Offers famous quotes
52 minutes ago
If someone offers you a three picture deal at 20 you'd take it. I would have killed for it.
-- Adam Rayner -
We dont offer you any solutions necessarily but we definitely offer you a minute to escape.
-- Alex Gaskarth -
The industry cannot long offer unneeded or overpriced insurance if people will not buy it.
-- Andrew Tobias -
People help you or you help them and when we offer or receive help, we take in each other. And then we are saved.
-- Anne Lamott -
I get to tell my truth. I get to seek meaning and realization. I get to live fully, wildly, imperfectly. That's why I'm alive. And all I actually have to offer as a writer is my version of life. Every single thing that has happened to me is mine.
-- Anne Lamott -
As often as we do good, we offer sacrifices to God.
-- Aristotle -
Nobody is more individual than you, so be confident with who you are and what you have to offer because everybody has got things to offer.
-- Ashley Jensen -
Every single one of you has something you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That's the opportunity an education can provide.
-- Barack Obama -
Every human interaction offers you the chance to make things better or to make things worse.
-- Barbara Brown Taylor -
To portray a maniac offers a compelling challenge.
-- Bela Lugosi -
Art has to offer something other than stylized despair.
-- Ben Lerner -
God often proves Himself when we feel we have the least to offer.
-- Beth Moore -
God has a lot more to give and to offer than the world has to give.
-- Bethany Hamilton -
Advice? I don't offer advice. Not my business. Your life is what you make it.
-- Betty Friedan -
Often people, when they're confronted with a poem, it's like someone who keep saying 'what is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of this?' And that dulls us to the other pleasures poetry offers.
-- Billy Collins -
What you have to give, you offer least of all through what you say; in greater part through what you do; but in greatest part through who you are.
-- Bob Burg -
The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
-- Bob Burg -
Anyone we come in contact with, we either offer them life, or we drain them.
-- Brennan Manning -
To reach me, you must move to me. Your attack offers me an opportunity to intercept you.
-- Bruce Lee -
No one can duplicate the confidence that RSA offers after 20 years of cryptanalytic review.
-- Bruce Schneier -
Christ offers something for nothing: He even offers everything for nothing.
-- C. S. Lewis -
A book is a mirror that offers us only what we already carry inside us.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
I had only two offers of marriage in my life, and I refused both.
-- Catherine Helen Spence -
1. "What do you really want to get out of life?" 2. "What can you offer the world that no one else can?
-- Chris Guillebeau -
A shoe has so much more to offer than just to walk.
-- Christian Louboutin -
Television really does offer still great parts for women, cable in particular.
-- Christine Lahti -
When I started, I decided to devote my life to it and not get sidetracked by all the other bullshit life has to offer
-- Cliff Burton -
I guess when somebody offers you a movie, you don't say no. That's what I've learned
-- Colleen Haskell -
Offer God what you have and trust Him to give you what you need.
-- Craig Groeschel -
The gift we can offer others is so simple a thing as hope.
-- Daniel Berrigan -
Learn from the best; the second raters have nothing to offer.
-- David Hurn -
When you're educated, you must offer others a road to success.
-- Denise Juneau -
The quality of any advice anybody has to offer has to be judged against the quality of life they actually lead.
-- Douglas Adams -
To meet everything and everyone through stillness instead of mental noise is the greatest gift you can offer the universe.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
There is hardly a more gracious gift that we can offer somebody than to accept them fully, to love them almost despite themselves.
-- Elizabeth Gilbert -
Life offers you a thousand chances... all you have to do is take one.
-- Frances Mayes -
Only by doing the best we can with the very best that an era offers, do we find the way to do better in the future.
-- Frank Drake -
I've had lots of offers of marriage and from women wanting to have my kids.
-- Gareth Gates -
A people that has experienced all that the Germans have been through, naturally offers fertile soil for the extremists.
-- Gustav Stresemann -
Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him.
-- Hal Borland -
But shouldn't all of us on earth give the best we have to others and offer whatever is in our power?
-- Hans Christian Andersen -
When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer.
-- Harry Browne -
If we are not full of Him we have nothing to offer to anyone else.
-- Heidi Baker -
It is longstanding U.S. policy that we will talk to the Iranians anytime, anywhere, on any subject, with no preconditions. So far, they have not taken us up on our offer.
-- Howard Berman -
Also we Italians have something to Elvis Presley: to offer one of the rare occasions when we prefer to be Italian rather than American.
-- Indro Montanelli -
Never take away anything if you have nothing better to offer
-- Irvin D. Yalom -
Adoption is the highest privilege the gospel offers.
-- J. I. Packer -
The words of the Buddha offer this truth: ∼ Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.
