Mark Cuban famous quotes
One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is that we lie to ourselves. We don't step back and look at ourselves like a competitor would.
-- Mark Cuban -
If you can, you will quickly find that the greatest rate of return you will earn is on your own personal spending. Being a smart shopper is the first step to getting rich.
-- Mark Cuban -
I can turn an idea into a business before you know it's going to be important. My first step will blow by you.
-- Mark Cuban -
If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I'm selling your stock. There are enough investment choices here
-- Mark Cuban -
I don't think people realize the risks they face every time they create a text, or post on a social network. Unless you expressly make the effort, everything you do online, including texting, has a shelf life of forever.
-- Mark Cuban -
Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you.
-- Mark Cuban -
If you are active online or texting, there is a good chance I could look at what you do and know more about you than your family.
-- Mark Cuban -
Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do.
-- Mark Cuban -
We all have a history of digital texts, posts, messages, reposts/tweets that are sitting out there and can be used by anyone for any reason.
-- Mark Cuban -
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it.
-- Mark Cuban -
If I didn't like you, I could take any or all of what I found and invent a context that lost you your job, your relationships, your degree. People are so vulnerable online and they don't realize it. That is scary to me.
-- Mark Cuban -
Wherever I see people doing something the way it's always been done, the way it's 'supposed' to be done, following the same old trends, well, that's just a big red flag to me to go look somewhere else.
-- Mark Cuban -
When you post something, when you text something, you lose ownership of it when you hit enter or send. Who you send it to, where you post it, they take ownership of that information whether you like it or not.
-- Mark Cuban -
It's not about money or connections. It's the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.
-- Mark Cuban -
YouTube has gotten so big that you're not a standard unless YouTube adopts you. And that's a big fight.
-- Mark Cuban -
One thing I learned in the NBA is that the No. 1 job of a general manager is to keep his job. They are only 30 positions where you make millions and hang around with basketball players all day.
-- Mark Cuban -
The NBA (National Basketball Association) is never just a business. It's always business. It's always personal. All good businesses are personal. The best businesses are very personal.
-- Mark Cuban -
On the Internet, there are an unlimited number of competitors. Anybody with a Flip camera is your competition. What makes it even worse is that YouTube is willing to subsidize the cost of your bandwidth. So anybody can create and distribute for free basically, but the real cost is marketing. And that's always the big cost - how do you stand out and what's the cost of standing out? And there's no limit to that cost.
-- Mark Cuban -
I still work hard to know my business. I'm continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I'm always selling. Always.
-- Mark Cuban -
Tech stocks were the cubic zirconium of the market. They looked good and were sexy, but they just were a way for the company selling them to make money. That's always going to be transient in terms of the stock market. What's real is that companies have to compete. Technology used well is a great tool to enable that if only because most companies dont use technologies well.
-- Mark Cuban -
Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don't find one, it's you.
-- Mark Cuban -
It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times you almost get it right. No-one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you. All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.
-- Mark Cuban -
There is only one thing in life you can control: Your own effort.
-- Mark Cuban -
If I see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, I'm walking to the other side of the street. And if on that side of the street, there's a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere, I'm walking back to the other side of the street, and the list goes on of stereotypes that we all live up to and are fearful of.
-- Mark Cuban -
Every now and then I love to invest in a company that may not set the world on fire, but has the chance to establish itself, create jobs and have a positive impact.
-- Mark Cuban -
Money is a scoreboard where you can rank how you're doing against other people.
-- Mark Cuban -
Sometimes you buy the horse, sometimes you invest in the jockey. It really comes down to the actual business and the upside.
-- Mark Cuban -
Do the work. Out-work. Out-think. Out-sell your expectations. There are no shortcuts.
-- Mark Cuban -
Doesnt matter what your skill and physical gifts are if you cant get your head right.
-- Mark Cuban -
Doesn't matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. All that matters is that you are the one pouring the water.
-- Mark Cuban -
Video for the Internet has become a testing ground for mediums that actually have revenue.
