Realistic famous quotes
I love tiny, plastic realistic food magnets. I don't know why. They're hilarious.
-- Amy Lee -
Realistic optimism allows us to experience the best until we have to deal with the worst ... which often, never comes.
-- Bill Crawford -
The New Look of Batman is more illustrative and realistic.
-- Bob Kane -
There is no perfect love - that's something I'm very realistic about.
-- Chaka Khan -
I try to be realistic, listen to my body and know when to slow down.
-- Christie Rampone -
Realistic, naturalistic art had dissembled the medium, using art to conceal art; Modernism used art to call attention to art.
-- Clement Greenberg -
You have to be realistic about where you are in life and enjoy it.
-- Clint Eastwood -
The 3-D effects in "Star Wars" are so realistic, you can actually see George Lucas reaching from the screen and taking the money from your wallet.
-- Craig Ferguson -
Doubt is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, believable, realistic stories have included them both.
-- Criss Jami -
When I stopped making films, they were getting on to the more realistic films and the explicit films and all. They were depicting life as it is, and some of it was unpleasant. I gradually moved away from that.
-- Danny Kaye -
Realistic' is a loaded word for me. Anyone who uses the word 'realistic' is all bad.
-- David R. Brower -
Any time I'm on-screen it is realistic because I don't pull my punches or anything like that.
-- Dwayne Johnson -
I believe politicians should always remain realistic.
-- Eduard Shevardnadze -
Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose.
-- Elia Kazan -
Fight with realistic hope, not to destroy all the world's wrong, but to renew its good.
-- Elizabeth Wein -
One half of me is a hopeless romantic. The other half is well... just realistic.
-- Faraaz Kazi -
The realistic value of a work is completely independent of its properties in terms of content.
-- Fernand Leger -
I describe in a realistic form a nonrealistic Reality.
-- Fernando Botero -
The most realistic blood I've seen is when Marlon Brando gets beat up in On The Waterfront.
-- George A. Romero -
The Soviet government is the most realistic regime in the world - no ideals.
-- Golda Meir -
I wanted so badly to have a backup plan for when I'm not performing anymore. Let's be realistic: it's not going to be like this forever.
-- Gwen Stefani -
A man full of faith is simply one who has lost the capacity for clear and realistic thought.
-- H. L. Mencken -
We have to be realistic. If we don't win, life will continue.
-- Hayden Fry -
Allen Anderson speaks from the heart about subjects he loves; this enthralls audiences everywhere. His outlook is realistic but invariably positive, encouraging everyone to expect the best. Audience feedback is replete with superlatives.
-- Henry Koster -
It is far easier to debate about realistic painting than to paint one.
-- Igor Babailov -
Be realistic with your expectations. I'd really like to cuddle a unicorn, but it aint going to happen.
-- India Knight -
I was always realistic about the fact I wanted to be involved with big films.
-- Jai Courtney -
I know I'm on a small cable reality show. I'm realistic where I stand in the scheme of things.
-- Jai Rodriguez -
Imitation, if it is not forgery, is a fine thing. It stems from a generous impulse, and a realistic sense of what can and cannot be done.
-- James Fenton -
Le Mans' is the only racing movie that is totally realistic.
-- Jenson Button -
We have to be realistic about what the state can afford, and put an end to abuses of the system that cost millions.
-- Jerry Brown -
I deal with football from a realistic, logical point of view.
-- Joe Namath -
I'm not good at comparing and contrasting. I take what's in front of me for what it is, although I guess there's something about Paul's realistic writing that is like Cassavetes.
-- John Cassavetes -
As soon as anyone starts telling you to be "realistic," cross that person off your invitation list.
-- John Eliot -
Those of you who have spent time with Australians know that we are not given to overstatement. By nature we are laconic speakers and by conviction we are realistic thinkers.
-- Julia Gillard -
The scenes in the show were filmed with a crew of really excellent stunt jumpers, but we had the feel of the parachutes, so we could be more realistic in the roles.
-- Ken Curtis -
People must be realistic when evaluating their business.
-- Kevin Harrington -
A film that is bleached tends to have a more realistic quality.
-- Lasse Hallstrom -
Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the horror.
-- Lynda Barry -
Courage is rarely reckless or foolish... courage usually involves a highly realistic estimate of the odds that must be faced.
-- Margaret Truman Daniel -
At Chicago Hope they have a technical staff that works real hard to make that O.R. as realistic as possible.
-- Mark Harmon -
Only by advocating 'politically unrealistic' CO2 concentrations can runaway global warming be avoided. But what is politically realistic for humans is whollymunrelated to what is physically realistic for the planet.
