Sophia Amoruso famous quotes
I've been wondering for a while now if the CEO role is one that I want - and the one that I'm best at.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
A #GIRLBOSS is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
I stopped feeling like I didn't belong anywhere, and realized that I actually belonged anywhere I wanted to be.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
No matter where you are in life, you'll save a lot of time by not worrying too much about what other people think about you. The earlier in your life that you can learn that, the easier the rest of it will be.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
We choose what and how we believe, and our beliefs are tools that we then use to make things happen ... or not.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
The energy you'll expend focusing on someone else's life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Clothing is ultimately the suit of armor in which we battle the world.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Focus on the positive things in your life and you'll be shocked at how many more positive things start happening
-- Sophia Amoruso -
You combine hard work, creativity, and self-determination, and things start to happen.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back
-- Sophia Amoruso -
The world loves to tell you how difficult things are, and the world's not exaggerating. But difficult doesn't mean impossible, and out of the bajillions of things in this universe that you can't control, what you can control is how hard you try, and if or when to pack it in.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
You can't act like you've arrived when you're only just receiving the invitation.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Money looks better in the bank than on your feet.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Create your own job. Become the master of what you do. Fully imerse yourself in your culter. Be humble. You are never above having to pack boxes. Never forget where you came from. And always be polite. Good old-fashioned manners can get you very far. -Jenne Lomardo
-- Sophia Amoruso -
One of the best things about life—a reason not to go blindly after one goal and one goal only—is that sometimes it will take you to something that is way cooler than anything you would have consciously set out to do in the first place.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
If you’re frustrated because you’re not getting what you want, stop for a second: Have you actually flat-out asked for it? If you haven’t, stop complaining. You can’t expect the world to read your mind. You have to put it out there, and sometimes putting it out there is as simple as just saying, “Hey, can I have that?
-- Sophia Amoruso -
In my teens I saw the world in only black and white. Now I know that most things exist in a certain gray area. Though it took a while to get here, I now call this gray area home. I once believed that participating in a capitalist economy would be the death of me, but now realize that agonizing over the political implications of every move I make isn’t exactly living.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
The last thing I’d ever subscribe to are fashion rules. However, I do think that you should put effort into what you wear. Clothing is ultimately the suit of armor in which we battle the world. When you choose your clothing right, it feels good. And there’s nothing shallow about feeling good. Owning your style, however, is much more about your attitude than it is about what’s on your back. But don’t underestimate the transformational possibilities that getting dressed can afford you.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
It’s the age-old concept of like attracts like, or the law of attraction. You get back what you put out, so you might as well think positively, focus on visualizing what you want instead of getting distracted by what you don’t want, and send the universe your good intentions so that it can send them right back.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Its not about being included. It about creating your own space and including yourself and then finding other people that are like okay.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
You don't get taken seriously by asking someone to take you seriously. You’ve got to show up and own it. If this is a man’s world, who cares? I’m still really glad to be a girl in it.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
I believe that there is a silver lining in everything, and once you begin to see it, you'll need sunglasses to combat the glare.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
It’s cool to be kind. It’s cool to be weird. It’s cool to be honest and to be secure with yourself.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Knowing when to speak up and when to shut up will get you very far not only in business, but in life.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
I was OK before this, I will be OK after this.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
A #GIRLBOSS knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Compete with yourself, not with others.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
If you listen only to those around you, the chances of your dreams coming true are very small.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
You create the world, blink by blink. It is entirely yours to discover and yours to create.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Treat your mind like your money, don't waste it.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
The last thing the world needs is another boring person or another boring brand, so embrace all the things that make you different. Alter your clothes all you want, but don't you dare alter your inner freak - she's got your back as much as I do.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
When you think about people, you give them power.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
If you believe that what you’re doing will have positive results, it will— even if it’s not immediately obvious.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
You don't get what you don't ask for
-- Sophia Amoruso -
It takes a special kind of stubbornness to succeed as an entrepreneur
-- Sophia Amoruso -
True success lies in knowing your weaknesses and playing to your strengths
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Dive headfirst into things without being too attached to the results
-- Sophia Amoruso -
When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility
-- Sophia Amoruso -
What do you do when you’re living in a hut for $500 a month and subsisting on Boston Market and Subway? You just keep doing what you’re doing.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
Forcing me to figure out how to provide for myself was probably one of the best things my parents ever did for me.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
My philosophy is that you sell things for more than you bought them.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
I'm telling you that you don't have to choose between smart and sexy. You can have both. You are both.
-- Sophia Amoruso -
It just means that your talents lie elsewhere, so take the opportunity to seek out what you are good at, and find a place where you can flourish. Once you do, you’re going to kill it.
-- Sophia Amoruso
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