
-- Alvin Francis Poussaint -
I enjoy going to the Y. I take all the fitness classes that my dad takes; that's sort of our bonding - anything athletic, anything sports related.
-- Alyson Stoner -
My dad, he is such a soft man. Even if he has these opinions about my boyfriends, he will be the sweetest guy. He will make you feel like you're fascinating and awesome, even if he doesn't like you that much.
-- Amanda Seyfried -
Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad's. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there.
-- Amy Grant -
When my career first began, I didn't have children - so there's a whole lot of difference in the way I choose roles now. Not just films for my children, but how long I'm going to be away, and is Dad going to be home while I'm gone. That sort-of factor plays a part.
-- Amy Irving -
My dad was a sports writer when I was younger and then he became just a general columnist. But I grew up with him literally getting into brawls with football coaches.
-- Amy Klobuchar -
The first real concert, other than going with my dad to see Three Dog Night, was Smashing Pumpkins and Garbage. I was fourteen or fifteen. I liked Shirley Manson because she reminded me of Annie Lennox. They both have these deep, sexy, powerful alto voices.
-- Amy Lee -
My mom is very good at being passive-aggressive, and my Dad is a total wiseass, so I think the mixture of the two of them is my comedy. But, I am definitely the first comedian in my family.
-- Amy Schumer -
The human father has to be confronted and recognized as human, as man who created a child and then, by his absence, left the child fatherless and then Godless.
-- Anais Nin -
You know my dad pushed me to believe that I was going to be the best. I just never thought of life without tennis, even looking forward.
-- Andre Agassi -
I'm always striving to be a better man to God, a better husband, a better Dad so it's just work, but I'm committed to it.
-- Andre Ward -
Give me the life of the boy whose mother is nurse, seamstress, washerwoman, cook, teacher, angel, and saint, all in one, and whose father is guide, exemplar, and friend. No servants to come between. These are the boys who are born to the best fortune.
-- Andrew Carnegie -
My dad bought a Beatles tape when I was in fifth grade, and that was the first time I ever really - I mean I was into music, but that was the first time it really blew my mind. When I heard the 'Red Compilation,' which wasn't like a proper album, I thought, 'music was more than I had ever thought it was before.
-- Andrew Dost -
My dad hasn't said much about his college days. Oh, a few times, he might start telling stories. And I've seen some highlight film of him from college. I remember thinking he looked really small. Which is funny, because growing up, I thought he was a pretty big guy.
-- Andrew Luck -
There's no quit in our family. Our dad was the chief proponent of that. [On the set] we were constantly telling each other, Stay true to the story, we know that we love each other, keep communication open. We knew how unique this was-you're doing a movie that really could be put out there all over the world, and you're telling this personal story about your family.
-- Andrew Shue -
When I was 19 years old, both of my parents died in the same year; my mom of cancer and my dad in a car accident. Through the next two or three years and a series of bad decisions - all my own, I might add - I ended up literally homeless, before that was even a word. I even slept occasionally under a pier on the Gulf Coast.
-- Andy Andrews -
My dad, who was creative director in the '60s, always wore black jeans with black desert boots; he thought he was cool. He told me to buy a pair as well. I didn't like black, so I got the sand color, and I've been wearing them since college.
-- Andy Spade -
My dad would always say, 'When you look at a photo do you see yourself last?'
-- Angela Ahrendts -
Oh it's a pebble... But it's a really nice pebble Dad thanks.
-- Angie Sage -
They needed to grieve alone was what Tibby's dad said. Lena wondered if really there was any choice in that. Everyone grieved alone.
-- Ann Brashares -
I grew up in rural Arizona. My dad ran a general store.
-- Ann Kirkpatrick -
I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong.
-- Ann Richards -
I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old, in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon, cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms.
-- Ann Romney -
My dad always told me that holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.
-- Anna Banks -
My mom and dad, you're my heart, thank you for keeping me going all these years and never letting me give up.
-- Anna Gunn -
I look for strong people. I don't like people who'll say yes to everything I might bring up. I want people who can argue and disagree and have a point of view that's reflected in the magazine. My dad believed in the cult of personality. He brought great writers and columnists to The Standard.
-- Anna Wintour -
Before I was going to be an actress, I was going to be a veterinarian! I thought I was one as a child. I was the kid who was like, 'Daddy! I want a kitty! It needs a mommy!' And my dad was such a sucker. Every time I would beg, with tears flying down my face, about how this animal needs love, needs a home. He would cave.
-- AnnaLynne McCord -
I don't want my dad to say, 'My daughter is an actress on a TV show.' I want him to say, 'My daughter cares about people.' I would love to know that I'm a role model in Hollywood.
-- AnnaLynne McCord -
Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad.
-- Anne Geddes -
My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's really where I would have liked to have gone. But the genetic link was not intact there, so I wound up going into business. But I love to write, still. I'm not a great writer, but I enjoy it.
-- Anne M. Mulcahy -
My dad is from India, my mom is from Russia. Fortunately, we moved a lot. I went to a lot of different schools and completely different cultures, so thats my background.
-- Annet Mahendru -
My dad would throw me in the picture if they needed an extra. From an early age, I understood the concept that, if you're not the star, then your job is to not pull attention away from the star,
-- Ansel Elgort -
I always told my dad I'd play professional football.
-- Anthony Doerr -
My father wasn't a cruel man. And I loved him. But he was a pretty tough character. His own father was even tougher - one of those Victorians, hard as iron - but my dad was tough enough.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
I would have to say the person with whom I am most in love is definitely my son, Everly Bear. Although I'm his dad, I'm also his friend.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
I know my dad is a big Internet freak, and he's been known to be a Wikileaker.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
As a father now, I wouldn't do what my dad did, because it left me feeling emotionally unstable as a kid. But he didn't do the things he did out of selfishness or malice.
-- Anthony Kiedis -
I love my dad. He's the biggest thing in my life. He taught me and he straightened me out and he kept me in line. If it hadn't been for him standing behind me and pushing me and driving me, I wouldn't be where I am today.
-- Anthony Perkins -
When you get in taekwondo, it teaches you the life skills of respect, self control, discipline-that's why I love it. I really attribute those skills to really getting over my dad's death. If I didn't have that, I would have lost it.
-- Anthony Pettis -
Thirteen, 13 children, and I love - I love them all. And I think I've been a good father to all of them.
-- Anthony Quinn