Simon Sinek famous quotes
50 minutes ago
Leadership is a way of thinking, a way of acting and, most importantly, a way of communicating.
-- Simon Sinek -
More often than not when we do not like our work, it's not necessarily because of the work itself. But more often because of the people we work with and more importantly because of the lack of leadership. It is amazing how inspired and motivated we can be when we like the people and when we feel like we show up to work because our leaders care about our wellbeing. It is kind of incredible actually.
-- Simon Sinek -
A leader's job is not just to get the best out of their people-a leader's job is to make more leaders.
-- Simon Sinek -
It is like when a player has a slump, we do not trade them, we coach them. It is the same with our employees. The best leaders come to the aid of their people, whose performance is down. Not come down harder on them.
-- Simon Sinek -
True #leadership isn't the bastion of a few who sit at the top ... We all need to step up, take the risk and put our interests second-not always-but when it counts.
-- Simon Sinek -
A parent does not do everything for their kid. A parent that does everything for their kid produces a kid with no self-confidence. If our parents fixed everything for us and did not allow us to do anything on our own, or intervened every single time, we would all grow up to be completely dependent. The reason we grow up to be healthy adults is because our parents played this game of giving us responsibility, disciplining us when necessary, letting us try, letting us fail.
-- Simon Sinek -
Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them. People are either motivated or they are not. Unless you give motivated people something to believe in, something bigger than their job to work toward, they will motivate themselves to find a new job and you’ll be stuck with whoever’s left.
-- Simon Sinek -
Quality effective leaders have the confidence to trust others to try, succeed, and sometimes to fail. We very often confuse personality with leadership. In other words, leadership is not about being a nice person or not a nice person.
-- Simon Sinek -
When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.
-- Simon Sinek -
The bad leaders are the ones that push hard so they can gain, who brow beat us so that they can receive the benefit of our hard work, not so we can enjoy the success
-- Simon Sinek -
Leadership is not a license to do less. Leadership is a responsibility to do more
-- Simon Sinek -
Most people think leadership is about being in charge. Most people think leadership is about having all the answers and being the most intelligent person or the most qualified person in the room. The irony is that it is the complete opposite. Leadership is about empowering others to achieve things they did not think possible. Leadership is about pointing in the direction, articulating a vision of the world that does not yet exist. Then asking help from others to insure that vision happens.
-- Simon Sinek -
One of the best paradoxes of leadership is a leader's need to be both stubborn and open-minded. A leader must insist on sticking to the vision and stay on course to the destination. But he must be open-minded during the process.
-- Simon Sinek -
Time and energy. Those are the most valuable sacrifices leaders can make.
-- Simon Sinek -
Greatness is not born from one success. Greatness is born from persevering through the countless failed attempts that preceded.
-- Simon Sinek -
The reality is that fulfillment, success and all of these good things comes from trying to help those that we care about to achieve those things. How can I help somebody I care about find the job they love? How can I help somebody I care about find happiness in their work? And when we commit to service it actually biologically and anthropologically is more likely to lead to our own success and our own happiness.
-- Simon Sinek -
And it's those who start with why, that have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.
-- Simon Sinek -
We think leadership is about rank and power, but better to think of leadership as the responsibility for other human beings. That leadership and rank may not go together. So it manifests in this remarkable way.
-- Simon Sinek -
Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation.
-- Simon Sinek -
The irony is that the best thing we can do is, well one option, is to quit job we don't like. You don't always have to quit, and quite frankly, option two is to try to help others solve the problem that you are struggling with.
-- Simon Sinek -
Leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first, to put themselves at personal risk to open a path for others to follow.
-- Simon Sinek -
Value is a perception not a calculation. Value is something people feel, not something we tell them they get
-- Simon Sinek -
Bad leaders care about who is right. Good leaders care about what is right
-- Simon Sinek -
Great leaders don't see themselves as great; they see themselves as human.
-- Simon Sinek -
Don't freak yourself out by what other people have. They don't have what you've got.
-- Simon Sinek -
The responsibility of leadership is not to come up with all the ideas but to create an environment in which great ideas can thrive.
-- Simon Sinek -
The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do. A leader's true value is measured by the work they inspire others to do.
-- Simon Sinek -
Great leaders don’t try to be perfect. They try to be themselves. And that’s what makes them great.
-- Simon Sinek -
Trust has two dimensions: competence and integrity. We will forgive mistakes of competence. Mistakes of integrity are harder to overcome.
-- Simon Sinek -
When we point to obstacles we inhibit progress. When we offer solutions we advance.
-- Simon Sinek -
Some see risk as a reason not to try. Some see it as an obstacle to overcome. The risk is the same; to try or not depends on your perspective.
-- Simon Sinek -
Authorities act with themselves in mind. Leaders act with others in mind. Authorities take. Leaders give. Authorities die. Leaders live on.
-- Simon Sinek -
Actions speak louder than words. All companies say they care, right? But few actually exercise that care.
-- Simon Sinek -
When you compete against everyone else, no one wants to help you. But when you compete against yourself, everyone wants to help you.
-- Simon Sinek -
I look for the hotels that have figured out the comfortable balance - a modern room that is well designed, and really clean sheets.
-- Simon Sinek -
The hardest part is starting. Once you get that out of the way, you'll find the rest of the journey much easier.
-- Simon Sinek -
When we help ourselves, we find moments of happiness. When we help others, we find lasting fulfillment.
-- Simon Sinek -
There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.
-- Simon Sinek -
Words may inspire, but only ACTION creates change. Most of us live our lives by accident - we live life as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.
-- Simon Sinek -
Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.
