Tim Ferriss famous quotes
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
-- Tim Ferriss -
If you don't have time, the truth is, you don't have priorities. Think harder; don't work harder.
-- Tim Ferriss -
It isn't enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.
-- Tim Ferriss -
That's precisely the question everyone should be asking-why the hell not? - Why not you, why not now...
-- Tim Ferriss -
I'll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Pacifists become militants. Freedom fighters become tyrants. Blessings become curses. Help becomes hindrance. More becomes less.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life's too short to think small.
-- Tim Ferriss -
I'm not a big believer in long-term planning and far-off goals. In fact, I generally set 3-month and 6-month dreamlines. The variables change too much and in-the-future distance becomes an excuse for postponing action.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The way we measure productivity is flawed. People checking their BlackBerry over dinner is not the measure of productivity.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less, it is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Avoid results-by volume approach, instead focus on few critically important but uncomfortable actions.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Just a few words on time management: forget all about it.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.
-- Tim Ferriss -
For uncommon solutions, you have to look in uncommon places.
-- Tim Ferriss -
There are two types of mistakes: mistakes of ambition and mistakes of sloth.
-- Tim Ferriss -
What you do is infinitely more important than how you do it.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Being selective-doing less-is the path of the productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive. Capacity, interest, and mental endurance all wax and wane. Plan accordingly.
-- Tim Ferriss -
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As I have heard said, a person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear. I got into this habit by attempting to contact celebrities and famous businesspeople for advice.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Most people can do absolutely awe-inspiring things. Sometimes they just need a little nudge.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all.
-- Tim Ferriss -
To enjoy life, you don't need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren't as serious as you make them out to be.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The most important actions are never comfortable.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Doing the unrealistic is easier than doing the realistic.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.
-- Tim Ferriss -
For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn't conspire against you, but it doesn't go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. "Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it's important to you and you want to do it "eventually," just do it and correct course along the way.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The question you should be asking isn't, "What do I want?" or "What are my goals?" but "What would excite me?
-- Tim Ferriss -
Poisonous people do not deserve your time. To think otherwise is masochistic.
-- Tim Ferriss -
There are two components that are fundamental to enjoy life and feel good about yourself: continual learning and service.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Ninety-nine percent of people believe they can't do great things, so they aim for mediocrity.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Dreamlining is so named because it applies timelines to what most would consider dreams.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Slow down and remember this: Most things make no difference. Being busy is a form of mental laziness-lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner
-- Tim Ferriss -
It's amazing how someone's IQ seems to double as soon as you give them responsibility and indicate that you trust them.
-- Tim Ferriss -
People are smarter than you think. Give them a chance to prove themselves.
-- Tim Ferriss -
One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.
-- Tim Ferriss -
But you are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn't making you stronger, they're making you weaker.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Many a false step was made by standing still.
-- Tim Ferriss -
I discourage passive skepticism, which is the armchair variety where people sit back and criticize without ever subjecting their theories or themselves to real field testing.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don't create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market - define your customers - then find or develop a product for them.
-- Tim Ferriss -
If only I had more money is the easiest way to postpone the intense self-examination and decision-making necessary to create a life of enjoyment - now and not later.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now!
-- Tim Ferriss -
If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too.
-- Tim Ferriss -
People don't want to be millionaires - they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant. If you find a focus, an ambitious goal that seems impossible and forces you to grow, these doubts disappear.
-- Tim Ferriss -
If it's important to you and you want to do it 'eventually', just do it and correct course along the way.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Luxury is feeling unrushed. It is designing a life that allows you to do what you want with high leverage, with many options, all while feeling unrushed.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Every time I find myself stressed out, it's because I do things primarily driven by growth.
-- Tim Ferriss -
I really feel like knife skills - not just in the kitchen, but in life - are really critical.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.
-- Tim Ferriss -
People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits.
-- Tim Ferriss -
A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.
-- Tim Ferriss -
The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.
-- Tim Ferriss -
An entrepreneur isn't someone who owns a business, it's someone who makes things happen.
-- Tim Ferriss -
Three ingredients of luxury lifestyle design are time, income, and mobility.
-- Tim Ferriss
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