Lewis Howes famous quotes


  • Never do today what you can do tomorrow. Something may occur to make you regret your premature action.

  • I dropped my phone on the floor and let the pain assail me. I'd given my heart away to someone who didn't want it. Even knowing that, I didn't regret it. I just wanted him to want me. I just wanted him to love me too.

  • Don’t give up. You’ll regret it.

  • Be content with what you have Be satisfied with your dwelling place to accommodate your enterprise, Restrain your tongue, And shed tears of regret regarding past sins you committed knowingly, and those you do not recognize.

  • There's no regrets for me.

  • Regrets and Mistakes, they're Memories made

  • Who that has plodded on to middle age would take back upon his shoulders ten of the vanished years, with their mingled pleasures and pains? Who would return to the youth he is forever pretending to regret?

  • No great thought, no great object, satisfies the mind at first view, nor at the last.

  • Acquaintance I would have, but when it depends; not on number, but the choice of friends.

  • We can consider the process of healthy growth to be a never ending series of free choice situations, confronting each individual at every point throughout his life, in which he must choose between the delights of safety and growth, dependence and independence, regression and progression, immaturity and maturity.