Donald Davis famous quotes


  • Rule of storytelling: When a character is shoved against a wall, shove them against a wall harder.

  • The earliest voice listened to by the nations in their infancy was the voice of the storyteller.

  • Im not really devoted or specified towards any specific genre at all. I really like it all. Theres good storytelling in all the genres, you know. I just want to tell good stories and do good work.

  • Human beings cannot live without stories.

  • I think that instinct, that storytelling instinct, rescued me most of my life.

  • Oral storytelling goes back so long ago, and those stories that were told orally were always layered and changed with time.

  • So I like to try to go back and develop pure visual storytelling. Because to me, it's one of the most exciting aspects of making movies and almost a lost art at this point

  • Tragedy is a great storytelling form. It worked extremely well for Shakespeare. It worked extremely well for Jim Cameron with Titanic.

  • Rhyannon Byrd has a gift for beautiful, sensual storytelling.

  • Storytelling: the world's second oldest profession.