-- Simon Sinek -
Focus on long term success but be willing to make short term adjustments to get there
-- Simon Sinek -
The rank of office is not what makes someone a leader. Leadership is the choice to serve others with or without any formal rank.
-- Simon Sinek -
Genius is in the idea. Impact, however, comes from action!
-- Simon Sinek -
A good leader shares information, even if they don't know the whole story. Without any information, people create their own, which causes fear and paranoia.
-- Simon Sinek -
There are two types of claims: those based on hard numbers and those based on slippery numbers.
-- Simon Sinek -
Focus on money and we will make money. Focus on impact and we will make an impact.
-- Simon Sinek -
Trust emerges when we have a sense that another person or organization is driven by things other than their own self-gain.
-- Simon Sinek -
We are only in charge when we are willing to let others take charge.
-- Simon Sinek -
Failure is not tied to money; it is a mindset. Failure is when we accept the lot we are given.
-- Simon Sinek -
Great leaders don't blame the tools they are given. Great leaders work to sharpen them.
-- Simon Sinek -
Achievement happens when we pursue and attain what we want. Success comes when we are in clear pursuit of Why we want it.
-- Simon Sinek -
There are leaders, and there are those who lead.
-- Simon Sinek -
Authenticity is more than speaking; Authenticity is also about doing. Every decision we make says something about who we are.
-- Simon Sinek -
Good leadership is always human. It takes time and energy. It is hard work. Which is why good leadership is so special when we find it.
-- Simon Sinek -
The ability for a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people can pull together as a team.
-- Simon Sinek -
We can teach only if we are willing to learn.
-- Simon Sinek -
Inspire people to do the things that inspire them and, together, we can change our world.
-- Simon Sinek -
The leaders who get the most out of their people are the leaders who care most about their people.
-- Simon Sinek -
A poor leader will tell you how many people work for them. A great leader will tell you how many people they work for.
-- Simon Sinek -
Leaders may inspire, but only when the people decide to act does the leader's vision become a movement.
-- Simon Sinek -
When a leader makes the choice to put the safety and lives of the people inside the organization first, to sacrifice their comforts and sacrifice the tangible results, so that the people remain and feel safe and feel like they belong, remarkable things happen.
-- Simon Sinek -
There is a difference between running with all your heart with your eyes closed and running with all your heart with your eyes wide open.
-- Simon Sinek -
There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice.
-- Simon Sinek -
Believing that your competition is stronger and better than you pushes you to better yourselves.
-- Simon Sinek -
If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe.
-- Simon Sinek -
If you can clearly articulate the dream or the goal, start.
-- Simon Sinek -
Followers want to be taken care of. Leaders want to take care of others. We can all be leaders.
-- Simon Sinek -
There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.
-- Simon Sinek -
Pure pragmatism can't imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can't get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation.
-- Simon Sinek -
The quality of a leader cannot be judged by the answers he gives, but by the questions he asks.
-- Simon Sinek -
There are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position of power or influence. Those who lead inspire us.
-- Simon Sinek -
WHY did we start doing WHAT we’re doing in the first place, and WHAT can we do to bring our cause to life considering all the technologies and market opportunities available today?
-- Simon Sinek -
It is not the genius at the top giving directions that makes people great. It is great people that make the guy at the top look like a genius.
-- Simon Sinek -
A leader is the one who speaks last and acts first.
-- Simon Sinek -
Stories are our attempts to share our values & beliefs with the hopes that we may attract those who believe what we believe. This is the basis of forming a trusting relationship. Story telling, therefor, is only worthwhile when it tells what you stand for, not what you do.
-- Simon Sinek -
Leading is not the same as being the leader. Being the leader means you hold the highest rank, either by earning it, good fortune or navigating internal politics. Leading, however, means that others willingly follow you—not because they have to, not because they are paid to, but because they want to.
-- Simon Sinek -
We are drawn to leaders and organizations that are good at communicating what they believe. Their ability to make us feel like we belong, to make us feel special, safe and not alone is part of what gives them the ability to inspire us.
-- Simon Sinek -
Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief - WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?
-- Simon Sinek -
The value we provide most to others is the same value we appreciate most from others.
-- Simon Sinek -
Pursue the thing inside us and others will help us. Pursue the things outside us and others will compete with us.
-- Simon Sinek -
The mind can be convinced, but the heart must be won.
-- Simon Sinek -
If you want to achieve anything in this world, you have to get used to the idea that not everyone will like you.
-- Simon Sinek -
Life changes for the better when we realize that we don't have to know everything and we don't have to pretend we do.
-- Simon Sinek -
Being driven is not the same as being passionate. Passion is a love for the journey. Drive is a need to reach the destination.
-- Simon Sinek -
The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.
-- Simon Sinek -
Those in pursuit of Why are inspired to do what is right. Those in pursuit of What are driven to do what is easy.
-- Simon Sinek -
Success is when reality catches up to your imagination.
-- Simon Sinek -
What we do for others has a direct impact on how we feel about ourselves.
-- Simon Sinek -
A leader must be inspired by the people before a leader can inspire the people.
-- Simon Sinek -
If we don't give things a try, nothing will get off the ground.
-- Simon Sinek -
Returning from work feeling inspired, safe, fulfilled and grateful is a natural human right to which we are all entitled and not a modern luxury that only a few lucky ones are able to find.
-- Simon Sinek -
The future is only scary if we try to avoid it.
-- Simon Sinek -
True love is when both people think they have the better half of the deal.
-- Simon Sinek -
Our survival depends on our ability to form trusting relationships.
-- Simon Sinek -
If you don't understand people, you don't understand business.
-- Simon Sinek
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