-- Mark Lynas -
My work has the abstraction underneath it all now & what I deliberately set out to do down here, for this is the perfect realistic abstraction in landscape.
-- Marsden Hartley -
If someone tells you he is going to make a 'realistic decision', you immediately understand that he has resolved to do something bad.
-- Mary McCarthy -
Fairy tales are experienced by their hearers and readers, not as realistic, but as symbolic poetry.
-- Max Luthi -
Economics never was a dismal science. I should be a realistic science.
-- Paul Samuelson -
Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation.
-- Prince Philip -
I am not going to sit here and say I am never going to drink again. That is not realistic.
-- Rob Ford -
After being an Impressionist, Cubist, and an Abstract Expressionist, I was influenced by realistic artists, including Andrew Wyeth in the late '50s, and I haven't changed my style since.
-- Robert Bateman -
We will never stop illegal immigration until this country has a comprehensive, realistic immigration policy.
-- Ruben Hinojosa -
There aren't a lot of films about adolescents or quote-unquote coming-of-age films that are realistic nowadays.
-- Shailene Woodley -
It's not realistic to live in the country at this stage. I've got a business in London. I beat myself up about it all the time.
-- Stella McCartney -
For my wife and I, the challenge is to not make every day the best day possible because it's not realistic.
-- Steve Carell -
In general, I find that for videos the acting is more realistic.
-- Tara Strong -
If I had to choose, I would never take my shirt off again in a movie, but I guess that's not very realistic. I certainly won't be asking to do it, though.
-- Taylor Lautner -
Doing the unrealistic is easier than doing the realistic.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Either we're going to solve this by realistic negotiation or there will be blood on the border.
-- Tom Metzger -
Job's unraveling wasn't wrong or sinful; rather, it was emotionally realistic.
-- Tullian Tchividjian -
I'm very realistic. I know my boundaries - I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.
-- Victoria Beckham -
Usually most characters I play are quite realistic.
-- Virginie Ledoyen -
Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocracy
-- Will Smith -
I can do anything I set my mind to if I believe and am realistic.
-- Aleks Paunovic -
Make sure you're realistic about what you can do, but if you have a good lead with something, making the plunge into full-time writing is the only way to go.
-- Ben Clymer -
Since I started playing, really, since I was like three. I imagined myself famous but the vision was blurry, I guess. What you see on TV isn't a realistic picture.
-- D'Angelo -
I like to set realistic goals for myself, not outrageous ones.
-- Evan Longoria -
Anything that comes out of the South is going to be called grotesque by the northern reader, unless it is grotesque, in which case it is going to be called realistic.
-- Flannery O'Connor -
All the genres are so blended nowadays. There are lots of comedies out there that are more realistic than dramas, and some dramas out there that are so broad and wacky that they don't even pass for a broad, wacky comedy.
-- Madeline Zima -
We have to think about what the future is going to look like for people. People are afraid of robotization; they're afraid of globalization; they're afraid of all these things. And Trump's solution to that is: shut the borders; America first; everything's got to be made here, which is of course, not realistic - in his own companies everything's not made here at all - but I think we have to engage in issues that do cross these demographic boundaries.
-- Michael Kazin -
I have always tried to keep truth in my photographs. My work, whether realistic or abstract, has always dealt with a form of religion or imagination.
-- Ralph Eugene Meatyard -
I just really like seeing mundane stuff in movies. It's realistic.
-- Ti West -
If some actors were more realistic and others bordering on caricature, that would have been imbalanced. It would be as if we saw an airplane in a 3 Musketeers movie.
-- Xavier Durringer -
Dreams that are realistic, often come out of fantasies.
-- Mike Vance -
The more realistic US policy becomes, the better.
-- Mir-Hossein Mousavi -
We should always be practical, realistic and optimistic.
-- Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum -
I don't think it's realistic for someone to have an undying loyalty to everything you ever make.
-- FKA twigs -
So often feminism is built up as this thing where you have to be perfect. You have to be consistent and you can't ever deviate. That's just not realistic.
-- Roxane Gay -
I read fiction all the time. It's true that I don't like fantasy or science fiction. I like "realistic" novels, particularly those in which nothing much ever happens.
-- Gustavo Perez Firmat -
Anybody who pretends to be objective isn't realistic.
-- William Klein -
You have to have a balance and understand that as much as you would like to have absolute control over everything, it's just not realistic.
-- Khoi Vinh -
We only hear success stories. You don't hear about the hundreds and hundreds - the overwhelming majority that don't go anywhere. This is a more realistic portrayal of what happens in startups.
-- Kumail Nanjiani