-- Jack Kornfield -
Old art offers just as good a criticism of new art as new art offers of old.
-- Jasper Johns -
Be friendly first. Service starts with a friendly person with a friendly smile, who offers friendly words first. How friendly are you?
-- Jeffrey Gitomer -
I've had to learn how to say 'no' to offers.
-- Jessica Chastain -
Everyone is more focused on presenting the best that the league has to offer, rather than the worst.
-- Joe Dumars -
Today, life will offer me many lessons. I will learn nothing.
-- John S. Hall -
Faith's only function is to receive what grace offers.
-- John Stott -
If I stop pushing you, if I stop demanding of you, if I stop getting on you, then I probably don't think you have much to offer.
-- Jon Gruden -
I have been getting offers from international artistes for collaboration all across the globe, but I prefer to work with Indian artistes.
-- Kailash Kher -
I'm not very active politically. The causes I work on offer immediate, practical, accessible help, and politics has never meant that to me
-- Kathleen Turner -
I have no talent. I have nothing to offer.
-- Kendra Wilkinson -
The glory of 70mm is the sharpness of the image it offers.
-- Kenneth Branagh -
Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer. However, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it.
-- Kristin Chenoweth -
The reflective person opens up her inner world and embarks on the greatest adventure that life has to offer – getting to know and understand oneself.
-- Kristine Carlson -
Roland, love means not being afraid to let yourself go, trusting that I will desire everything you have to offer. -Rosaline (Roland's love)
-- Lauren Kate -
Perhaps the greatest gift we can offer each other is a second chance.
-- Lloyd D. Newell -
I now deserve love. romance, and joy - and all the good that Life has to offer me.
-- Louise Hay -
Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer.
-- Louise Hay -
Offer your art up to the whole world, not just an elite few.
-- Lucinda Williams -
Par toi tout le bonheur que m'offre l'avenir Est dans mon souvenir. Through you, all the happiness that the future offers Is in my memory.
-- Marceline Desbordes-Valmore -
The older you are, the more you have to offer. Life begins at 40 and it just gets better and better.
-- Marcia Hines -
To take that risk, to offer life and remain alive, open yourself like this and become whole.
-- Margaret Atwood -
I had to think really hard about how to choose between job offers.
-- Marissa Mayer -
If you were a gentleman, you would offer to buy me one as well." "If you were a lady, you would have waited for me to make the offer.
-- Marissa Meyer -
When sincerity fails, the offer of money usually works.
-- Mark Fuhrman -
Write without pay until somebody offers to pay.
-- Mark Twain -
I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.
-- Marlon Brando -
If God were willing to sell His grace, we would accept it more quickly and gladly than when He offers it for nothing.
-- Martin Luther -
In the future as in the past, both Clausewitz and Sun Tzu will undoubtedly have a lot to offer.
-- Martin Van Creveld -
The pencil you leave it there, and it's dead. It doesn't do anything and it doesn't move by itself. It doesn't offer anything; it's totally submissive to you.
-- Massimo Vignelli -
Christ lived the life we could not live and took the punishment we could not take to offer the hope we cannot resist.
-- Max Lucado -
I'm not in retirement. I just don't want to work so much, and I don't get that many offers any more.
-- Max von Sydow -
The only enduring influence we have to offer others is the influence God has in our own lives.
-- Mel Lawrenz -
Never ask for anything! Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They'll make the offer themselves, and give everything themselves.
-- Mikhail Bulgakov -
Understanding, above all, is a gift we should never offer uninvited.
-- Nan Fairbrother -
I know my music probably isn't going to matter to the public after I die, but that doesn't mean I don't have something to offer.
-- Natalie Imbruglia -
The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.
-- Nhat Hanh -
You can take from every experience what it has to offer you. And you cannot be defeated if you just keep taking one breath followed by another.
-- Oprah Winfrey -
Buhari is a child crawling at 72, he has nothing to offer
-- Patience Jonathan -
Seize every opportunity that life offers you because, when opportunities go, they take a long time to come back.
-- Paulo Coelho -
The present offers itself to our touch for only an instant of time and then eludes the senses.
-- Plutarch -
The whole of salvation history is the story of God looking for us: he offers us love and welcomes us with tenderness.
-- Pope Francis -
God asks everything of us, yet at the same time he offers everything to us.
-- Pope Francis -
Every woman is a queen, and we all have different things to offer.
-- Queen Latifah -
Isn't is amazing that almost everyone has an opinion to offer about the Bible, and yet so few have studied it?
-- R. C. Sproul -
Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer.
-- Rachel -
Life offers its wisdom generously. Everything teaches. Not everyone learns.
-- Rachel Naomi Remen