-- Mark Cuban -
I'm the one guy who says don't force the stupid people to be quiet - I want to know who the morons are.
-- Mark Cuban -
The same applies to the music and film industries. Until the heads of the labels start wanting to make money rather than creating controversy, tension, and excuses about why piracy is making the job so hard that no one could do it but them - and oh by the way, they need a raise to really focus in on the fight - the music industry is going to have a very tough time of it.
-- Mark Cuban -
The stock market's handling of new technology is kind of a joke. We have seen CNBC, CNNfn, Bloomberg, and the like turn into home-shopping networks for stocks. Fund managers and analysts go on TV and sell what's shiny and easy to sell.
-- Mark Cuban -
Focus on building the best possible business. If you are great, people will notice and opportunities will appear.
-- Mark Cuban -
We all know or have read about someone who has been burned on social media. We have taught our kids not to post pictures publicly that could impact their future, but we have not yet taught ourselves that texts, messages and social media posts could be used just as maliciously or with as much downside as pictures.
-- Mark Cuban -
I don't care what anyone says. Being rich is a good thing.
-- Mark Cuban -
There are no shortcuts. You have to work hard, and try to put yourself in a position where if luck strikes, you can see the opportunity and take advantage of it.
-- Mark Cuban -
Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own. You may or may not realize it yet, but how you use or don’t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you .
-- Mark Cuban -
Find something you love to do. If you don't make money at it, at least you love going to work.
-- Mark Cuban -
Wherever there is change, and wherever there is uncertainty, there is opportunity!
-- Mark Cuban -
Sales Cure All. Know how your company will make money and how you will actually make sales.
-- Mark Cuban -
The Higher Education Industry is very analogous to the Newspaper industry. By the time they realize they need to change the costs to support their legacy infrastructure and costs will keep them from getting there.
-- Mark Cuban -
I was lucky. I grew up knowing that hard work and smart work has a greater impact on results than being passionate about something.
-- Mark Cuban -
I rarely think the market is right. I believe non dividend stocks aren't much more than baseball cards. They are worth what you can convince someone to pay for it.
-- Mark Cuban -
If you really want to know where your destiny lies, look at where you apply your time.
-- Mark Cuban -
Do your homework and know your business better than anyone. Otherwise, someone who knows more and works harder will kick your ass.
-- Mark Cuban -
All good businesses are personal. The best businesses are very personal.
-- Mark Cuban -
Pay off your debt first. Freedom from debt is worth more than any amount you can earn.
-- Mark Cuban -
Everyone tells you how they are going to be "special", but few do the work to get there. Do the work.
-- Mark Cuban -
Business happens over years and years. Value is measured in the total upside of a business relationship, not by how much you squeezed out in any one deal.
-- Mark Cuban -
It comes down to finding something you love to do and then just trying to be great at it
-- Mark Cuban -
I never look at the glass as half empty or half full. I look to see who is pouring the water and deal with them.
-- Mark Cuban -
Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it all away from you.
-- Mark Cuban -
It doesn't matter how many times you fail. You only have to be right once and then everyone can tell you that you are an overnight success.
-- Mark Cuban -
Because if you're prepared and you know what it takes, it's not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.
-- Mark Cuban -
I love to compete. I want to get out there and kick your ***** in the business world. That is what inspires me.
-- Mark Cuban -
In my opinion, right now there's way too much hype on the technologies and not enough attention to the real businesses behind them.
-- Mark Cuban -
Don't start a company unless it's an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it's not an obsession.
-- Mark Cuban -
It is called working your ***** off. The difference is what you are willing to sacrifice. For every writer who wants balance in their life, there is a guy like me who gives up a lot to make their dreams come true. There is always going to be someone out there that knows they have to compensate for maybe having less talent with harder work and preparation.
-- Mark Cuban -
Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefitting you and your family, but in the broader sense. Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make, the more of a financial impact you can have.
-- Mark Cuban -
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is.
