Miguel Angel Ruiz famous quotes
Children are born innocent. Before they are domesticated they live in the moment, love without fear, and don't even think about the opinions of others.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The cells in your body are completely loyal to you; they work for you in harmony. We can even say they pray to you. You are their God. That is absolutely the truth. Now what are you going to do with this knowledge?
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
When you are aware that you are the force that is Life, anything is possible. Miracles happen all the time, because those miracles are performed by the heart. The heart is in direct communion with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes; your heart opens another heart, and true love is possible.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The way you react has been repeated thousands of times, and it has become a routine for you. You are conditioned to be a certain way. And that is the challenge: to change your normal reactions, to change your routine, to take a risk and make different choices.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
We have a tendency to make assumptions about everything! The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are truth. We could swear they are real. We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking-we take it personally-then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison in our word. That is why whenever we make assumptions, we're asking for problems. We make assumptions, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for nothing.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind. The real you is loving, joyful, and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
They were so much alike and they become best friends. It was a wonderful relationship. They respected each other, and they never put each other down. With every step they took together, they were happy. There was no envy or jealousy; there was no control, there was no possessiveness. Their relationship kept growing and growing. They loved to be together because when they were together, they had alot of fun. When they were not together, they missed each other.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Humans believe so many lies because we aren't aware. We ignore the truth or we just don't see the truth. When we are educated, we accumulate a lot of knowledge, and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that doesn't allow us to perceive the truth, what really is.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
You are Life passing through your body, passing through your mind, passing through your soul. Once you find that out, not with logic, not with the intellect, but because you can feel that Life-you find out that you are the force that makes the flowers open and close, that makes the hummingbird fly from flower to flower. You find out that you are in every tree, and you are in every animal, vegetable, and rock. You are that force that moves the wind and breathes through your body. The whole universe is a living being that is moved by that force, and that is what you are. You are Life.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
When we respect everybody around us, we are in peace with everybody around us.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
When we believe in lies, we cannot see the truth, so we make thousands of assumptions and we take them as truth. One of the biggest assumptions we make is that the lies we believe are the truth!
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Do not let great ambitions overshadow small success.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Every human is an artist. And this is the main art that we have: the creation of our story.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Doing your best, you are going to live your life intensely. You are going to be productive, you are going to be good to yourself, because you will be giving yourself to your family, to your community, to everything. But it is the action that is going to make you feel intensely happy. When you always do your best, you take action.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Love for yourself is the key to loving other. Love begins with you
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
People are starving for love, not knowing their heart is a magical kitchen. Open your heart. Open your magical kitchen and refuse to walk around the world begging for love. In your heart is all the love you need. Your heart can create any amount of love, not just for yourself, but for the whole world.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Gossiping has become the main form of communication in human society. It has become the way we feel close to each other, because it makes us feel better to see someone else feel as badly as we do. There is an old expression that says, 'Misery likes company,' and people who are suffering in hell don't want to be all alone.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
...What you are is a force--a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream...You are life
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Wherever you go you will find people lying to you, and as your awareness grows, you will notice that you also lie to yourself. Do not expect people to tell you the truth because they also lie to themselves. You have to trust yourself and choose to believe or not to believe what someone says to you.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The dream you are living is your creation. It is your perception of reality that you can change at any time. You have the power to create hell, and you have the power to create heaven. Why not dream a different dream? Why not use your mind, your imagination, and your emotions to dream heaven?
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
We make the assumption that everyone sees life the way we do. We assume that others think the way we think, feel the way we feel, judge the way we judge, and abuse the way we abuse. This is the biggest assumption that humans make.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Perhaps you're not finished with your story, and who knows if you'll ever finish it or not. Honestly, it's not that important.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Also, go inside and listen to your body, because your body will never lie to you. Your mind will play tricks, but the way you feel in your heart, in your guts, is the truth.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
What you will see is love coming out of the trees, love coming out of the sky, love coming out of the light. You will perceive love from everything around you. This is the state of bliss.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
You find that the injustice that created a wound is no longer true, right now, in this moment.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
You can only be you when you do your best. When you don't do your best you are denying yourself the right to be you. That's a seed that you should really nurture in your mind. You don't need knowledge or great philosophical concepts. You don't need the acceptance of others. You express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The real you is still a little child who never grew up. Sometimes that little child comes out when you are having fun or playing, when you feel happy, when you are painting, or writing poetry, or playing the piano, or expressing yourself in some way. These are the happiest moments of your life - when the real you comes out, when you don't care about the past and you don't worry about the future. You are childlike.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
When you look in the mirror and hate what you see, you need addictions to survive.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Your own body is a manifestation of God, and if you honor your body everything will change for you
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The truth is silent. The truth doesn't come with words. It's something that I just know; it's something that I can feel without words, and it's called silent knowledge.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The only reason you are happy is because you choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice, and so is suffering.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Respect is one of the greatest expressions of Love. If other people try to write your story, it means they don't respect you. They consider that you're not a good artist who can write your own story, even though you were born to write your own story.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Just being ourselves is the biggest fear of humans. We have learned to live our life trying to satisfy other people's demands. We have learned to live by other people's points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The best path to happiness is learning to change as rapidly as life does.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
The problem with assumptions is that we believe they are the truth.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Humans punish themselves endlessly for not being what they believe they should be. They become very self-abusive, and they use other people to abuse themselves as well.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Maybe we cannot escape from the destiny of the human, but we have a choice: to suffer our destiny or to enjoy our destiny.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz -
Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one.
-- Miguel Angel Ruiz
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