-- Mark Cuban -
When you've got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing, why would you want to be number 10,001?
-- Mark Cuban -
I love to compete. To me, business is the ultimate sport. It's always on. There is always someone trying to beat me.
-- Mark Cuban -
I'm always afraid of failing. It's great motivation to work harder.
-- Mark Cuban -
Once you have found out what you love to do, there is only one goal: to be the best in the world at it.
-- Mark Cuban -
With every effort, I learned a lot. With every mistake and failure, not only mine, but of those around me, I learned what not to do. I also got to study the success of those I did business with as well. I had more than a healthy dose of fear, and an unlimited amount of hope, and more importantly, no limit on time and effort.
-- Mark Cuban -
The only thing in your control is effort. That's all, and that's everything.
-- Mark Cuban -
You need a place where you can explain yourself. You can write as much or as little as you would like, but the words will be all yours. You can create the context. You can make sure that all issues are addressed. You can take issue with individuals or the media as a whole. Your words, your message.
-- Mark Cuban -
Sports, music, movies - basically, fans of any form of entertainment don't do a resume analysis before picking their favorite.
-- Mark Cuban -
You've got to be very cognizant of the correlation between social media links and business because they don't always correlate as highly as people would like.
-- Mark Cuban -
One problem people have is that they lie to themselves. Rarely is talent enough. You have to find ways to make yourself standout. You do so by playing to your strengths and making people aware of those strengths.
-- Mark Cuban -
I daydreamed for motivation. I didn't lie to myself and talk about my passions and how if I was passionate enough about something I could be successful at it.
-- Mark Cuban -
In today's world of technology we should no longer be using outdated paper processes to accomplish tasks such as requisitions, reports, approvals, and purchase orders
-- Mark Cuban -
I worked hard and smarter than most people in the businesses I have been in.
-- Mark Cuban -
Yes. And release prisoners who are incarcerated for pot.
-- Mark Cuban -
Recessions are the best time to start a company. Companies fail. Others hold back capital. If you are willing to do the preparation and work, it is the best time to invest in yourself and start a business.
-- Mark Cuban -
Information is power, particularly when the competition ignores the opportunity to do the same.
-- Mark Cuban -
There is no sport as competitive as business. It's 24 by 7 by 365 by forever.
-- Mark Cuban -
I just started a business called HDNet. There never is one area that has a door open to everyone. Try to find an area with something you love to do and do it. It's a lot easier to work hard and prepare when you love what you are doing.
-- Mark Cuban -
The one requirement for success in our business lives is effort. Either you make the commitment to get results or you don't.
-- Mark Cuban -
Executives should blog if they have a vision they are trying to communicate, or if they are very visible in the media.
-- Mark Cuban -
It doesn't matter where you live...It doesn't matter how you live. It doesn't matter what car you drive. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes you wear.
-- Mark Cuban -
When I started writing this blog more than years ago, it was in response to traditional media's habit of twisting interviews to fit the headlines they wanted to create.
-- Mark Cuban -
A sure sign of failure for a startup is when someone sends me logo-embroidered polo shirts. If your people are at shows and in public, it's okay to buy for your own employees, but if you really think people are going to wear your branded polo when they're out and about, you are mistaken and have no idea how to spend your money.
-- Mark Cuban -
With Android I get to choose from many different products from many different phone manufacturers. With iOS, I get what Apple gives me. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not always the best fit for my personal or business communication needs.
-- Mark Cuban -
If there was a template for success in sports, everyone would follow it. You do the best you can and trust the people you trust.
-- Mark Cuban -
You never quite know in business if what you are doing is the right or the wrong thing. Unfortunately, by the time you know the answer, someone has beaten you to it and you are out of business.
-- Mark Cuban -
Being successful entails being able to not only get along with people, but also to give something back
-- Mark Cuban -
I'm not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement.
-- Mark Cuban -
Higher education is a business that doesn’t know it’s going out of business.
-- Mark Cuban -
One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this.
-- Mark Cuban
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